East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 19, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    .. !, .fl ,
TA(Y. six
They Are Closely Observing Pub!i
Health Conditions
An c:ninlng rhyslcuin for one of
th prominent JJfe Insurance Com
panies. In n Interview an th ub
Jet, miif (h astenUhlng statement
ihat one rrxKoti why o many appll
rania for iMnnno r rejected U
brcauia kidney trouble la o common
lo U American people., and tha
large majority of thncp who.se appli
cations ar declined do not even vu
ptrt that they have the disease.
Accords to thla It would iffm
that a medicine for tde kidney. p-w
tteMlnp real healing nnd curatA
I ri pert.t , would h blessing to
Pr. Kilmer A Rlnghamton, X.
T.. who prepare Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the well Known kidney, liver
t.nd Madder remedy, claim that Judg
ing from evidence received from
cnmi"lj everywhere, who are con
Ktantly In touch with the'r custom.
tw, and afro indisputable proof In
the form of grateful testimonial
letters from thousands of reliable
cit'sena, this preparation is remark-
My aiMvensful In slcknes caused by
kdny and Madder trouhlea. Evet.v
Interesting statement that they r
elv regarding Swamp-Root Is ir.
t-stltrd and no testimonial is pub-l-ihed
unless the party who sends 't
t reported e.f good character. They
hare en file many sworn statements
f recoveries In the most distresstrg
rvit. The state that Dr. K'lmer's
Swamp-Hoot is mild and gentle In
it action and its healing Influence
!. jfoon noticed In most cases.
Swum p-Root Is purely an herbal
compound and Ir. Kilmer & Co. ad
viwe all readers who feel in need of
such a remedy to give 't a trial. 1:
t.4 on wile at all drug sro-e in hot
IIm risu l-.es f.lr ?n1 Jl. . IIcv.
ever, if oti wish first to test thu
rat frepa-.ilioc. send ton rents to
Pr. Kilmer tt Co.. Ringha-'Uon. X. Y .
for a sample Lottie. When w' t'nt
le sure and mention the IVnd eton
Tally F-aM Oregonlan.
IJccif. Heft Ion,r. l"sl.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. March 16.
On year and 361 days ago Joseph B
Gaspjrd and Mrs. Katherine R. Ml
ge. living east of Vancouver Bar
racks, in this city, obtained a license
to marry. The ceremony was not
performed until Saturday last, when
Rev Thomas May. pastor of tho
First Congregational church of this
city, performed It.
(Special Correspondence.)
WESTON. Ore.. March 1. Th
funeral of Mr. Hary Turner, who
died at her home ner W eat on kvnt
Monday night waa held from the
Methodist church at t o'clock Thur
!ay. Rev. D. X. Ward conducted
the services. Mn. Turner had lived
In this community for many year
and was held In high esteem. She
vms a member of the Pythian Sisters
Women of Woodcraft, Kastern Star
nnd I nited Artisans. She leave
husband and two sons. Monroe and
Floyd. Many were the floral offer
ing contributed from the orders and
individuals. A large number were
in attendance at the funeral.
Mr. and Mrs. James Compton left
on Wednesday evening's, train for
Rockland, Idaho, where they will
spend the summer visiting their
sens, William and Rollio Compton,
who are farming near that place.
Mrs. Jamea Xavin spent a portion
cf the week at her ranch near Hell
which she has rented to Mr. Fisher
of WVj-ton.
Miss Knight, a deaconess of the
Episcopal church. Is the guest of
Mrs. Lillian Fredericks of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Farnsworth and
Mrs. Sweeney of Pendleton attended
the funeral of the late Mrs. Turner.
Miss Edna TotU of Helix was the
gust of Miss Ethel Waddlngham
during the week.
Mrs. Ear.l McConnell had the mis
fortune of burning her hand severe
ly. .-
MLss Oda K'lsore Is the guest of
Mr. Millet Murvh of RaketmJin-
Gr;.ml.i PannLster, who has been
ponding the past few weeks in the
country w'th her daughter, Mrs. Jack
Oapin, has returned home.
The cement work of the basement
cf the Methodist church has been
completed and is now ready for the
partitions and furnishings.
