MM Tin Effect or Wab Upon Ptjbmo Mobal. Alt historians coucur In stating that after gttiki wars, especially those of an interne tine .charater, jyhen the rqad" passions of liBma,a.'i)Aur'e Wcjme more than usually es cited and atuUsed'. crime invariably exhibits n increase, and atrocious acta aje;hftfhW&re.' numerous and more flftgrantviu snaracter., Xf stirs up all the worst feelings of the hu man heart, encpnagcs Ucrjse and destroys, the moral sensibility. '.. In a, civil war, brother becomes arrayed against brother, father against son, and the instincts of nature are perverte4 from their natural actifli) The F.uries becjitme lie favurite goddesses, and pandemonium is translated tp earth. The life of the camp; where th? beneficial influ eace of mother, wife and sister, and of home discip ine are unt'eU, is most pernicious to morals, and as all armies are usually .com posed of the youth of the land, the fountain is poisoned at the very head.' The old officer? of the revolution were accustomed to, deplore the offtctl of military lifeupon thairaubt dinrttes, the vices of gaming, hlasphemyund' general -debauchery, (aiug- as . tbey' saw, imade: rapid strides mons rnsn who, whtiT ng ged in the peaceful pursuits of husband iy, commerce or mechanical employments had baen useful' an4 eieoiplry citizetij It is not our purpose here'to'intimater that tlje man of the canjp-lsnecessa'tiiy liksly'to prove the worjt.mmrjerAf .Bj6cfef.ob the contrary, wh re" he has bepn , subjected jto proper discipline,: hp miy be iuipuy.ed, ut it is the general effect 'f war in eioiting bad motions tci'wh'ch we refer, Tftqse'wto rjtr cnain t home are placed UDder' the iuftwnee of the same feelings, and become-more or .less affected. From all sides we bear of the commission of cfiormui cHiriea' of increas ing lawlessness, of Contetnptfor''tWree.traints Of Uw, with ne disgqslwjg'aH'rl sickening details of which otfr exchanges from every qit'irtor arji laden. ... Society must. and of CottTge will; r.ig1ft itself in this matter, but the steps to be taken by our civil guardians cannot be too s on adopted. ' An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and Jt is rather uselesss to lock the stable door after ihe horse has been stolen. The obvious du ties of the custodians of the public safety is to exercise renewed vigilance, to throw ad ditional guards around the property and per son of the citizens and by an example of high public morality anoY fidelity, to duty., to' re assure the goof and defer the efforts of the KuerllT's Sale of mining Land and Ileal Estate. . nY-VfftTCK OF AN EXECUTION Moei1 by tl,0 M-m uiem ni ma uinuty uouit ill and tor u rant County, fitab) of Qregtm. in favor of Hyde A Kvani. plaintiffs, and against John McMasbsra, McMastera, Mc Mas ters and McMasters, defendants, fur tbe nun) of one . hundred and ten and TS-lOO dollar principal. lifl-foiy-aix and 61-100 dollara. casta and dfaburaeinents. with in terest and costs of execution, and to nie directed, 1 hava levied upon, and will sen at punno auction, berore tre Court House door, in Canyon City, County of Grant, State of Oregon, to