rtWHW-WW!" v , y, ITTUTtl Ytni1tlf Wf1 " f-' Il DAILY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EUillO.'t Number copies printed of Yeaterdar's Ially Kdltlon. TlM) OrrconMH k ntum Or, gnn's immi newpTr ami as selling fofa vm to Itn BitrvrtlirM orrr twlca ilw rtmilatton In (ViIM Km six I rmaillla ruunljr of nj win IMaWMMIrr. 2,841 Thla paper I a momnrr ana audited by Uu Audit llureau of tllreuUtloiut. 11 COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 31 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, JLLY 2(5, 1910. NO. 9798 PORT OF ASTORIA TO BE EXAMINED s BYI.C.C, SUNDAY Mention of Seaport Town in i Rate Case Arouses Curi osity, of Commission. .WARRENTON IN RACE FOR TERMINAL RATE Dodson Says Roads Favor Sound in Hearing Held on Friday Afternoon. PORTLAND. July 2d. The Inter tote commerce commissioners have been hearing the case of Astoria ao repeatedly discussed In the Columbia basin rnte fight that they announced today that (hey will go to Astoria Bunday morning to spend consider able time inspecting the port faclll ties there. J. O. Dorr, civil engineer, testified of Warranton'a ambition to become a seaport. A. J. Harrington, traffic ex pert, provided charts Knowing that the railroads charge Warrentnn an aver age of five centta per hundred poundH more on carload freight than Astoria. C. A. Hart, representing the rail, roads, said the railroad do not ob. Ject to granting Warrenton ratea on a parity with Astoria when applied to freight moving from transcontinental and Montana territory but In the matter of rules from the Inland em. plre the railroads tiad endeavored to Interpret the spirit of the Interstate commerce commission ruling In the j Astoria caae which; he said, proved Astoria was on a' par with Portland and Puget sound for rale making pur. poses but did not Include Warrenton. Warrentor.'s separate action, de. mandlng rati equalising ihnue to As. torla, was begun today. Warrenton U six miles beyond Astoria and has tcrmlnnla on the west side of the bay. Von Tirpitz Cannot Face Justice for Ex-Kaiser Decrees Council of Five PAULS, July 26. It Is learned., ..today thot tho council of five notified Admiral Von Tlrpltss that his substitution for the ex-kaiser In assuming guilt for the wur Is Impossible and not to be con. sldered. The council declared ' Von Tlrplta could testify In the emperor's behalf If he Is willing to risk Incriminating himself. FLAMES IN JOHN DAY FOREST UNDR CONTROL ELKS TEMPLE TO COST $167,000 IE TPTER IS BUILT NOW CHIEF OPPONENT OF CARRANZA Parli' iield Portland s Submit Low- 7, iS MEN WILL KED TO CONFER Forest fires in the John Dav sec tion, Whitman National Forest, are now under control, according to re ports received today by W. W, Cry- der, district forest supervisor, Umu tllla Notional Forest. E. N. Kava nogh, of the Portland forestry of fice, has returned from the fire zone and with Fiscal Agent Coving left for Portland this morning. (Jeorge H. Cecil, district forest su pervisor, arrived today from Port land and left Immediately for the John Day district to Investigate con IN CREDIT OFFERED Bids S. Theatre are Low in Comparison With mark on Proposed Building. The proposed Klks Temple, busi ness block mid theater will cost In round numbers 1167, Oon If the com bined structure Is built upon a basis of the low bids submitted yesterday to the committee In charge. This I figure Includes the general contract, heating, plumbing, wiring and instal lation of an elevator but doeB not In clude the furnishing of the building. Parker lUanfield, Portland con tractors who built the Pendleton mau soleum, were the low bidders on the general contract and the committee last evening decided to accept this bid conditional upon the final determi nation of the lodge to proceed with the building according to present pluns. The low bids on the heating und Installation of an elevator were determined lust evening but no de cision will be reached upon the i plumbing end wiring for severul days. It was decided lost evening by the committee to call a meeting of busi- BERLIN, July 26. New York fi nancial Interests have offered to ex tend Germany a hundred million dol- !nesl, men and others Interested In the mrs creun lor me purchase of food rm - ,...ir,,,,it etanrinnint and raw materials, according