DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREOON, FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 15,1651. TWELVE PACE3 TkGZ SIX Social and Club News CLUB HAS MEETING. imu Kim ftuiM of Kngllsh po ets formed the theme for a meeting of the Thursday Afternoun Club yester day, for which Mrs. Clarence White man and .Mm Benjamin & Burroughs were hostesses at the library cli;l room. mirr." by l-aurenre Hope, with piano aoromr:i;timeit by Mkw Kdna Oaten, nml M-sa Mildred llcrkeley rani! Knrcwrll" nnd "Morning Wind," with Miss Pauline Bice nt the piano. During the social hour, Mr. M. M. Wyrlck and Miss Ida Boyd presided al the tea table where lovely clusters The program wan one of decided In- of mto Wossome wws used s a cen tered, Mrs. Alfred Lockwood read a ! terplece, and candles carried out the paper on Arthur Hvmons and Krncst color scheme of pink and white. Am Dowson, nnd Mr. H. W. Dickson and stsilnc the hostesses In serving were Mm. A. U Sihaefcr read the play. Mrs. Herbert Green. Mrs. A. L. Schaer "plorrot of the Minute," by Powson. er. Miss Mildred Berkeley and Miss Mm. Harold Warner told of the life Klsie Fltimaurlce. and read two of the poems of Gcr- J trude Hurt, and a litter In the hand- AID .ot'lETY MEETS wr ting of the English poetess, writ- Projects for the coming year were ten to Mr. Moshcr, the well known outlined at a meeting of the Ladies Aid maciiilne editor, was a feature. The I of the Baptist church yesterday In the letter was sent to Mrs, Burroughs by I reception rooms of the church. Mr. Mosher. For a delightful musical program, Mrs. Benjamin I Burroughs' sang "Ijem Than -the Hunt" and "Kash- It was decided that among the ac tivities of the nld, a cooked food sale will he. held once a month. The com mittee appointed consists of Mrs. O. T II K SHOP O F 11 I-. T T K It V A 1 f E S it AW NEW SPORTS APPAREL JERSEY SPORT SUITS. . JERSEY JACKETS I in navy, brown, golf green, scarlet, sand, havana, Copen, ets. Extra Values SPORT SUITS IN JERSEY AT $25.00 TO $35.00. OVER TAYlOIl HARDWARE CO Start s soon of REXALL GOODS April 21, 22, 23. i mm drug co. W. Owing. Mrs. A. P. May, Mrs. Louise Ijinipkin and Mrs. Anna Marsh The aid decided to hold a basar In the early fall and Mrs. Will Wyrlek was chosen as chairman of the apron booth and Mrs. Hudd as chairman for the handkerchief booth. The commit tee for the cooked food booth will be the same as for the monthly cooked food sules and a committee for the fancy bag commtttco will he appointed later. A membership campaign Is planned also, and will continue during April. May and June. The members of the aid have been divided Into two Warns, the lllue and the lied, with Mrs. Ma son Thompson and Mrs. Guy Johnson as leaders for the lted team and Mrs. P. L. Ingram and Mrs. W. E. Myers us leaders for the Blue team. The next meeting of the aid will be next Thursday, when a Missionary Aid meeting will bo held at the church. MISS3 McMOXIKS WEDS. j At a simple ceremony yesterday afternoon In St. David's Parish House in Portland, where her father and mother were wed twenty-eight years ago, Miss Claudine McMonlcs of Pen dleton became the bride of Glenn Chester Aekerman of iMilem. Rev. Jenkins officiated nnd only the attend ants, Mrs. Kalph Temple of this city and Joe Keynolds, of La Grande, fra ternity brother of the groom, were guests at the ceremony. The bride wore a dainty frock of bisque colored georgette trimmed In eyelet embroid ery and her flower-trimmed hat was of blue. After a short honeymoon In Port land, the couple will go to CorvalUs to resume their studies at O. A. C. The bride is an attractive girl and very I popular. She attended Pendleton high school and later O. A. C. The groom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Askerman of Salem. He served as regimental sergeant major and later attended O. A. C, where he Is a mem ber of l'hl Delta Theta fraternity. TEAM TO BE CHOSEN The whining team In the recent at tendance contest held by the pupils of the Presbyterian Sunday School class taught by Mrs. H. K. McLean, will be honor guests tomorrow evening at a 6 o'clock luncheon In the church, with the losing team as hostesses. The win ning team consists of Mary Hampton. captain. Mildred Elrcl. Mildred Flsk Louise IHIeyden, Annie Laing, Issabcl- la Macy. Mildred Mathew. Dorothy Reed, Marguerite "Reed. Esther Tem ple, Grace