the highest bidder, for casb in hanu, on SATUKO'Alr Ute '4. day or September, 'lens, be tween the hours of I and S o'clock, p. si., the f. Howjng described mining laid and real estate, or so much there of aa will satisfy the, aald sara of HO VS-iqp dollara ano casta and disburseih'aats, arid interest and costs-of execd tion and sttle, viar. The one-third' undivided llitereet In THRKU HILL. MINING CLAIMS, situated on the west aide of Canyon Creek, and bounded on f he east by Watson 4.,Co.'a" cliiiuia, running west 226 rest, ticing on Blue (i'ulch; ati.l one 8.VJALL VRAMb DWhLUNO HOUSt Anv last, euuateo oa uwi ue oi norm and oi canyon Street, in uiuyou vity, adjoining unperson's properly, . .,, v " "' M. E. BJSUKY, 8herllT. Canyon City, August 21st, 1806, au2&-tw MierilT'a iile. 1f-Y VIRTUB 0? AN EXBCDTlUN'issriej but of the X Circuit Court, from the Colin y of Wasco, State of tnysgon. to me directed, i naye. levied upon the following wwcmiqii properly ywyini BMITB'8 MILL, sillated oh The Shw fl ill known, at Mpsier'a 'Creek, about half ill qh said cra-k, wiih all tbe appiiftenancea thereijn.(o helbniclng. I will proceed . (a sel) tbe abiir dessribsVf property, at the Court House door, on BA'l'U K0 A V, the 23 day of September. 18116, be- I ween .ne nours oi v o ciock, a. m ana f, ociock, w.. h., so saiisij ine iiot execuiiua in mTur oi uoiiis uionssi ndegsiust Thomas Smith, CHARI.Kb WHITK, , - j, Sheriff of Wasco Covnty, OregoK. . Calles City, Angnst gist, 1868, . .... aTI26:4w. Summoiisi fN TltV dlKc?ITXX)BRT OK THI 8TATB OF ORK- JL gon. lor tne vonmy oi uraot, at. uctoner Term, 1866. P. 11. Polndexter and Win. 0. Orr. Plaintiffs, va. D. N. Logsdon, Defendant. To DAVID N.IXH1.SDON, Qreet- lng:In the name ot the state or Uregon you are liere ' by summoned and required to be and appear In the above entitled Court within ten daya from the expiration of tne puoucation oi tnia aummone, it served witiini tne County of tirant, Oregon, and If served In any other coun ty lu tills Stat, then twenty daya from the service here of, and Answer to tbe complaint of aald plaintiff, on Die la the aald Court, and If you fall to so appear and an ; awtfe, plaintiffs will take Judgment against you for the au'm of aevaa hundred and seventy-two 63-100 dollara, bal ance due on account, as claimed In their complaint, and interest thereon, and for their coata and disburse ments theceio. By order of J. O. Wilson, Judge of aald fjourt. r. auasio, any tor riaintios. 0. 8. Revenue Stamp, 60 oents, oancejled, 1 . ' aWK)w BLACK. US r. . r ,N THI U day of July, 186S, HR88RB. FEROtgON DAILY MOUNTAINEER t - POWER PRESS ' , BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. . .--t. FlrjtBffeer, b,eeen Main and B . tALt$s. QB PRINTING OFJEVERV VABTTETV Xxecqed with accuracy and dispatch. K 4 BTiii'THii WIM, COM!1 ARK FAVORABLY . ,. ... f with the ver,y beat, and: ,.,,,,!i Cards and Hi I I-It e a d V, checks, psjirs. wcfirin, POSTERS AND PRO GRAMMES T " FOR. ... .