Master George Blomgren. who has
Veen out of school for the past two
month's with an Injured knee. Is able
to walk around with the aid of
Mrs. Alexander Klnnear and hel
guest, Mrs. William Helmer of Oaka
dile. Wash., were visiting friends In
Athena during the week.
Miss Anna Wurzer who haa been
y J'.
J A. "1
-cr. v 'jr.- a
I liT '.. 'v-v ;lL : 1 ,H I
satNfacUon cf Mortgage.
A mortgage executed by Win.
Rice to the Bank of Kcho, February
24. 114. for Id., la paid and can
celled. Mortcac1
H, F. Colllna to A. 0. CornwelL
11200, 4 1 t acre In aec. S(, T. N-.
R ii K. W. M.
A. H. Cox to Oregon Building A
Loan Association, $1500. the eajt
1-2 of lots 11 and 12 In block S.
Hoftser'a addition to Pendleton
tlmttol Mortgage.
fleorge Weber to J. M. Swagart.
HiO, 1 horse, 1 sow, 3 cows.
Quit 1Jm
J. H. Taylor to Mlllurd K. EHck,
120. Lot &. block D, town of Alba.
Icxl. t .
W. A. WaUton, et ux, to F. J. Jack
ton, 99(0. 1 7-1 acras land Joining
Pendleton, title descriptive.
J. A. Bolln, to J. H. Wagner, 1500.
Lota t, I and 4 In block 16. Vklah.
Edgar Cantrell to B. F. Martin.
$100. S9.60 acrea land, title descriptive.
Edward Cantrell to It. F.
$0. Lota 1 nnd 1 In block
of Etna.
C, C. Henderson to T. B.
3000. 4.20 acres of land In
aide, title descriptive.
rKLX nau at ox ox.
BY IlKAl' 111 ALTO 4
4 4
XEW YORK, March 17. Isadora
iMinotui, who spelU art with a cap
ital A, h.m changed her uttitude to
wurd America. There was a time,
not so many eons ago, that the clas
sical dancer felt annoyed even pee
ved, at the attitude of this nation to
ward her efforts. Rut now things ate
I.sadore has begun to think that the
poor people of America should have
chance to watch her classic toea
LOXDOX. There are 70,000 rail
way employeswervlng In the British
army und navy, uccordlng to latest of
.'lolii I statistics.
PARIS. A new decoration to bo
known us the War Cross, to be con
ferred upon ull officers and men
mentioned In official dlspntches. has
Deen voted by the chamber of deputies.
Tlma ttl In t tnlnata aJl
ach dlatreaa will, go. No ladlge
heartburn, aoaraaas or balohlc f
aa, acid ar araaUtloM ! uMmt
4 food, no 41aa1cM, blaaUaa; Ural
breath or haadasha.
Pap' Dla papain la notad lar Ha
read In , regulating a past low a
It la the aureat. quickest and aaoat
I certain Indigestion remedy la
whole world, and beside, It la ham
3 town taa.
I Million of men and woman aw
Welle. eat their favorite food without fear
River-1 they know Pape'a Dlapepaln wit
cave them from any stomach misery
Please, for your aake, get a larga
fifty-rent case of Pape'a Dlapepaln
from any drug store and put yoar
stomach right. Don't keep on being
miserable life Is too ahort you ara
not here long, ao make your aUy
agreeable. Eat what you Ilka and
digest It; enjoy It, without dread of
rebellion In the stomach
Pape'a DlapepMn belong In yav
home anvway. Should on of tt
fumlly eat something which doeaa't
vgree with them, or In case of aa
attack of Indigestion, dyspepsia, gaa
trltl or atomach derangement at
daytime or during the night. It la
handy to give the qulckeat. aureat r
I'ef known.
Chlllnaky Amlraara la here to
LOXDOX. March 17. In the laM
In barefoot poses. She and her quarter, according to official statls-'
"school" are going to appear at the t,s there has been only 30 trade-!
