East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 07, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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As sung by AL. H. WILSON in his new play
When Old New York Was Dutch.
vkn I visa ts Tiew Th aneeiwhtreuras thereto. Mem. d - rr IrinMthii vis -inn at my mil..-
4 1m the M-eret lie. S lore be fore lore dies, Kera.a- ry then will e tr be sweet U jit...
Music by AL H. WILSON.
1. Wltfc.U ear nor.tal world of eelf a , yi. Ur . j there avtllr. -1 wondroue sense that ireannree up the
r. Whs, e er car pleas-ares feel thepanr of aer.rew'a era -el then, Aai jijs are lost for tr- er from the
1 bee witk lm light Wea-isr Bright ai the ara ing dew(
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It's a itor aire for et . fe - ri enee where joj er. aor row wells. And
They'll dawn a - ifaia ia nen e - ry as ana- shine gilds the morn, Ee
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win ning guile,
Eyes that be guile and hair of gold
en hue,
Eg -f 1 r SS --i i f - i i i i - 1 i i
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mera-ry is the key that holds 'it fast. There in peace, ful liar . mon -y...... rules
Teal ing there past mo . ments of do - light.. - Then store all fleet- ing hap pi - n'ess se
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gen - tie wve su - preme, ' The King of rec ol - lee tions great or small;
care with in the mind, You'll find it quite an eas y task to do;
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rublished by MURRAY MUSIC CO., New York.
Copyright by Elus & Wilson, 1401 Brotdway, New York. Uted by peraJstiua.
British Copyright Secured.
jew els that shine In mem-'ry di vine, of her I loTe...
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Chicago. -"The High Cost of Liv
ing and the Higher Cost of Super
ittltlon" was the theme of a lecture
given before the Independent Religi
ous society In the Studebaker theater
, by M. M. Mangasarlan, who spoke in
part as follows:
"The last Thursday In November Is
chosen for Thanksgiving day because
by that time all the crops will have
been harvested. As the day is ob
served every year, It would follow
that the abundance or the scarcity of
the crops have nothing to do with Its
celebration. We are asked, to give
thanks on lean years as well as on
fat years. Both the president and
the governors Invite the nation to
present their thanks to Almighty God
for the abundant harvests. But tf the
Deity Is to be given credit for the
big crops, who Is to be blamed when
the crops are ruined by storms, the
drought or the flood?
"Neither the chief magistrate nor
the governors of a . purely secular
state have any authority to prescribe
religious duties to the people. The
purpose of our government is not to
prepare men for the next world
that is the business of the church.
The Constitution Is a human Instru
ment, and Its objects is to defend the
rights of man. The Constitution Is
broader than ali the creeds put to
gether. The Constitution Is the na
tion's protest against the narrowness
of the creeds.
Man's Value Increases.
"Thomas Jefferson, it Is said, re
fused to Issue a Thanksgiving pro
clamation. The president should no
more Issue such a proclamation than
one calling upon every citizen to be
immersed once a - year. Government
ts established for practical purpos
es; theology deals with speculative
opinions. That Js why church and
state should be separate. A legiti
mate government is as much out of
Phone Main 299'
711 Main Street
Light Your Kitchen, with; a
J$fi(0 Bracket Lamp
Sometimes in the kitchen or elsewhere you need a lamp held
high, where it will light the whole room, and be but oT the
reach of children.
The Rayo Bracket Lamp is made for exactly ,thi3 purpose. It is
one of the famous Rayo Family the best kerosene lamps made.
A clear, white light, steady, diffused. A strong, substantial bracket, easily
affixed to the wall. The lamp is inexpensive. Economical. Lighted without
removing chimney or shade. Rayo Lamps are made in various styles and
for all purposes; At Dialers Everywhere
Saa Frmnciaco
place In church matters as a church
would be in politics. Moreover, to
worship God toy order of the magis
trate is not a compliment to the
Deity. It Is minding the magistrate,
rather than worshiping God.
