FTOIIT PAGES. PAOF KTX DAILY EAST OTCFfl(mAT. rFATiT.FTOV, nKFOOV. FRIDAY, NOYKMItKU U. 101". Every Home Needs This Great Remedy Vo Homo can Afford lo lie Without a MHtl, Hellahlo iJixalivp-Tanlc. No w ell-regulated homo should bo i without a laxative, for there la rarcely a day in a family of several lorsoii ir.at someone doesn t com-! j'laln of headache, of sleeplessness, I t-hcuv t lio flrt signs of a cold. i A lA.vative then become a neces- ! n;y or wh.-it was a trifling congestion j t the N plnr.tng may run into a se- ritm c.M or fever. No harsh rem- ! idv is needed, hut simply a mild lax-! .it;ve-t.nic that will make the liver act:v nnd s'.lr up the bowels. Peoplo wh rmve trit'd a great many things. tr c arc themselves heads of families, vr. have seen the little ills run to "t:g- ones, will tell you that there is nothing belter than Dr. Caldwell's; Syrup Ivpsln, which you can obtain' Mt any drug store for fifty cents or .ne dollar a bottle, the latter being th family size. Anions tbe gTeat believers In Syrup Jpsln for constipation In old or oung, and as a general household -mergcncy remedy, is Mrs. M. F. Smith, "10 X. Cherry St.. San Anton io, Tex. To use her own words, she fsays she will bless Dr. Caldwell to her dying day for she believes that through his remedy. Syrup Pepsin, he found the way to permanent good, health. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is sci entifically compounded and lis purity la vouched for. Mothers give it to Tiny babes, and grown people, taking if Walla Walla Apples licked. WALLA WALLA, Wash.. Nov. 1 2. J Practically all the apples in this district have Veen picked. J. D j Taggard, a big grower at Waltsburg finished Wednesday and will com-) plete grading and packing nine car- 1 loads of extra fancy apples and will j ship as manv more. In addition to lo- cal orders. I-st year he shipped SO carloads, but he says that the higher price for the smaller crop this year brought him more money. From the Touchet Valley Apple, company's SO acre appL" orchard of 4 -year-old trees. 105 boxes of Home Iteauty ap ples were picked. sins. SI. E. SMITH. TltAlNINC SCIHK)Ij OPENED SlNDAY SCHOOL TKACIIKIJS At the Theaters Press Agents' Announcements of Present and Coming Attractions at Pendleton's Many Show Houses. a little larger amount, find It equallj effective. It is mild and gentle, pleasant-tasting and free from grip-1 ing. It does not hide behind a high sounding name and Is absolutely free from any prohibited Ingredient Fam ilies who once use Syrup Pepsin for- vr after avoid cathartics, salts, pills ! and other harsh medicines, for these cr.ly do temporary good, are nau seous and a shock to any delicate system, such things should never be given to children. Families wishing to try a free sam ple bottle can obtain it postpaid by addressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 419 Washington St., Montlcello, III. A postal card with your name and ad dress on it will do. Orplumui. For Saturday only the Orpheum presents "The Vampire," a three part Kalem. Featuring Miss Alice Els and I'.ert French In their world-famous "Vampire lance" which has curried their fame around the world. The dame will fascinate you as It has fascinated people the. world over. j The settings are remarkable, one of !T. I.ol'IS. Xov. 12. St. Louis Is , them being the exact replica of a to have better Sunday school teach-j fashionable restaurant w hich Is ers. A iraining school was opened , llroadway's most famous dining j for them today in the "new V. M. C. i place. The story Is of a young man ; A. building under the supervision of who was led to ruin ly a neautuui the Church Federation of St. Louis, i adventuress then cast out by her. He General lectures will cover "advanced; goes to a theater and witnesses a per bible studies." "Biblical Geography." J formanee of the wonderful "Vampire "Church History." "Psychology and : Dance" which tells of a young ar Pedaeoffv." "Sex Instruction." "Com-It 1st enamored by lb wiles of a Im munity Service" and "Organization and Management of Sunday schools." man Vampire, and despite his ut most efforts he Is lured by her beauty to his death. To the boy this seems to picture his own life with the