A2 News/Obituaries wallowa.com O BITUARIES Ronald Parsons Ronald Lee Parsons died at the age of 80 in Walla Walla, Wash., on Feb. 5, 2015. His loving family members were present. He came into the world on the family farm near State Center, Iowa, in 1934. He was the youngest son of Leland and Elizabeth Parsons and brother to George and his sister Okal. Ron relocated with his parents to Joseph, Ore., in 1950. He met his “sweetie,” Charlotte Reavis, at the foot of Wallowa Lake that ¿UVWVXPPHU&KDUORWWHWROGKHUIHPDOHFODVVPDWHV³%DFNRII he’s tall and he’s mine!” They both graduated from Joseph +LJK6FKRRODQGZHQWRQWR¿QLVKWHDFKLQJGHJUHHVDW(DVWHUQ Oregon University. Ron enjoyed playing sports and lettered in basketball, football, track and also played American Legion baseball. $VDÀDWODQGHU,RZDQWUDQVSODQWKHIHOOLQORYHZLWKWKH mountains of Wallowa County. He worked for the forest VHUYLFHZKLOHLQFROOHJHDQGZDVDQDYLG¿VKHUPDQKXQWHUDQG outdoorsman. Friendly poker games earned pocket money for taking Charlotte to the movies. They were married in 1955 and raised a large family of seven kids: Andy, Lori, Joe, Nina, Dawn, Mary and Jim. They were blessed additionally with 16 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. “Mr. Parsons” taught school from 1956 – 1993. He started KLVFDUHHULQ,PEOHUPRYHGWR%URRNLQJVIRUD\HDUDQG then taught and coached at Central School and McLoughlin High School in Milton-Freewater. He received his Masters in Guidance Counseling from University of Toledo in 1968. Toward the end of his career, he started an arts and crafts class and took on the additional mantle of Vice Principal. He ZDVJRRGZLWKKLVKDQGVDQGWDXJKWKLPVHOIWRWLHÀLHVDQG EXLOG%LUFKZRRGIXUQLWXUH,QDGGLWLRQKHVXSSOHPHQWHGKLV teaching income with painting houses, driving wheat and pea combines, picking fruit, and working at Lamb Weston in order to support his large family. He was the epitome of a strong work ethic and passed that onto his children. After Ron retired in 1993, he and Charlotte became avid adventurers. They preferred to explore and stay off the beaten path in most countries and as such were able to connect with the locals and have rich cultural experiences. $IWHUDQLQWURGXFWRU\GLYHRQWKH*UHDW%DUULHU5HHIWKH\ EHFDPH6FXEDFHUWL¿HGLQ*XDPGRYHLQ