"It costs more to live today 'because
man is very much b!gger than he was,
and it takes more to satisfy him. Art,
literature, science, the stage, travel,
music, spacious 'boulevards, parks, li
braries; all these are necessaries to
day, whereas at one time they were
considered luxuries. - It is not only
the tariff, the trusts, the supply of
gold or higher wages which should
be held responsible for the increase
In the cost of living.. We ourselves
have gone up in value. Men and wo
men are worth more today, and there
fore It takes more to make them contented.-
, '
"But it la mv Dumose to show that
a very large portion of our earnings I
annualy goes to waste. The most ex-'
pensive item In our national budget
13 that of superstition, notwith
standing that we are living in the full
blaze of science. What do I mean by ,
superstition? Fear. Two of our
most expensive fears are the fear of
war, which is taxing the nations of
the world to the verge of bankrup
tcy, and the fear of hell.
"The real cost of superstition Is
not In the wealth it wastes, but in the
wealth it prevents. Just as a man
who holds land out of cultivation, the
creeds keep the minds of nearly a
thousand millions of people intellec
tually Inactive. That is to say, un
productive. The telephone, the tele
graph, the mariner's compass, the
wireless, electricity, steam, the print
ing press, all of which have produced
untold wealth, would have been dis
covered 2,000 years earlier but for
the fear of the devil.
Mind is a Kingdom.
"Think of the wealth, the progress,
the happiness and the centuries of
light which fear has deprived us of!
It is perfectly staggering. Instead of
one Gallileo with his lenses there
might have been a hundred had not
the one jOallileo been clapped into a
dungeon. How many geniuses has that
dungeon of Gallileo destroyed? In
stead of one Roger Bacon with his
experiments In chemistry and physics
there might have been a hundred had
he not fallen a victim to the clamor
of the superstitious. Instead of
one Servetua, speculating about the
circulation of the blood and the hu
man anatomy, there might have been
a hundred scholars Inventing pre
ventatives against the diseases which
have decimated our ranks through
the centuries. How much more ad
vanced the world would have 'been to
day had not our religious teachers
of yesterday preferred disease to
"The best way to meet the problem
of high cost of living is not 'by cheap
ening the products of farm and store,
or ,by lowering wages and rents, nor
by suppressing individual . Initiative
and turning everything over to the
politicians, but by increasing the pro
ductivity of the mind. My mind to
me a kingdom is, says the poet. Help
men and women to feel that they have
a kingdom in their minds rich, re
sourceful, creative, and that when
every faculty is alert and at work the
high cost of living will cease to be a
menace. But It is equally important
to know how to conserve what the
mind creates. Stop, therefore, the
leakage caused by the two great and
ancient fears the fear of war and the
fear of the devil."
Gifts for a I la by.
When doubtful what to give the
new baby, try to make a glorified
mosquito netting of fine Brussels net,
bound with white ribbon.
Get the double width net. This is
sometimes two yards wide, again a
yard and a half. According to the
width, buy enough to make a square.
Bind the edges with three-inch wide
satin ribbon, folded to the same width
on blth sides.
The ribbon can foe sewed on by ma
chine, but is daintier if finely feather
stitched in white, pale blue or pink
airibroldery silk.
Another useful gift for the outdoor
baby Is a little hooded garment for
chill summer days.
Make a bag or case five-eighths of
Cures all blood humors, all
eruptions, clears the complex
ion, creates an appetite, aids
digestion, relieves that tired
feeling, gives vigor and vim.
Get it today in usuul liquid form or
chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs
a yard wide at the bottom and & yard
long. Slope the side seams to trie
shoulder seam, which is also squared
across, but twelve inches wide. Cut
one side of front wider than the other
so that It laps three Inches when
Pur as Trimming.
Fur is extremely fashionable and
materials fur-trimmed are being ex
tensively employed. A great many
handsome scarfs and muffs are made
of velvet so treated, and from Paris
comes the news that the smartest au
tomobile wraps are accompanied by
muffs to match. Apparently we will
have a great deal of fur trimming as
well as a great many fur garments,
for her hats are edged with fur and
gowns are trimmed with fur, whether
they are designed for afternoon or
for evening wear. Fur combined with
embroidery finishes many of the
handsomest toilettes for dinner and
evening occasions and both silk
threads and beads are used for the
Known For Its Strength
First national ianli
RESOURCES $2,500,000.00
Importers of
Percheron, Belgian
and Shire
satisfactory breeder,
for particulars.
Parties wishing to secure a real
draft Stallion with the required
weight, bone and slae can save
money by buying early. Every
animal guaranteed sound and a
Interested parties should call or write at once
Gomnsrcial Stables, S. METZ & SOUS, Pendleton, Oregon