WILUaM H. MIWIU... SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 20, 1864. Tbi Oneonta brought up yesterday, 69 paJ teagers tod 36 borgei. , Grant's Mkdal. The gold medal ordered bj Congress for presentation to General Grant, in commemoration of his victories, is being designed by Mr. Lentze, of San Francisco. Sons scoundrels recently broke into a CeUb- olio Church at San Diego, robbed it of most of its valuables, desecrated the tomb ofihe founder of the church,, and ,p.e.rormed many other acts of rascality., Niw Vabkit. Read the advertisement of, the Dalles market, Opposition it the life of trade, and Messrs .Hellef A.Sbaw are deter mined that the, people .shall ,npt, suffer for want of cheap meat. "Anothib Richmond." It will be, seen from his card, that ,P.. T, Tuthill is, iq the fijeld, ready to contest fhe.Cjty Mflrahalship wj,tb, comer. The contest for this oe .begins , to assume a triangular farm, and is, becoming de; cifdedly interijsting.j the .language of the ring, we say "May the best man win." Ra Mb. Robibts, in the, Portland Avocatu, lays it down as. a proposition, that no Meth odist minister, can,, be, loyal to his religious vows, aqdat.the same tipe .be,. "President, Senator or Governor." - Rather ban) on broth er Tearne who is understood, to be williag to take almost any office that happens to be jayj ing around loose... Fbom Boisi. A gentleman named.. Frank came through dirett from Boise yesterday, lie left, the mines on the 12th Inst., making the trip through, in six days .traveling time. M,r. F, reports jist previous, to bis, leaving, j. heavy fall of snow in the Basin, much ..to the joy of miners. The Impression, now is that tae supply of water will be fully equal to that of last year,', and that there is now a guaran tee for a fair mining season, Far a month or two it has been feared that owing to tbe scar city of,,water miners, wpuld be able to accom plish b'utJHtle but all, fears on this bead are dissipated, and every bod calculates upon a prosperous season., Staoi Lihs Fpa0TOit .CiTr. Arrange ments hava been, perfected for placing a line of stages on the road, between Dalies, ana Canyon Oily. The prppriata? pf the line, Mr. Strlcklen, bas now at the Da,!es two first-ejass Concord cpacbts, wbi&h.,ara,tbe pioneers of others to follow. Tbe rod. ispartlally stock ed, and a stage will, leave this (Sunday morn ing, on an experimental trip. The projeptor of the line has abundant means, and should tbe travel warrant It, is prepared to place a daily.- line. upon. tbe,. route. We havejitfje doubt that this movement,, J but tbe preliml nary to a line of stages that will connect Dalles with tbe Boise and Owyhee country. Par ties who have been oyer the loute, assure us that tbe road,.by,,wsy pf Canyon City, is eigh ty miles shorter than. that by way of way of Umatilla, and with tbe additional advantage of an abundance of wood, grass, and water. Lewiston Itims. From tbe Lewiston Age, of tbe 1 2th , we condense the following : Great excitement exists in relation to the Kootenai mines, and large numbers are preparing for.a rush In that direction. Tbe Indians .'la the vi cinity of Lewiston are quite wiling to supply. the whites with horses, at reasonable rates The Age advises disappointed .miners te. go, to the Oro Fino, Elk City, Florence an. Warren camps forthwith, for (here many, pf 4Uem,,can find a good ppportunlty to work, to profit, be. fore tbe waters of tbe camps became scarce, A. boat of capacity to carry about twenty men, with .their, supplies, has beenlaunched aLew is ton, an,d, is designed to ascend Snake river to the bars .about the mouth of Salmon. She will take up a goodly number of miners, with their supplies for tbe season. These men have w,hat ,1b ey, call $8 and $10 bar diggings, which tbey.nsaiclain will last them through tbe sea on. Rich mines. have, been discovered and developed in tbe vicinity kof Hell Gate, dur ing the past Winter, Capt., Knox, of Co. B of 1st Infantry of W. T.