a s a EIGHT I'AOES. FEW FOLKS HAVE ' GRAY HAIR NOW DRUGGIST SATS LADIES ARE USING RECIPE Of SAGE TEA AND SULPHUR. Hair that lows Us color and lustrs T when It fades, turna fray, dull and Itfstees, la eauaed by a lack of sul phor In tha hair. Our grandmother made op a mixtura of Page Tea and Sulphur to keep her loeka dark and beautiful, and thouaanda of women and men who value that aven color, that beautiful dark ahade of hair which hi ao attractive, uae only thla old-tlm recipe. Nowadays we get thla famous mix tare by asking at any drug atore for a ll-eent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound." which dark en th balr ao naturally, ao evenly, that nobody can poaalbly tell It haa been applied. Besides, It take off dandruff, atopa acalp itching and fall ing hair. Tou Juat dampen a aponge or aoft bruah with U, and draw thla through your hair, taking one am all atrand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; but what da llghta tha lad lea with Wyeth'a Saga and Sulphur la that, bealdea beautl fully darkening th hair after a few application. It alao brings back th gloss and lustre and glvea It an ap eerance of abundance. !n::ni:Ji!iiniimiiiiiiiiniMimii:iiimn; (OrpEieuml 1 Theatre 1 mm J. P. MEPERNACII, Prop. ; High-Glass Up-to-Date I Motion Pictures 5 FOR MEN. WOMEN AND 5 I CHILDREN S H Profrram changoa Sundays, Tuesdays, Thurt- days and Saturdays. 5e Program in Today's g Parr. niuiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiim.l imimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiMimiimiiimiiiiiQ Pastime i Theatre I "The Home of Good Pictures" s . I ALWAYS THE LATEST in Photoplays :: Steady, Flickerleea Pictures :: AW lutcly No Eye Strain. A Refined and Entertaining Show for the Entire Family. Next to French Restaurant Mi . Mi mm Chance Sundays, Tuesdays, 5 Thursdays and Saturdays. S mm . mm 5 Adult lOo. Children under 5 H 10 years Co. S illilltlllllllllimillllillimillllUlllllllllle THE COSY B a s S Where the entire family can 5 smjoy a high-class motion a S picture show with comfort, 5 I Fun, Pathos I Scenic Thrilling All Properly Mixed eilinn!!IIIIIIIII!ll!imilIlllltl!IIIIItlHIII! I PENDLETON'S P 0 P P I I LAR PICTURE SnOW 22 5 Open Afternoon and Even- a 3 in. Changes Snnday, Hon- g S day, Wodaesday and Inday. a S -.' a I Next Door to St. GoorRe Ho- 5 tL Admission 5o and 10a ILiniiiiiiiRiiiniiiiiuiimiimiiiiiiniiiiii DAILY HOG MARKET IS DOVfJ A DIME (Courtesy Wednesday's Journal.) PORTLAND, Ore. Hog prlcea took another drop of about a dime today, With local klllera still holding big supplies which they purchased at the Hturt of the week there was liule In cllnatlon to take hold and brat offera wire around the $7 murk thla morn Ing. There wua another big run of awlne reported In the North Portland yarda overnight, totals reaching within fraction of 2000 head while but 340 nead came forward a week ago. General hog market range: Peat light I7.00W7.06 Medium light 6.007.00 Good to heavy , 6.85 RoUKh and heavy 6.75 ft 6.80 Stackers 6.0096.46 Cattle Situation Steady. Today, while there was only a very limited ahowlng of supplies In the North Portland market, the cattle trade was quoted Just about steady with valuea holding their own. If there la another big run within the Immediate future'the trade does not believe that prevailing valuea of this time will hold well. General cattle market range: r-eiected steers 17.75 g.00 Oood to prime 7.15 7.50 Oood to choice 6.50 6.76 Ordinary to fair 6.76 8 6.26 I!et cows 6.65 Good to prime 6.5016.70 Ordinary 5.256 5.50 selected calves . . 8.00fi8.66 Fancy bulls 6.500 6.75 Ordinary 4.00G4.J5 Miccp Situation Strong. The real bright spot of the live- Mock trade Is still In the mutton and lumb division at North Portland. There was a very small run reported In the yards over nlsht and the en tire strength of the trade Is retained from recent days. At ChlcnR ) there was a steady tone In the sheep trade for the day. I 1." ......... -1 1 .... strong with an advance of a nickel over yesterday. Omaha sheep market was reported steady to strong this morning with! top iambs IJ.70 and bese yearlings 17.60. General mutton market range: Old wethers $6.00 6.25 Pest yearlings g.50 Pest ewes 5.00 5.50 Pest east mountain lambs 7.40 5i 7.50 Valley llcht lambs 7 2577.35 Heavy spring lambs 6. 7507. 15 IJvPHtock Shipxrg. Hogs L. u Crlger. Roosevelt. Wash.. 1 load; Allenson Lewis. Ban croft. Idaho, 1 lead; K. E. Palmer, Oakland. 