East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 17, 1913, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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I'nN'rf ITopt-rly Treated With
oim-1 Tills I)liio May Re
conio ScriouK.
If you huve catarrh, usuully indi
cated by sniffling, (topped up head,
droppings in throat, watery eyes and
morning choking, there Is an Irritated
atate of the mucous membrane which
Affords an Ideal condition for the
growth of disease germs.
Do not allow the dangerous germs
which may be breathed Into the none growth as any state department In the
the annual four duy's convention was
called to order The typograhlcal
union was expected , to lead a bitter
fight against the proposed de-electlon
ot PreMldent Claude O. Taylor, of
Grand ' Rapid, and Secretary Homer
Waterman, of Kalamazoo, . who, the
"typos" charge with failure to work
for the bent Interest of the labor
ing men they represent. Failure of
the federation officials to adopt a
militant policy In regard to the strike
of the 15.000 copper miners of North
ern Michigan, was also to be advanc
ed as a reason for their retirement.
Reports submitted today showed
that in twenty-four years the Michi
gan Federation has had as rapid a
throat and lungs to begin the d eat rue
tlon of your health.
The easiest, simplest, quickest, sur
est and cheapest way to check catarrh
Is by bieathlng Hyomcl all druggists
aell It ThlH wonderful medicated air
treatment does not upset the stomach
but Is breathed In through the Hyo
Dii l Inhaler, directly following surely
destroying all disease germs that may
have been inhaled the tissues of the
throat, nose and lungs are Quickly
healed and vitalized.
The Unusual vay In which Hyomel
Is sold by Tallman & Co. dispels all
doubts as to Its curative properties.
Money refunded to anyone whom Hy
omel falls to benefit. A complete out
fit. Including Inhaler and bottle of
liquid, costs but $1.00.
union. Increasing from twenty-five lo
cals In 1889 to 250 In 1913. The
convention will be In session through
Friday when the election of officers
I scheduled. Many cities today bid
for next year's convention which will
be the silver anniversary of the Federation.
Quarrel Kturt Over Lumber Deal
One Solace Ax im! Decapitate
Ills Opponent.
ABERDEEN', Miss., Kept. 17. Dr.
H. E. Broyle. owner of the Aber
deen Hotel, and F. F. Hendrlx, a weal
they lumberman, were killed In a du
el at the railroad station here fol
lowln ga quarrel over a lumber deal.
After Broyles had fatally wounded
Hendrlx with a revolver, the latter
seized an ax and decapitated Broyles.
Hendrlx died within a few minutes.
BERKELEY. Cal . Sept. 17. Secre-
Mothers who spend the night wlth.Hrv. inp. of the department of the
a sick baby appreciate the help they j nt,.ror considering a voyage to
Jonathan Bourne Jr.
That a comprehensive system of
good roads throughout the United
States would add a hundred billion
dollars to the wealth of the country.
Is the assertion of former Senator
Jonathan Bourne, Jr., who was in
Pendleton last week to attend the
Hound-up. Bourne Is chairman of a
Joint congressional committee on fed
eral aid to good roads and In that ca
pacity hua spent more than a year in
the study of the problem. He ha
worked out and submitted to his com
mittee a plan of federal participation
In road construction and malnten-
lutlon of Interest at three per cent
would, In a little less than fifty years,
amount to the principal. That is to
say, the borrowing road funds through
the superior credit of the government,
the states would pay the uiual rate
of Interest and never have to pay the
principal. This Is, In substance, the
principle adopted by Great Britain In
the Irish Land Purchase Act, .under
which Irish tenants are enabled to
purchase their homes from the land
lords. My plan also provides for a direct
j appropriation by the government to
3 mm
Sept 22nd to 27th.
especially In hot weather. It quiets
fever and Irritation, soothes the stom
ach, checks the bowels and helps both
mother and child to obtain sleep and
rest. . Price -25c and 50c per bottle.
Sold by all dealers. Adv.
(;as Chump Death.
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 17. Sewer
gas caused the death of James Con
Ion and the critical Illness of Patrick
Lynch and NIc Lawler. The three
men, employes of the olty, entered
a sewer hole and were overcome.