-.. t THEATRES CONCERTS. EXHIBITIONS, n:' fraiSTIIl IK TBI MOST ATTRACTIVI sUKKUl. aLSO, WAYBILLS. , . '' .. , bills or faux, ' "; ,.,f"f. - - J - BILLS Lilfim, , ; HricT8,and,'Painphlel8". , mirtltO, VBVDiifd AITS' AT HOME" C4fli .. .. ,, ... , rtsttitt pfwtit? :" ij;' . In short, everything that can bijlone la a flobli and Job Printing Office, from the smallest and most delicate Card or CirouWr, to the largest sli, aad roost showy Vesting Bill and which will ne tornra qnj is a etyit tpaji cannot fail to ihaifre ehtlre aatlsfacfipfi. . ' . ' . w , rBl iiM fofKflllroojioIJOs; i) EqXa Tl VEPPLI NT I H G , In tile meet Mu'tlful'polors, Bhndes and Tints, r Siicli' as Frfncy Posting Bills ! Frnm a single Sheet :fo the Largest Manipipth, 1 Are unanrpassed by those of any other establishment In Oregon. We devote special attention to this branch of the business, and are continually adding to our alroady exten- alve and well appointed assortment or material, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. Of the moit modern and elaborate dealgni. Onr stock Oj FANCY INKS. TINTS. 0., , Are of the finest quality, and for richness of color and The principle pppp:w)iich. business j asked for this ea- taoiisninent is, mat persons win cvobuik meir own inter ests, by awarding their custom to that office In which their money can be expended to the beet advantage. To this end we solicit all In want of good Printing, at very reasonable charges, to call anil examine specimens, and judge tor yourselves. Orders from tbe Upper Country Will have etrr apodal care, and friends from Jie futerlor may rely upon having their orderp filled. pr,dmjtly, aa we HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the State of OregoxV! , Address! .., , MOUNTAINEER OFFICE ml8-tf Dalea. Oregon. JACKSON SAIX)ON I CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, ORUGON, TITE TJNDER8IGNKD, HAVING REMOVED FROM THB "BELLA UNION" CELLAR, INTO ; Grate Np-jr Uullgiiaigfy Beg to inforiii tn pAtic tV'tley aVe prepared to servo their cifttotoera witli the best ' Wines, Liquor and' Cigars, TUB MARKBt AFS01CB3.' ALSO, A Free Lutifili. I Everyday aneventng1. ' ' -" . Am tpir pxypn . jtiit. scptiTZ, dec!f-lf ' , Proprietors. And all kinds of Iljp(Chlnery Manufactured at the ' ' OREGON IKON WORKS CORN BR OF MORRISON and 7TJI streets, FORTLASTD. A.. 0. GIBBS A CO., . . ... . Buccosstlra to Bortlahrf.Deo.oth'M. deStf K. L,. Jofvis A Co. "sfvi J A CO, paid me aa account In URKtSNBAOKS, AT PAR, for a blacksmith bill, done at coin rate. ,) OolyUta, July U, 1866. ( JOHN (MAW. , sjsyThe above notice was a mlsunderstaudlag betwssa sars. II. H, ferguson A Co. and myself. They war simply aeeuritiea lor aa attachment fat saw eatoant of tU, which was paid by the uartlea who contracted the t. 4J0HM'SrIAT. ilvllle,' August IS, ltsl. auM-Svr V ;OLUMBIA "BREWERY. LVDWIO SCI1 ANNO, Prpi. j TDM OHKGON. 