1 lond; 8. I). Huker. Mikkali 2 loads; J, It. Tounts. Condon, 1 load; George fl. Russell, Itedmond. 1 load. W. H. Kurtz. Maapln, 2 loads; J. W. Sllva. Gooding, Idaho. 3 loads; Mor gan Furm company. Goldendale, Wn.. 1 load. Sheep A. C. Talmer, Oakland, 2 loads. Mixed stuff J. s. nint. Junction fity. 1 load cattle, calves and hogs; W. H. McMahan, Halsey, 1 load cattle and hops; A. It. Ford. Wlllamlna. 1 load cattle nnd hogs; Will Block, Sheridan. 1 load hogs and sheep di rect to t'nion Meat company; J. E. Proffitt. Dayton. 1 load cuttle and hoK Sam L Overton. Brownsville, I load cattle, hogs and sheep; F. B. Pecker. Sllverton, 2 loads hogs and sheep direct to Union Meat company; L. V. Moore. Moro, 1 load cattle and hog. V)oiiiiiig ay Change Capital. CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Jan. 5 A de ttrmlned iffort to bring about the removal .if the capital of Wyoming from Cheyenne to Caspar Is to be In augurated during the coming session of the leclslature by Representative Stephen Tobln nnd Itobert Grlevo. They plan to introduce a resolution submitting a capital removal consti tutional amendment to the voters at thet1916 elections. To becomcact lve the bill must receive a vote of two thirds of each house of the legislature and the amenment must receive - a majority of all votes cast at the gen cral flection. The advocates of the change con tend that Cheyenne Is not centrally located and la not as readily acces sible to all sections of the state as Is Caspar. luir Coinage Authorized. WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. A memo rial issue of gold and silver coins to commemorate the Panama-Paclfio International Exposition Is authorised by a bill which passed the hoiue. It had paswd the senate previously. The measure would authorise the coinage of $50, f 3 60 and fl gold pieces, and 60 cent silver pieces. A part of the Issue of fold ISO nieces would be after the model or th oc taKonnf coins Issued In California In 1861. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contains Mercury it mercury will surely deetroy the pen of smell and completely derance the whole lyntern when entering It through the mn- cous surfaces. Bach articles should neTer be used exrept on prescription rrom reput able Dlivilolnni. ss the dimut they will do Is ten fold to the good jroa ran possibly derlre from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by r. J. Cheney Co., To ledo, O., contains uo mercury, and la taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mnrmis aurrares of the ijrstem. In buying Hall's Catarrh Core be sure yon get the genuine. It Is taken Internally and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A Co. Testimonials free. Bold by DruftKliite Price 75c per bottle Tske Hall's Family Pills for constlpstlon CHICHESTER S PILL W TUB DIAMOND nttAKn. X DIAMOND IKIA Nl II.I.H. I SS ycinknovnu Utt,bJfot Alwiyl Kcll.ll4 I liUbM-frra IllnaimJ llrna4VS I'lll. In Itrd rl (JoU mru;ii .V Kort, MUxl ltb r.lu KIIon. Y TaL l,n Alhcp. rtitf r vmir " .1. Akfi ni. m:.Trna it a SOLO CV DRUQGISTS tVLTOLKfi I EAST OREOONIAX, PENPfKTON, OKFION, THURSDAY, MRS. WILLIAM THAW 1 1 w J f'i Mrs. Thaw, the mother of Harry K. Thaw Is believed planning to make SPOR TS I two well known stars are perform- 444444444444444 4J Jommy Johnston, manager of lh association that conducts shows In SPOUT DOPK. 4 MidiHon Square Garden, has made an I effort to stage nothing but high claas 44444444444444i "ho" "11 winter. His shows have j bcn the best quality but to date very BY HAL, SHERIDAN. "Ule profit has been made. The box. (Written for the fnited Press.) j " are getting most of the money. NEW YORK. Jan. 7. The grand : Champions and near champions are old dope box gets another shaking up. ; deinunding all thejjay from $5,000 to A careful peroral of the Federal 615.0O0 fur meeting a very ordinary league batting uvernKes for the season opponent In a ten round no-decision of 1914. recently made public by the' bout. The promoters have been meet genial Mr. Gilmore, will shake one's ' ing these demands but the signs are faith in that old adage that "figures don't lie." They must not lio but they certuinly mystify when fine gases over the marks set up by some of the batsmen In the third loop last year. Athletes who clubbed out three hun dred and better averages In the Na