A6 News wallowa.com February 11, 2015 Wallowa County Chieftain Courtesy photo/Edsel White The old opera house in Enterprise, located where the Ponderosa Motel now stands. The long building’s front facade (the darker wall at right in the photo) faced the Wallowa County Courthouse. Death ends opera house dance 100 YEARS AGO Feb. 11, 1915 Four petitions protesting against the unusual leniency shown by former Gov. West to J.A. French will be sent today to Gov. Withycombe and also to Judge Knowles. They bear the names of about 250 resi- dents of Wallowa county. The petitions were only out a few days and were circulated only in the four towns along the railroad. Mr. French, a former county court judge, pleaded guilty to having taken $2800 from Wallowa county, but he never served time in the peni- tentiary when he was in Salem, but was permitted his liberty as the guest of an old friend during his stay there. Jacob Rauschkolb died suddenly Thursday night un- der conditions approaching the tragic. He was attending the dance following the con- cert given by the Hallowell company in the opera house, There’s still time to advertise in the 2015 Wallowa County Visitor Guide! Call Brooke Pace at 541-426-4567 or email bpace@wallowa.com Space reservation due by February 13, 2015 T HE B OOKLOFT AND S KYLIGHT G ALLERY Finding books is our specialty 541.426.3351 • 107 E. Main • Enterprise • www.bookloftoregon.com OUT OF THE PAST Compiled by Rob Ruth and, with his customary an- imation and cheeriness, was taking an active part. He had just sat down with his partner, Mrs. J.J. Bauer, after a dance, and had expressed his pleasure in the number. Suddenly he asked her to call a doctor. Dr. S.D. Taylor was only a few feet away. When he reached Mr. Rauschkolb, the latter had settled back in his chair and his eyes were drooping. ... With the assistance of several friends, Dr. Taylor carried Mr. 5DXVFKNROEWKURXJKWKHRI¿FH and out upon the sidewalk, where he was laid down and an effort made to revive him. ... It was about 11:15 o’clock when Mr. Rauschkolb collapsed. ... Half an hour later word was brought to the hall that he had died, and the dance of course came to an end at once and the guests quietly departed. By the bursting of a main in the Enterprise water system, opposite the Enterprise garage on Sunday, a considerable part of the heart of town was left dry for hours. The break was repaired before evening. Many service pipes are still frozen, and the families have to carry water from neighbors’ houses. 70 YEARS AGO Feb. 8, 1945 There was great rejoicing in Enterprise last Thursday when the news came in over the ra- dio that Capt. Lloyd I. Floyd was among the 513 American and other prisoners of the war camp at Cabanatuan, Luzon, who were released by the American army. ... A member RI WKH RI¿FHUV¶ UHVHUYH FRUSV Lloyd was operating his log- JLQJRXW¿WDW(QWHUSULVHZKHQ called to service in July, 1941. HOSPITAL NEWS OF PAST WEEK: Admitted: Feb. 1, Joan Tippett, Wallowa, medical; Feb. 2, Gayle Prince, Wallowa, medical; Feb. 4, Margery Talbott, Joseph, bro- ken leg; Feb. 5, F.A. Moody, Enterprise, medical; Mrs. Gil- bert Cox, Enterprise, X-ray; Feb. 6, Roger Nedrow, Flora, medical; Mrs. Carl Freels, Enterprise, broken leg; Fred Phalen, Enterprise, arm in- jured with buzz saw; Feb. 7, Mrs. J.G. Justice, Enterprise, Church Directory Summit Church Gospel Centered Community Service time: 10:30 am Cloverleaf Hall in Enterprise Pastor Mark Garland www.summitchurchoregon.org Joseph United Methodist Church ACROSS 1. Glasgow inhabitant 5. Dangerous tidal bore 10. Prevents harm to creatures 14. Upper class 15. Caused an open infection 16. Styptic 17. Am. Nat'l. Standards Inst. 18. Muse of lyric poetry and mime 19. He fiddled 20. Afrikaans 22. Don't know when yet 23. Mottled cat 24. 1803 USA purchase 27. Engine additive 30. Reciprocal of a sine 31. __ King Cole, musician 32. Time in the central U.S. 35. Insect pupa sheaths 37. Prefix denoting "in a" 38. Okinawa port city 39. Capital of Pais-de-Calais 40. Small amount 41. Fictional elephant 42. Grave 43. 