Rlcklv children need WHITE'S
destroys worms, if there be any, but
It acts as a strengthening tonic In the
stomach and bowels. Price 25c per
bottle. Sold by all dealers. Adv.
KALAMAZOO, Mich., Sept. 17.
What was expected to develop Into
one of the stormiest meetings in the
history of the Michigan Federation oflof giving away money think they are
Labor, got under way here today when charitable and let It go at that.
Some people who happen to dream
Honolulu and back before he returns
to his work.
It Is now six days since the secre
tary collapsed while reviewing a pa
rade, and although he continues to
gain In strength and was up and about
his physicians Insist he must have at
least a fortnight's full rest before he
can think of taking up his dutl.s
The trip to Honolulu Is only one of
half a dozen paths to rest and fresh
air suggested. Which suggestion
should prevail has not been decide I.
inrtiiv koo is xkv daxci-.
llannle "lYult LataUve" CloaiiMtt
the Stomach, Uvcr antl Ilowel
WIUwHit Any Griping.
A delicious cure for constipation
biliousness, sick heartache, sour stom
ach, indigestion, coated tongue, sal
lowness take "California Syrup of
Figs." For the cause of all this dis
tress Ilea In a torpid liver and slug
glfh bowels.
A tablespoonful tonight means all
constipation, poison, waste matter,
fermenting food and sour bile gently
moved out of your system by morn-
think of "California Syrup of Figs" as
h physic. Don't think you are drug
ging yourself or your children, be
cause this delicious fruit luxatlve can
not cau.e Injury. Even a delicate
child can take It as safely as a ro
bust man. It- Is the most harmless.
effective, stomach, liver and bowel
regulator and tonic ever devised.
Your only difficulty may be In get
ting the genuine; so ask your druggist
for a 50 cent bottle of "California
Syrup of Figs." Say to your drug
gist "l want only that made by the
"California Fig Syrup Company."'
This city has many counterfeit "fig
DaiK'inir Muster IH-orce Tlint Ob
JiH-tioiinhle Feature .Must Go.
PITTSBURG. Sept 17. As far as
the organized dancing musters of
Western Pennsylvania and Eastern
Ohio are concerned, the tango is ta
booed, and its successor Is to be the
hitchv koo. In the hltchy koo the
ar.ee and is .confident t'.iKt thl plan
u'ill h,. r.ilfttit,.-) imfi.uu :i lif.rfi.1 rmi- mialli an1 fo tip fiiiial in amount to
shill bv devised. two per cent of the cost of construe-; I
"Good roads will reduce the cost of tlon of roads under the act. the state
marketing crops one third to one to set aside an equal amount, and this
j half,'" said Mr. Bourne, In discussing four per cent, to 1e expended annu
' tne subject. This will leave a larger! ally for maintenance. Road experts
I margin of profit for the producer.' agree that It costs about four per cent
tiot, the hug and the tango are com-; Highways that are in good passable of the cost of construction to maintain
blned, minus the objectionable featurt x condition at all times of the year will ' a road. It is highly Important that
of each make rural life more attractive and when we make provision for extensive
The dancing masters, presided over ! therefore create more demand for construction, we also make adequate
by R E Jacques, vice-president ft j farln land. This demani will result ' provision for maintenance. A neg-
Internatlonal Association, clow! ,n smaller larniM. more wnruMic i-ue leciea r.ignway is nite a negieciea
iivaiion. neavier production, in- railroad it soon gets in oaa repair,
creased population, and. consequent-' "While I am a believer In federal
ly. much higher valuations, especi-jaid to good roads, I am not an advo-
aily In the newer and undeveloped sec-, cute of the government taking over
lions. Eetter farming communities the task of road construction. I be
make better and larger towns. City lieve Cie people of a state are the
property In a community having' best judges of the kind and location
gool roads Is more desirable and more of road Improvement and that It
valuable than similar property In a would be extremely unwise to give a
region having poor roads Pureau in Washington control of this
their convention here and dispersed t
carry out the mandate of the organi
zation. To counteract tne popularity of the
hug dances, the Pittsburg branch of
the American Physical Training As
sociation has decided upon a move
ment to revive the old-fashlone 1
dances, such as the lancers, the Vir
ginia reel and .the quadrille, and ai
exposition of their purpose will 1
given soon, when the old steps vill
have their first Inning of revival. IT.
