ETflTTT PACIFA DAILY EAST ORECIONTAN, PENDLETON. OKEOON. TI'KSDAV. TT. HKrATiY 0, lOl.t. VXCiV. REV F.N. HAVE DARK HAIR AND LOOK YOUNG NOBODY CAN TELL WHEN YOU DARKEN (illAY, l'AIKI II AMI WITH SA(;i; TEA. Grandmother kept her hair beauti fully darkened, glossy and abundant "with a brew of Huge Ten ami Bui lhur. Whenever her hulr fell out or took on that dull, faded, or streaked appearance, this Dimple mixture was applied with wonderful effect. Isy unking at uny drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Hulpliur Compound," you will get a large bottle of this old-time recipe, ready to use, for about CO cents. This slmplo mixture can bn depended uj on to restore natural col or and beauty to the hair and Im splendid for dandruff, dry, Itchy scalp and fulling hair. A well-known downtown druggist May everybody uses Wyrth's Sage and Sulphur, because It darkens so natur ally and evenly that nobody can tell Jt has been applied It's so easy to use, too. You simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw It through your hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray half disappears; after another application or two, It la restored to Its natural color and looks' glossy, soft and abun dant bMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIiiiiiilHIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIK: Orpheuml I Theatre I J. P. ilEPERNACn, Prop. c 3 c c High-Class Up-to-Date Mo'ion Pictures 5 5 KOH MEN. WOMEN AND i CHILDREN Program change Sundays, Tuesdays, Thnrt 2 dayi and Saturdays. 6m Program in Today! H Paper. Hiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitniumruiiuiii: IllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIlUlillUIIIIIIIIIIIIII!: Pastime Theatre "The Home of I Good Pictures" 1 ALWAYS THE LATEST in Photoplays :: Steady, 5 Flickerleso Picture :: Abeo- S g lately No Eye Strain. m sisssssssssssss"" " 5 A Refined and Errtaining 5 Show for the Entire Family. 5 - . g 5 Next to French Restaurant 5 " 5 Changes Sundays, Tueedays, 5 b Thnrsdays and Saturdays. b Adults 10a. Children under s 10 years So. SlIHHIIIimilllllllllllllinilllllllllllllllllc IIIIIIII!IIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIII PENDLETON'S P O P U- LAK PTCTTTRE SHOW I THE I f COSY Where the entire family eau 5 enjoy a hiph-class motion s S picture show with comfort, 5 SM Fun, Pathos Scenic Thrilling All Properly Mixed 5 s Open Afternoon and Even- 5 5 ing. Chan Res Sunday, Mon- -5 day, Wednesday and Friday. E 1 Next Door to St George Ho- b teL Admission 5o and 10c b i;iiiiiiuiiiHi:siiiiiiinin:iii!iiiiiiiiiuJ SUPPLY CATTLE, SWINE LIBERAL (Courtesy Monday's Journal.) I'UUTLAND, Ore North Portland hd a big run of livestock In ' th Jut (Is lit Hie opining of the week's jt iide, Total run Included 3224 head ; or 103 oars. I Thern wan contlniind strenxlh In !the morket for grain fed steers, and icn were ugaln made at $8, the re I lit top for HUch iu .y. On' the ! other hand, there wuh not much Krermth showing, for the ordinary iiiallty offering!!, and thu difference between tops and thece wua more inarl.ed than uxual. Meneral cattle market range; Select grain fed steer....! 8.00 l!nt hay fed steers 7.60 If 7.6T. Oood to choice 6.5017.00 Ordinary to fair 5.75 6.25 I'est cows 6. 60 6.65 !ood to prime 6.55 Ordinary 5. 2505. Co .''elected calves 8.008.25 Fancy bulls 6.600 6. 75 ordinary 4.00ft 4.25 Mutton Ktmigth I'roiiounced. Run of mutton In the North Port hind yards was rather disappointing nlthouKh It was fulr. The trade had expected a greater supply and the re quirements of late have been some what greater than offerings have been hble to take care of. Top lambs again sold at' 18 In the local yards, with text yearlinKH at 17 and top ewes al 16. These are the highest prices reached to date this season for t-tuff sold on the fill. General mutton trade range: Old wethers $6. 90 7.00 Pent yearling 7.00 Best ewes 5. 