ad '.he top-line attraction by the man agement of this theater for today. It it a western play depicting western flfe to a nicety, and featured Francis X. Pushman, the old-time favorite. The story is of a musicun who cap tures a hold-up man, famous on tha Canadian border In the early eight ies. To get the big reward and win 'he sheriff's daughter he. beards the miulit In his den only to find she i loves another. Human Interest, ro mance and drama, are artistically Mended. of particular Interest l the Lubin drama "When fhe Prison Doors Opened." It shows how a new and beautiful life Is opened to two unfortunates. Ormi Hartley and Kdwin Carewe are featured. "HU First Performance" Is an Edison comedy. Tommy's Pa and Ma conn to see him play In "Ued Harlow, the Terror of the Gulch." They have a fit when he sits on a keg of powder and lights a, cigarette wt'.h the burn ing fug", when the vidian attacks Tommy tip y clean up the show. mvvvvTinv l Ol'FAEI) T ASI1VKY PAllK vtnturess and he rusnes to nis sweci ' ' heart whom he had deserted and marries her at once. Alice Holllster w . ..... r w. oil vnntliress and Harrv Maillarde of the boy. This Is one of the most fascinating pictures, "'r miw tongue, ur ,.r,wWe,I llniiai tenor will s'ng Cunld and Three. Essanay. Fea-''r!" and "When a Uoy from Old i roni "The Lure" Tonight, Genuine sincerity of purpose is said characterize that drama dealing with Whlta Slavery. "The Lure," hlch has been the big sensation of the. present New York season and which Is now to be seen by playgoers of this city tonight simultaneously Ith Its crowded run at Maxlme El liott's theater In the eastern metrop olis. George Scarborough, who wrote It, was for years a special secret ser vice agent for the government and was Inspired by his own actual ex periences to write this play depicting the methods of these terrible enemies f modern society who aim at the homes of the land and who destroy th souls of Its young girls. He was x.ot a. mere playwright seeking a theme which would pander to morbid curiosity but the theme inspired him ui It was In the spirit and with the eal f a modern crusader against a terribl national evil that he was led to attack this subject from the stand- ix4nt of a dramatist. When the idea occurred to him vividly to depict the M-orklngs of the white slavers before the playgoers of the country as a tfreat object lesson and warning, he confided his intention to Stanley W. Finch, head of the federal bureau Jor the suppression of the thorlty of all encouraged him to ac complish his purpose. KI.KCTIOX Al'TO BAN" VETOED. ASHCHY PAKY, X. J., Xov. 12. With delegates present from every section of the state, and speakers from many other states, the annual Asbury Park Sunday School conven tion opened here. The sessions wlil continue today anil Thursday. Rev. Vr. Floyd W. T. Tompkins, rec tor of Holy Trinity church of Phila delphia, will have charge of the de votional services during the conven tion. Rev. Or. Cornelius Wolfkin, pastor of the Fifth avenue Presby- Sunday, November 16th JNO. J. HOLLAND OFFERS THE MOST TALKEH OF PL-AY IX YEARS the famous "Hear Old iieln Uillv M.isnn and Ruth Hennes- ' nampsnire ain-uj a giri j... i Tennessee,,-' on Friday niht, Saturday . ! matinee and Saturday night I'y El'GENE WALTER, author of "Paid In Full," "The- Easiest Way." "Fine Feathers," etc. Tl'io Play that lu-ld Now York ami ( lib ui. Sm IIIuikI fr on Whole KOltMOtl. A storv of the Great Hudson Hay Country. Redolent lth the atmos phere of the Canadian Woods. EXCELLENT CAST. ELABORATE SCENIC I'HOUt'CTlON, Prices: Lower Floor $1.00; Balcony. Mc; Gallery. 