tional and American league slumped! down In the two fifty class in the Fed league. And on the other hand some who couldn't even pile up two hun dred mark in the Johnson and Tener circuit slugged for three hundred and more in the third league. Thats where the dope box gets a shaking up. The case of Josephus Tinker is one of the glaring kind. Along with his woes as manager of the Cincinnati Reds in 1913 Joe managed to eke out a puny average of .317 against Nation al league pitching. Well. Joe himself and several others thought what he would do to the twlrlers In the Fed eral league would be u shame. It was not the kind of a shame that was predicted. Tinker managed to amass an average of Ju.t .239 in the Gilmore circuit a fall of 5S points from his work In the National league Danny Murphy, once a stur in the j Athletic outfield, was a little more ' coiulKtent. He walloped the leather. for .3:2 with the Athletics in 1!U., Lat vear with the Urookfeds he club-1 bed out a mark of .311. Art CrlKgs. I in the International league In 1913. pounded .292. Iast season with the ' Feda he dropped to .2S2. George Sto- 0 "ana ln "MiratiB tne.r plana, vail, in his last year in the American!, C,a, rp' "kenlng to the fact that league, had a mark of .287. As the her ,,nfll deavors to reform Fell leader of the Kanas City Fed tribe n,an ' of ,n v. ete ."t'e "P ... ... ... .. Ion suicide. "The Greyhound," before In 1914 he could pile up an overage1 . . . ,.n 1 Those named are some of the ones who went down the ladder. There are on the other hand some who went up even farther than the others de scended. Of these Hal Chase stands out the most prominent. In 191S In Pan Johnson's loop, the first Backer who once was the pride of Gotham slammed the ball for an average of .267. Ist season, with the Buffalo Feds he returned to his form of for mer days with the Yankees by chalk ing up an average of .361. Steve Yerks was another who found the brand of pitching on the Federal j lenge to his liking. Last season with! tha PIMshuro' Ff1n h slnrnmoil the'r " - 1 ball for an average of .333. His mark in tne American league in iu was .26", giving him a gain of sixty-six j Points. 1 Frank LaPorte, formerly of the St Louis Browns and the Washington Senators, batted .260 ln the American league, with Indianapolis, the Fed league pennant winners last season, he was good for a mark of .311. Art Wilson, when he was with the ginnts in 1913, couldn't even top the two hundred mark, his average being 190. With Tinker's shifted crew last season he chalked up .2R7. a gain ot nearly one hundred points. New York's premier flutlc promo ters are preparing to go out of busi ness. They say they can't continue longer while the top-notch boxers de- a hard legal fight to free her son tn the pending trial In New York. mand as much for their services as they do now. It is a recognized fact that boxing bouts no longer draw a crowd unless I nat they wont continue to do so mueh longer. Local Playhouses WHAT the Pre Agent Has to Say of Present and Coming' Attractions r j& j& J Pastlmo Totlay. Paul Armstrong's story of the underworld. "The Greyhound," In five acts, with all star cast" Claire Fellman, wife of Louia Fell- mun, alias "The Greyhound." after unsuccessfully pleading with her hus band, confidence man and card sharp, to forsake his ways, determines to leave him. Associated with the Greyhound. Is Jack Fay, alias 'The Pale Face Kid." 3n uncouth crook; J. Crawford Alex ia luler, alius "Whi.-perlng Alex," a gentlemanly, intelligent card "rp "i lorger; weep .ea Kllty. an adventuress. The various preconceived plans of K'artette all go nstray because of lhe M,lmlI' Intervention of the police, 1 flnlaI! usplclon Is arousd that " ,""c'.1 . " ? u,c,f ;The Greyhound - bef leaving for Europe, entered Into Pt with his wife, who si a stin loved him. Claire drinks the poison potion, while Fellman leads her to believe that he had, taken hla. How ever, the dose lsTtot fatal, and mere ly renders her unconscious." Fellman believing his wife dead, decides to go to Europe ln finest of a party he has learned from a pal Is going abroad. , In the meantime McSherry. former ly a professional gambler, now re formed and In the employe of "Tha Eye," a former sweetheart of Claire's arrives with a message from her brother realizing her trouble, he de- votes his energies to helping her. - t-u w..... . . ieaming ui