Century opera house this spring at unlona disputes In the I'nlted King-
19. Mme. self as long as the war lasts hcnn
denv r hU8band. although titled. U not l,oml:ur prices a uime ior me gui- clom about 120 below the average
.,,,,, t, . . , . . weauny and la serving h's czar In ' 1 i ' .'rum prveruing ine war.
on.trato Russian dancing. That Is th .rmv . " n " f"' " for tho highest Priced seats-for an
... j sue is going io support ner- a day.
ntl-e month. She made the
iiouiicemem the 'other night ut
Stories From the War Zone
RfMiNtMiik to InfXMiM' Dividend.
BERLIN', March 17, According to
newspuper report the next dividend
of the Relch.ibank will be 10.24 per
cent, a compared lth 8.4 3 per cent
the last previous rate. The Improve
ment Is due to the heavy discounting
of government bills and to the aboli
tion of the note tax upon the out
break of thu war.
t no measure to the eovernmsn
(I'nlted Preas Staff Correspondent.)-'I't the Immediate revision of all leg
spending the winter In Walla Walla
station on the subject. The academy
however, from the euperflclul glance
which it haa already given to the
subject declare that the minimum
motto which France can adopt and
hope to prevent the gradual oblltera
t! n from the face of the earth of
tha ITfanitlt i i, . t I tfU L.li a
The academy pointed out that when 1 1. . " " ,? "U
Tina ciiuo m lllillllllUIll Ul aUVl,UVU
PARIS. Feb. 27. (By Maft to New
York.) The Academy of Moral and
Political Science has Just asked the
French government to take up at
once lta most serious problem that
will result from the war that of the
population of Europe. I
j Hliih tirt stuff reminds one that
, Oranvllle Barker Is going to build
another "Xew Theater." The London
j producer has been given the commis
sion to revive his old project and the
coin. It Is said, has been pledged.
!V. -Is.,- i,l,.na .t vll'a 111 firrtilllO
lending Plttsburghers may
luna In the Kreat universities this . '
. w gemer
spring. lie bh?b iit- inn i
the profits perhaps there won't be
any to consider.
Pittsburgh Auto Show.
PITTSHl.'ROH, March 17. I'nder
auspices of the automobile dealer of
Pittsburg, the tenth annual autumn-.
bile show In thla city opened today j
at Motor Siiiar Garden. It will con-j ),0 M. h. Coimiitloii.
tinue for one week. c'OLl'MBCS. O.. March 17 Four
Despite Its prestige In the manu- thousand men. representing the Meth-
Ccaiifort KIU Snl to JVonWi.
NEW YORK. March 16. C- L. Se
gelkin. .auditor for the Lafayette fund
cnoonnced that this organ'zation had
forwarded 27,200 comfort kiu to the
French soldiers in the trenches and
that 10 kits will be shipped f
Fraoce aboard the steamship Ni
agara tomorrow. In addition to this
423a rubber ponchos and more than
11.00 other articles have been sent
lo France.
I rilen at the very leust will have been
killed. The crlfls which Europe will
has returned home.
r?van.m'i Vavhd tt-ii tiaa han lit
for several days, 'la reported better, j ,h' n f fur It repopulatlon w ill he
Miss Francis Saling of Pendleton:
is visiting relatives In
the city thla
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dudley of Athe
na were In Weston Thursday attend
ing the funeral of Mrs. H. E. Turn
er. Ralph Folsom of Pendelton. was
In Weston the latter part of this
I w eek on business
without a parallel in the worlds his
fact tiring world there Is no represen-1 dt Kplscopal church of Ohio, guth
tatlvc Pittsburgh car. In connection ,red here today for the Ohio con
wlth the exhibit It I possible thut ventlon of Methodist men. The
get to- meeting will continue three days. Th
In an effort to have Henry 'purpose is to lay before the Methodist
Ford make distinction between the laymen the church work that la b
cars which he will manufacture lng. done ln oho ttni lhe nt.t.d that
shortly In hi bis: new idant here and ..i... ...i.t. .