20c. Seats on Sale at Pendleton Drug Co., Saturday, Xov. 15th. IMsUme Tlay. An Essanay drama entitled "Tony the Fiddler." that Is a series of thrill ing situations, has been obtained a GENERAL BR AM WEIL BOOTH PRESIDES AT MEETING OF SALVATION ARMY LOS AXGELES. Xov. 1 2. Declar ing a drastic election ordinance pass ed by the city council "an unwarrant ed interference with the personal rights of citizens," Mayor Rose ve toed the measure. The ordinance prohibited taking voters to the polls in hired automo biles unless the voter was charged full taxlcab rates for the service, re fused to allow election workers to canvass votes and prohibited hiring precinct workers to distribute cam paign literature. MILTON WILL LEVY ITS OWN' ROAD TAX MIL.TOX, Ore., Xov. 13. Five am endments to the city charter were vot ed on Monday at a special election. The most important measure was one giving the city power to levy Its own road tax, taking the power from Uma. tilla cour.tv, which has heretofore levied ami collected the tax, levying Milton city to do its own road work. This measure passed and Is expected white to save the city several hundreds dol- sdave traffic and that greatest au- lars annually. 1 AFTER SICKNESS OH 0PEMI1P It is a pr.thetic mistake to except drugs or alcoholic mixtures vhea nature craves nourishment to repair the wasted bedy and restore the vior of he?.lth. For fcrty years the best physicians have relied cn the wholesome predigested nourishment in SCOTTS EMULSION which is totally free from alcohol cr opiates. Scott's Emuhion sharpens the appetite renev.j V1J rn.,nck.o nArv5 strengthens bones and restores the courage of health to make life bnghl Scott's Cmulsion sets in action the very forces that health. Its purity, richness and strength has stood the test of forty years. ts-iw The Malcombs. the. two best fun makers the Cosy has ever h'ld, will put on a beautifully costumed fuv esty Friday and Saturday nlghU; on Saturday afternoon they will put on another of their funny "kid" acts for i he children. However, It will make 'he grown-ups laugh, too. "The Impostor." Two reels. Rron cho. Civil war drama with some fierce fighting. A union soldier took the place of a dead confederate whom he resembled in order to bring hap piness to th dead soldier's blln 1 mother. The deception was well meant and leads up to some situa tion that touch the heart, with an ending that is very pleasing. "Her Knight Krrant." "Reliance. Little Runa Hodges and Master Karl Yllfford hr.ve the leads in this beau-! tiful heart-Interest child drama. "Little Rrothtr." Thanhouser. A small, boy and some big sea crabs make fun in this ocean picture, ta ken at Cape May, Virginia. Six new pictures from the Fres association will be shown. city musical act. Among Vie picture?, nre "Shon the Jlper." a two reeler; j "The Animated Veekly" and "The Two Kids," a rattling good Xestot comedy. Coming. The Frank Rich company, which opens a special engagement at the new Alta theater, starting Sunday, No- j vember 18, for one week, have Just ! received all new special scenery, very elaborate wardrobe and spectacular electrical effects for their latest of the 1913 musical comedy plays, each play being full of the latest song hits, good clean wholesome comedy, catchy music, clever dancing and ex cellent singing. This company will give an entire change of play, scene ry, wardrobe eac, each night, with ry, wardrobe; etc., each night, with Alta TlKHitpr. Tonight an entire change of pic tures. Also the Humestons will make many changes In their versatile nov- Women Who Take this universally popular home remedy at times, when there is nped are spared many hours of unnccc33ary suffering ! WHAT'S INDIGESTION? WHO CARES? LISTEN! i I'npo's Diapcrwin" Makes Sick. S"ur, ;awy Stomachs Surely Fool Fine In 5 Minutes. Sold nrbra. la boaw, 10c. 2Sc Saturday nights with one performanca on week nights. East Oregonian, delivered to your home each evening, 65c per month Mackintosh's TOFFEE Direct From Halifax, England WALNUT TOFFEE. EGO anil MILK TOFFEE. FIG TOFFEE. FRVIT TOFFEE. PIERROT TOFFEE. TREACLE TOFFEE. K RUSSIAN TOFFEE. EXTRA CREAM TOFFEE. FLATMATES TOFFER. at Koeppen's The Drug Store Uiat scttp fou best. i Auction Sale -AT THE- ! Dutch Henry Feed Vard i Saturday! Kiev, fi I ; : CHICAGO. Nov. 14. With General Bramwell Booth, head of the Salva tion Army, presiding, officers' coun cils were held here all day to discuss the policy of the American branch of the army and to suggest any changes necessary to the betterment financi ally and numerically of the Middle Western departments of the American organization. The first sessions open ed at 10 a. m. No set program has tern arranged for tomorrow, but on Sunday there will be a monster mass meeting held by soldiers and ex-soldiers in the Curt Theater, Dearborn