- Volunteers, is dan geroualy ill at Fort Lapwal, with .hemorrhage of tbe lungs. TatATBf, This evening a great, bl will be pressnted, Mr. Waldron will sustain,, tbe principal character, supported by the Star Immiany. , 1 AUBURN CORRESPONDENCE... Aobcrk, March,B,,iq6i.t We are almost shnt out from tbe outer world of late, from the fact th,atur mall ha "dried up " dried up, .effectually In fact, daring tbe, last year, we bave,.been. supplied wjtb mail mtt,er wjth very great regularity, at the exr pe,nse of .ft.few individuals, who have unwit. tlngly offered themselves as a sacrifice for tbe good of Baker county. One after another bas tried the,, experiment of carrying the mail for ns, and found It a losing business, and the last young man. who "tried it on" seemed per fectly infatuated,, actually having persisted in traveling over the, Blue Mountains all winter, tbfpaigh snqw, mud, rain, bail, ice, and defy ing weather ranging from quite, intemperate to ever so fa,j below sero, and,, he. actually, wopjdn't stop nptil he had, run, into debt so far that his horses were attached fop their feed, and actually, sold,, from, .under him. I have not seep hlrn now for two months, though he max have, a mail-bag on bis back, and be going it alone on foot, for al, I kpow. An other man bas nqyv, kindly taken hold of the. nail, but;, there is no&nowiog what may come of it. I dp, hope be may prosper, but I am not sanguine., We finally did get, the other day, six weeks' mail in a lump, but that is, pot just the way we would like to get our news,... Spring is opening, and little show for water through these Northern mines.. Auburn, how ever, will have the greatest advantage in, tbe. fact that her ditches are the most extensive, and ber supply wil be the, most certain. Al-J ready miners, are coming in,biitttbere remains just enough winder wjth.uitojwep tbe waters back, and enable, operators here, to commence. Auburn w.i.11 come .down to the status of a fair mining camp, and support two, .hundred and fifty nepers,. half a dozen stores, -S quack . doc tor or.twp, and a couple of saloons of course. The whole of tbe region around here, will payl Some thing for half acenturj; to. .come, an d,. Quarts in places' will pay richly. Baker coun ty will be a good county some time or other, even when Powder River Valley and mines are left alone, without the aid of tbe weivlth nod good soil of Grand Ronde-whicb expects to be erected iuto a new county next. Fall., This will be a stirring season (n, (be, npper. country. Boise will, tu,r,q, out hejc, hidden jnillioo8,.and South Boise an,d Jordafl Creek friljlsbpw. the woridl.JuBt a glimpse, of. wt they bave in store Jar. the future generations, and some little probably, for the. present one. And indeed, tbe world , may, as well prepare for another Washoe, if not something richer. For myself, I am about to bid. lAuhuxn adieu sqonand seek the argentiferous regions of pwyheev where I hope, to find more Items for, my editorial friends, and. the reading public, than. this; vicinity- has. afforded of late. Of. course yqu,, know, that, the Indians have la kill somebody occasionally, and don't besi- ate, to, appropriate stock wherever tbey can nd It. Our Union Convention went off harmoni ously, Saturday. Notice was sent ahead, that Portland folks would be on hand to receive proxies; and of course the Portlanders won't bave a chance to cast any of our votes. Ger, Coffin was up hereabout Convention time, at tending to bir interests in this part of tbe world. He told the writer there was a plan afoot in the Dalles to defeat the nomination of Judge Wilson for Judge of tbe 5th Judicial District. I am inclined to think the old chap was interested la tbe plot; but I think tbe plot will not Interest him much in the end. Judge Wilson has rendered himself deservedly popular with the people of ibis, county,, and. is the unanimous first cboicQ. of ,lh,e popple ,of tbe Union party here, and, we hope. he,wUl prove equally popular elsewhere, and continue. to serve us in . his present official capacity for tbe full .term, ensujngupless be can do deci dedly better., I may nejrer write to you aeain from Auburn, aad I fear nobody else