"The Peasant Girl" opened her en- lnHe mile e,,ewhCre. so that Pitt' 1 c!()H,.r co.operation
gagement at the F,;r,-v;Fo"rh "t"eali burgh may have It. name carried Tne c,)nv,ntlon is the second of IU
theater the other night with Emma ftb()Ut by ,e rubl,r.Ured .peeders. klnJ ever heJ b). ,he ehurch
Trentlnl singing better than ever be-
tailed by the war renders this an lm. ! fore- T"t "'T 18 , ,r. ?'f" 'J ! Xcw Tc,w Uh"r I'w' " Nw England states,
peratlve necessity. j those musical things with lot of col ( AL-.STiN Texu. March 16. A 64-
or. witn a pioi mm nex us uu .. nour week bill for women workers.
B'ue Duuube.
The academy also haa asked the
government to effect a completa
change In the policy of its laws on
this 8 u Meet. Instead nf nnrt Inir
The academy hai already pleiged measures with the end in view of
to the government its most profound
and exhaustive study of the situation
While It Is the Intention of the mem
bers eventually to take up the prob
lem ln it application to all the coun
tries stricken by the war. they for
the monitnt will confln their efforts
to the problem us it la presented In
forcing fumilles to have children. It
la urged that the laws tend rather to
make It possible for parents to have
children by reducing for them the
economic burden of bringing them
up. I
As the laws now stand. It Is assert-
certain to become law at this session
of the legislature, passed the senate
with women In cotton and woolen
mills excluded from Its protection.
j Senator Bee, author of the measure
' felt constrained to apologize for the
fact that It excluded these workers.
1 He said that he
K.ntlrr family A4naultxl.
TERRK HAUTE. Ind.. March 1.
The entire family of Mr. Llxxla
Balding were found early today with
their skull crushed. Two children
are dead and Mrs. Balding and three
other children probably will die. A
ed that the larger a man' family Is
the more taxes, duties and other con-1
That France will be the country trlhutlon he la obliged to pay to the
that will face the most serious phase state. The academy asks the reversal j
of the situation Is already recogniz-'of this. I
ed. For years even before the war I. It ask also the Immediate revival!
6 for Graduating lrc.
MITCHELL. S. D.. March 17.
Girl graduates of the Mitchell high
school have by mutual agreement de
cided tney WOUIU noi " ' " I htmxK- fh..r.. m.. found n-ar Kv
thun for their graduat ng dress.1 lie said mat ne naa consented lo It,; ... fc
than I for tneir grau Kn. f111r,u f hi. .n-. Wently the family had been attack-
Thla roiiows nign w-n"i ,
about rich girls overdressing at I gues told him they would not vote for
graduation exercises, to the embar-jU if the bill did not exclude textile
rassment of poor g'rls. j workers.
rd us they slept.
France'a birth rate had decreased to j of un old law which was suppressed
a point where It was exceeded by thj in 1 885. It provided that every fain
deaths. Now with hundreds of thou-illy with seven children had the right
sands of her men most capable of re- to have at least one of these brought
Smokers cf
Turkish Trophies
Cigarettes fifteen years ago
are smokers cf
Turkish Trophies
Ggsi-eUes today!
, SAX FRAXCISCO, Cal.; March 1
A 13.000,000 deal whereby the
Great Western Power company la to
t ike over a consolidation of the Unit
ed Light & Power Co., one of the F
M. Smith properties held by the t reducing their kind being killed, the; up at the expense of the state.
t I'nita.l Xr.rart too -nmnanv th citnntiitri id r4-ntfn lsrwl to hflVf bepn ncurittmv tnRlsta fhllf evpn n hir?pr
Smlth-ILinford-Tevis merger, and aggravated to a degree where only j application of this law would be Jus-
'number of smaller concerns doing the most radical, unanimous and ex-!tiflahle under the present conditions.
business In the bay cities, was re- haustlve measures on the part not on-l The academy also asks that all em
voled before the state railroad corn-hy of the French government but employment under the government be
mission. The merger plan provides ' the entire French people are going ! given ti a graded scale to the fath-1
fur the taking over of all the phy-, to be necessary in order to insure the ers of the largest families. Scholar-
!i-al assets of these various compan- ccntiinuity of the French race.
io and fix'ng against these assets
$3 000,000 In bonds. No action on'
the application for permission to.'
i:ury tne merger plan inrougn naa
y. t been taken by the commission.
hhipa anil other help from the state
As yet the academy has auggested a urged on behalf of the children.
