MOT BTX OKVLY EAST OREGOrTIAR, PEWDI.ETOIf, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1010. FOURTEEN PAGES Social and Personal The home of Mm. Chai . . N orris will H' ihr Ntn Saturday of a moot ing of thr Research club, Mrs. Norrbj and Mm. Hammond Match bcinff hoMeut'i for Ihc affair. Thr 1'nited Arttnuntt have chosen the in. ill. i Kiitlf WiMxJnM'n hull I r their meeting plaot aiul luat evening a de lightful jjalow wh enjoyed there, Klectb n f offlrers wan followed by a hour and the serving of a light ,aml informally n joyed supper. The fol- nd lowing mrnilwiK were chon-n to head t he lodge d uring the rominf ear: doorire Kdmund, master artisan, Mrs, M initio Kiftwcnaer. superintendent; Charlen ivil'uu. Inspector; Mrs. loule K. Lampkin. secretary; Joseph P. "Walker, treasurer; Henry Thompson,, senior conductor; W- H. Rahe. master of ceremonies; Felix Duke, Junior con ductor; J. M. and Mrs. Win nie, field commander. hall. riKni appoimmem uftKwuv or tlteT In lonfurmamc ufth the spirit ..M ovraay season marked a supper the mayors proclamation ask log von which followed the play, cuenta find- servution of fuel the Hluo Lodge of Inff their partners by uniquely arrung- ! M.utons have cancelled their dancing vu ranis iHnnK mo names t.r stales : wrt. Mhvduled for tomorrow evon- mmm wmmr capita.. , iug n Kag,p.Wuiulmail it inli M ore honors fell to Mian Lour I Jerurd and Roscoe I. Keator. both guests of the dnb for the evening. ( i hers, besides members who were asked to share the hospitality of Mr. Mrs lUce were Mrs. Keator, Mr. Mi. W, Swnrtzenbcrg, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Ureen, Dr. and Mrs. uy L. Hoyden, Mlas IM Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. t'.eorge Hart man. Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Warner and James Howler. Miss iKIcunor Hunt of Portland to day became the bride of Kmll Heck, well known young IVndleton business man, the ceremony taking place lit the Willamotte valley city. After a short weddintf trip the couple will re turn to Pendleton to make their homo. Thuy are expected to arrive Monday. There will Catholic scheduled Miss Irma Ruther of Helix return ed yesterday from Rod Wing, Minne sota. Sho plans to pond part of the holiil.i miifiii , ,. u ml imrt lit M I : Ladle Guild this evening as ' rcturninjf early In the new year. be no meeting of the Miss Annis Rr.wen. of Coin. Iowa, arrived on delayed No. IT last even ing to le a guest at the home of her cousin. Mr.-. V. M. Khrel. Miss Kowen will remain In Pendleton for several . days en route to California for a more . extended stay. She plans to visit also Portland and way points. Guests sufficient to make up seven tables of Bridge enjoyed the hospital ity of Mr. anil Mrs. Lyman G. Rice when they were hosts to members of the Fortnightly Bridge club and a few additional friends. Crimson candles burned in the attractive rooms and A meeting of the Want-to-Come club scheduled for tomorrow at the homo of Mrs- C. O. By hoe on Bush street, has been postponed because of illness In tho By bee family . The date of the meeting has not yet been set. Miss Minnabell Jones left on San day for Spokane where she will spend a few days with friends in that city. She will go from Spokane to Seattle, where she will be joined by Miss Pauline Jones and Mrs. D. W. Bailey. They expect to spend the holiday sea son there, visiting relatives and friends. A pre-Christmas bazaar scheduled ' for Friday evening at Mooso hall by the Busy Peo club of tho Maccabees has been indefinitely postponed. A dale for the event will be chosen ufter !the fuel crisis has passed. LANECOUNTYHOPMEN STILL SET OUT LARGE CROPS, SEEING PROFIT 31 iii)iiiiii HOPE'S VPSTAIKS (i.VRMEXT SHOP I tel Special ranee Cea EPGEXE, Ore., Dec. 10. Lane county hopmen have set out large acreages of hops this fall, according to Frank Heyer. pioneer buyer of this j city. Mir. Meyers says growers throughout the valley, assured by present prices, are convinced that there is enormous profit In the crop. i Several hundred acres of hops in Lane county were dug up within the past few years only a few of the grow ers in this locality remaining in the business. Seavy Bra. and J. W. Thornsbury are among the larger grow ers around Eugene who havo stayed with the business and they have pros pered. Mr. Meyers this year paid 50 to 7.1 cents a pound for hops, "At these prices the larger growers have become almost independently rich.'" said Mr. Heyer yesterday. "Of course, the cost of growing the crop is far greater than it was a number of years ago. but prices have advanced more than the cost of production.' Of SUITS, COATS, DRESSES AND WAISTS Great Reductions on Every Garment Choose "practical gifts" from