EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OKFOONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 14, 1913. SUMMER CAMPERS PRESENT PROBLEM A BEEF ANIMAL Children Cry for Fletcher's PAGE SIX. thkstiiy m kru setting asiik pastihk Ftm HUNT ERS BIT DIFFICULTIES ARISE. "Tho number of persons who spend 1 their summer vacations within the na- tlonal forests L growing so rapidly." ways Supervisor J. M. Schmiti of the Vonaha riwrw, 'that the question ot lirovidinc pasturage for their saddle and pack animals Is becoming a problem. "Campers naturally seek the spots where water Is rloso at hand and where horse feed Is abundant, in the hope that their stock will not be tempted to steal away in the night 1b -search of more tempting pasturage. ' tfa order to provide such spots the "forest service must set aside limited areas from which sheep ana cattle are excluded. "In many Instances particularly in the state of California, the forest ser vice and the stock growers have co operated in constructing small pas tures for the use of tourists, who have i thus been enabled to hold their stock I tn choice feed within enclosures with-! ut any cost or Inconvenience. The aggregate acreage of forest land set aside for the use of campers is con siderable, and It appreciably reduces the amount of land available for the pasturage of sheep and cattle, but presumably the loss Is more than off- -7 t 4 ,f . Jet . W 1 J - .y, - a A .-: - -. .. : ; .-. v .. ., ; I -s : ..51 TUl Sarsaparilla Eradicates scrofula and all other humors, cures all their effects, makes the blood rich and abundant, strengthens all the vital organs. Take it Get It today in usual liquid form or chocolated tablets c.'.led Sarsatabs. set by the added enjoyment of the asked by the state's attorney to con- visitors to the forests. There Is thlssider the case. aitrerence, however, sloe growers Th(, arrest of MLss Bliss was made pay a fee for grazing their sheep or j by deputy sheriffs as she was about cattle, while campers secure free pas- to depart on an Illinois Central train turage. ror Chicago. Her hands were upon "But with the construction of pas- the guide rail of the Pullman door tures for campers' use. a new diffl- when a deputy touched her on the play a tendency to concentrate in the I order for her arrest. neighborhood of the pastures and to ; Only a few moments before Judge LAND OFFICE Real Estate Exchange C E. Roosevelt, E. O. Bldg. Pendleton, Oregon Selling Agent for IRVINGTON HEIGHTS hold their stock within the fenced areas until the enclosuresare entirely e'enuded of vegetation. "In some instances it is pointed out. that large parties occupy choice pas tures and remain there until the feed is completely exhausted, thus depriv ing later visitors of opportunity to use the pastures. Vi'hile th forest service is reluctant to Impose any un necessary restrictions upon the tree Campbell had taken the case from the jury, which had listened to evi dence for three days, and ordered MLss Bliss to pay court costs of Jl 300. The perjury action followed the In troduction of testimony for the law yers for the defense to the effect that Miss Bliss had been arrested once at Port Huron, Mich . for the theft of furniture. Alexander Moore of Port use of the pastures, forest officers are J Huron, formerly city prosecutor, gave 1 beginning to think that some form of regulation will have to be requir ed." Mr. Schmitz further states that It Is entirely probable that In another year, some new rules will be Issued governing the privileges of campers in Wenaha reserve. GIKti IX I3VE Sl'lT Alt NESTED. For Sunburn TRY Mt. Hood PEROXIDE CREAM Every Jar Guaranteed For sale only by T&llman & Co. LEADING DRUGGISTS. Caroline Bliss, Who Songht $100,000 Heart Balnt, Called a Perjuror. KANKAKEE, 111. Oct. 14 Arrest of Miss Caroline Bliss of Oxford. Mich., nn a charge of perjury brought to a dramatic climax the sensational $100. 