East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 07, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Rfews ccdIT by TdDwuns
Hub Ommsattanflsi unnnity
(Special Correspondence.)
Athena, Ore., Dec. 7. The Young
IjiJies" Sewing club which met at the
home of Miss Lizzie Sheard, had a
urprise. A number of young men
had been invited and at 9 o'clock the
men ail walked in, but these were
put to work sewing. There was a
)riie to the man that could hemstitch
a. handkerchief in the shortest time.
E. Zerby was the successful man.
Cames were played during the even
ing after which refreshments were
II. Pinkerton of Weston, was an
Athena visitor Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Gerklng
Vere Walla Walla visitors Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Price of Weston
were in the city Wednesday.
H. Koepke left Tuesday for a trip
to the east. He expects to be gone
about three weeks.
Sidney Barnes of Weston, was In
Athena Thursday.
Mrs. Kurtz of Butte, Mont., is vis
itlng her mother, Mrs. II. Kennedy.
Wm. Nordean of Weston, was in
Athena Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Pinkerton of Wes
ton, were in Athena Thursday.
Mrs. Wm. Winship was in Walla
Walla Thursday.
Mrs. Madden of Weston was in
Athena Thursday.
Mrs. C. Turner of Weston was in
the city during the week.
Mrs. II. II. Alexander was in Walla
Walla Wednesday.
Mrs. A. Kinnear of Weston was in
Athena Thursday.
Mrs. Minnie Walker of Weston,
was in Athena Thursday.
Mrs. H. O. Worthington and son
Emery, were in Weston Thursday.
Mrs. Isabell Taylor of Pullman,
Wash., is visiting in Athena.
calling on the business men of this
placo this week.
The Ladies' Aid held its annual
Christmas sale Thursday afternoon
and evening. They had a fine dis
play of fancy and domestic articles,
which they disposed of at a reason
able price. They alts served a dainty
lunch. The affair netted the ladles
a naat sum.
Mr. and Mrs. C, It. Hrieriey of Far
go. X. D., will arrive this evening and
make Stanfleld their future home.
Mrs. W. H. Weasel left this morn
ing to join her husband at Hood
River, after a two months' visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Co
tant. Mrs. Frank Sloan and eon were
Echo visitors today.
Charles Reed of Pendleton, is in
town renewing old acquaintances.
A. C. Whitney of Portland, Is look
ing after his bustneas Interests here.
M. U. Rlnehart of La Grande, Is
calling on his customers here.
A number of our young people at
tended the Box Sociable and dance
at Butter creek Wednesday night
Frank Conner came down Tuesday
from Pendleton to vote at the city
election. He rettiroed to the metrop
olis tho next day.
A cold generally attacks the weak
est part, affecting the eyes and ears
In some and producing nasal catarrh
and throat troubles In others. A cold
is due to an inflammation of the
membrane lining the air passages, and
may be promptly cured with a little
Llys Cream Balm, which immedi
ately relieves the inflammation and
all tho distressing symptoms, such as
teneezlng, coughing, running at the
nose and eyes, hoarseness, sore throat,
fever and headache. One reason why
this pure, antiseptic Balm acta so
quickly is because it is applied direct
ly to the tender, sore surfaces.
Even in severe, chronic cases of
catarrh, Ely's Cream Balm never falls
to quickly and effectually check the
poisonous discharge which cloks the
head and throat, causing the disgust
ing hawking, spitting and blowing of
the nose. This remedy not only
drives out the disease, but heals and
strengthens the weakened membranes
thus ending catarrh.
Catarrh is a filthy, disgusting dis
ease. Don't put up with it another
day. Get a BO cent bottle of Ely's
Cream Balm from your druggist and
see how quickly you will be relieved.
It is perfectly harmless.
(Special Correspondence.)
Stanfield, Dec. 7. The city firemen
held their annual meeting Monday
evening. The following officers were
elected for the ensuing year: Presi
dent, George Coe; vice president, Dr.
Alex Ueid; secretary, Walter Wagner;
tTeasurer. T. O. Yates; chief, E. S.
Lundwall. The boys are planning on
giving .a dance in the near future.
F. J. Thomas of Hermiston is in
the city for a few days.
H. P. Close of San Francisco is
Between Knee and Ankle. Skin
Loose. Leg Dark Red. Cuticura
Ointment Entirely Cured Her.
' 200 Fuller St., Redwood, Cal "My two-year-old
daughter tipinxl a basin of hot
water on her log between knee and anklo.
She was burned so badly, in places as large
as a man's hand, that the skin was loose.
Tbe appearance of tho lit? was dark red.
