DAILY EAST OKFOONIAN. PENDLETON. OKFCON. THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1015. PAGE FIVE Complete Showing of Mew Spring and Summer Merchandise At ft TWELVE PAGES f i m U m v .. U Mo" AN n u U v) For less than you can buy the same grade of goods elsewhere. In calling your attention to the complete assortment of the newest Spring and Summer merchandise for men, women and children, the world's best markets afford, we want to impress upon you the advantage of supply ing your every need at The Golden Rule Store with facts "you can t get away from," and which will be profitable as well as a pleasure to you. Our Marvelous Growth has Made Our Great Buying Power Unequalled. Thirteen years ago we had one busy store. Today we are operating 83 busy stores. What does this mean? Simp ly this, that the buying public has confidence in our modern merchandising methods, that we are doing business absolute ly on the square, selling high grade merchandise, in many instances for less than the merchant who is compelled to buy in a small way through the jobber has to pay for his goods. How do we do this When our buyers go into tin Kastcru markets direct to the manufacturers who are ever anxious to submit their samples at the lowest possible price, knowing that if they secure the order it's not for one hut 83 busy stores, (think of the immense quantity of each article it takes to supply 83 stores). This one order means hundreds of thousands of dollar worth of merchandise in one lump which is paid for in cash on the spot. Our Modern Selling Methods Saves You Dollars We have ho charge accounts, consequently no bookkeepers salaries, everybody pays cash. We employ no delivery system. We have no collectors, altering department or tailors, we have no expensive fixtures and the ever occurring losses from bad accounts with "charge"ysterns. We give no premiums or trading stamp, we have put out the jolliers profits rin buying direct and other unnecessary overhead expense. All of this extra expense we have deducted from the price of merchandise you buy at this big busy store. Xow Mr. Duyer, let us reason together. Who pays for these bad accounts, the jobber' profits, the extra ex pense of trading stamps to the merchant and profits to the trading stamp companies, premiums, bookkeeper's sal aries, thee delivery systems, and Mr. Man outside the city you pay for deliveries you don't tret. Don't think for a minute that any sane merchant is going to dig down into his own pocket and pay these added expenses. You, Mr. 1 'uver, pav for all of those. Unless von trade at the Golden Hnle Store who has cut out all these extra expenses and gives it all to you in high grade, clean, new merchandise. INVKSTKJATK OfK MKTIIODS, COMI'AKK Ol'U GOODS, COM PARK Ol'K I'KICKS, IS ALL WE ASK. SAVE THIS SHEET FOIi FL'ltTIIEU KEFETJENCE. Ol'H WICKS ARE ALWAYS THE SAME. Wonderful Values in Women!s Ready -to-Wear WE TAX TUrTHFl'LLY SAY THE VAL UES WERE XKVKK SO GREAT AS THIS SEA SOX. WE BOUGHT IX GREATER ()lTAXTI- 0 TIES AXI) SECURED GREATER PRICE COX- S .CESSION'S. IA 11,1. ,:f lira UliVTi JIVMlV-VlirTI. y ir?J . 11. LI I I I'lll .111 I Li J ft mm a lZ -r i ..1 1 I 1 Hf-Pv-, 'Nergc Dresses ot all wool material, come in blue ana are worth $50, but our price is only $4.98 We want to call your attention to one of our strongest num bers in tailored suits that come in the new colorings, oth ers would call it a lender at $27.50, but priced the Gold en Rule way at $14.75 Silk petticoats cut some wider and come in all the new colors priced at ..... $1.08, $2.98, $3.49 Tailored suits in some very handsome models of very fine materials, every garment man tailored and priced at lialf their real value $10.50, $18.50 Hcautiful blue silk poplin suit. You could not duplicate it under $10, but wo bought them for 83 busy stores and price them to you direct from the manufactures $22.50 Bloomers and Rompers Children's sateen bloom ers 25?, 49? Children's 75c rompers of ginghams or ripplets, plain or fancy 49? MOTHERS. WHY BOTH ER MAKIXG CHILDREN'S DRESSES: BETTER LOOK THESE OVER. Children's Bungalo Aprons 39? Children's dresses of good quality percale, 75c values 49? $1.00 and $1.50 gingham dresses, our every day price ""?, 9a? You enn't duplicate our gingham dresses at double the prieo at $1.49, $1.98. Silk Dresses; think of it, buying a silk dress ready yi to put on that would, sell anywhere else at $10; they are mescaline