000 branch of promise suit by her against William Latham, 70 years old, a retired millionaire eapitallBt. The grand Jury, now in session, also was testimony in support of this and ad ded that the woman had been fined $25. Previous to Moore's statement the plaintiff had been aked regard ing an arrest In Michigan. She de nied ever having been detained there by the police, but admitted she had been arrested for a minor offence in Canada. Miss Bliss was recalled and admitted the truth of the former prosecuor's assertion. Kankakee has been aroused by the suit against Latham. Letters were In troduced as having been written by the aged defendant, some smacking w ith words of endearment. Miss Bliss responded to the Importunities of her suitor In one instance, it was shown, by investing -In a carload of furni ture for her brother in the north. She expected Latham to pay for this. He never "made good" his promise to I pay. Then the suit against him was 1 filed. The Kind You Have Always Bonght, ami which has been Itt use for over SO years, has borne tho signature of ana has been made under his pcr-'Jtf-f- sonal supervision since its Infancy. 4dcUAZ Allow no ono to deceive von In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against ExperimeDt. What is CASTOR1A Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Props and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotio substance. Its ape is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverishness. For more titan thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates tho Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend, GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years "CASCARETS" ALWAYS STRAIGHTEN YOU UP If Costive, Headachy, Bilious. Stom ach Sour, lircuth llatl Clran Your Uver and Bowels, Oet a 10-cent box now. You men and women who can't get feeling right who have headache, cfiated tongue, foul taste and foul breath, dizziness, can't sleep, are bil- W;l8 the grneral belief that a wedding HFJJMISTOX SKW f-YWEDS WEHE GIVEN T1IEIU DI E (Special Correspondence.) HERMISTON. Ore.. Oct. 14 Doc tor C. 0 Wainsoott who came to, Hermiston about a year ago and who has beoome very popular here, was marrlei Sunday to Miss Xorma Gld- dlngs Hermlston's milliner. Whiie it ldui nervous and upset. bothered with a sick, gassy, clsordered stom ach, or have backache and feel worn out. Are you keeping your bowels clean with Cascarets, or merely forcing a passageway every few days with salts, cathartic pills or castor oil? Cascarets work while you sleep; cleanse the stomach, remove the sour. of these two popular young people was an assured fact in the near fu ture, yet practically no one thought Sunday would be the day. Rev. Em mel performed the ceremony at thi home of the bride's sister. Mrs. O. H Thomas and the happy couple left for Portland on No. 1 yesterday morn ing. About fifteen minutes before train undigested, fermenting food and foul j t!nle the fact o the we(jjin? became gaes; take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system all the constipated waste matter and and poison in the bowels. A Cascaret tonight will straighten you out by morning a 10-cent box from any drug store will keep your stomach sweet, liver and bowela reg- known and a lively rush for rice and shoes took place. The newlyweds re ceived a good supply of both before the train left and to be sure they would not be overlooked after leav ing Hermiston, friends at Umatilla and Hood River were wired to (as the train makes over five minutes the job as he was taught and Mary and Annie Boslaff might have been burned to cinders. Instead he jumped through nn open window at 2337 Perry street, where the two little girls rolled about screaming with their I press dresses on fire, yesterday,, dashed a rail of water over them and pulled down some burning curtains-. Nei ther of the girls was Injured and the damage to the room was not exces sive. Meanwhile Tommy, who is Just fi years old, Is the hero of the day. Particularly is he a hero In. the eyes of Annie and Mary so much so that they are treating each other rather coldly today. Mary, aged 5, Insists that he is her hero,-while Annie, who U a year older. Is quitely laying plans tc be married to him some time In the future. Says Tommy "Ducked Her." "It was awful hot," said Mary to day. "I guess I would havo burned up If Tommy hadn't come and