this Women's Shop. SECOND FLOOR TAYIjOK Bt'ILJHN'G Mrs. Kenneth McRae dispensed charming hospitality yesterday when a group of friends were asked in with their needlework for a few informal hours, followed by a light luncheon, ' the quests finding their places at a retty table by unique favors. Miss Esther Jenkins and Miss Vashta Hos- i ins assisted the hostess In serving and her guests included: Mrs. L. L. Rog ers. Mrs. Elmer Baer, Mrs. H. E. In iow, Mrs. Bro willow, Mrs. Theodore Remboldt, Mrs. Joe Cox, Mr. S. A. Newberry, Mrs. Floyd Croup, Mrs. W. Schwartzenberg. Mrs. Ida Fowler, Mrs. Elmer McCormmach, Mrs. Fred Lieuallen and Mrs. James Dunham. LAF0LLETTE LAUNCHES ATTACK ON RAILROAD BILL WSA H I N GTO N . Dec. 1 0 . Deba t e was resumed today on the Cummins railroad bill. Senator Lafollette be gan an attack on It which Is expected to consume two days. lillllllli!!ll!lllllil!!!illlllllIllllli;ilHllllllllllllllilllllillll!lnill IUIIIlllllllilllUII!lllllllllllllllllllHlllllllinilllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIllllllllMirlllK Martin Jones School of Dancing f Notice to the Public We wish to announce that beginning today we will make but two deliveries daily, from such stores that we make deliveries from, hours, p a. in. and 3 P. m. This remains effective until such time as street conditions will per mit more. Please order your goods early ea6h morning. PENLWD BROS. 1 tJWVM 11 I v mi a I ySpPBf The Xmaa Gift De Luxe' AC?IS'A The discriminating will ap- 1 j IM jry preciate the quality and style j j ; IB r 9HM right. H w Z-a! If your old fur needs repair- ' mS Arid relining, bring it in. i ii' I Clin gan Hat Shop I The Small Shop With th Big Business ! 814 Main Street jo . , THEY'RE CLEAN ENOUGH I 4 THE THOMAS SHOP Formerlv Known a Tho Pr! Most Extraordinary COATS M AT $15.50, $17.50, $19.50 AND UP TO $95.00 You save big money on these. Come and see them. FINE FOX FURS at $27.50, $30 and up COMPARISON INVITED THE QUALITY OF Leather Goods IS THE FIRST THING NOTICED The satisfaction of having a genuine article more than repays you for the difference in the price of a genuine piece of Leather Goods and an imitation. We have the finest line of hand tooled Strap Purses and bags in east ern Oregon. We have gents' and ladies' toilet cases in genuine leathers, correspondence sets, collar bags, purses and bill books in fact most any item you will want in leather. IjulIeK Strap 1'urwK S2..10 to S20 ipUtai1 Hand Ban VMM to $2 Unites' Toilet Sets s: to sr. (jndleti' Correxpond- DO SotB $.1.50 to S2t -ins' hiii Bookst&M to $ I. -..oo .inns' Pttraea i.oo to sil lent' Toilet Caaaa n.fto to sir. tuuur Kit hi CMMa $2.oo to $15 ; nls' ( i i -1 . i . 1 1 -. in-.. S..1M fS.OO to $20 lenta Colmr Bati $2.00 to $t.5o JentH' CMKarette Cnses to $10 The Pendleton Drug Co. The Rexall Store CHEEDINGHAM. Enp. This pair is particular about getting K-et needlessly. They took part In the competitions at the southern "'"in" - mAMnr h?rc ari.'l when It retnod. got nnd.T an umhrv'Ja ICY WAVES .SVEKPI.V; EAST Every THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Liberty Hall 1 to4 7 to9 SPECIAL APPOINTMENTS Teaching correct ballroom and fancy danclns. I Buarantee aatisfaction. 5 lessons for $5.00. Private or class lessons. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. More tlian 60 yrs. ago an English chem ist began to manu facture BEECHAM'S PILLS. Today they have the largest sale of any medicine in mm the world! HnL Why- Sold ovrywbre LaSlf! 'pills In boxes. 10c.. 25c A JewGlry ryf Many of us like to give those we love mother, father, sister, brother, wife, husband, sweetheart, or very dear friends something they can ''keep forever and treasure always." It is this type of gift one finds in the jewelry store. What than to rt could bring greater joy to the gift receiver ceive a present from any of the following : Gold and Silver Novel ftlM Hair Ornaments Diamonds Watches Gold Jewelry Silverware Hand Bags Leather Gift Ivory Toiletware Fountain Pens Belt Buckle A. L. Schaefer Phone 326J 726 Main Strct f HOW WEAK WOMEN ARE MADE STRONG Mrs. Westmoreland Tells in f the rouowing wjiwi. - a i nri Ant Harrison, JN- i- ueu " child was born I did not know about l ljyoia ci- iiin.. Vegetanie pound and had a very hard time. I read in the newspaperaboat the Vegetable Com pound and when my second child came I took it and was well during the whole tine, and childbirth was a hundred times easier. Ever since then 1 have used it for any weakness " " without it for the worU 1 do all my work and am strong and he. I thy. I am n-jrsinz my baby, and I still take tnc VegfbleCompound asitkeep. awoman I lood health. Yot may publish my ZJBEJU fortbegoortof other ncn if yon choose to do so. -Mn.. t. wcjr MORa.AND, Harriwn, N.Y. Women who suffer from displace ments, irreROlarities, innammntjon. ulceration, backache, hoadach. j anJ r ervoosness should lose no time in .nviug Jiis famous rooc and brt 'JS' l.j dia E. Tinkb.m' Vegetable ( om- ..