12th month (abbr.) 44. Knights' garment 45. One point S of due E 46. Lender Sallie ___ 47. Express pleasure 48. Grassland, meadow 49. Vikings state 52. Deck for divination 55. Mountain 56. Cavalry sword 60. Largest known toad species 61. Once more 63. Cavity 64. Paper this tin plate 65. Slang for backward 66. James __, American steam engineer 67. Sea eagles 68. Wooded 69. Expression of annoyance DOWN 1. Spawn of an oyster 2. Town near Venice 3. Bone (pl.) 4. Pair of harness shafts 5. Midway between E and SE 6. Of a main artery 7. Catches 8. Maintained possession 9. Old Tokyo 10. Yemen capital 11. Commoner 12. Street border 13. Old Xiamen 21. Soul and calypso songs 23. Explosive 25. Put into service 26. Swiss river 27. Territorial division 28. Pulse 29. Hair curling treatments 32. Small group of intriguers 33. Portion 34. Slightly late 36. Taxi 37. Political action committee 38. Grab 40. Between 13 & 19 41. Tai currency 43. Newsman Rather 44. Great school in Mass. 46. Technology school 47. Have a great ambition 49. Groans 50. Fill with high spirits 51. Expressed pleasure 52. Modern London gallery 53. A gelling agent in foods 54. Dilapidation 57. Swine 58. Footwear museum city 59. Respite 61. Creative activity 62. Slight head motion 3rd & Lake St. • Joseph Pastor Kaye Garver Phone: 541-432-3102 Sunday Worship Services 8:30 & 11:00 am Child care provided at 8:30 am service Faith Lutheran Church 409 W. Main Enterprise, Oregon Worship 2 nd & 4 th Sundays - 2 pm Bible Study Tuesdays before the 2 nd & 4 th Sundays at 11 am LCMS (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) Christ Covenant Church Pastor Terry Tollefson Church Office: 541-426-0301 Family Prayer: 9:30am Sunday School: 10:00am Worship Service: 11 am 723 College Street • Lostine Providence Academy Enterprise Community Enterprise Community Church Church Congregational 11:00am Group Worship & Discussion 9:30 AM Worship Service 11:00 Children’s S.S. AM 10:00am Choir 9:30am Adult Education 541.398.0597 Childrens program during service Blog: dancingforth.blogspot.com Lostine On the Hwy web 82, at lostinepc.org Stephen Kliewer, Minister Wallowa Assembly of God 606 West Hwy 82 Wallowa, Oregon 541-886-8445 Sunday School • 9:30 Worship Service • 10:45 Pastor Tim Barton wallowaassemblyofgod.com 301 NE 1St St * 541-426-3044 BigBrownChurch.org Worship at 11:00 301 N. Study E. First Bible at Street 9:30 Enterprise the “Big Brown Church” Sunday Worship 11A.M. with the Open Door (541) 426-3044 Pastor Joseph Donald Newcomer, L. McBride Pastor 541-263-0695 541-263-5319 305 Wagner (near the Cemetery) P.O. Box N, Enterprise, OR 97828 541-426-3751 Church 541-426-8339 School Sabbath School 9:30 - 10:45 a.m. Worship Hour 11:00 a.m. - Noon Pastor Jonathan DeWeber Pastor Steve Gilmore fractured wrist; Mrs. Willis McCoy, Enterprise. Dismissed during week: John Casteel, Wallowa; Miss Linnie Basim, deceased; Mrs. Marvin Butner, Enterprise; Joan Tippett and Gayle Prince, Wallowa; Mrs. A.B. Miller, Enterprise, and Margery Talbott, Joseph. 50 YEARS AGO Feb. 11, 1965 Miss Judy Ferrell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fer- rell, and Ronald Jacobs both Enterprise high school stu- dents, were slightly injured Sunday afternoon when the car they were riding in went out of control, left the high- way and overturned at Eggle- son corner between Enterprise and Joseph. ... The car, a 1960 Austin, was totally demol- ished. Exact cause of the acci- dent has not been determined but a mechanical failure is suspected. Rev. Loren Bush, pastor of the St. Patrick’s Episcopal church in Enterprise, and rep- resenting the Wallowa county Ministerial association, spoke to the Enterprise Lions club at their noon meeting on Tuesday of this week. Rev. Bush told the group that the ministerial association feels that there is a great likelihood of a youth problem arising in Wallowa county and that many of the ministers are already begin- ning to see evidence of this problem. As he described it, the primary problem seems to be a loss, or lack, of communi- cation between teenagers and adults — in a language which is understood by both sets. He went on to state that adults have expressed concern over some of the activities of the youths and many feel that the problem of drinking and sex is becoming increasingly acute. 25 YEARS AGO Feb. 8, 1990 In the next two months, the people of Wallowa County will be presented with a series of recommendations by the Wallowa County Communi- ty Health Care Council made with the goal of insuring a healthy health care system in the county, both for the present and the future. The formation of a health care district, a paid weekend emergency room physician, and paid personnel to man the ambulances are only three of the alternatives that the council is recommend- ing to the public to stabilize and strengthen critical areas of local health care. Sacajawea, the Indian woman most well known for her part in the Lewis and Clark Expedition, will be memori- alized in a bronze sculpture created by Joseph artist Shirly Bothum. Bothum last weekend ¿QLVKHGWKHOLIHVL]HVWDWXHIRU the Lewiston Centennial Com- mittee. The 5’2” Sacajawea, clothed in a blanket and ani- mal skin dress, will become the centerpiece of a fountain at Lewiston’s Pioneer Park. ... Sacajawea was cast at Valley Bronze which Bothum says “doesn’t take a back seat” to any foundry in the country.