I applied the Cuticura Ointment at once
and put on a bandage. I removed the
bandage twenty-four hours later, opened
the water blisters, applied more Cuticura
Ointment and bandaged again. The skin
lld not come off and I did this until she
ni completely cured. I did not let her
walk much until it was healed. She did
not complain after the first day, and after
tbe Cuticura Ointment was put on. slept
as usual. The scars are gone: Cuticura
Ointment entirely cured her." (Signed)
Mrs. E. O. Chapman, Mar. 12. 1912.
(Special Correspondence.)
Weston, Ore., Dec. T. Mr. Harry
Turner and Mr, it u fas Brown were
in Milton Wednesday attending lodge.
Mr. F. G. Luca was In Walla Wal
la Walla on business Tuesday of this
Mr. D. B. Jartnaa, city merchant,
who has been out of town on business
for several days, returned home Tues
day. Mrs. R. D. Oashatt. who spent sev
eral days In Walla Walla visiting rel
atives, returned Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Evert King who spent
Thanksgiving with Mr. King's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank King of Weston,
returned to their home la Helix Tues
day. Mrs. Lcpha Bus was In Athena
during the week on business.
Mr.- Archie Mclntyro of Athena was
in Weston Monday.
Mr. Sim Culley has moved his fam
ily to Walla Walla to spend the win
ter months.
Mr. I. B. Allen of Pendleton was
In Weston on a business trip during
last week.
Mr. Frank Richmond of Walla
Walla, passed through Weston on his
way to He'.ix Wednesday.
Mr. Louis Van Winkle spent Tues
day in Hermiston on bueslness.
Miss Rena Hopkins attended by Dr.
L. S. Madden, loft Wednesday for
Walla Walla, wharo Miss Hopkins will
undergo an operation for appendicit
is. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pinkerton of
Weston, were visitors in Athena dur
ing the week.
Mrs. Minnie Walker was a business
visitor in Athena during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. -Jim Prico were visit
ors in the Garde City during the
Emery Worthihgton of Athena was
a visitor in Weston this week.
Mrs. Bessie Smith or Ainena mis
in this city visiting friends during the
Mr. Frank Taylor . of Reed and
Hawley mountain, was In this city on
business during tho latter part of the
Messrs. Rollier Oompton, Earl Mc
Kenzie, Earl Lieuallon and Herman
O'Harra were in ' MUton visiting
friends on Thursday,
rented the old hall building on Bridge
street and are busy repairing It. The
vaudeville show that is to be given
here tonight by local talent will be
held in this hall.
J. C. Lawrence of Spokane who
has been a business visitor here the
past few days left for his home this
Mrs. G. W. Baars and Mrs. Lena
Houser visited today in Pendleton.
J. F. Spinning Is a business visitor
n Walla Walla.
Jas Ralph returned to Hermiston
this morning.
D. C. Brownell of Umatilla was an
Echo visitor this morning.
You'll get the best meal
in Pendleton at the
Particular cooks
Attentive Service.
For Breakfast
Ranch Eggs
Buttermilk Hotcakea
Good coffee
Every day
W Invite your patronage and
aim to please you.
A clean kitchen
Regular Meal
Gus. La Fontaine
La Fontaine Block, Main Street.
One Night Only
First Time Here
John C. Fisher Again. Announces tho Brilliant Musical Comedy
of 1000 Laughs Without a Single Blush
Tho most sumptuous musical sjxx'tacle ever staged, representin,
an expenditure of $50,000 for scenery, costumes and
electrical effects.
See "The Students' Glide"
Owing to the magnitude of the production, curtain will rise at
8:15 sharp.
Prices: 50c, $1, $1.50, $2
Scats on sale Wednesday 10 a. m., Pendleton Drug Co.
General Average la Lowest for Set
era! Months.
New York, Dec. 7. Heavy selling
of stocks set in at midday yesterday,
sending the general average of pri
ces to the lowest level in some months
and in some instances the lowest of
the year. The tone of the market was
more feverish than at any time since
last Monday, when the United States
supreme court decision in the Harri
man merger case awakened the mar
ket from its long apathy.. The de
cision developed a general feeling of
pessimism in financial circles.
The center of today's weakness was
United States Steel, which sold under
70 before noon on extensive offerings.
The Harriman Issues and other stand
ard railway shares showed acute
weakness, while various specialties de
clined abruptly.
It was reported that local banks
and trust companies were again call
ing loans, but a canvass of financial
institutions failed to confirm this ru
mor. It was acknowledged, however,
that banks are showing more dis
crimination in acceptance of indus
trial stocks as collateral for loans.
