A6 News wallowa.com June 3, 2015 Wallowa County Chieftain Forest Service closes Lord Flat Road pion showmanship trophy, was Steven Wolfe of Wal- lowa. Steve was the cham- pion beef showman and entered the final competi- tion for the grand champi- on award against the three other champion showmen, Rod McCrae, swine; Gar- ry Wagner, sheep; and Ray McCormack, dairy. Steve is pictured here receiving his trophy from Bob Ferrell, branch manager of the First National Bank. FOR SALE: Large 3-bedroom, 2 story home in Joseph. Large yard and 2 extra lots. Good location. Price $6,000 with terms. OUT OF THE PAST Compiled by Rob Ruth 100 YEARS AGO June 3, 1915 A verdict of $1 was giv- en by the jury last week try- ing the damage suit of H.M. McQueen against the O-W R&N Co. The jury was out many hours and returned its verdict Thursday evening. :LWQHVVHV WHVWL¿HG UHJDUGLQJ the incidents in the way the car of the railroad train on the night of August 14, last year, when the engine bumped into it so violently that some of the passengers were knocked GRZQ 3K\VLFLDQV WHVWL¿HG concerning the condition Mr. McQueen has been in since. The railroad attorneys, Dan- iel Boyd and C.E. Cochran, brought out testimony show- ing that the company had kept close watch on the plaintiff since the night he alleged he had been injured. He sued for $25,000. William R. Wright, for years a driver on the Wallowa county stages, and commonly known as “Bill” Wright, died last Thursday after four days’ illness. He had not been in good health for several years, in fact his experience driving stage in all kinds of weather was so trying that it probably weakened him permanently. Death was ascribed to pneu- monia. “The Spoilers” the attrac- tion offered by the manage- ment of the opera house for Saturday next, matinee and evening is one of the most SRZHUIXO¿OPVWRULHVHYHUSUR- 25 YEARS AGO May 31, 1990 Chieftain archives With no information whatsoever written on the back of this photo of Joseph, we’ll venture a guess that this was taken sometime in the late 1950s or early 1960s. duced. It is claimed for it that its production cost $250,000 70 YEARS AGO May 31, 1945 A touching war scene was enacted around 10:30 Sat- urday on Main Street when Mrs. Robert Zollman, with her baby son, Gayle, in her arms, met her son, Pvt. Mervin W. Zollman, just home after being liberat- ed from a German prison camp ... Pvt. Zollman was liberated from the Stalag 11 B war prison camp near Fallingbostel, Germany, on April 16. In this camp were around 600 American prisoners and 2000 British. Mervin was taken prisoner on Jan. 18 near Gamshime, Germany, when he was serving in the infantry of Gen. Patch’s 7th army. The Chief Joseph hotel T HE B OOKLOFT AND S KYLIGHT G ALLERY Finding books is our specialty 541.426.3351 • 107 E. Main • Enterprise • www.bookloftoregon.com owned by James Madden of Lewiston and known to Joseph residents for many years as the Jennings hotel, was sold last week to Ivan Williamson ... The hotel has been closed for the past two years, but will require very little renovating ... A deal was consummated in which Bill McKinley and Frank McCully became owners of the Brick garage which Ab Daisley has owned and managed for the past 18 years ... The new owners, already in business in Jo- seph, will not only manage the garage but will have a store adjoining the garage in which they will handle farm implements, electrical appliances and later a car agency. HOSPITAL NEWS: Ad- mitted: May 24, Maxine Long, Enterprise, major sur- gery; Mrs. Morris Pratt, En- terprise, medical; May 25, William Kellerman, Joseph, X-ray, jaw injury; Mrs. Les- lie Replinger, Lostine, inju- ry to foot; Gerald Graves, Joseph, medical; May 26, Leland DeJean, Troy, X-ray of leg; May 27, Shirley Lee Bairen, medical; Donna Gildersleeve, Imnaha, med- ical; May 29, Harold Bacon, Enterprise, foot injury. 