90 Jf 6.00 Pest east mountain lambs 7.90?8.O0 Valley llht Inmbs 7.7507.85 Heavy spring; lambs 7.50 7.65 Hoe Market Hun Heavy. With a heavy run of hogs over Pun day, totals being 1809 compared with 2372 last Monday and 2137 head a year ago there was little deposition among killers to take hold of sup Mien early. Hogs dragged In the North Portland market today for the first time In about a week. With lo cal quotations considerably above what other American stockyards have been paying recently, there was a general disposition among the buyers to purchase for less money. General hog market range: Pet light $7,200 7. SS Medium light 7.15 Good and heavy 7.0087.10 Rough and heavy 6.75(76.90 Ptockers 5.50f6.J5 IJvrwtX'k ShJpixrs. Hogs U I Miller, Montour. Ida ho, I load, Nampa, I load; Grover Pros., New Plymouth. Idaho, 1 load: John Hill. Payette, Idaho. 1 load; J. A. Martin, Blrden, Idaho, 2 loads; D. II. Hildebrand. Condon, 1 load; Charles Reed, lone, 1 load; C. It. Bel shee, Moro, 1 load; Will Block. In dependence. 1 load direct to Union Meat Co., J. I. Hackett. Wallowa. 3 louds; Elgin Forwarding Co., Wallo- IF BACK HURTS BEGIN ON SALTS fli'sh Yorn kidneys occa sionally IK YOU EAT MEAT REGULARLY. No man or woman who eats meat regularly can make a mistake by flushing the kidneys occasionally, says a well-known authority. Meat forma uric acid which clogs the kid ney pores so they sluggishly filter or train only part of the waste and poisons from the blood, then you get sick. Nearly all rheumatism, head aches, liver trouble, nervousness, con stipation, dizziness, sleeplessness, bladder disorders come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache In the kidneys or your back hurts, or If the urine Is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment. Irregular of passage or attended by a sensation of scalding, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any reliable pharmacy and take a tablespoonful In a (lass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla, and haa been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to activity, also to neutralise the acids In urine so it no longer causes Irritation, thus end ing; bladder disorders, Jad Salts )s Inexpensive and' can not Injure; makes a delightful effer vescent ltthla-water drink which all regular meat eaters should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and the blood pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney complications. Administrator's and Dissolution Sale. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned wilt sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at the Jack McCarty place on South Cold Spring, 11 miles northwest of Pendloton and I 1-3 miles southwest of German hall, on Friday, February lith, commenc ing At 10 o'clock a. m., all livestock, chattels and property owned by the partnership firm known as Mentzer 4 Elliott, composed of S. A. Mentter and John Elliott (now deceased); also some property owned by the lat ter In his own name and that after the sale of said property the above firm will bo dissolved. x All sums under $25 cash, on sums over $25 ten months time will be giv en on approved notes bearing i per cent Interest. Two per cent off for cash on sums over $25. Lunch serv ed by school board No. 68. (Signed.) S. A. MENTZER. R. F. KIRKPATKJCK, Administrator for the Estate of Joha Elliott, Deceased. C. E. RUDE, Auctioneer. R. O. EARNHART, Clerk. SURVIVORS OF NAVAL BATTLE ILLUSTRATED 'tut?::, v-rt V"-1,V,i '; ''-"' :' V.' This photograph was made by a British lieutenant In the crow's nest of H. M. S. Invincible at the conclus ion of the great naval battle between the Germun and ltrltlxh squadrons pi the Falkland iKlands, .uuth America. a. 1 load; J. A. Martin, I'luckfoot. Idaho, 2 loads; J. A. urnnn, eleer, Idaho. 1 load; Krlghaum A- Caran, Welfer. Idaho, 1, Earl E. Hurke. 1 luad; Grover Pros., Juntura. Z loads: D. McGlll. Ontario. 1 luad: C. K. Rude Milton. 1 load; Chris John nn. N'orth Puwilrr. 1 limit! Jiiliun Wagner. Pilot Rock, 1 load; French A Ogden, I nlun Junction. 1 load; Joe Grote, Marbuck, Wash., 1 load; P. II. Morelock. Enterprlxe. 2 loads. J. A. Kggleson, 1 luad; Ed Cole. Haines, 1 load; E. E. Myers. Imbler. loads; J. F. Haln. Lostine. 1 load. Cattle Heard A Cole. Haines. 2 loads: J. A. Ruxsell. La Grande. 