ducked me. I would have crlej at being ducked any other time but I guess 1 was crying too hard already." "Guess what I'm gonna do when I see Tommy," said Annie, blushing deeply. Xo one could guess. "1'hii gonna kiss him,!' she said stoutly. "And when he grows up anb when I'm growed up, too, I'm gonna marry him. When a hero saves your life you got to marry him that's what it says in the books." Mary plainly did not like her sis ter's announcement. Tommy Hus Other Plans. "She ain't gonna kiss me and she ain't gonna marry me cause I got another girl," said Tommy, who was found at the Thomas school. "Lot of people have told me that I'm a he ro. I don't know though. What 1 did was to Jump in and pull the cur tains down and throw water on the girls., ' That was fun for me specialb the water part. Say you oughto heard 'em howl." ber In strips and nailing the strip! securely to an old broom handle. This rubber carpet beater Is easily made ! and very useful. Los Angeles Kx- 'otter's Friend Li Every Home Comfort mn& Safety AiMired Before U Arrival of Um Stork. Carpet IWaU'r. I A good way to utilize old rubbei boots Is to make a carpet beater ol them. It Is- made by cutting the Tub ular, and head clear ror montns. uon ij ,,topg at each piace), ao that they forget the children. They love Caa- mlght be looked after at these places carets because they taste good never gripe or sicken. THE OFFICE Phone 299 711 Mam Street PENDLETON, ORE. PAMILY LIQUOR STORE A. SCHNEITER, Prop. AN INTERESTING FACT How $10,000,000 Has Been Spent BY WHITBREAD IN ENGLAND . of Whltbread wm In Rnrlnd In 1141 to mak particular brand ot Enrllatt Ai ana 'StMit from tha flnt barley, nia.lt and 4mm to b obtained. The greatest Eng ataa 4oatora recommended tbla particular IaJa tUxnit far mo then, invalid and thaaa la run-down condition, beau tha taaaoua Whitbread matured them ul , 4a bottlea a, thla Ale or their SMt r Matted Extract), which doea not contain aor artificial caa and la there tot moat easily digested. It has Cleo comfort to thousands of womn. The iot temperate people drink Whitbread At fcmatMO it is not only a delicious bev race but a wonderful blood giver and lotto. boctora. nrofeeslonal men ana dae to overwork. So treat has been the growth of thla famouj house that It to now a household word In Great Britain and forty factories have be" built by Whitbread In Europe to bottle their own English Ale or English Stout to meet the prelent demand. Tha WhltbreaC Stout contains more hope than Whitbread Ala. and Is consumed largely by those In a run down and nervous condition. A (lass or either the Ale or Etout with your meals and at night time will give you that rest ful sleep , A trial from your local dealer will convince you of the wonderful merlta of Whitbread, but do not accept any sub stitute as Whitbread Ale or Stout are en tirely different from all other English iu. nr Rtnuta. being matured only direct irvia A wire was also sent to the Orlando apartments at . Portland where many old HermLston residents are located that they might meet the train on Its firrlval. so doubtless they were well ret'dved in Portland. c W. Kellogg has returned from Boise where he attended to some rec lamation business. A large crowd of out of town peo ide were here Sunday enjoying the good hunting characteristic in and about Hermlstpn. Many ducks an swered the shots of the hunters. Oliver P. Morton, government at torney from Portland, spent the lat ter part- of last wet-k here looking r.fler government matters. F. B. Swayze was a Pendleton vis itor Saturday. J. T. Hinkle and Mrs. Hlnkle went to Pendleton. Saturday, returning on the motor in the evening. T. W. S&pper has returned from Echo where he had contract work. Friday evening the young people of Hermiston gave tha first of a series BAD STOMACH? ONE DOSE of lilayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy Should Convinca You That Your Suffering Is Unnecessary. The- old saying what In borne without t mother ehou:d add "Mother's Friend." In thousands f American homes there Is a bottle of this splendid and famous rem edy that has aided many a woman tlirnUKO the trying ordeal, saved her from