ever will. B. A. C. ! Waiii, Bound?. Tbe. Sacramento Union says,;.."Len. Harris, late County Warden, left he city yesterday, by tbe San Francisco boat, on a ,tr;p , to the Northern, mpes. At San Francisco, ,he will be joined, by. W. Higgins, late Deputy. Cpunty Recorder, and D, . Mc Laughlin, bothepflSacramento. It,ls reported that tbey design to. go, to, Wlla, Walla, and from there proceed by land to a newly dii covered and very rich mining locality, five hundred miles in tbe interior, fro'n which they have received specific Information from personal friends." Tbaiim. To Wells, Jfargo k Co , for very many express iay.ors.'.. IsipftovEiiiHT.- For several days 1 ack, work- nuabave, been engaged in removing the old frame building at tbe south-west corner of Main , and, Court streets. The structure In question,, was a relio of the olden time, and if we are correctly informed was originally designed for a hotel. At one lime, tbe build ing was occupied bs a hotel and restaurant by J. Juker, Esq., but more recently it bd been tbe private residence of Col. Gates. A few months sinre, the Messrs. Elfelt purchased the property, and the old building is made to give way for a substantia! stone and iron structure, which will be occupied by tbe proprietors as a dry goods and general merchandize estab lishment. We bare been permitted to exam ine the design of the new building,, and ,ceri . tainly if the plans of the architect are adhered to,. the Messrs. Elfelt will have the handsomest business structure at the Dulles. As far as practicable, tbe building will be exclusively of stone and iron, and as a consequence fire proof. The building will front 25 fqet rn Main street, with a depth of 90 feet on. Court street. The front, will be. of, iron, witb stene for the end and sidewnllst. Tbe design for the front is exceedingly beautiful, and tbe whole structure promises -to.be an ornament to the town,, We, are pleased to, chronicle, ImDnove- meot&of this .kind., as going. to. show tbe con-J nqence.raen of means .nave in tbeTuture of our town, WASGQOUNTY. Regular Inion Namiiwlions. rOB BKNATOK, Z. DOIVIVEsii. FOB KEPREHENTATIVK, ,,A. J. BORLAND. TOR COUNTY CLKRK, m.n kee ro sniBirr. CJIAnU WJ1UE. roa.MUPITI JUDO.E, Q, j, DENNY. TRIASVUn. Hi .J. WAEDROIf. VRVITOB,,. WM. LOGAN. SUHMHtRNBINt pr.JCBOOLS, J, .D. ,Rttl)Bv fliOXICE. The undersigned announce! himself a Can Jidate for CITY MARSHAL, and aubtnita the qneatlon of hie "ACTIVITY, VIGILANCE, tiuncsix ana tmAvaax, loiuevoieraon Kiecttonaay. DALLES illAllKET. COKMia 8IC0XD AND VA30INQTOII ITRXXT3. Opposition to all Monopoly. THE UNDERSIGNED HATE TAKEN the building lately occupied biF. M. Stock ing, and fitted it up for the purpose of a FIHST CLAVS MARKET, whore at aU times may be ioua ine cnoiceei, cujs .of . Beef, Pork, Mutton, Lamb, Teal, &c. ITotel keepera, heads of lamiliea and others are Invited to patronise the new Mnrket and tbua effect a material reduction in their Heat account. mr20-tf HELLER A SHAW. DALLES THEATRE. MANAGER, ACTING MANAGER .......0. B. WALDRON. It. 8. Mortimer. Yankee Handera. TREASURER SUNDAY NIGHT. The Great Drama of NICK OF THE WOODS. Or, The Jlubenalnoany,, To conclude with tbelaughable fares of ' To.morrow,. JUIIA, DKAN HAYNE, AdmlaMon : Drn Clrclt $1 : Pll 60 cenU. No eztim barge fur Heserred Beatt. Doors open at 7 CurUUn riM ftt 9 O ClOCX, A GREENBACK SWINDLE. The undersigned doilre to caution the public agalnat a 'Oreenbark" awiudler, named J. K. LKON ARD, to the end that otbera may avoid being impoied pon. On the 10th February last, we aold Mr. L. a bill of Salt 88,. which waa to be paid In thirty daya. The Itemi oompoaing tbe bill were butter, egge, dried fruit, n, Ac, alj of which were put powtj at low Ac l waiting five weeks for our pay, during which flnanchir had yme to go to Canyon ' City and urea. Aftecwaitlng thla model flnancier dispoaeof hie, cargo ror caah, he yesterday called at our tore and tendered $316 inA"GreeubackA" at par Green backs which he had bought up with money received for the goods whlch' we had sold him. We submit these nwta to the puJille, and leave them to fopln thelrconclusioni as to the merits of tliia. " Greenback swindle." Thankful for receiving our pay even In "Greenbacks," we take leave of our "Greenback'1 friend. J. CON SOU 1 SONS. Tl , , .1 1. 