C. Penner Is chairman of the com
mittee pushing the movement.
Ing without griping. Tleasc don't ;:yrups " so watch out.
Killing Kntxt In New York.
GEXESO, X. Y.. Sept. 17. Messages
from all over rural New York stat?
told of the destruction of gardens by
the first killing frost of the season.
nhlk al,
At" the Dellwo ranch, four miles north of Nolin; fifteen miles
northwest of Pendleton.- I will sell at public auction:
23 head good work mules 3 harrows
4 head young work horses
1 sorrel driving mare
13 sets work harness
1 set hack harness
1 set double buggy harness
2 good milch cows
1 heifer
2 hogs
1 McCormick reaper
1 mowing machine
1 rake
3 Superior disc drills
1 8:horse Campbell packer
4 big wagons with wheat
1 wagon with hay rack
1 wagon with water tank
1 wagon with cook house
2 wagons with feed racks
1 Helix weeder.
1 fanning mill
2 weed rakes
Blacksmith tools
I Holt Combined Harvester Sr., eighteen foot cut
3 three bottom Oliver plows, I five horse power Alamo
Gasoline engine, I roller chop mill, I wood saw,
1 big kettle, 1 plow share grinder, 2 combine hitches, 1 hack, 1 cart, 1 top buggy,
shafts and pole, a lot of ban els, 1 Economy Chief Separator, new," 1 grindstone,
i pumpj ck, shovels and picks, etc 2 stoves and some household furniture.
A free lunch at noon. Sale begins 10 a. m.
. Terms: All sums under fifty dollars cash. All sums over
fifty dollars one year credit with note,, good security 8
interest, 2 off for cash.
S. A. EDWARDS, Owner
C. E. RUDE, Auctioneer. Nolin, Oregon
E. H. SMITH, Clerk
i V-
f''-if '
; Final Return
Limit Sepf. 29
Tickets On Sa!a
Sept. 21 to 27
A Saectacalar Reproduction . of Pioneer Days
Emigrant Trains, Stage Coaches, Indians, Cowboys,
Cowgirls, Racing, Roping, and Broncho Busting
full Particulars on application to any Afetrt of the O-WJL O N.
The Famous Soil Expert Will Deliver
-Commercial Club Rooms
Thursday, Sept. 18, 2 p. m.
The farmers of this county are to have a real treat in the
&hape of an interesting and instructive lecture on Soil Culture
by Dr. Y. E. Taylor, of Moline, 111. ,
Kupers & McCook have succeeded. in getting Dr. Taylor to
visit Pendleton and deliver a lecture to tho farmers here on the"
subject of "Soil Fertility and the Science of Crop Production."
Dr. Taylor is himself a practical farmer and a speaker of
eloquence and power. He operates a number of experimental i
farms in different parts of the United States, and is conceded
tr Ik? one of the best posted men on soil culture that there is in X
this countrv. x
Mi"i tiik ii.nv.v t(;k or had kuads.
"Tht'j'p facts arc well known an.l matter. For that reason my susses'
nre amili? jujitifleation for extensive 1 teil plan jirovUle-s that each state tak-.
road Improvement. The principal' ir.g advantage rf the provi.ions of the
4Ue.stlon Is how we shall raise the law shall have a state highway corn
funds with which to prosecute the mission which s.iall havs general con
road work. The usual method of rais-' trol of roai improvement. Iload
ing funtiji where the expenditure Is needs in a region of largo farms, and
heavier than the taxpayers feel able ( the climate and soil of Eastern Ore
to bear immediately is by the issu-1 Ron are altogether different from the
nnce of bond:. Jackson county, for; road needs of New Jersey or Mississ
instance. has Just voted to Issue a ippi. Besides. I am opposed to any
half million dollars worth of roa.ljplan that would result In building up
bonds. These bonds will bear five - a large organization under tho con
per cent Interest. State bonda usu-1 trol of an official back in Washlng-
al!y bear four per cent. The govern-: ten."