to cnlne for next Tuesday evening for the pur- ,A . V-i;f m-w&iJM'M -i v . tt D m Wi&SM oil Somebody From Here is j Going to Lose Two Bones, I Visitor Out for Revenge j lip ware, you rvnrtf Uonian. when ;you go to or through Freewater. W. ! V. Derrick, of the earn end city U no- ng to lift 12 from some one of you, jfor he no declared wtthfn the hearing jof Police Judge Thomas Fits Oer 'ald Friday afternoon. Derrick in out ifor revenge. A pair of white line across Main street and an auto brought Mr. Der-" rick to rief. Al Roberts, police chief, was the star witness. "Judge, thejr don't have such stuff jln Walla Walla or Freewater either," the prisoner before the bench said. He expostulated at length about the intricacies of city traffic rules while the judge sat Immobile, his ear drums irefusing to vibrste. The judge saw eventually, over the rim of his glasses, that Derrick had ceased to function. "Seein' as ho !it's your first offense I'll let you off i with the minimum. Two dollars," said the judge. ' "If he had made his threat of get tlng even before I fined him, I would have given him something to gft even for," the judge said today. Angeles, named provisional presi- i academy at St. Cyr. There he com. dent of Mexico and commander-in- iP,eleo nis military schooling. After- Felipe STOCKMEN GET GOOD PRICE IN KANSAS CITY The sum of $13.55 for dehorned steers, $13.35 .Vr horned steers and 10.75 to $11. 25 fQr cows were the prices recently received In Kansas City, Missouri markets by Henry La zinka,' Frank K jpp and Charles NeU Ken. All the cattle came from Pilot Rock, Air. Lazlnka having nine loads of steers; Mr. Kopp three loads of steers and cows and Charles Nelson liUN.tKtNbtS IU BE ABANDONED IS niniTniin nriirr UArllUL o DLLltr President, Does Not Favor Proposals for Treaty, Reservations of Any Kind IS NOT EXPECTED TO HARBOR COMPROMISE BULGARIAN PARTY ARRIVES IN PARIS PARIH. July it. The Bulgarian peace delegation arrived here today. It Is understood -the terms of the Bul garian treaty hTq practically completed. word from Martin Xordegg. .German financial agent, today. Nordegg cabled the Deutsche bank that he would not close any negotla tlonb until he arrived here. Three big German electrical com panies, the Qeneral, Siemens and llergman companies are going to Im port weekly Immense food shipments pose of securing their judgment up on the mutter of proceeding In ac cordance with the .plans as drown. The sum involved Is a large one. larger than was anticipated though the committee was surprised at the bids on the theater, they being much lower In comparison with the bids on the Elks building than was estimated. from America. These companies will Af,.. the conference Tuesday the mat distribute food among their 150,t0 iter will probably benubmitted to the entire lodge at the August meeting. MEXICAN BANDITS KIDNAP BOY OF 14 WASHINGTON. July 2. The state department was today advised that I'hilllp Thompson, 14, son of John West Thompson, American citizen, was kklnupped from the . Thompson ranch 88 miles out of Mexico City by bandits Thursday. They demand a ransom of 1C00 pesos, threatening to kill tho boy unless the money is forth coming. - employes instead or raising wages. ltorgiiia.ini a former partner of Thomas Kdlron. Is the prime mover of this enterprise. WASHINGTON TOWN HAS $25,000 EIRE Wash., July 28. Fire vacant building, prac VOl'NO MAX IS KIIOT iiv ri KiiMi ornrKii Wllllj; DRAWING GVN PUEHLib. Colo.". July 25. Prank Bene, 17 years old, claiming to hail from Ixis Angeles, was shot through the body by Policemun Jeff Kvans at 10:50 last night. It Is thought he will recover. A companion escaped after firing at the officer. According to the police the wound ed man confessed to holding up the night clerk of a local hotel lust night with revolvers he and his ' partner stole from a store earlier In the even ing. The, officer hnd Identified the men on description, and when he accosted them one commenced firing, and the one shot was drawing his gun when the officer fired. As the wounded man was being rushed to the hospital his companion returned out of breath from running and asked the crowd how badly his partner was hurt. Ho then slipped nwny. This is said to be Officer Kvans' fourth man, all due to his quickness on the