street. General Booth will preside at the Sunday meeting and discuss his plans for carrying the work of the urmy to foreign fields. He explained briefly today that one of the Import ant matters under consideration Is the I Time It! In five minutes all stom t ach distress will go. No Indigestion i heartburn, sourness or belching of j gas. acid, or eructations of undigested I food, no dizziness, bloating, foul j breath or headache, j Tape's Dlapepsln Is noted for Its i speed In regulating upset stomachs It Is the surest, quickest and mom certain Indigestion remedy In the whole world, and besides It Is harm lesa. Millions of men and women now eat their favorite foods without fear they know Pape's Dlapepsln will save them from any stomach misery. Please, for your sake, get a large fifty-cent case of Tape's Dlapepsln from any drug store and put your stomach right. Don't keep on being miserable life Is too short your are not here long, so make your stay agreeable. Eat what you like and dl- Chlna, Japan and Oriental vatlon Army. and other far eastern countries, by the Sal- terlan church of New Vork City, de livered the convention sermon this morning. William A. Brown, super intendent of the missionary depart ment of the United States, will make one of the principal addresses of the convention as the representative of the International Sunday School association. E...ut It, drIau It wtthmit rirenr? tt ro. invasion of Australia, New Zealand, V".,, ' , '., , 111 lilt; Diumoviii Pape's Dlapepsln ueiongs In your home anyway- Fhould one of the family eat something which don't ! agree with them, or In case of an at General Clinton L. Rlggs of Baltl- tack of Indigestion, dyspepsia, gas more, prominent In the Maryland trltis or stomach derangement at day militia, has been selected by President time or during the night It la handy Wilson to he one of tho three Amer- to give the quickest, surest relief leans on the Philippine commission, known. Oregon Theatre Ml MONDAY, lAllS Tom Arnold IX THE GORGEOUS MUSICAL SPECTACLE "T&3 1IF IT JNJ VU7 LS Ity Adamrt, Ilotigti & Howard. OVERFLOWING WITH SONG HITS AND STUNNING GIRLS. C 0 EXCELLENT CAST C Q People P0NY BALLCT or wONDERruL dancers pggple The cii&ngtw and ctrntunx-M ami Mxftcn are Ilewihlorlnjj In their Frequency. A Brilliant Spectacle of Flowers and IJjrtit all ttie girts are dream. PRICES: IOWEK FIXHHt $1.50; RAICONY $1.00, GALIJKRY 50c KU Sale Sunday A. M.. Pendleton Drug Co, Sale Starts 1:30 p. m. Finest car of Brood Mares ever I 3 shipped to Umatilla County to be sold. One pair of mules, 5 years I old; 50-head of horses in this sale. T Dr. F.'M. Coe ! A Conxnmptive Cough. A cough that bothers you contlnu-1 ally Is one of the danger signals which j warns of consumption. Dr. King's ( New Discovery stops the cough, loos- j ens the chest, banishes fever and lets I you sleep peacefully. The first dose checks the systems and gives prompt relief. Mrs. A. F. Mcrtz of Glen Ellyn. Io-.va, writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery cured a stubborn cough after six weeks' doctoring failed to help." Try It, as It will do the same for you. liest medicine for coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. Mon ey back If It falls. Price BOc and $1. All druggists, by mall. II. E. Riuklen & Co., Philadelphia or St. I xmis. Adv. INDIANS REVERT TO RITES. Chiefs in Maine In Full Regalia Dance at Athletefg Nuptial. OLD TOWN. Me., Nov. 12. Clad in the regalia of eagle feathers and beaded buckskins of other times, In dian chiefs danced at the wedding 'of Andrew Sockalexls, the Penobscot marathon runner, to Taullne 8huy. daughter of Sebastian Shay, one of tho leading tribesmen. The Sockalexls family has long been prominent for Its athletes. An drew Is also a student of Indian lore and It was at hla suggestion that old customs of the tribes were revived today. tSSSs' Sunday Evening, Nov 16 7sdXy1 18 Real Performers Special Scenery Elaborate - Wardrobe Spectacular. Electrical Effects V Admission Children 25c Adults 35c Silk Re 1U (Eastern Original Company) In High Class Up-to-Date I MSICA Id heater All the Latest Song Hits Dances Comedy Music 2 Performances jnday, Saturday ights. 1 Perfor ice Week Nights