1 load; P. J. Rrown. Raker, 1 load; Walter A. Cover. Roblnette, 2 loads; R. B. SHanfleld. Echo. 4 loads. C. R. Adams, 1 load, H. M. Moore. 2 loads. Ed Thompson, 2 loads, J. B. Saylor 4 loads; Rugg Bros., Pendleton, 1 load; F. Sailing, gtanfleld, 1 load; J. L. Cox, 1 load; Portland Feeder Co., Lewis ton. Utah. 1 load; E. H. Pavls. Boise, Idaho, 2 louds; U V. ft. Clair, Bur ley. Idaho. ! loads; Walter Bros., Hanson. Idaho.. 1 . load; Clyde King. Kimberly. Idaho. 1 load; V. H. Har ris, Nampa. Idaho, 1 load; C. A. Jungst, Twin Falls. Idaho, 1 loads; Stanley Ranch Co.. Pend. 1 load; James Mace. Terrebonne, 2 loads; J. H. McKee, Gazelle. Cal.. 2 loads; C. ?. Cassady. 2 loads; G. Horton. Davis. Cal.. 1 load. Midland, Oregon, 1 load: C. Nelson. Drummond, Mont., 1 load. Sheep R. N. Stanficld. Stanfleld. 1 load; Howard A Stanfleld. Walla Wal In. 1 load; R. H. Bennett, Idaho Falls. 3 loads; W. S. Anderson. Kunu. Ida ho, 3 loads. Mixed Stuff. P. H. Morelock. Jos eph. 1 load cattle and hogs; Farm ers' CommlHHlon Co., Raker. 1 load cattle and hogs; John Steiger, Baker. 1 load hogs and sheep; J. W. Chand ler. I'nlon Junction, 2 loads cattle and hogs; W. H. Ross, Parma, Idaho, 1 load cattle and hogs; George Dixon Terrebonne, Idaho. 3 loads cattle and Kheep; L E. McHee, Cecil. 4 loads cattle and hogs; W. A. Iaper, Yon calla. 1 load cattle, calve,' hogs and rheep. 4 AVAR ODDITIES. LONDON. A member of the crew of the Glasgow who was In the fight with the Leipzig and the Dresden on Chin savs the Germans scored nly seven hits out of a thousand shells fired. AMSTERDAM. A dispatch from Ftrasburg says that anyone using the French language in shop-window signs there now Is liable to one year's Imprisonment. The prohibition also applies to business letters, accounts and receipts. ' AMSTERDAM. The Algeneene Handelsblad has now shared the fate of the Tclegraaf, Its sale being for bidden In Belgium. No leading Dutch paper is now allowed to appear In any part of the Invaded country. AMSTERDAM. All the bows and arrows In Belgium, where archery was formerly a favorite sport, have been confiscated by the Germans, ac cording to the Telegroaf, because of the discovery that arrows were being used to shoot messages across the frontier. Cemetery Hill to Ho Amended. SALEM, Ore.. Feb. 8. Within a few minutes after Fenwlck's II. B. 278 had been passed Mr. Llttlefleld of Multnomah discovered that it, would afford opportunity for unscrupulous cemetery owners to reap a harvest from the t?ulc of lots and then aban don the plot, forcing adjneent mu nicipalities to bear the expense of maintenance. Mr, Fenwlck hud Intended merely that old araveyards, where Ho the nnhes of tho flute's pioneers, be pro tected from desecration. Mr. Little field moved a reconsideration of the bill and It was referred to the com mittee on revision of laws to patch It up so the lund sharks wVuld be given no chance to exploit cemetery projects. , ! - v - , "'re' ' The picture shows a number of whale boats putting off from a British cruis er, which Is shown In the background to pick up the surviving members ol the ere of the Germun flagxhip. The survivors ure shown swimming ATHENA FOLKS ENTERTAIN AND MAKE VISITS ACTIVITIES OF RESIDENTS ARE CHRONICLED BY CORRE SPONDENT. (Special Correspondence.) ATHENA, Ore.. Feb. 8. Gus Shu btrt was visiting In the city Saturday.' Bob Maloney of Walla Walla, Is visiting here this week. Ad Pinkerton and family, came over from Milton Saturday. Matt Mosgrove of Milton, spent the v.eelc In this city. Mrs. Jack Vincent Is visiting friends and relatives in Pendleton. Mrs. W'm. Ferguson visited In Wal la Walla Saturday and Sunday. B. D. Thorp and family motored to Pendleton Sunday. Pearl Hales was in this city Sun day. Lizzy Mansfield, who Is now resid ing In Weston, was In Athena Satur day and Sunday. Nellie Darr spent Saturday and Sunday In Adams. . Jas. Conley, who has been looking for a location arrived home Saturday. Marvel Watts and family accom panied by F. S. Le Grow and wife motored to Pendleton Sunday. French Towns to Tax Drinking. PARIS. Feb. 9. In addition to