trigger. - SEATTLK, starting In ticully destroyed tho business section of Machlan near Monroe, today. Dam age is estimated at 25.ono. The fire started In a vacant building. Black, Red and , Gold New Colors For Fatherland TtEIlLIN. July 28. The Oerman na tional colors hereafter will be black, red and gild, provided the Btate con stitution Is ratified. The constltlonal committee has Just finished days of wrangling over whether the old Im perial colors are preferable to the new. Hunting Chicken Dinner" Senator McNary's Hobby, Rest of Them Go Golfing WASHINGTON,. July 2. Among the h armies hobbies of legislators, .none, says' Senator McXury of Oregon, is more In teresting than hie. It affords so much variety, and not a few surprises." said McXary. lelllig about it. His hobby is hunting Sunday dinners. Not a country hotel or old time tavern within many miles of Wnshlngton has es caped McXarv. Whenever he heurs of a new place, he's off to to try It. The ot'ler Monday he came to the tenstc Indignant. "Found a new place yester day." he explained, "and they charged me J2.50 for a chicken dinner. Worr-t of It was. the chicken appeared to hove been chased up and down, around and over the adjacent Blue Ridge mountains until it was nil tough ened up before It got Into tho $2.50 liass." Standard Oil Co. Offers . Hundred Million Dolars Stock on N. Y. Exchange NEW YORK, July 26. For the first time in history the Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey, will : place Us stock on the New York stock, ex change. This was announced today following publication of a statement last night that a hundred million dol lars of preferred stock will be Issued In refinancing the project. Each holder of common stock will be al lowed to purchase one share of tho new stock for ech share of old stock. It will be offerud at par. chief of the forces that follow "Pon cho" Villa, with Villa second In com- . wards, returning to Mexico, he was 'our loads of cows and steers, one of Wilson Replies to ' Lodge - Answering"- Senate Re . quest for Conference Data 1 . WASHINGTON. July 28. A White House statement today declared the president does not regard favorably ' proposals for Interpretations or reset- . vations of any kind to the peace treaty. . - ' ' There is no Indication that the president Is inclined to favor a com promise despite reports to the con trary. ; Abandon Iniu-nn Idea. Although further conferences with Republican senators are scheduled, congressional circles today expressed the belief that Wilson will soon dis continue them. Xt was declared thin ' would result from a decision to aban don all Idea of influencing critics of the league of nations. ' Recess Will Rush Rills. made cnier of the artillery for ri and then head of the Mexican military which' was owned by Fred Fletcher. Mr. Lazinka, who with Mr Kopp mand, promises to make things inter- 'college.. With the downfall of Diaz 'returned today from the trip to Kan- esting for Carranza in the country fo he transferred his allegiance to Ma the south. Angeles under the Dias! dero. When the overthrow and mur rule In Mexico waa educated for the der occurred, he refused to join the regular army. A graduate of Chapul- j victorious Huertistas, was arrested tepee, the West Point of Mexico, he land sentenced to be shot but escaped waa sent to France to the military land Joined the forces of Villa. Some day some "muckraker" is going to spring on an unsus pecting public the real reason why congress makes haste so slowly with importunt legislation. Pilot Rock Streets Have Electric Lights Pilot Hock is serving electric lights to Its ;u.--tomers and on the streets until . idnlght st present and finding the plant very satlsfac- " tory, according to Mayor J. Ij. Vaughan. Power is turned on . I about an hour before sundown and is on for about five hours now. lAter it will be operated longer hours. The city has not decided how to charge for .ie Juice but is worth ing on a system of rates. Wheth er the officials will settle the charges or call in expert advice Is not known. Meanwhile patrons are taking the service on faith. SURPLUS FUNDS MAY MAINTAIN AIR SERVICE j -WASHIXGTOX, July 26. Members j of the senate military committee to j day suggested to Secretary Baker and Chief of Staff March the possibility of