Menke, Delight Synder, Ha zel Molstrom and Florence Molstrom. The losing side of which Barbara Lieu. alien Is captain consists of Jean Bell. Katherlne Bluhm, I.ila Harper, Eva Nelson, Juanlta Perkins, Thelma Simp son, Florence Walters, Charlotte Isaac, and Margaret Cargill. RESEARCH CLUB MEETS For a meeting of the Research Club yesterday afternoon, Mrs. Fred Donert and Mrs. David B. Hill were hostesses at the Donert heme on Jane street. A paper. "Better Films." by Mrs. Gault was read and discussed by Mrs. Clar ence Edmonds and Mrs. J. H. Dunham Following the program, a social hour was enjoyed. At a table centered by lovely yellow tulips, Mrs. William Blakely and Mrs. R. T. Jones presid ed. Besides club members, gliosis dur ing the afternoon were Mrs. Blakeley, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. A. M. Chrystall, Mrs G. E. Reese, and Miss Caroline Wright, of Albany, house guest of het sister, Mrs. Donert. CLL'B HAS MEETING Mrs. R. H. Home and Mrs. J. K l-Thompson were hostesses last night for members of the Entre Nous Brid?f Club and their husbands, the guests being asked to the Horne home on Perkins Avenue. Pink and white ap Pleblossoms formed a charming deco ration. During the evening's play, high score trophies were won by Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Matthewson. Besides club members, guests were Dr. and Mrs. Fred Lteuallen, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kincald and Mrs. Wesley Mat lock. WED IN PENDLETON Miss Katherlne Porter and James W. Ftronjr, both of La Grande, were unit ed In marriage yesterday afternoon at the ITesbyterlrfn manse, with Rev. O. L. Clark officiating. The bride wore an attractive tan tailleur. There were no attendants. Mr. Strong Is engaged In the garage business In La Grande where the couple will make their home. Coffee Special Saturday GOLDEN WEST HIGH GRADE COFFfiE NU-RAY-A HIGH GRADE TEA i With each 2 1-2 pound tin of Golden West Coffee we will give 1-2 pound package of Nu-Ray-A Tea. No limit. Buy all you need. 2 1-2 pound Coffee, $1.40 1-2 pound tea FREE Country Butter, 2 pound roll, 75c Most complete line of High Grade Groceries in Eastern Oregon. '. Large assortment of Fresh Fruits and Vege tables early each morning. Gray Bros. Grocery Co. 3 Phone 28 Only 1 Quality the Be.t RECITAL IS POSTPONED. ' A reiltul to have been given Monday night at the Presbyterian cnurcn, hen Miss Barbara Edmonds, pupil of Mrs. Charles Heard, and Mbs Wilma Wade, pupil of Mrs. S. H. Forshaw. were to have been presented, has been postponed. The date will be announc ed later. GODOWSlvY IS HEARD. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Rice, Mrs. George Gray, Miss Pauline Rice, Miss Leura Jerard and James Bowler mo tored to Walla Walla last night In the Rice machlno for the Godowsky con cert at the Keylor-Grund. IS IN YOKOHAMA. ' Pendleton friends are receiving greetings from Yokohama, Japan, sent by Miss Vera Temple who with Mrs. George Ferlnger Is touring the Orient. They expect to return here May 15. RECITAL TO BE GIVEN. Mrs. W. D. Humphrey will present her pupils In a recital on Saturday af ternoon In the club room of the coun ty library. The recital will begin at 3 o'clock and is complimentary to the public. LEAVE FOR PORTLAND. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Maloney left this morning for a motor trip to Portland where thoy will remain for several days. LITTLE SON BORN. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bender are re ceiving congratulations on the birth of a son born on Wednesday. MOTHERS ID For Expectant Mothers Cjed Br Three Ceremtmxs m M MOItft M lOTKIISOOS Ml TM WOT. ran lunui mssutoi Co Birr. 5 0, Atlukta. sx CHICAGO, April 15 (A. P.) President Hardlngj In a letter to M. O. Foley, executive secretary of the Na tional Hospital Day Committee, today gave his hearty endorsement to "Na tional Hospital Day," May 12, when eight thousand hospitals throughout the country will spread broadcast In formation of the true scope of hocHtnl service. ITOLAIR W. (TONY) DYSON RCG AND CARPET SPECI ALIST I make old Hugs look new and preserve appearance of new ones. I clean on your floor or lake them away. years In Pendleton. Phouo U'iS KOEPPEN'S PRESCRIPTION DRUGSTORE A. C. Koeppen & Bros. rit I)ru( Store That Ton Bewt. Serves - iHmiG masses e MRS. KKEIiS HONORED Mrs. Frank Krebs. of Adams, was honored