50 YEARS AGO June 3, 1965 Seven members of the Jo- seph Chamber of Commerce met yesterday morning with the Wallowa county court to discuss the possibilities of obtaining some of the mon- ey alloted to the Fair Board for support of the annual Chief Joseph Days rodeo. Spearheading the move for the Chamber was president, Murph Blankinship. G.F. Van Arsdale was taken to Wallowa Memo- rial Hospital last Sunday evening suffering from two broken ribs and sev- eral bruises received when he was thrown from a wild colt. PHOTO CAPTION: Winner of the most sought-after award at the FFA Fair, the grand cham- A 13-mile stretch of road that provides access to thousands of acres of prime hunting land in the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area has been closed by the Forest Service, according to Ed Cole, HCNRA area ranger. The Lord Flat road, located along the Oregon rim of Hells Canyon, cross- es the wilderness boundary in several places, the Forest Service discovered last fall. Cole estimated the closure will for all practical purpos- es render over 10,000 acres of land inaccessible. An estimated 35 persons affiliated with the extremist environmental movement Earth First! convened last weekend for a “training session” in Hells Canyon, according to Hells Canyon National Recreation Area Ranger Ed Cole. A 15-year-old girl from Texas remained hospital- ized at Wallowa Memorial Hospital Wednesday more than a week after being bit three times by a rattlesnake in the Imnaha area. Jessica Murray of La Port, Texas, received anti-venom medi- cine after the mishap ... The serum sometimes causes adverse reactions, accord- ing to a hospital nurse, and the girl is still hospitalized to monitor for possible re- actions. Murray was camp- ing along the Imnaha Riv- er with a group associated with Pathfinders when she reportedly picked up a small rattlesnake without realiz- ing it was poisonous. Church Directory 1HZ¿UH pit regs Summit Church in effect St. Katherine's Catholic Church Fr. Roger Fernando 301 E. Garfield Enterprise Mass Schedule Weekdays 7:15am Saturdays 5:30pm Sundays 10:30am (541)426-4008 stkatherineenterprise.org St. Pius X Wallowa Sundays 8:00am All are welcome Joseph United Methodist Church ACROSS 1. S.W. gully 7. Japanese polytheism 13. N.H. Academy and town 14. Most aired 16. Prosecuting officer 17. Badger State 19. Atomic #24 20. Moose genus 22. Possessed 23. Make a smooth transition 25. Thug (slang) 26. Locations or places 28. Rivulet 29. The self 30. Not good 31. Obstruct 33. Decalitre 34. Space for sitting 36. Taxi 38. 7th tone 39. Ethiopian lake 41. Tears down 43. Gold 44. Angle (abbr.) 46. Semitic fertility god 47. Beak 49. Digital audiotape 51. Small child 52. 4th caliph of Islam 55. 