saving the army air service by using I funds from a large unexpended bal jance of the war department. Baker said he would ascertain whether a con gressional resolution would allow such 'funds to be used thus. Baker and March appeared before City, Is much pleased with the prices received and the market 1 from a cent to a cent and a half lower than last year, he is satisfied Eight years ago Mr. Xazlnka ship ped his first load of cattle to the east and was the first man from his sec tion to ship. Mr. Lazinka. after seeing crops in cattle growers is to ship to eastern markets to get the benefit of better prices "Grass fed cattle stand the trip well," he said- today. "When I first started shipping 1 was told that noth ing but hide and bones would be left of the cattle. As a matter of fact. grass fed cattle shi better than al falfa fed." Incidentally, Mr. Lazinka praises the grass from the Umatilla county rational forest, and says that his cat tle entirely grata fed, compared fa-, vorably with other cattle which re quired extra feeding besides grass, Mr. Lazinka, fter seeing crops in ether states, is ptlll more impressed WASHINGTON. July 2. With house leaders agreed on a recess for nearly all of August, plans are pro gressing to push through several Im portant bills next week. Th recess probablv will prolong the life of 2. 75 per cent beer. It is not considered likely that the senate will - says that while pass ine prom onion eniorcemeni dim before the house adjourns for the re cess. Final approval must await re convening of the house. - Popular Havne Autos Will Be Hadled Here By Umatilla Auto Co. The reaucea army program which con gress authorized. March declared congress had ordered the department to continue the air service and other enrns hut hart ahonlutolv fttilaA tr. Umatilla Auto Co. has taken llirnvil'lll fia rQQa A over the agency for the Haynes auto- ; pendInBJ biU would uMow tne air ser. 'vice to operate on a small scale with about 950 flyers. March said demobilization has brought the army, to about 500,000 men of whom 200,000 are in France and the remainder in the United States. He said by September 1 the department intends to resume con structive work abandoned while de mobilization was pushed. All army mooue, and lias two carloads en route to Pendleton There are four and seven -passenger cars in the order and, deliveries can be made in about three weeks. . The four passenger roadsters are proving quite popular and several orders have already been taken for these. In selecting the Haynes line, the Umatilla Auto Co. says jt considered the committee regard in a: a bill oro viding 8500 temporary officers needed wit" tne superiority of Oregon and to keep the corps running under the Umatilla county. "Crops iir Idaho and Wyoming are, badly burned,' said Mr. Laxinka, "Kansas crops, which were reported s-. favorably in June, have since that time deteriorated. The crops in that state got too much rain at one time, followed by extremely hot weather.. :he price, quality, comfort and power Just to beat the muckraker to , of the car In making a decision.. It is it,' here"s the reason. Golf. And a story to prove it. A senate rage, son of a sena tor's secretary said to his dad: Senator Kge certainly has a lot of influence for a new sena tor. Why ho called Senator Cummins don out of the pre siding officer' chnir. wnd got senators Rlkfns, Gay, Hitchcock, and I don't know who all, and they went out to play golf right while the senate was In session." ; because of the four putstanding fea tures of this popular line tnnt the car was chosen for Umatilla county. There are a large number of Haynes owners In the county, and the com plete satisfaction which the car has given is assurance of satisfaction to future owners, the new agents said. Only Bix cylinder models have been AllptrpH Artivif nf selected for distribution hero, although i ,7 . , , th Haynes people are making n 12 BolsheVlKI in IN. Y.. l't'OOecL cvllndor modoK i. Deportations to Follow Vigilant Watch Keeps Arms From Crossing: schools for training -will be reopened by September, ' Baker promised to inquire into a report that Colonel Dodds formerly of the air service had been reinstated in the army. Dodds left the service after Charles K. Hughes' Investigation. 