I dow and with an Insane shriek threw
out Sammie Liebman, , five. Th
found on the sidewalk, their skulls
crushed. They were rushed to a
hospital dying. The police are seek
ing Samuel Liebman, tne father. The
O-oJor la Old CariN-t Restored.
bad better tee me before 'u have
that room r-papered, I jmitsht save you
ik i me money.
K. IV. AIXKV, Phone 313 11.
Strike Delay III? Gum.
VAXi!OLVER. B. C. March 17.
The sailing of the Russian volunteer , mungb-d bodies of the children were
ft....f t:f. Limr V:irnMt:iv for 'lii(liVO.S-
General Thought SulH.le. Amerlcan-ma.le cannon and
BERLIN, Mirch 16. The Frank- 8mrr,unitnm for the Russian army
fiirtir Zeltune has received a Drivate tin a Ijpen delaved bv the Strike 01
dispatch from Petrograd Intimating ' longshoremen here. i mother told the police she had gone
.v, . r-,ri i. ,! No more Russian steamers are on out 'a few minutes. According to
that General Slevers, commandant of' fnm and ,he voIun.;MrB. Llpl)man ,,e and her nuilblind
the Russian Tenth Army corps, de-jt(lpr fleet serviCPi whkh Is said to had quarreled.
feated in the winter battle at Ma-j have been tff great importance to thej ;
zur'an lakes, haa committed suicide. Russian In supplying the army with, Idaho CadetV Kiieaiupiiient Near.
The basis for thla Inference seems heavy guns, will be discontinued tern-1 UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO, Moscow,
to be the fact that reports have been , porarily. One of the volunteer Idaho, March IS The unlverHlty ea
rn circulation concerning a mourn
ing service held for the general In
a Lutheran church.
A Demonstration Will Disclose
Many Surprising Features
Now is the time to let us demon
strate this car, that we may save
& delivery date for you as we are
sold many carloads ahead.
Pendleton Auto Co.
Phone 541
812 Johnson Street
steamers, the Kiev, Is on the way to dets will go on their annual encamp
New York, presumably to take a car-.ment April 12 to Hayden Luke, near
Ro from that port to Archangel. Coeur d'Alene. Tho encampment will
With the approach, of spring this
Antic port of Russia will be open
d for the transportation of artillery.
Norwegian VcmI JYccd.
LOXDOX, March 17. The Nor
weslan steamer Vltalla. from New
York February 3 for Rotterdam,
with a cargo of packing products, haa
been released by the British authori
ties at Falmouth left that port for
Rotterdam. This action was taken
after the cargo of the Vatalla had
been consigned to the Netherlands'
Overseas Trust. '
The Vltalla was picked up at sea
and taken Into Falmouth by Urltlah
authorities, who explained that tho
government wanted to determine to
whom In Rotterdam the cargo waa
consigned. '
lat a week, with Lieutenant Herbert
C. Fookes In charge. Hayden Lake
Is an Ideal place. Loghouses are avail
able und It Is close to Coeur d'Alene
and not far from Moscow.
NEW YORK, March 18. Vn uni
dentified man dropped Sadie Lleb
rmn? seven, from the fifth atory of
an apartment house. A few min
ute later he reappeared at the win-
Spanish Fear Freneli Delita.
RERUN, March 16. A letter from
a Spanish business man to a Swiss
friend, which Is published by the
Cologne Gazette, says that as French
Industries are almost at a standstill,
there Is a great demand from France
for Spanish goods. The Spaniards,
however, fear that the French will
be unable to pay for goods owing to
th existence of the moratorium.
Death Plane) SxM IIoe.
CHICAGO. March 16. A hundred
nnd. fifty miles an hour wo the speed
Lincoln Roachey, killed at San Fran-1
Cisco, estimated he could1 get out of
the monoplane whose collupse sent
him to his death. I
A letter received hern hy
Reachey, the aviator' uncle,
7 ) f
I ' , ' -''3 I
RERLIX. March 16. For the first
time since the converted cruiser Elt-i
Friedreich reached Newport News.
Va., the Rerlln paper were permit
ted to publish the news of the sink
ing by the warship of the America
ship William P. Fry. They carried
no comment on the Incident.
The pottle fame Rack.