1 - ,on, ' X.1B . Notice of DlsNOlutlon., 1Totlce Is hereby given, that the Arm of TRIT L ITT A 00- Dalles and'Lewiston. Is dlasolved bv limi tation and consent of parties,. Ladd, Reed A Co., having dispoeed of their entire lntfrei( in. said itrm to Victor irevitt, who u auinortieu y sigp tp iiquidntions. viuigu TKEV1TX, Dalles. LADQ. REED A CO. Portland. Dalles, March it, 1864. mrlMt al'l'fk lba. Fresh Oregon liard, Id .kegs for sale In ntiantitfba to'snlt. bv do-tf m .olden Syrup, on Uranght For sale mjf at tua ramtiy urocory niore.oy a-tf UUMASON, STOCKING k CO. SPRING ARjUKGEMEJVT. The Oregon Steam Navigation Co. DAILY LINK. On and after Monday, February 29ih. nntll further notli-e. the O. 8. N. Cunipiiu will default one of the following named Stoamera Web-Foot, Tcnlno, Yakima, Spray, Nex Peree Chief, Okanagorn Col. Wright, Klj us, rOH UMATILLA & WALLTJLA EVERT DAT, (Samlays excepted.) The-Pits'scnger Train. To connect with-the 8TKAMBRS AT CELILO, will Url fruro the Railroad Depot, Dalles City, at S A. M. 4Bl)raitartlnE.Paaiien!'eramiit nnvnrethelrTlik. Uat the 0. 8. N. Co.'a Office. Th Steamer Onconfn. runt. J. McNULTT. will leave DAI.I.KS. tiaii v fann.i,.. ... cp ted ) at .5 o'clock, a. k., for CASCADES, connecting w,. . ptaeuive niLflun u. HUSf, Vnil, V ot.f, for Portland. FRANK T. DOIX1K. Dallqi, Febj iiTrl80t. fmrl-tf 1 Agent 0. 8. N. Co. UOXgH AND OWYHEE MINES. mm v d El W XV Will M leave WALLA WALLA every few ?Si"SL dayt, for BOISK, with a Sff4 PASSENGER TRAIN good aaimala, up to the 25th of thla month, after which A STAGE Of Will leave Walla Walla for Boise Four Timos a Wnek. In Concord Coachee from Waliula. connection with Messrs. Thonius k Co.'s Dally Line o waiia nana, yep, o, 18B4. felilw 1I0VNTU00D SHAVING SALOON rjphe tuideralgned wonld re- pectfully lnftrm the citizen of Dalles and the public generally, that this FASHIONABLE AND POPULAR SALOON is still conducted on FIRST-CLASS l'KISis CIrLHS, and all the branches tu conncqilon with Tonsorlal. Manipulations are performed with general satisfaction, by skillful and experienced workmen. BATHS! BATHS I BATHS I In connection Is a ault of BATH ROOMS, where Warm, Cold, and Sliowor Baths can be had at all hours. mrS-tf ft O M o 11 AS. A. GIBSON.. WATCHES!' n3 WM. BIBJNBAUM, PRACTICAL Watchmaker & Jeweler, Main Street, Dalles, HKZT DOOS TO TUB posT-orricx, m d CLOCKS, &c, FOll THE LADIES ! MIKK RSNIO has luat completed an addition I v his Saloon, which be (IV fitted up in the neatest ' style as an,,, Oyster; antj Dinn Rooij, for the exclusive accommodation o. , LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,. where will be served op OyjatprTSi. In Every. Stylo,. ALSO, Game Suppers, Dinners, &c. 43" The Ladies of the Dalles who bave so lone desired a genteel and well kopt Dining Room and Restaurant, are . luvited to call ana least upon the delicacies oi tne marx t. ntrn HUMA.S0N, STOCKING &. CO., WnOLtSALI IKp RITAII. tlALIRS IN IIARDWAu ASP GROCERIES, . NXT DOOR TO Sellerf. Qroccry StorcN MAIN BTRtKT,. DALLB3, ftR"K00N. no!9 I.O0. Fa tlujiVmJviA ajwusb. no o , , 1 1. 0. O.'f.; meets every WKPNtS-i DAY EVENING, at 7 o'clock, in Masonic v Hall. Dalles city. Brothers in rood stand-' log ar IhVitod (6 attend. ' C. K. MKI09. N. O. : H; Oatm, Secretary. fcll-tfj LUJICH &,x 07STER SALOpN. IIALU IH, Fancy. GoQflaTpbttC(!p, Scgars, &c MAIN STHEETDALLES. ATtONBTANTLY ON HAND a'fn I stock of the best j brands Tobacc dies. Confectiouery. j brands Tobacco anil. Bsgara. Also, Fresh Vruit, Cun- of the store Is a baridsbnJely furnished uies, uinieciiouery, iiiys, runt huh KK, Co. in ine rear .. Dining Room andrQygter Stand, at which will be found s constant ,siyjfly pf - Shonlwater Oyntera, ' ( 0 J which be will serve up In every style. Xiao, Vl all the delicacies of the season served up to ' suit tbt taste ot I tie most fastidious.. sclt-tt .