1 "'WlQhJttT (JUGS fAID rotS ABLBT. r(Jr$tcV A I . :: !.' FAMILY GROCERY STORE!! , . - , DKALBR IN FA.CIL"V GHOOERIES, TOBACCO AND BEQARS, , ' " . i . -ALSO FRESU, AND DRIED FRUITS, VEGETABLES, Ac, Ao ' - .' And every article usually found In. a Firit-claas ' . ' Family Grocery Store. MR. FRANK hAaJhsV received from below an entire newetoclj'of .... GROCERIES, PROVISIONS &o'f, which. Wvlll aell at low rates for cash. H end of fam ily (tadothera are invited to call and examine his stock. ' Sf Goods delivered in any part of Hie city free of - GREBNBACK8 TAKEN A 7S CENTS.' '8. fKASK, Main street ly30ttt ,f A tow door, below the P.o4)jBc ' Sheriff's Sale or fining VPperty. BY virtue of an execution Issued, by the Clerk of the Circuit Court In and for Grant County, State of Oregon, Judgment In favor of J. H. Robins, plaintiff, and' against Allen And tt'O. Bonton, dereudanta, for the sum of two hundred Hud twenty-seven and 19-100 dollara (Gold Coin, of tbe United Btatea), principal, with Interest, ooata and dlsbursementa, and costs of execution and aale, and to me directed, I have levied upon and will aell at publlo auction, before the Court House daps, tej Canyon City, on BAIURDAY.the 23d day of SKn'CM'' BBK, 1806, between the hours of one and two o'clock, r. M.. to tbe hlglieat bidder for cash In hand; A'fiqtd Coin the following described property IsV' OfWO MINING CLAIMS, lying and being lu (fsuyefi Creek; In John Day Precinct, County of Oran-"t,of Oregon, and hound ed on the North by bT, Cmit'i claim; on the East aad West, from pkiik S hanlfso She South, by Hunt A Co:1! elUui; each ihwae being from North to .South, Is feemaeWlaeet.-OI " M. tf. BJtltllT, tJherllT , vCahyoftCity, August J8, 18S4., I i 36i4wJ TP ,UrV:v JtdTk. K KdH Ot SALT SALMON. lOOma saehT AVae'sa1by , tTamlSitl 'F. UIDI l HAKE Manufacturer and Importer of . . . . CARRIAGE, CONCORD, BVGO1 'l ... V iD .... . j.,;, STAGE 1IAPNE88 rSaddle8,BrldlC9,Vbli.T s . A wneral assortment of , ... , Sftrjdiertf Harilwure, Leather, etc. Jff Orifers Solicited.' Repairing dona with neataeea ind dispatch.' . ;W. A. HAKB, . jellltf Sraln'Sfret,ffijttlng Tfashlngtou, Bailee. POltl LilV) l OIJIIUY MACHINE SHOP. riRST STREET, between Tamhlll and Horrlaod. Steam Knginea offromitpohiirse- power,sitbsr Cortable Btr tatlonarg. Also, CIB UA COMPLETE, eonatantly ? , on band. Also, Hay Pre. gfjeJ aeaofallalses; Planing fhff Mu.liltiM.Wnndwnrth'a l nattern.i Wrought and. Cast Iron work for Ver tical Sawaud Grist mills; Brass and Iron Coatings ' RWGiijfltON Work'1 of every description. I am Also prepared to furnish Quarts Mills complete;, of the Latest & - - most Improved Patterns. ' These MJlTa-ftforufardd' to any paf'tof tlje mlnee aa tne weigut oi tue entire macniuery will pot juccepd 3, wi pouuus. , , . . Horse Powers AgTiedltdfu Injplemenu manufactured to order at the very LOWEST CASH PRICB a. J). rariicnior attrnnon paid to ItKFAlKB. feao-tf SIGNS ! SIGNS! SIGNS! HOUSE AND SIGIT PAINTER. DEALIE IN PAINTS, OILS WINDOWGLASS VARNISHES, uoiors, rutty, urnsnee, nine, eto.- .... ,w. Paper Hangluga,Window Shsdea, Fixtures, Ah. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. , : . FRK8H STOCK If', f DUSENHEUV It It OS.? jDalles and Walla Walln." - dxauhs Staple and ; Fancy', .Dry Goodq? Bllners'.OutUtH,; , ,M ; Roots and Sliocs,' I. '; . i Clot Is ins;, .-! liatrund O'nptrv 55" ' 1 '- i " Groceries!