4840 square yards 57. Devious trick (Yiddish) 59. Overgarments 60. Large creature 62. Ingest 63. Nuisances 64. -__, denotes past 65. Wine waiter 68. I, Portuguese 69. Compunction 71. Overshadow 73. Emphasize 74. An unsuccessful ending DOWN 1. Something comparable 2. Rural delivery 3. "Laugh-In" co-host Dan 4. Sheep genus 5. Affirmative 6. Vanilla's flower family 7. In a way, made smoother 8. Belong to he 9. Greek rainbow goddess 10. S.F. football team player 11. Atomic #52 12. Kiss 13. Proverb 15. Lattice support 18. Cereal grass 21. Rome, GA river 24. Disease of cattle 26. Seated 27. A baglike structure in a plant or animal 30. Blatted 32. Murdered in his bathtub 35. Finish 37. Sheep sound 39. Scarlett songbird 40. Kills oneself 42. Broad, flat pieces of stone 45. Auto fuel 46. Derek __, X Harvard Pres. 48. Woman's undergarment 50. Topics of discourse 51. Belonging to the peerage 53. Most recent 54. Point of debate 56. Ostend artist James Sydney 58. Phonograph inventor's initials 59. Eagle's nest 61. Ripped a fabric 63. Lucre 66. Manuscripts (abbr.) 67. Frozen water 70. 41st state 72. Keystone state 3rd & Lake St. • Joseph Pastor Kaye Garver Phone: 541-432-3102 Sunday Worship Services 8:30 & 11:00 am Child care provided at 8:30 am service Gospel Centered Community Service time: 10:30 am Cloverleaf Hall in Enterprise Pastor Mark Garland www.summitchurchoregon.org Faith Lutheran Church 409 W. Main Enterprise, Oregon Worship 2 nd & 4 th Sundays - 2 pm Bible Study Tuesdays before the 2 nd & 4 th Sundays at 11 am LCMS (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) Christ Covenant Church Pastor Terry Tollefson Church Office: 541-426-0301 Family Prayer: 9:30am Sunday School: 10:00am Worship Service: 11 am 723 College Street • Lostine Providence Academy Enterprise Community Enterprise Community Church Church Congregational 11:00am Group Worship & Discussion 9:30 AM Worship Service 11:00 Children’s S.S. AM 10:00am Choir 9:30am Adult Education 541.398.0597 Childrens program during service Blog: dancingforth.blogspot.com Lostine On the Hwy web 82, at lostinepc.org Stephen Kliewer, Minister Wallowa Assembly of God 606 West Hwy 82 Wallowa, Oregon 541-886-8445 Sunday School • 9:30 Worship Service • 10:45 Pastor Tim Barton wallowaassemblyofgod.com 301 NE 1St St * 541-426-3044 BigBrownChurch.org Worship at 11:00 301 N. Study E. First Bible at Street 9:30 Enterprise the “Big Brown Church” Sunday Worship 11A.M. with the Open Door (541) 426-3044 Pastor Joseph Donald Newcomer, L. McBride Pastor 541-263-0695 541-263-5319 305 Wagner (near the Cemetery) P.O. Box N, Enterprise, OR 97828 541-426-3751 Church 541-426-8339 School Sabbath School 9:30 - 10:45 a.m. Worship Hour 11:00 a.m. - Noon Pastor Jonathan DeWeber Pastor Steve Gilmore )RUHVW RI¿FLDOV IRU WKH Umatilla, Wallowa-Whitman, and Malheur National Forests have announced new rules for FDPS¿UHVLQWKHWKUHHQDWLRQDO forests. As of June 1, visitors are required to build their camp- ¿UH LQ D ¿UH SLW VXUURXQGHG by dirt, rock, or commercial rings, in areas cleared of all ÀDPPDEOH PDWHULDO ZLWKLQ a three-foot radius from the edge of the pit and free of overhanging material. A shov- el and one gallon of water are required to be in your posses- sion while building and tend- LQJFDPS¿UHV7KHVHUHTXLUH- ments also apply to the use of charcoal briquettes. $VXVXDOQHYHUOHDYHD¿UH unattended and when leaving DFDPSVLWHPDNHVXUH\RXU¿UH is dead out. Violations are punishable with up to $5,000 and six PRQWKVLQMDLO,IWKH¿UHZHUH to get away and cause damage to the forests, the visitor could be held responsible for the FRVWRI¿UHVXSSUHVVLRQ The seasonal regulation does not prohibit the use of FDPS¿UHV ZKHQ FRQGLWLRQV permit; it only designates proper conditions for safe FDPS¿UHV 6HDVRQDO FDPS¿UH UHJX- lations are in effect June 1 through Oct. 31, unless more restrictive measures are war- ranted. During times of high RU H[WUHPH ¿UH GDQJHU IRU- ests will implement addition- al Public Use Restrictions, also known as PURs, which will further restrict the use of FDPS¿UHV FKDLQVDZV VPRN- ing, and travel..