ment can get money at three per cent. While In Pendleton last week Pen
Thls difference in the borrowing pow- p.tor Bourne discussed his good roads
er of the, government and the states j plan w ith a number of people here,
or counties Is the basis of my plan of. He is in Oregon on a vacation and
talking good roads at the sam time
TV good effects of road improve
ment are Illustrated in two pictures
i Tinted on this page. shoe ing a
road near C'heraw. South Pjrolina.
b'. fore and after improvement.
federal participation. I propose that
the government rake road funds by
j selling three, per rent bonds and let
the states have the money at four per
cent nut place tne extra one cent in
(v iiiivtii mini, w iiiijii. iv.ii an uuiu-
Tlnio It! 'Tape's IHnpopsIn" Inkc
Your l"ct. 'nioatoxl Stonmoli
l'ci'l line in 5 Minute.
"Really does" put bad stomachs in
order "really does"' overcome Indi
gestion, dyspepsia, gas, heartburn and
sourness In five minutes that just
that mukes Tape's Dia'pepsln the
largest celling stomach-regulator in
the world. If what you eat ferments
into stubborn lumps, you belch gas
and eructate sour, undigested food
and acid; head Is dlxry and aches:
breath foul; tongue coated; your ln
sldes filled with blh and Indigestible
waste, remember the moment 'Tape's
Dlapepsln" comes in contact with the
stomach all such distress vanishes.
It's truly astonishing almost marvel
ous, and the Joy Is Its harmlcssness.
A large fifty-cent case of Pape
Dlapepsln will give you a hundred
dollars' worth of satisfaction or your
dru&glst hands you your money back
It's worth Its weight In gold to men
and vomen who can't get their stom
achs regulated. It belongs In " your
home should always be kept handy
In case of a sick, sour, upset stom
ach during the day or at night. It's
the quickest, surest and most harm
less stomach doctor In the world.
L(XDON. Sept IT. Dispatches re
ceived from Constantinople say a new
treaty has been completed there be
tween Bulgaria and Turkey which
gives Turkey Adrianople an.l Kirk
Killsseh. and takes from Turkey the
greater part of Trace which was re
ceived by the terms of tho London
treaty. Bulgaria is said to he dis
pleased with the treaty but diplomats
here state the powers are not dispos
ed to help Bulgaria secure better
w wmk
ib rfL Ai
Inrtlanuiis After ii. A. It Ix-ntlcrslii.n
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn , Sept 17
Indiana members of the Grand Army
of the Republic which Is holding its
forty-seventh reunion and encamp
ment here, launched a carefully plan
ned campaign booming Orlando A.
Somers of Kokomo. as candidate for
commander-in-chief of the veteran or
ganization. The Indiana department,
it was argued, has a membership of
13,000 In the O. A. R , yet they have
rnly once had a commander-in-chief
of the organization. Somers. who
has attended almost every encamp
ment. Is widely known In every state
department of the G. A. R.
A man bits a human target nearly
every time he shoots off his mouth.
la his lectures, Dr. Taylor mukes it phi in what plant food
elements are necessary iu the soil for maximum crop produc
tion, how missing elements can be supplied, and how they are
made available for the use of growing plants, lie describes soil
texture; tho influence that cultivation has upon plant growth;
lunv certain elements of plant foxl can be taken out of the air
and fixed in the ground by the aid of certain leguminous plants ;
how humus can be restored to worn-out soils, and whv this par
ticular element is of unusual importance to the farmers.
His instructions concerning the proper application of barn
yard manure and its effect upon the plant is of itself a liberal
education in plant production.
There isn't a single word in Dr. Taylor's lecture that is
commonplace, uninteresting or difficult to understand. He is
eloquent, humorous, and has an amazing grasp of those vital
agricultural subjects, which are now of such importance to the
fanners of this country.
We all want to know more alwut how to produce larger
crops from the same acreage without additional expense or with
out robbing the soil of its fertility. The agricultural lands are
really a heritage, which "should be passed down to succeeding
generations as fertile and productive as when we received them.
Xothing but scientific agriculture will guarantee this desirable
Do not fail to hear Dr. Tavlor's lecture. You mav not have
such an opportunity again in this locality for years to come. The
lecture is fw, and no fanner who has his own intercuts or the
interests of the community at heart should fail to be there.
4 J