- Ahd a Ml assortment of Senersl Mercliandls. BAylnt Air upon, pxcluslvvly Ip the Sr. n yiauclscp iiiarKet, anl,. " Ulnaillg uuiip uiib cull ..iE.w',ii,wn. wo ntv vatnuivii iu Mil lM ...I aLumif llntCiv itrltar IIoiiub u llta 11 1S Tnl-tf DUSKNUKKV A 11)108.. Dallsaand Walla WallaJ U. if. HILL. ' 1 ' 'A.'J '' VOLKafALK AND HKTAIL DKALEIUI 11 : AtfRlCTTLTURAL IMPLEflifcfcTerr , ST','RAGK AN1 niltWAUUKNG. . Goods cohsigfifd to us will meet with proper attentrhar '" ' ' lleierofftioMt' 1 ' L ' '' ' , ; fOKTUA; ...... PALI.K8. 11; W.Corbet, " '. Robllhw A Co., " liithird" ATMcCrackel . H .C. !K"I. A C .. . H. . ... !. ,P. IIwiiiWb. ;t TJmatlllaI,ahdihg,,llW. ' I-tf DALLAS Tlf DRUG STORE. P. CRAIG, WBOLISALI AND KSTA1L DEALER IN DRUGS. 1 r n rirvrs Perfumiri, Fan'ev Soaps, , . ., PARENT MEDICINES. Ae. DRUGS AND 1'ATENf itDIUJSE8ll DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES l( DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES !l ri-tr jnjT- , ", WH0118AU AMD SIT AIL , ' fVaahlngton Bfreet, between Mapirr(4'Seeon'd afreets DALLES, OREG6. .. AJJ LEMON is able to supply parties In want of Drupt, te Patent Medicines. Chemicals, Acids, Perfumery, and every other article enumerated, with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the Ihwdsf fttartet rates.. 'Physicians and Merchants Intending to purchase foV 111 Mines, will do well to give him a call. jRUSSES & SHOULDER BRApSfS In great variety, .,. - , i , , " " - v.:. - '-'l 1 B E6M0N ap.8;tf. Vfash,ngton St., between Itslbi add Second. MOUNT HOOD SALOON IIILLIAIID KbOM, ,, P. M, HUNT, Proprietor, -- comiKof ' Main ant Court f3treetv Pl-M 1 ' . . 'p Dallas. Oregon. Jftftit ItecefvetT . V; , A BUPERIOR LOT 0? ,. . I .. tor sj yt . , , MIIE flNIGrS I VJV,RJK5P STORE -t . .. MH4:Sir't, Dslloa. dst4-tf " b. ; win. : iMieiu; AXaOilllVEYj A3? Ii A. wj ' ,;ll,u?,f0CK OITTk Terrlterftf j - Parlltular sMteattea paMia OoUeotliig VaeaO 1 DAVY'S SPECIFIC MPOUND, ... " T I IV I M 1ST ,( sin Aoaiit isf'oiiiVoiiNiA ro' rilsfOtT & IricltAR CAftD't tire & Burglar iPruOf alVS' , j ... STEEL LIN KD VAULTS, ,,,. . i. ; , i . ... .. '.'..' . , Combination Lock" ; O-Conslantly on hnnd a fiili nsSnrtnnt of PAFKrT. v, 318" BATTERY F'lttKKT. JylWlm ' ''' ' KanHahclsoiil Hard roodnfc.iilmtei' CARRIAGE AKD WAGOM MATER'ALS - W'E BRG 'TbfA'LL ATTLNTION of .Cni rlage Milti" nfacturers and Dealers t the Largi. and Com, plee assortment of CAIIKlAtiE and WAOON MATKlif AlS We are constantly rertflvfhg from the Kast. spec lail steeled. far th pallfnrpia. innrket. comprising, Onkv' Ilickorv. and Fecond Orowtli Asti I'lank, Ilfrkory AxlTs, Wagon Pnlra. Hubs, Spokes F'ellnni. llltns. c'ualts, As. to. ' which we offer at the lowest Cash Prices. . ALsT" "rders addressed to onr house will recelvs promp ' attention. . fl. W. BRAOG I CO., ' Jel6:Sm. , 2D 31 Buttery Street, fun Fmncltco, and 17 A 19 Seventh r'treet bstremento.. 0. Vatsshovsi, . 