FIRST EDITION FIRST EDITION DAOHENjDITI0N TO ADVKUTISKUS. The East Oregonlan has the largest paid circulation of any paper In Ore gon, east of Portland and over twice the circulation. In Pendleton of any other newspaper. DAILY EVENING EDITION IV'recant for I '.a torn Oregon, bj the . United Mate Wenllirr lcnrrT at Portland. Fair tonight and Friday. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER. it ' " ! 'fv.v. . -um .VOL 25. PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY r, ski'tiukii 11, p NO. 7978 Thromgs Cheer Wildly as Cowlboys il'Ji Cowgirls Emter Arena to Depict R 4TH ANNUAL ROUND-UP STARTS TODAY. THOUSANDS ATTENDING omel Life of .the RaEge Great Stadium Crowded with Humanity Eager to See Contests Between Man and Beast. Pendleton Is In the midst of nor fourth great Hound-up und nothing else matters here today. Business ix suspended for tho afternoon, and the streets, no populous Inst night and thla morning, are deserted save for an occasional patrolman left behind to guard the city while the thousands of residents and visitors give them selves up to the enjoyment and ex cltment of the cowboy carnival. The iirtna and the track hold all there Is of Interest to people here, and none but the lame, the halt, and the blind one absent Though the flaring throat of the 4 5 horns of tho newly-lnatalled elec tric enunclator did not announce the entraneu of the store of fancy ropers who formally opened the program of thrills until t -.30 oYlncqk every spec tator had iici'n Kernel nn.I Waling for lornr minute. Lou In-fore noon a tumultuous crowd had gathered In front of the closed gates at the park, and when they wire swung open there was a mail scramble fur the unreserved bleacher Meals. fur the Kfcat majority ,f the reserved seats had been previously sold. The grandstand li one solid bank of humanity, and there are but few of the boards In the great bleachers ure unc overed. It Is a great crowd and Ji happy one. The "Let 'er Buck" spir ts bus seized all and they are watch ing the succession of events with no effort to restrain their enthusiasm. The cowboy fa having his ply day. but he Is getting no more pleasure out of Ir than is that thousand-eved throng that sees him from every an gle. As fr the oig frontier show which Is the magnet which has attracted to 1 endleton such an overwhelming crowd, it was started without daley and is progesslng with the same smothnt3 that ha8 characterized, ev ery one of the nine previous exhibi tions. The directors and their help ers have the situation in hand and the order and organization enn not help but be glimpsed beneath the mad dash of nevre-tlghtenlng events. Mini Weatlicr. So far every prospect for the 1913 Ileum! -up Is roseate. Nothing, of threatening aspect or Import bus shown Itself clear and everything goes merry as H marrlagw bell. Even the weatherman bus been b Inoculated ASTRK,lFE ! Frontier Exhibition Starts Promptly IN THE BULLDOGGiNG CONTEST! rin Tim. eAi;mAij ionnn n. d.o Ull IIIIIC, kOllllltllCU IftpUUU hiu riusuui Contlnued on Pace 5.) INDIAN-WAR DANCE TO BE STAGED TONIGHT AT COUNTY FAIR PAVILION , St- ' . i: nN. v, V, v r" t - J V 1 . . :t : - :i ' 12 YEAR OLD BUCKAROO MAKES SENSATIONAL RIDE ON BUCKINGHORSE iowlioj's Ionj Kac". Hp. Ixldlo Turk: HCfond, JraIe" firkin: tlilrtl Darnll Cannon Time, K 1-2. Indian Itolay lUuv. First. .Totmsoii (liaiunan; second, I.uclan Williams. It. K. Daniels thrown from Henry Vogft on first Jump.. Irarrcll Cannon makes Kpectacular ride of bucking horse. Cowgirkr Ituckiog Contest. IVtilia lilanoett on Ilambler; Min nie Ttionipson on Snake. Steer Hoping. dim MaHcy, Itlancett, Chester! Twelve thousand people are looking Hycrs. Xo contestant nuulc a -atch. i down upon the track and arena at Maverick Hace. Kound-up park this afternoon. With Jim Itoach, first. i bright eyes they are watching feats X)'boy8 iielay Race. j w'hlch for the elements of the daring Karl Amwronir on Spain brotlKTs"' and the spectacular are not to be Htrliifc. first; time. 4:27 1-2; liot'8een nt anv other form of entertain. iilrson on Harney Sherry's string, sec- ment. Only the cowboy of the west, -ml : time, 1:2 1-2.. Wade cm Illake-! wlth n! seeming utter recklessness. Iy Wring, third: time,. 4:31 1-4 Hoy Kellry on Ie (iron's strln fourth; time. 4:37 1-2. j the Round-up. and the crowd ls show- Stcvr Uiilblojiinjr ' irur lll appreciation in a noisy man- 1.,.. Ifntltn- m.lA tleT. . " llu-lvi B.tu.iv miiu UKIIt IUL j would risk life and limb in the rough njf. '.vet wholesome sport which makes up after I).