No Headache, Biliousness, Sliurcish
Liver, Constipated Bowels or Sour ,
Stomach by Morning. j
No odds how bad your liver, stom
ach or bowels: how much your head j
aches, how miserable and uncomfort-'
able you are from constipation, in-1
digestion, biliousness and sluggish in
testines you always get the desired
results with Cascarets and quickly,
Don't let your stomach, liver and
bowels make you miserable. Take j
Cascarets tonight; put an end to the!
neaaacne, biliousness, dizziness, ner
vousness, s;ck, sour, gassy stomach, !
backache and all other distress; j
cleanse your Inside organs of all the .
bile, gases and constipated matter
which is producing the misery.
A 10-cent box means health, hap
piness and a clear head for months.
No more days of gloom and distress
if you will take a Cascaret now and
then. All druggists sell Cascarets.
Don't forget the children their little
lnsides need a good, gentle cleansing,
Salt Lake City, Utah., Dec. 7. A lo
comotive hauling a special train car
rying a number of Denver & Rio
Grande railroad officials, pulled into
the Salt Lake station manned by A.
B. Apperson, general superintendent,
and N. A. Williams .superintendent
of the Rio Grande system.
The officials had been on a tour
of inspection over the lines and when
their train reached Mldvale, 17 miles
south of Salt Lake City, is was dis
covered that the fireman and engi
neer had been on duty 16 hours, the
maximum time allowed by the regu
lations of the interstate commerce
commission. Rather than wait for
another train or a new crew, General
Superintendent Apperson donned the
engineer's overalls and took his seat
at the throttle and Superintendent
Williams secured the fireman's shov
el and proceeded to fire up. The run
to Salt Lake was made on time with
the officials in charge of the engine
while the regular crew was in the su
perintendent's private car "cleaning
Tho sign of tho Toilet and
Medicinal preparations of the
American Drug & Press Association
A mutual organization of the druggists and news
paper men of the country, formed for tho pur
pose of providing for the general public an Ab
solutely Guaranteed, Dependable lino of
Remedies and Toilet Articles
A preparation for each specific purpose, tho composition of
which is known to every druggist who sella it and money back
without question to tho customer who buys it if ho is not
featisfied. "
We have joined this association because wo believe in tho
"MEIUTOL" REMEDIES ; bocuuso wo know there is nothing
We have tho exclusive agency for Pendleton. We invite yo
to call and see this splendid line.
TaBlman & Co,
C All Hv.r V SnmphmM Sorn.
council held here last night
GHton.Ore.--I had Itching and burning , f ec'l co" . tn , Rotn
(Special Correspondence.)
Echo. Ore, Dec. 7. That Echo is
to have electric lights is now an as
sured fact. At an adjourned meeting
spot all over my face. It came out in
rough places and Itched and burned all the
time. It was spreading all over my face.
Sometimes there were sores, and they were
ml and inflamod. I washed tho affected
parts off with the Cuticura Soap, then
applied Cuticura Ointment. I only put it
on three times and the sores were all gone."
(Signed) Chas. Walil. Dec. 27. 1911.
Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are
old throuKho'it the world. Lilxral sample of
tach maill fret-, with :i2-p. Skin Book. Ad
dress post-esnl '('utiriira, IJept.T. Boston."
i-Tender-fafffl cm should use Cuticura
Soap HhaviiiK Stir. 'Xjc. Sample free.
a rrancnise ws
James Ilalnh to install an elec
trie lli?ht system. The maximum
rbiiree of lights will be fifteen cents
per kilowatt hour or seventy five cents
for drop lights of 16 candle power per
month. It is to be a twenty-four rour
service. The franchise is for twenty
years' time. Work will-begin within
9f .lavs, and is to be completed with
in S month from dato. Power will be
generated from the Umatilla river at
The Social and Athletic Club have
When you ask for
Cyrus Noble the deal
er knows that you
know good whiskey.
It costs you the same as any other good whiskey.
W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents, Portland, Ore.
Allen's Electric Studio
Eagle-Woodmen Building
First Class Portraits,
Post Cards,
Kodak Finishing,
Photograph Supplies,
Enlargements, Etc.
those three are man's life. The greatest of these,
Work, brought about the manufacture of overalls,
and the demand for better overalls, broujrht about
the manufacture of "DAYS BIO FIVE," the
overall without a rival. TRY THEM.
Corning to the Oregon Theatre Monday, Dec. 9th
Frederick ThOHipSOn Presents ELSIE STt LEON and the famous St. Leon Family, in Americas Greatest Success
Seat Sale Pendleton Drug Co. Sat., Dec. 7th. PRICES: $ 1 .50--$ 1 .00 and 50 C