VIRGINIA. Minn., March 17. A.
R. Coate has Just received a bottl
filled with tho product that made
Louisville, Ky., famous. The bottl
looked familiar. Investigation prov
ed It n.i the same buttle that he nn I
a party of friends h id emptied while
dropping down the Xll.- river. He
fore throwing the bottle Into tha
murky waters, I'ontes slipped his
card Into It and corked It. Appar
ently some one picked It up and sent
It to Louisville, where It was orlgl
nnly made. The distillery apparent
ly thought It a good enough Joke to
carjv It a little farther.
Compels All Impurities
To Abandon System
Blood Troubles Can not Re
main If Properly
Threat Angers Germans,
LONDON, March 17. Tho decls.
Richard P. Stegler, the German
American, who, with ha wife, accu
e Captain Boy-Ed, military attache
of the German embassy In Washing
ton In connection with .the passport
ecandal in which he ha been Indict
ed hv a federal grand Jury In New
Por Infant and Children.
Tfco Kind Yea Haia Always Bough?
s-iv . . ter'n Amstc
Boars the
Ion of the British government to York, was released on ball tn. aam
segregate the captured crew of Qer- day Mr. Stegler had a harrowing ex
man submarine and perhaps lnstl- perlence with two reporter of the
tute criminal .proceeding against New York Staats Zeltung. Just after
them for. attacks on unarmed mcr- sh got out of court ahe hurried to
chantmen has evoked heated com- her husband and the two were pho
ment from Rerlln newspapers. Reu- tgraphc,d together. '
rdam correspondent Stegler nnd bis wire say mai m
Vosslsche Zeltung a say-1 Gorman attache wanted him to go
British are acting In a to England aa a spy for the German
blind rage. government and was to pay Mrs-
There Is In S. R. fl.. ths fnmoui blood nnrl.
flr, a property that absolutely rnnuioli hnn.
fill Influences to f)llntKrate and lose their
Identity. No matter what tliev srn rulleil
nor how destructive they are there Is In 8. 8.
8. a powerful, irnrrhlng counter Influence to
annihilate tho moit eruptive germ, csuses th
miicom linings to conrert It Into in Inert
ukstanre that Is quickly thrown out of the
blond and out of the body by the akin, lungs,
kidneys, bowels, and dent roved ln the Uvm-.
Stegler 11E0 a month for llf If ha There Is not a lngle advance In medlrlne
.. ,.. . today that In any sen Is an Improvement
a killed. over 8, 8. 8. Htirgery I a wonderful, mai-
The other dny two German report- itrJ? ,"2',anc, tMt .wh? " ;con"'! to purifying
u ,J'; the blood 8. 8. 8. stands alone. Thousands of
crs, she aald, Invited her to a room doctor have prescribed It. Their patient
In a hotel, .ay.n they would help SJlWlS. t5?K
her huaband. When ahe got there Plleltly. But fair-minded ducton long ago
thoy tried to have her lgn an affl- "allied that In the vegetable nature of 8. 8.
davit clearlna- CaDtaln Rov Fd The ?' wre r,rU,n ,nTedlnt to th blood
aavit clearing captain loy-Ed. They ln ,cknrM w.re jUgt eiiential a the flesh.
aald In court he had disrobed befor building elements of the grains, meat, fat
one of them. Then they called a and sugar of our dally food. The average
policeman, charging she hit one of J,001"' !""" nd of trained Intolllgence.
Ihprr with a selt7p hnttln nnd n rnne ? nM m'Pn ,hc ""COTerle from wont case
inem witn n. seltzer Dottle and a cane of D,ood trotlDc b ,hfl UM of 8 8
In court the magistrate dismissed bottle of 8. 8. 8. today of any druggist,
the case against her and aald he Accept no aulmtltuto. And If you wlun
might have sent the reporters to the proper advice on any form of blood trouble,
vnrkhmiaA for thlrtv dnvs hur fhA wrlr to ,nB Medical Adviser, The Hwlft Hoe-
vorknouao ror tnirty aays, hut tne clflc Co., 102 Hwlft Iiidg,, Atlaou, aa. It I
evidence was not quite strong enough worth while doing o.