suffering and in In. kept h-r In health of mind and body In advance of bnhy's coming and had n nu st wi ndi-rful lnllui-nce In developing a hinllhy, lovi'ly disposition In the .child. There Is no other remedy so trnly a help to nature ns Mother's Friend. It relieves the pain nnd discomfort caused by '.be fttraln on the ligaments, makes pliant those fibres and mnsrlps which nature Is expand ing and oot lies the Inflammation of breast glands. Mother's Frlrnd N an external remedy, acta quickly and not only banishes all dis tress In advance, hut assures a speedy and complete recovery for the mother. Thtia she becomes a healthy woman with all her strength preserved to thoroughly enjoy the rearing of her child. Mother's Friend can be had st any drug store at 111.00 a bottle, and Is really one of the greatest blesslstn ever dlRcovered for evneetant mothsra. Write to Kradfteld Kcvulator Co.,. tt!8 I.amar Itldg., Atlanta. ?a., for th-lr free book. WrlU to-day. it U most Instructive. Be Sure Before You Spend Your Money People who get the worth of their money are people who think before they buy. They buy the things they want at the time they want them and pay the lowest market price. Competition is their ser vant. They know who's who and what's what. They are readers of advertising in live . daily newspapers like the East Oregonian. They look upon advertising as a guide to their intelligence. They count it as a good friend who saves them time and money. They get their money's worth always. As a rule they are prosperous and thrifty. Be a leader of advertising. Get the full value of the service this newspaper has to offer you. Be sure before you buy and then you will buy with wisdom. Returned to Pendleton From His Vacation D. R. CHEN Chinese Herb Co. PENDLETON, OREGON 114 E. Webb St. Under State Hotel. omCE HOl'liS, 10-12 and 1.7. Our wonderful Herb cures Rheumatism, As thma, Nervous Weakness, Kidneys, Rupture, Chronic Coughs; also Lung. Heart, Stomach and Female Trouble. Our Herb remedies have been used with wonderful results In China for over 4,000 years. CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATION FREE. Phona Main 173. Raeommandad for Chronic Indigestion and Stomach. Ltvorand Intes tinal Ailments, Tboosnnds of people, come right In ypor own f.ii hn.iII.t MnSmWondtrful Stomach RmmJ for Stomach. Litmr and Intmmtinal All : . - n D - l.nm A mnntl of dances nd a better party has not ,yNl0Zi Dizzi-'. F aintu,,Sp.lh, teen known here In a lone time. All Sick HtadacU: Constipation, Torpid Livr. present Insisted that similar dances ZrTruJFSZWMtoZi to build TTp' in"ths- bottle, ind t luaar ayatam. aaa to nervous unuuuwa ". T JAMES IMP OUTING COMPANY 278 West Iiroadw uy, Xe York City, be held every two weeks through the winter and from the success of this 5-arty, their wishes win likely be granted. Otto G. Sapper was In . Pendleton Monday looking after business. HOY SAVES GIRLS AFIRE. Iidd liCapn TIiroiil Window, Throws Water on Tots, Pulls Down Mazing Curtains, CHICACP, Oct. 14. As a fireman Thomas Ealke's work miKht be term ed "coarse," but it . is effective. He might have been scientific and done mtr . and am Tirnl ifnff and recommending It highly to others so that they may also know the Joys of living. Mayr'm Wondtrful Stomach RtmmJy is tho best and tr.ost widely known Ketnedy for tho abova ailmenU. Alc your drug, gist Inr a bottle today. Put it to a test ono dose should convince. It is marvelous in Its beuluig properties and is effects are quite na'ur.-tf as It acts on the source and foundation ot stomach ailment and In most cases brings quiek rehef and permanent results. Tills highly successful kemedy hus been tnken by the most prominent people, and those In all walks of life, among them Members of ConfTre. Justlc o the Supreme Court. Educators, I.awyers.Merchnnu, Hankers, Unetors, DniggitH, Nurses, Manufac turers, Hriesti, M-nhtir:i. farmers, with lusting benefit and 't should bo eounlly ourcentul in your case. Send lor free vulun'ile booklet on btomach Ailments to Gro. H. Mayr, Mfg. Chemist, 1S.156 Whitinsr btreet. Chicago. 111. For sale In Pendleton by the Pen dleton Drug Co. ' M ( J V a