or silk poplin, priced at $3.90 Another line of dresses come in Serges or Silk Pop lins and the new colors that would be pood values at double the price of $6.90, $7.90 We acknowledge we never have seen such values as this line affords, they are simply beautiful, of silk poplin, crepe de chine or niessaline. You will be surprised they ere not market $20, only... $9.90 If you want something real swell dou't fail to see that dainty cree de chine combined with hand somely figured chiffon over net, a $25 dress, priced every day at $12.50 Tailored suits in fancy weaves or plain blue serges, and you will agree with us that they are really good' $15.00 values, but priced at $9.90 The new jaunty jackets are very clever with the new wide skirt, and come in blue, putty and sand colors of serges or jioplin, worth double the price $12.50 Shirt WAISTS at about Half our com petitors are compelled to ask Dainty waists, of dot ted mull, embroider ed swiss or fancy voiles; look around, you can't duplicate them for less than $1.60, priced at 98? Silk crepe do chine waists, you don't have to pay $3, you can get them here every day at $1.98 Silk Waists, wo believe we sell more than all our coinctitors be cause we sell them at $2.98, $3.98. You Will WANT A New Spring Coat When you can buy these at such prices. If you are Wking for a coat come to the Golden Rule, you will save at least half on the same garment; buy this coat, ask the price afterwards $8.90 New Spring coats that sell everywhere at $20 vou will find at this big busv store for ' $9.90 Another real coat value you should see comes in wool jH)plin or serge, a pure wool gar ment, some niessaline lined throughout, and priced at ! $12.50 Children's Coats, we never forget the little ones and are shpwins some clever styles at onlv -. $2.98 Think of a new Spring coat that should sell at $8.50, priced the Golden Rule wav at $4.9S Coats that are really- good values at $10.00, come in blue, fancy cheeks or Scotch mix ed, priced at 1 $5.90 These tailored coats we are showing come in a wide range of models and are eood $12.50 values, at $6.90 Xew Spring coats that would sell readily at $15, bought in immense quantities and priced for quick selling at $7.90 Rlack Sateen Petticoats at onlv 49?, 69?, 98?, $1.49. HOUSE DRESSES Why bother making one when vou can get a $1.50 'value for 9S? The better d reuses you would pav $1.75 for, our every day price is $1.23 DRESSING SACQUES 75e Sacques at 49? $1.00 Sacques at 69 $1.50 Sacques at 9S? CHILDREN'S WHITE DRESSES Think of buying a white dress for that little, girl at 25?, 49? Dainty embroidered dress es, others of sheer lawn trimmed in embroid erv or lace at 69?, 98?, $1.49. The daintiest little dresses you ever saw, they are beautiful and onlv $1.9S, $2.98. FANCY COLLARS AND CUFFS Dainty lawn collars, also collar and cuff sets 25? Embroidered mull collars or collars and cuffs at only 49? Nothing' Prettier Than Snow White Undermuslins 75c and $1.00 combina tions priced at only 49?, 69?. Combinations of dainty cambric, long cloth or nainsook, trimmed in lace, embroidery or Amifrench. cverv dav price 79?, 9S?, $1.49 $1.98. Dainty Amifrench combi nations, $1.50 values at onlv 98? Princess slips and chemise daintily trimmed and priced a; 98? White petticoats daintily trimmed at 49?, 69?, 98?, $1.49. G5c Muslin gowns..-. 39 75c Cambric gowns 49? $1.00 and $1.25 nicht gowns of sheer Ions cloth embroiderv trim mod......... 69?, 79? Crepe or nainsook gowns. handsomely trimmed, a good $1.50 value, everv day at 98? Dainty Amifrench em broidered gowns 98?, $1.49. Corset covers at a 0.1 per cent savim:. priced at onlv 19 29?, 39?, 49?, 69?. rrasfiervrs, a very com fortable carmen t at 25?, 49?. Kimonas Serpentine creje kimonas, $1.50 value at 98? $2.00 Kimonas..... $1.49 $3.00 Kimonas $2.98 $5.00 Kimonas..- $3.98 $10.00 Kimonas,. $5.90 Fancy silk Kimonas that are good $2.50 values at $7.90 you can do cyTx &Vudj&TL We Lead better &t r - J.C. Penne.CoTnc - - rsarraw ..Ti.., S on.r. follow .m """r- L I There is only one place to buy Tailored Skirts i and thats at The Golden Rule Store All wool skirts in serges or cov erts, also shepherd chocks, $5 and $G skirts sold every day at. $2.9S, $3.98 Tailored Skirts you would ex pect to pav $(i.;.0 and $".00 for, priced at $4.98, $5.90 Match these if you can at $10 and $12.50: it can't U done. Our everv dav price $6.90, $7.90. Khaki riding skirts at $1.9S, $2.98.