11. W. IIbaoo A Co., J. W. Lsstliit' San Franclsi'o. Sacrninento. hew York.' DR. : CO 1 An Kxpeditlons Care for ali.rlliienien ofth SEXUAL ORGANS, THIS prompt and efflcMtoui T.emetly for th corn ' Ohonorro?n, Glfet, l?triclurr. nnd DIm-iikw of iUi Vrfnary OrfiAnH. innkea a iedy mr without the lt, rcBtrlctlon to diet, rxpnMire or cbnnee In (ippllrntloti i r bulnrM; It will nidlcully cure any ftrtn itfliich enn h produced. The dieiuje it remove" mt peeriily n la co Istent iv lib Ue produrttonol a tliorrfipli and permanent cfiirtV. FltViluT. the riifteRrin riionot be rntrnrttd if iht 8CKCIFIC COMPOUND U tnkeii wlu 11 expoM'd. fta In(ErdientB nre enttrel r vcirotahle. and vo Injnrloo effect, either constitutionally or locatiy, can be cauaed by It! TJBO. Price One Dollar and Fifty centa per bottle. Sent f? Eipreu ctirofiiiW pnehed. IIOSTKTTKH, RMTTH k DEAN. pent. 401 and 403 Battery etm-t. cor Cliy. Jy22-flm. Pan Fraud itcdj . J. w . JMTT7 l7TrTircv, (successora to P!ii.L a HtLLiii,) WII0H9AII akd xWail malms ni ; - . Stoves, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron Brazier's" Copper, .' stead I'lpe, Copper, Force A. LIU I'umpa, . Zinc, Brass & Iron 1Vare sT" JOB WORK, In all Ha branches, attended to abort putlce. MAIN ETRULT, Dalltn.opp'slie Blocta Miller A Co. t jplu-tl. Notice to Bogus fjiold Butt bpcratbrTt T0IIN 8C0TT, formerly f Yreka, California. KvI' lF 22 or 23 yeara,liui built for hiiriit, hiRht over & ark hair and compleYTo! UOUU8 GOLD JOHN HlLLr , resjulai ft-atuVes, slor rt da ech. formeily of tjlsjfiyoa- County, t'alifornia, hignt efeet, broad ahorilileVs, vf It muuat trim built, dark chesnut' nair, annny nearo; iranicy ooen cowiirnnnce, ans, tween 80 and SS years. tHtrnei of said taut! Til NOTICE, that' the UKKY l AKkVdwiKd aiid-lefl My you. near the head of Butler Creek, in Umatilla Cobuty, ou Tuesday, tbe'let day of Atigunt, 18H6, while boinn pur sued by a, Blifrlff's possSe. wiil be sjld at puplic auctiuu, ln'Canjaoti t'Hy, eonntfetit ofUrant County, to pay tl codta of SHtd'piirhiit, charges ot ke.ipfng mid cost of this. aitVBrrfso'mrht. thirty days from date, un ess claimed by you. and charges paid before the duy ol sale . ' CAuyon BitJ, Auant 16, 18U. " ; 8. O. BERRY, ' eu20:4rW' ; Special Deputy BberiM . griff's Sale of Mining ProperOv BY virtue of an execu'ffHn Issued by the Clerk or the Connty Court lu aod (or prent County, Btatb of Orot;on, luilgmeut In-ravotul ii, b. Lase, n. nadieiKli. apd M. Tbuiuan, ptsjiutiffs, Aid afraihst (I. P. Marie. go Allen and D. (J. J tieorge . Bouton, deiendants, lor Ihe sum of four hundred and fbirty-two and 71 100 dollars, prin cipal, win, laterest'eosta anil dlsbursun euts, costs of ex ecution aitd aale: and to rne dlrei t'fd, 1 have levied upuu, ' aa 1U aril at public auction, befo. e the Court House iinf, .to Canyon City, ou HATUKDAY, the 23d llsy of Bepiemoer. Jos Between me noura ot one ami two o'clock, ti , t the highest bidder fur cash In hand, the fcltowinf ducrlbed property, vix i TWO MININO CLAIM. Ivlna aud beimr In Canvim Creek John Dav PreeiVtT Ouejuty of Oram. State ol trregoii, and Iwunded' o th forth, by II, Crane's claim ; on the East Sud West, frout bank to bank) on Ule pouth, by Hurst i A Co.'e' (lain, being from North to South. To feet, mnro or less. ' 1 M. r. BKRBY, Sharif Canyon City, Angint, IT; 1856. 11 auKltSw !'Mll':Al.u.iy..W0.:i!,l U . i; a, . A fCM fiiM k CkP5't- DPig (ItJftr ti6 tuoil" MAIN BTB1SET, MBLBS.? -jkjsHV.