191 9 PURSES FOR BIG CONTESTS WILL BRING COUNTRY'S BEST PERFORMERS .Purses for the four big; events ofipurses this year because of their Allege Copier Withheld. thla yeor's Hound-Up will be greatly Increased, In soma cases doubled, ac cording to tentative figures soon to be submitted to the board for ratifica tion. Cash prices of $1000 each will be divided by the entries In the buck- Inir, steer rnpintf and two relay ruces competed for on September IS, 19 end 20, oiremngs In some events. Fifty thousand postcards, advertis ing the Hound-Up dates, September IS, 19 and 20, huvo heen mailed to 50,000 owners of automobiles In Ore Bon, WnshinKtnn and Idaho. Indi viduals who wish cards to mull their inenus may.ninain them from the committee. Posting of the nation with the In- WASHIXGTO.V. July 26. The war department aitrevd after a conference between Secretary naker and pro ducers to hold oper from Will Give IHU. " WASHINGTON'. July 2. President Wilson In a letter to Senator Lodge to-' day declared he would give the com mittee any information available but needed more time to go through pa pers brought from Parts.-and to de- cide which of them he could send to the foreign relations committee. Ha declared that ha is unable to supply the committee with agreements which the allies reached regarding- dtetrlbu- . tion of the German indemnities. He said he believed no such agreements existed. Answers Txwixe. Wilson wrote to Lodge today ans wering the senate's request for Infor-- nation and data on the Paris confer-, ence proceedings. Opposition lead ers are eagerly awatiting Its publica tion. - ' .' Wilson planned to go to the capital to confer with Democratic leaders. He has not conferred today with Repub lican senators. Meanwhile tha sen ate did not discuss the treaty. Pro ponents are busy preparing speeches glad to welcome you. i. PIONEER LAWYER IS RETURNING TO CITY Worms and rust are two evils from I which the crop is suffering;. Tha wheat is tall and there is immense! acreage but the pruin ia light and In! Missouri and Illinois it is shrivelled. These states are harvesting; and thej crop tests about 56 pounds to tho bushel, a ctntrat to most of the Uma tilla county wheat. fats in Nebraska; "" . . Is very light. However, the corni . . ... ' looks good and the grass is green in1 Ma"''? .Turnfr- & those section" practiced law in Pendleton with his those sections ifathor, the late James H. Turner, will return to Pendleton and will practice ! thu city. Mr.- Turner, with Mrs. Turner, their son. Kussel Turner, win recently returned fioni military ser vice, are now roidinss In Umatilla but will come to Penoletcn soon to make their- hon.e. Another son, 8witier ;Turner. still with the army of cccu- ' jpatior. ' ' I Since his oopaitore from Pend!ot.n. PARIS. July 26. Madshal Foch to-I Mr. Turner practiced -law in Tea day recommended to the conncil of and New Mexico and served as dim FOCH ASKS THAT 6000 FROM AMERICA STAY t ifive that the allies maintain 150,000 Several ia- ,rooPs as an army of occupation in wit- MiBiiiu-i. rcconimenas mat inis inciuue uuu American troops rict attorney, ond In'er as legislator. NEW YORK. July wy I T , -mm bor leaders were called today as ikiiiiit-i nun iirini! . . . . . ,,.. . ; n esses ueiore me i.,u:siv juuit if k ,.0 sii- i live committee investisatin? alleged iln uPDer esia. WASHINGTON, July 26. More bolshevik attacks here. The depart viKilant watch is being enforced alona ment of labor Instructed Inspector 100 million pounds the Mexican border today to prevent gchncl to attend the sessions and the market. E. V.jshlpment of munitions into Mexico, proceed with the deportation of all tqtBit fcaslstant director of sales, It resulted from the president's pro- persons against whom evidence of an- charged before the house committee cinmauon warnins against snipmeniB 'nrchistlc activities has been collect iiivesiiRatliiK the conduct of the war. "t arms to Mexico. 