yesterday when Mrs. Alex Mc Kenaie and Mrs. A. T. Kirhy en tertained In her honor at the Mc- Kenzie home in Adams. Thirty-eight guests, including out-of-town visitors from Pendleton, Pilot Rock and Athe na, were present. The afternoon war spent In needlework and later dainty refreshments were served. ii HIGH Mill MTFS 1 Oratorical Tryouts Friday. Tryouts tor representatives for Pendleton high school for tho county oratorical coni test to be held In this city May 6, will be hld In an assembly on next Friday. So far six names have been handed to Miss Severance who is In charge. Rep. resontatlvca from all the classes In school and from the public speaking and the drama club will participate. Pendleton did very well In tho county meet last year and she plans to carry off a few honors this year. REt.'.VION TO PE HELD The annual reunion of the Class of 1913. Pendleton high school, will be held on Friday, April 22, according to a decision of the alumni. ASPIRIN Domestic MHrnrc Classes Shown! Through ltakvry. Members of the I domestic science cluss with Miss Kate Voorhies, Instructor, spent tho morn ing yesterday at the Oregon llakcry and candy factory. The girls assisted In making candy and cake. They cx pressed themselves as having a very enjoyable time and learning a great deal. This morning they visited the Pacific Power and Light Co., and wit nessed the demonstration on the use ol electricity in the home. Name "Bayer" on Genuine WHETHER your eyes throush use s have become so weaken'-d or otherwise inef ficient that they are calling for help to attempt n wear glasses that have not been prescribed for you by a competent Opto metrist is unsafe. Glasses made here at a rea sonable cost will remedy your eye defects. n.i:n.?n Ijinlcms Out Today. The Lantern, Pendleton hltih school paper which i published semi-monthly by the stud ents wiH be distributed this afternoon. There will bo two more issues of the paper before the end of the school year. John Beckwith, editor, plans to make the final number the best of the' year and devote most of Its contents to commencement and the senior class. ence to be held at Hcrmlston May 6 and 7th. On these days all children under school age will be examined by physicians and mothers will be given talks on nutrition by Miss Lass'e Lane, specialist of O. A. C, who will assist Mrs, Van Deusen, county demonstra tlon agent. The conference will be followed by three months of "follow up" work to test the children In dif ferent ways. It Is hoped every mother with children under school age will take advantage of this help given them free by state and county. The children can be registered now any time beforo May 6th by Mrs, Summer er. Contracts for six miles of graveling of highway has been awarded J. K. Shotwell of Hermlston by the county court, the consideration being named as 125,643. Four miles of the work Is on the diagonal road from Hermlston to the Columbia school and tho re mainder between Btanfleld and Stage Gulch. The work will proceed In the mmediato future. Farmers when available will do tho hauling of the gravel, which will Insure good roads In the very near future and In which CoT lumbia farmers will be well pleased. The Cold Springs road, which will be started as soon as right of ways can be secured, will begin from the river and will be a great source of benefi. to the farmers of this locality. Tho matter concerning where the work would begin . was settled but recently by the highway commission. The sewing and millinery school held at Mrs. Howard Held Thursday and Friday of lust week was well at tended considering the busy time for furm women. Mrs. Van Dusen. home demonstration agent, made the work seem so easy by her clear instructions that many of the ladles say they can make their hats for the future. There being such a demand for hats the work was rather on the millinery line for the two days, although some dress es were made also. Resides profitable, the school proved Very enjoyable and the Indies are ready for more school at any time. The Columbia school boys are or ganising a boy scout brigade. Any help or encouragement possible should be given the boys for this move. It is a good one. I ..tauy ui the community attended the high school entertainment and mu. steal given at Hermlston Friday night, which was greatly enjoyed by all. ,A good meeting of the Neighbor hood Club