-in dra'.jir-cl one-half around arena save i:p. C. 1'.. Kiiiiaii mis-ed steer. i'efore the commencement of the regular program, the spectators sat back in their seats and drank in the NEWS SUMMARY HOUMM P ISAXll JMMXJUAM TOXKJIIT Soloist, Marqulest Kanaert, piccolo; Mrs. llobcrt lieere, mezzo soprano. March. "Hero of the Isthmus" Lampe "Overture, "Semlramlde"' . . , .Rossini "I'eer dynt Suite" Orelg 1. Morning. 2. Ase'a Death. 3. Anltras 'Dance. 4.. In the Hall of the Moun tain Kin?. Piccolo solo, selected Marqule Kanaert Bouquet of popular melodies ' ..Remlck "Grand selection from Faust Quonod Vocal scdo, selected Mrs Robert Beere. mozxo soprano. Hen Drlscoll. Sextette from Lucia. Two Hungarian dances. Nos. 5 and 6 Brahms "Btar Spangled Uanner." Vaudeville and a big Indian war dance, is on the program at the fair pavilion for tonight. There will be a ig ouncn of Indiana from the res irvation here, and Major Moorhoiwc I persuaded them to stase one of j their famous tribal ceremones. A . small dance was put on last night, but seeral limes as many dancers I will be used tonight. I A team of three vaudeville artists ' has been secured one n hum.,,,., iiri mm vne omer two a comedy I-ife Newman, who Is shown here t.ulldogsins steer at the lrj Hound-up, enjoy., the distinction of being the only cowboy who ever broke a steer's neck In a bulblosah't.' con test. He didn't do It at the Hound-up for the style of work which endangers the horns and necks of the animals ls barred here. It happened at Chey enne a year ago. There Insteud of i j Pit f., stei r and wrestling w'th him, the j.ractlce is to trip the steer by l.-iipins from the horse- and forc ing the animals homn Into the ground, thus turning him a complete somer sriult. This practice is more clanser ou.'t to cowboy and steer and. while it permits the feat to be accomplishe 1 in f.'.f ter time, it Is not nearly as spec tacular as t!e form employed here. .lac k Joyce caulit oid) one horn ' t'"e wmcn was Presented to their and lost his steer. I eyes. In front of them a little en- .John Tyaeke failed to -how up. ' closed arena encircled by a smooth. i-n it.-eLi,,,. rvr'n track: l'l from all part? of the i.un iiiuk.n. track rising bank upon bank, a seeth- "l'appy .la.k" Haun an.l tieortr-' - mass of human animation- ! yeajrer ttli throiu rrom Sharkey on 'the back streteh of the track, hun ! first jump. j sireds r.f cowboy., and rowilrls. clad I.- i I" rainbow colors that run riot with e-'ch o'JieP and. mounted upon their v iiios. facin-r the crowd ami waiting f r th'dr turn to sho their skill: trouch the rnnk.3 of the equestrians, Thons,..,;, ;,f ,h.Hc are at llonnd-; ..di, village inthe ,4 e whole "Ask Me" badjre-s . are ,.mWK Ikkh, j Ju.t a, tv ha7,s on thp (,,a,s rM(n. to vi, in I'c-mlleton.. More s,- . P(, thp y M che?tpr H , elai ohm arrive tKlay. Irtehflebl. s.mmv Barrett. Jane wnwior st to attend ( Porroudy. and Perthn Blanceu! '"'.; , j world's t-rratest and most expert trick lo bl s,KVials urnvc from coast anJ fancv ropprs, (n,nnped 'onto the - ' - nit i .-v eii;t i i li noii-ri O : skit team The "Mnn-eim, t 4 UI bo able to perform tonight after jan enforced layoff of two days on Oj account of a sprained ankle. 4! The? Judging was not finished until 4j late last night, at some of the Judges jere delayed by late trulrm yesterday. Hindus IH'tnlncd at Port. SKATTLE, Wash, Sept. 11. Seventy-two Hindus detained In the Im migration station heer awaltng de portation were denied freedom by Federal Judge N'eterer, who declined to Ismi,. writs of hnbeaus corpus. The Hindus alleged that they had been residents of the Philippine Islands for a year before coming to this country. MAYOR GAYNOR-OF NEW YORK DEAD; END COMES WHILE ON SEA VOYAGE NEW YORK. Sept. 11. Succumb ing to tho effects of an assassin's bullet, which three 'years ago lodged in his neck. Mayor Gaynor of Xew New York is dead aboard the steam-1 er Baltic, which will reach Queens town tonight. His death occured yes-! tcrday. His son Rufus, who was traveling with him. Immediately sent! the news by wireless to Queenstown 1 whence it was cabled here. The mes-' ago read: j "Father died Wednesday at 1 ' o'clock. Death was due to heart' failure. Notify mother." The Immediate cause of death was' the constant coughing, " brought on by the bullet which wounded him and which