reitmuiio vruitii iiwi- ment of cialre. McSherry vows'ven-! Reanee and follows Fellman like a Nemesis. ' v "Whispering Alex" Is apprehended for forgery, Kitty resolves to reform. and Claire, happy under her brother's poteetion. In England. Is visited by McShery. The future of both seems ln a fair way of spelling happiness. Admission, adults 16c, children 6c. Cosy. Wednesday and Thursday, "The Kxposure." an absorbing detective drama in two parts. "Gussie the Golfer," Keystone com edy. aVd the Mutual Weekly, showing a war Zeppelin being destroyed by an aeroplane. Soft, white pictures that do not tire tho eyes. .TASirARV 7, 1915. CHICAGO WHEAT CLOSES LOWER (Wednesday's Market.) CHICAGO. Wheat closed 1 l-2c lower. In a way It was a day of li quldatlon and evening up by the wheat trade with unusual activity a times and a number of quick turns in the market covering a range of 1 1-2 to 2c. There was a claim early that some of the seaboard exporters were trying to resell but not much of that sort of business was confirmed. A large element In the trade seemed to feel that the recent advance was too fast that the market was getlng away from the exporters and a re action was In order. On the breaks Influential buying orders came Into the market and prices rebounded as fast as they had declined. Every thing considered the support was ex cellent on the breaks. There was a sharp dip In corn of about 3-4c on first trades, with com plete recovery to Tuesday prices anJ hour later. Liverpool spot and futures are higher again. There la a claim of 100,000 bushels export sales here today. Local stocks are heavy. In oats, the best "recovery In prices after the opening dip was to a split under 55 3-4c for May and 53 1-4 for July. Cach prices were 1-4 to l-2c higher. Cables claim the Argentine estimate on the surplus reduced. . WHEAT. May Open 135 1-2; high. 125 3-8; low. 135 1-4; close, 13( A. July Open, 122 3-4; high, 124; low, 122 1-4; close, 122 5-8. It. A. Mark Appointed. WASHINGTON, Jan. 7. R. A. Mack Of Portland h;iK been nntir.!ntH tn a position by the Interstate Commerce commission. GLASS OF SALTS CLEANS KIDNEYS IF YOUR HACK IICRTS OR BLAD DER BOTHERS YOC, DRIXK LOTS OF WATER When your kidneys hurt and your back feels sore, don't get scared and proceed to load your stomach with a lot of drugs that excite kidneys and Irritate the entire urnlnary tract Keep your kidneys clean like you keep your bowels clean, by flushing them with a mild, harmless salts which remov es the body's urinous waste and sti mulates them to their normal activ ity. The function of the kidneys Is to filter the blood. In 24 hours they strain from It 500 grains of acid and waste so we can readily understand the vital importance of keeping the kidneys active. Drink lots or water you can't drink too much: also get from any phar macist about four ounces of Jad Salts take a tablespoonful In a glass of wa ter before breakfast each mornllng for a few days and your kldneqswill net fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid Of grapea and lemon Juice combined with 11 thla, and has been used for generations to clean clean and stimulate clogged kidneys: also neutralize the acids In urine so it no longer Is a source of irritation, thus endinlg bladder weakness. Jad Salts Is inexpensive: cannot lnl Jure; makes a delightful efferves cent lithla-water drink which every one should take now and then to keep their kidneys clean and active. Try this, also keep up the water drink Ing. and no doubt you will wonder what became of your kidney trouble and backache. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FO'ERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed erabaliner Opposite postofflca. Funeral prlor two funeral cars. Calls responds J to day or night. Phone 76. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE 6TORE Funeral director and licensed em balmer. Most modern funeral parlor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls re sponded to dsy or night Corner Main and Water itreets. Telephone IS, homesteads. biV Indian" "reservation to open 750,000 acres for settlement; fruit, timber, farm lands; send 16 cents with thla ad to Wenatchee. (Wash.) Dally World for reliable data about thla great region. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands ln Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sella all kinds of ril estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents 'Writes fire. life and acci dent Insurance. References, any bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS. Pres. C H. MARSH. Sec BENTLEY A LE FFING WELL, REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. Ill Main street Paone LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERY DS acrlptlon for county court, clrcul court Justice court real estate, etc for sale at East Oregonian office. VETERINARY SURGEONS. C. W. LASSEN, M. D. V. COUNTY Veterinarian. Residence telephone 17; office tellephone 20. BURN 0 MIXED.--2 parts of Coke to 1 part of Coal will give you the same results in your coal stove as though you burned all Hard Coal. Think of the great saving effected by the use of Coke. Pacific Power 6 Light Co. "Always at Your Service" Phone 40 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiMUiininiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii!iiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiii!iiiiiiiimiiii;i!iiii CITY LIVERY STABLE 1 Thompson Street Between Court and Alt. siiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiifiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiifiiuiiiiit? Open Day and Night Meals 25c and up. Special Evening Lunches. OuoIIq RESTAURANT Gas LaFontaine, Proprietor. FREE FOUR-IN-ONE "ANNA BELLE DOLL" Bring or send five of theee Coupons properly signed and 10 to the East Oregonian office and pet a "Four-in-One" muslin cut-out feature or "Anna BeirDolV feature. Xo.. Pendleton, EAST OREGOXIAX PUB Herewith please find five "Four-in-One" Coupons and 10 for which please give me a "Four-in-One" muilin cut-out feature or "Anna Bell DolL" Name- Address- If sent by mail add 2c for Dostara. BE SURE AXD STATE WIIICII FEATURE IS WANTED ATTORXnrS. RALEY & ralet. attorneys at .aw. Office ln American National Bank Building. JAMES A. FEE. ATTORNEY AT law. Office In Despaln building. CARTER & SMYTH E, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In rear of American National Bank- building. JAMES B. PERRY. ATTORNEY AT law. Office orer Taylor Hardware Company. PETERSON A BISHOP. ATTOR neys at law; rooms t and i. Saolta Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice ln all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, t. I and 4. over Taylor Hardware Co. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law, estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, 8chm!dt block. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNBT at law. Office ln 8mlta-Crawford building. S. A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY AND consullor at law. Office In Despaln building. ROSCOE R, JOHNSON. ATTORNEY at law. Office ln Despaln building PHYSICIAN a H. S. GARFIELD, M. D. HOMEO pathl physician and surgeon. Of fle Judd Block. Telephone: Office 141 W: residence lit J. AUCTIONEERS. COL. W. F. YOHNKA. AUCTIONED makes a specialty of farmers' stcJ and machinery sales. "The man tks gets you the money.' Leave orden I at East Oregonian office. PAOK SKVI'.V. and Goa Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Good Rigs at All Times 1 AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE Carney A Ilney, Prop. TdcpbosM 70. ZZ THE Fine, Clean Furnished Rooms in connection Steam Heated COUPON Ore., .1914 CO.. SECOND-HA.YD DEALFRS. V. STROBLE, DEALER IN N w and second-hand goods. Cask for all second-hand goods bougV Cheapest place la Pendleton to bej kousehold goods. Call and get kls prlcts. 21 E. Court street Pksne I71W. WANTED PARTY WILL PAT can or give tratf for Uraatllla countj farm, 120 to 60 per acre. Addres Box 11. Athena, Ore. mscixLAXEoca, ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATION, wedding announcements, emboss private and business stationery, eta, Very latest style. Call at East Ore gonian office and see samples. TRESPASS NOTICES, 8TALUOH SEASON CARDS and SALE BILLS of every description crlnted at m. sonable prices at the East Oregonian. we nave a rue lot of stock cuts that our patrons are allowed tb free tuw of. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OA egonlan makes a specialty of snr tlon sale bills, cards and advertlnlno, We can furnish auctioneer, clsrk an 4 advertising complete that wtll assure you of having a successful sale BEAVER ENGRAVING COMPANY rcsrukfcD 4 ft. Wi.-A ' t rx U j vt'f ; i j run ,.,'. nl t : ' v .V'.,'iV,' ' v .Wv;-v v, T -"I i J