'ed. He said virtually u! this copper has I Export of arms to Mexico is con-j since been resold r.t reduced prices trolled by law. Recently many re- to the producers im whom It waa;n"eats ror permission to senrt muni purchased. He said the copper was Hons over the border have been ro bonght nt pH"e - fro. 1 5 ,eeiv?d by officials. Conditions are Mo cents to 26 cents and gold at 1S. W turbulent in Mexico to permit the 17.6 cents. l-e than fifteen million shipments. pounds remain. . Walla Walla 'Attorney Visits. J. W. Brooks, an attorney from Walla Walla, visited Pendleton on business today. He called at the court house In the morning. TO REIEASE FROM KANSAS PRISON In the bulldogglng event he great- lOivinuaiistic Hound-bp posters will est Increase Is proposed. First money j1"11" Monday. Twelve thousand of will be J400, second money 2fl(i and these strips, in white, black and red. third money $100. This Is three times j1"1" bpen printed and will be dis ns much as was offered last year. The Played from Maine to Hawaii. The bulldogglng purse Is the only one posters contain a picture of last which has been considered low by per- years . .m,,,,,,..... nuno mncKiann. formers or Round-Up officials and 81 Pill CKVT F.MOHIlI7.F.. W.VSHlXfiTOV July 2. Tho war dcimrtim'iit iimioiinccd flint. Hie army Is 81 H'r cent demobilized. Ktiloc tho armiNtifp it.028.noo oiriivrs and men lia lieen discharged. Ica.nir tho proicnt stiTiiuth nt. 70l.,8Otl. Will Marry In Milton Sunday. SURVEY IS BEGUN FOR STRETCH TO PADDJinc uii i nnnnDicTiiin mnuuiAv "OLD RELIABLE" A P UHUUHUL M,LL uumi LL,mu iiiuiitwH i GIVEN JOLT By TAFT CHICAGO. July 2- Order for tb release of W. D. Haywood, I. W. W. leader, from the Fort Leavenworth. Kansas, prison were Issued today by the clerk of the circuit court of ap peals following rpproval of his bonds. Iluvwood will be released pending hearing of argument for a new trial. total "f $53,00 in property and UlxTtv K'UuiH are scneouieu .... his bonds of 115.000. Lloyd, millionaire Chicago fi rnlshed 2;,3l-0. William Miclatist. Tho survey for the Pendleton-Cab- excellent rrognss on the grading' ge-HIII section of the Kastern Ore. 'work which started last week fromj high-way was begun this ufter- the foot of Cahhs nut. county Road l'n.ina. I t. I 1. .. I . . -...,.,.-....! . noon by a locating party In charge of ,duv, 8lxtv honi, ..A ,here this NKW YORK. July 26. William Pnvid tj. Glass, recently sent here to . afternoon 1,1 ! r u.-i la connection j Howard Tnft today telegraphed the join the highway commission's force v. ilh the win k and "dirt Is going to they feel that the Increase is justified. Larger purses are offered this year i .i.l.ii. . ,... 41, a had! iu.ln.nl. ers the country has and to keep the Increase Printer' Pay. ucorge Rarlow Wallace, of Wallace 'Associated rress. i or ' engineers. 1 nc party started at Rrothers, local automobile dealers. ' "Your association gave out two let- the end of paving In the east end of will lis. n..i..tnj - . ... tpiM written b me In Will ir Ha'-4 ttivvn nml will unrk liivu.il (ha. f,u.t 8AN FRANCISCO. July 26 The Mig(J lrJen0 Keynolds of that citv. The !J1' 20. These letters were personal , Cl the hill. Franklin Association representing a Rev. Mr. Ooker. .,f h i-hn.i,. ! confi.lent al and were so plalnlv , R. twecn thre. and four weeks win In order to attract the best perform- majority of the commercial printing churc hat L tirnnde .win nmci,.te marked, and were publld.ed without br devoted to locating this road, which houses, announced It will increase r. rv Wuil,.,.. u i,rt.. . ii, knowledge or consent of Mr Tinvs u ihe int . h mi.... "lannaru or me loeni snow a Dove mat .-. ,.v u. ...... ,.er uay iorlPective groom, was married about two or myself. I ask In fairness to Mr. Pendleton and the Cnion county line. i v iroura o... m. to ....... , neine-ninntns ngo in Milton hlsn. The par- ! Hv and myself that vo : nt once The distance l. estin.ated wore waited upon by a committee of j ment of the men's demands for that ties to tomorrow s wedding will, make give this the same publi -lty you gave n'ne and ten m-les. I". IJri iurmcra n.a nil i.ii-renae u. I'uy un a seven nour uay, tneir home here. J the letters.' ' i i Three crews of men are fly fast." the iTinoer sali today. IV tween unl Tft men ure no-w em pluyed und it & plumed to add more mem. Three niu!Vl ram pa have been built for the hlshw iv workers and v ill he used its Ion am work lip the hill cn n he pushed. The buildlnns at between ure all of wood -ontrmtion and army experience f heina put to practice to making keep the eump.-i in first cla shape. THE WIATHEB FORECAST Tnnlghfl ami Bun.luy fair.