since had lodged at the base of his tongue. The body win be shipped to this city. Gaynor was weak when taken aboard the Baltic. His voyage was kept secret owing to the attempt to assassinate him by John J. Gallagher the last time the mayor started for a European trip. Taking his son Rufus and a nurse with hint the mayor sailed Septem ber 4, thinking the trip would bene- (Contlnued on .Page 5.) l!oy Itnekaro o makes ride. sensational General. Mayor Gaynor of Xew York is dead. Harry Tliaw will be arraigned to tiay. I.oeal. Two pickpockets are wrested by Portland detectives who are here for the Round-tin Iicrtlm Johnson discharged from federal court on vharses of widte slavery. Souvenir Section. "Rjiilseland" lniigiinre explained. Man's love of thrilling strife makes l:ncl-up popular. I'M 3 Round-up. They practiced their j different feats with thir writhing j twisting lariat? to the first plaudits of tne marveling crowd. Pretty Janr! Pernoulv In her redbird dre". emu lated all of the difficult feats per formed by her cowbov rivnl. snln nlng the wedding ring from her horse and putting on and Mkir. off her Jacket, while spinning the rope arounj her body. The ropers had Just time to get back Into the arena before 25 cowboys dnshed up to the grandstand and were off on the half mile race. Braden ceikln of Athena, took the lead on the first lap but on the second lap' Eddie Turk forced his way to the front and kept it to the finish. Dar- rell Cannon, the II year old John T)nv ahead of the nearest competitor, Lu clan Williams. Several of the rider lost their horses during the change and never finished. Gilbert Mln thorn's string finished third. Steer Hoping. Jim Massey was the first to mak a trial In the steer roping. His rope slipped from his steer's horns on the first cast and missing on the second, he retired. Dell Blancett made three casts and missed each, but he wa handicapped by the animal twice Jumping the fence. Chester Byers had difficulty In following his steer but after throwing the animal In front of the grandstand, his rope slipped from the one horn It had caught anJ the animal was the victor. Not a contestant made a catch but the crowd's sympathies seemei to be with the animals. In the maverick rase there were so many entries that thov could not find places abreast of each other. Jim Roach of Cabhnee H!l!, who won the event orc before, made a perfect tbrow snd won the rice. The maver ick, after bein prvjTM. Jerked the ' rone from Roach's band snd then Toillei off a little ?tint of his own. TTo went ot the . warr-nth sid. after dnfvfn brTf a r!i-'i bo-no. pro. r"c led rin TM '-'t i ti THomn rn s-miiiI tv" ti"V Wore he could be r-in irM te ro'nls. In t'n co'esr'-l' Vni'-kin.T contest. Rambler proven to be rr"re nf a race bii biicVT nnd Pe'-th Blan cett vr" nt cM'el tip ii to exercise rt-v rf ker jM".tr tn le!r Mm out Minrle fomr?"" of c-evenne. mad jpe"tT"t"- rl-'e on "naVe. fanning Mti ot everx iun. The crowd went wIU when se sived with the little white eni-nni to the lTt Jitmn. H'iIkh Suveiwiir rtd. Tnrrel! r-n-iA-i. t-e twelve yesr old TTteT hiirVi-n mne n peetrti!ar -i-. hifVIng horse and was cheer ed to te echo. stWkerenkr Ple. fLTFOFURa N T.. Sent. 11 John Farley, the fjmous strikebreak er, died here this afternoon from tu berculosis. He was 39 years?bldL It bo.,- tr wom"n to happy If her Imagination is In godd work ing order. How the Kund-up grew to world ! cowboy, fought It out with Earl Smith proortioiis. I iiiiitilla county fair. ComiM titlvo events. GcxkI rider must oHtblnk his horse I'matilla Indians, fine sieeiiiiMis. Pendleton to have mountain water Groat eliungcs wrought In one liTis time, Stasf robhinj; in early days. 1 Eastern Oregon was a lake. for third place and won by a neck. j It was a spectacular race and stirred j the spectators to enthusiasm. Indian Relay. One of the most thrllilne races of the afternoon was the Intlian relay, jl new event this year. Eight riders were entered with bareback steeds. Johnson Chapman took the lead at. the second relay and finished a second I fviSITORSj Your ''Home I News" by. Wire is I on Page 5 i ! The Men Who Arranged and are Staging' the 1913 Round-Up I1 v vs . J. J , H - , , f.J r ft ' I M . ! t 7 .1. t -l f c , : I i V VTj f,o,n loft to right th- dlroctora are: McKlnney, Marsh, secretary: Tal.m. Taylor, president, Ftuer. BUhoP. Thonson, Earl. ColUna. Mo,,hou,e. Vice rodent l;u,r wa, out ,tZn phot, wa, ,alten