measured proposed by the government for the restriction of sale of spiritu ous liquors, 19 different towns hava had bills Introduced in the Chamber of Deputies authorizing tnem to Im pose a municipal surtax on all alco holic beverages. IIow'aThist We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CBENKT CO., Toledo, O. We, th ODdenlgned, bate known, F. J Cheney for tbe last 15 years, sod bellevt mm perfectly honorable la all xbusloesi transactions ana riosnritny soie to carry nit any obligations mass by tali firm. NATIONAL BANK Of COMMKKCB, Toledo, O Ball's Catarrh Cnre Is taken Internally, acting directly noon the blood and mo. una aurfacea of the eyattm. Testimonial! ent free. Prlct 75 cants par bottle. 8uld 5 an iTiiKgiprm. Vaii Hall's Tamil Pills for eoostlpatlea NOTICE OK TENDENCY OF PE- TITIOX TO VACATE CERTAIN AM.EV-WAYS AND PARTS OF CERTAIN STREETS IN COLE'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PENDLETON. Notice Is hereby given to all whom It may concern that a petition was filed on January list, 1915, by the Irvington Height Land Company, a corporation, with the Recorder of Th City of Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, -nd Is now pending before the Common Council of said City, praying for the vacation of certain alley-ways and parts of certain streets In Cole'i Addition (formerly McAllister's Ad dition) to The City of Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, as per plat thereof of record and on file in the office of the Recorder of Conveyances of said Umatilla County, Oregon, to wit: Of all the alley-ways running north and south through Blocks num bered S, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of said Cole'f (Formerly McAllister's) Addition, and of that part of Wilson Street lying between the west line of Ray Street and the east line of Arc Street of that part of Washington Street lying be tween the west line of Ray Street and the west line of said Cole's Addition (the same being the southerly pro jected west line of said Block 9) and of that part of Arc Street lying be tween the north line of Jackson Street and the south line of Wilson Street: all of said property being within the corporate limits of Thj City of Pen dleton aforesaid: and the matter of granting of said petition will come up before the Common Council of said City In due course, as the law directs Hater this 21 dnv of January, 191R IRVINOTON HEIGHTS LAND COM PANY. Bv Chas. Cowen, President. IRVINOTON HEIGHTS LAND COM PANY. By Frank J. Dorsey, Secretary. IN PHOTOGRAPH , about In the foreground. The com j mander of their vessel refused to sur render, preferring that ne and his men thould go down with their doom ed ship. The Brltinh whaleboats res cued 160 german sailors from the sea CHICAGO WHEAT VERY ERRATIC (Monday's Market) CHICAGO. Wheat market closed with a loss of l-8c for May and 3-4c for the July. Market opened un changed for May and 5-8c off for Ju ly. After an opening at $1.63 1-4 for May there was an erratic tone In the trade, the high mark being reached at an advance of 1 l-2e. while the low point was 1 l-8c below Initial figures. Broomhall cabled from Liverpool that the market was dull, but with a very firm undertone. Continued un favorable weather In Argentine and continuous rain for the post three days In India, offset the weaker Am erican cables. WHEAT. May Open. 163 1-4; high. 164 3-4; low. 162 1-4; close. 163 1-8A. July Open. 139; high. 140 $-4; low, 137 3-4; close, 138 7-8B. Wage Cut Is Accepted. PITTSBURG, Feb. 8. The two weeks' deadlock between representa tives of the Amalgamated Association of Iron. Steel and Tin Workers and the independent sheet and tlnplate manufacturers over the acceptance of a reduction In wages by the men was broken here. ' The workmen agreed to accept a cut In wages of from (to 11.2 per cent, subject to Its approval by a ref erendum vote of the Amalgamated Association. The employers promised to maintain the standard of their em ployes and to increase wages on a sliding scale as market prices of their product goes higher. Factories In Pennsylvania, West Virginia. Ohio, Illinois, Indiana and Missouri are at fected. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FUNERAL DIRECTORS JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer. Op posite postofflce. Funeral parlor, two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. Phone 75. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed em balmer. Most modern funeral parlor, morgue and funeral cars. Calla re sponded to day or night. Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone 13. INSURANCE AND I AND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO, MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Writes fire, life and acci dent Insurance. References, any bank In Fendleton, JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. II. MARSH, Sec. EENTLEY & LEITINCWEIJa REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. 315 Main street. Phone 404. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN NEW and socond hand goods. Cash paid for all secondhand goods bought. Cheapest place In Pendleton to buy household goods. Come and get our prices. 319 E. Court street. Phone 171W. T1H LATE TO CLASSIFY. MARRY MANY RICH. PART1C ulars stamp. F. Morrison. Desk C S0S3 nolden, W. Seattle, Wo. SMALL SAVINGS hidden away are likely to be lost or stolen. Spent for pleasure they are pone and con never multiply. Properly invested they become the foundation of many a fortune. If you will systematically tleposit a portion of your earnings it will surprise you how rapidly your bank account will prow. THE American National Bank OF PEfiDLETOIJ, OREGO.'i Capital and Surplus $400,000.00 Open Day and Night Meala 25c and up. Special Evening Lunches. polio RCSTRANT Qus LaFcrataine, Proprietor. First Monol Ootid PEItDLETOIl, 0REG0H ESTABLISHED 1882 3 1 Known For FREE mannaUbelTeIlk)llm COUPOfJ Bring or send five of these Coupons properly signed and 10 to the East Oregonian office and get a "Four-in-One" muslin cut-out feature or "Anna Bell Doll" feature. No.. Pendletoa, EA6T OREGONIAN PUB Herewith please find five "Four-in-One" Coupons and 10 tot which please give me a "Four-in-One" muslin cutout feature or "Anna Bell DolL" Name. Addresa. If sent by mail add 2c for postage BE SURE AND STATE WIIICII FEATURE IS WANTED ATTORNEYS, RALEY & RALEY. ATTORNETS-AT law. Office In American National Bank Building. FEE & FEE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office In Despaln building. CARTER & SMTTHE, ATTORNEYS at raw. Office in rear of American National Bank Building-. JAMES B. PERRY. ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. PETERSON & BISHOU. ATTOR neys at law; rooms 3 and 4, Smith Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAn.EY, ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 2, 3 and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. S. A. IX) WELL. ATTORNEY AND counsellor at law. Office In Despaln building. PHYSICIANS. II. S. GARFIELD, M. D.. HOMEO pathlc physician and surgeon Of fice Judd Block. Telephones: Office, 34 1W; residence, 512J. AUCTIONEERS. COL. W. F. YOHNKA, AUCTIONEER makes a specialty of farmers' slock and machinery salea "The man that gets you the money " Leave orders at East OregonUa office. THE Fine, Clean Furnished Rooms in connection Steam Ueated uiuuiiiihiuiiiiisuiuiiiumuiuiuuuiiu-: tl IfStrength Ore.,. .1914 CO.. VETERINARY SURGEONS. C. W LASSEN. M. D. V. COUNTY Veterinarian. Residence telephony i7; office telephone, 20. 3HSCELLANEOUS. HAIR WORK SEND YOUR COMB lngs to Madam Kennedy, Athena, Oregon. WANTED PARTY WILL PAYCa7n or give trade fof Umatilla county farm, 20 to $S0 per acre. Addres Box 13, Athena, Ore. TRESSPASS NOTICES, STALUON SEASON CARDS and SALR BILLO sonable prices at the East Oregonian. XT-. t . I . . . . . .' nam a line 101 ci stock cuts inai our patrons are allowed the free u or. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OR egonlnn makes a specialty of suc tion sale bllM, cards and advertising. We can furnish auctioneer, clerk and alverttslng complete that will aisure you of having a successful sals. BEAVER ENGRAVING COMPANY . t'.k lr 1 t4Vir iiumt .iiiJ.' J