ladles was held at the home of Mid, George Beddow Wednesday afternoon. The usual program was carried out, which all enjoyed. The next meeting was voted to take place at the home of Airs. Dun Parker, April znii. ' Cards announcing the marriage of George A. Adams to Nina R. Rtggs of Portland. Wednesday, April 6, have been received by friends. .Mr. Adams who opened the Play House at Hcrmls ton, was formerly a Columbia resident. THE THOMAS SHOP NEW WOOLEN SKIRTS JUST RECEIVED. " The kind most wanted just now. -They are priced very moderately considering the high quality of both materials and workmanship. For Your Sunday Dinner The Tab.le Supply will be crowded to the brim tomorrow with every goodie on the market. You will find all the Spring vegetables fresh from local gardens. In our Meat department there will be plenty of Veal, Chickens, Pork, Lamb, Mutton and Beef in any and all cuts. ' - "THE TABLE SUPPLY Phone 187 and 188 739 Main Street U. S. INSPECTED MEATS CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Proprietors ProlMjr Whooping E! Hewarel Unless you see the nam'! Bayer" on package or on tablets you nre not getting genuine Aspirin pre scribed by physicians for twenty-one years and proved safe by millions. Take (East Oregon lun Special.) COLUMBIA, April 15. Several car- loudii of Columbia people attended the funeral of Ed Graham Wednesday afternoon at Pendleton, where he pas.-ed away Monday. Mr. Graham Treatment I'or Coiitfli. It Is of Interest to all and especially to the parents of young children to know what is best to be done foi whooping cough. Mrs. Walter Beall, Pattonsburg, Mo relates her experi ence. "A few years ago, our children hud whooping cough and the only medicine we gave them was Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. It kept their Coughs loose and expectoration easy. They Were not sick very long and had a light attack of it. I give credit for their speedy cure to this medicine." ' Chamberlain's IJnlnient This Is a massage liniment, especial ly valuable fur the relief of rheumatic pains and soreness of the muscles. Mrs. E. C. Dodge, Whltesboro, JJ. Y writes: "The splendid results I Una other members of my family have re celved by the use of Chamberlain's Liniment, warrant my endorsing It In the highest terms." Only Makes a Had Mutter Worse Pernaps you have never thought of It, but tho fact must be apparent, to every one, that constipation Is caus ed by lack of water In the sysfcm and the use of drastic cathartics, like the old-fashioned cathartic and liver pills, make a bud matter worse, as they tako too much water out of the , system. C'hsmberlaln's Tablets are much more mild and gentle In effect and when the proper dote Is taken, their action Is so natural that one can hardly reallzo thut It Is the effect of a medicine. Good Advlm to the Bilious Those who are bilious, dyspeptic and Special This Week j ASSORTED CREAM CARAMELS 50c Pound. MAPLLE FUDGE 30c Pound. Also Popcorn Balls for the Kiddies. Under New Management. THE CRYSTAL Formerly The Palm 623 Main St We cater to white trade only. , . - ft has been living In Hermlston for about Aspirin only as told In the Bayer pack, j two years but formerly made his home sue for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, i n, re wnere ne uwnra an auana iarm Rheumatism. Karache. Toothache. " 1 had a host of friends. He leaves Lumbago, and for Pain. .Handy tin'a father and other relatives In Bile, ; constipated feel miserably a good shar boxes of twelve Payer Tablets of I fa., who were unable to attend the . of the time. They would soon feci fine Aspirin cort few cents. Druggists funeral. Mrs. Frank Waugaman was and enjoy thMr meals If thoy would) also hell larger packages. Arpirin is his only relative in Oregon. take a few doses of Chamberlain's I the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture! Mrs. Henry Sommerer Is appointed Tablets to strengthen their digestion j.. . of MonoaceticaciUcster of Kullcllcacld. project leuder of th Babies confer- and regulate the liver and bowels. LastGall SATURDAY NIGHT CLOSES the free offer of the Aluminum set given with the SELLERS KITCHEN CABINET. $5.00 WILL PUT A SELLERS IN YOUR HOME or $5.00 will hold a Sellers and a set of Aluminum ware free to you for future delivery. REMEMBER SATURDAY NIGHT. Last Gall CRAWFORD FURNITURE CO. 103 E. COURT ST. : rnovi; 4B8