--i . tr,ai Zi-Y.l int t.L..I (Continued from Page 1.) below zero and a Mizzard promised liV the weather man. Chicago went on J barter fuel rations today. The Illinois public utilities commit- ' sion today continued in force all the j conservation measures included in Its "raer i-r last week which were more drastic than Fuel Administrator Gar field's national order yesterday. Muv Condemn Houses LEWISTON-. Ida.. Dec. 10. All schools, motion picture houses and non-essential industries may be clos ed here to pave fuel. The city council Is today considering such action. Business houses may be required to shorten their day to six hours. t ondeiunation of various wooden shacks, and half burned houses in many sections of the city Is seriously considered by the council. It Is pro posed to wreck the build Iiiks anil turn over the lumber to poor families. .NEUMONIA p Vicks1porui vf(jn oodycuau::- - zo. aoriz Call a ph sician. Immedi ately begm "emergency" tr:atment with a imiimiiiiimiiiilUllrm 5. CHIN CHIN PRESENTS BRILLIANT SPECTACLE In Chmlc-s UillinKhani'M tunff'il comedy "Chin Chin" nuulo famlll-ir In New York by the several UbflMtfUl f.'ftHoiiH of MttntRomery and stone, the HfeneM are I mi In China, giving oppor tunity for a display of ullkn, satins and velvet, dear to the feminine eye. Th' BOtnfc effects are as beautiful an the t illumes, making up a spectacle of s-'reat brill la ncy and kaleldoscopi '1. charm. The book is written about the ol 1 Arabimi nights tale of Aladdin and his famous lamp, with variations suited (o the Chinese setting. The two lead Ing eomedia ns, Walter Wills and Tioy Tender, take the parts made famous v M ' n t '-.. ; i and Stone, and do their work so well that they keep their audience In a ro;tr of laughter. Jos eph Koblnson as Abanazar was In the orlRiinl eUt ard so was dulnty Violet Tree who takes the part of Kan-Tan no well. The Kpet-laities introduced betw-en the acts were of a high order of excellence. MIna Montran who in the leading winger, has the part of the Goddess of th Iiimp. Sho is a young woman of attractive personality. handsomely ffowned, and with a clear and sweet ffoprano voice admirably fitted to the le'-.uiiements of this rote. Her two jtolos, "Violets' and "The fjray Dove," are rendered with much feillng and win the enthiiMlastlc ftppUlMM of her hearers. The chorus Is large and well train ed. "Chin Chin" Is especially strong In Its JHHMteal feature, ope brln" ft 6Axaphone sextctle. Should Ho Quarantined Mttny physicians bei'evo that anyone who has a bad cold Khould bo com- j pletcly isolated to prevent other mem bers of tho family and a-ssociates from contracting the disease, as colds are about as catching om measles. One thing sure the sooner ono rids him self of a cold the leas the danger, and you will look a good while before you find a better .medicine than Chamber lain's Coush Itemedy to aid you in curing a cold. Chamberlain' Tablet. These tablets are intended especial ly for Indigestion and constipation. They tone, up the stomach and enable it to perform ita functions naturally, j'hey act gently on the liver and bow els, thereby restoring the stomach and bowels to a h filthy condition. When you feel dull, stupid and constipated You are certain to their effect. joy Your Meajs? If you do not enjoy your meals your digestion Is faulty. Bat moderately, especially of meat, masticate your food thoroughly. I,ct five hours elapse between Batata and take one of Chamberlain's Tablets immediately after supper and you will soon find your meals to bp a real pleasure. LET THE GIFT TO YOUR NONE OTHER BEAUTIFUL Dining Room Table AND YOU PAY THE TAXES OUT OF THE 4 PER. RENT AL? OR DOES Hours: 3 a. m. to 12; 1 to 6 p. m. Phone 507 DR. THOMAS C. OMART DENTIST Main Street, Over ths Hub Pendleton, Oreron Special for the Holiday Trade we are displaying many new and exclusive designs in DINING ROOM TABLES in most any wanted wood or color. There is no gift that would please "her" more for Christmas, and at the same time add beauty and grace to your home. See them on our floor they are priced from$22.50 up FOR THE GIFT THAT IS "DIFFERENT" In our front window we are Arrowing .ome very pretty and serviceable gifts in oak and mahogany. They are gifts that please the entire household. Ail are priced so that you can well afford one or RKrrtt! TELEPHONE STANDS PEDESTALS SEWING CABINETS SMOKING STANDS TEA TABLES NUT SETS CRAWFORD Complete Home Furnisher 103 E. Court Phone Uhi