hi TEN PAGES t,s -PAGE SIX. DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL C, 191 i I! ti it SPORTS I COAST I.EAGIT. O Sutmliiig of Cst Ijcoguc Clubs. W. L. P. C. Lf) Ang.Ios 3 1 .750 Vernon 3 1 .750 Oakland 3 1 .750 Fortland 1 3 .250 San Francffvo 1 3 .250 Sacramento 1 3 .250 ivvivors stiiutyliterod, 13 to 1. Lais Anss. April 6. Los Anpeies won yesterday's game from Portland In the first inning by pounding Stel ger for ;ijc hits and seven runs, with no one out. Steiger was retired and Temple, who succeeded him, held the locals well in hand until the seventh, wliile two doubles and an error net ted four more runs. Portland scored ono in the fifth on Lindsay's single, an out and Lalonge's long single. Score: 11. H. E. Los Angeles '. 13 13 4 Fortland 1 9 1 Batteries Tozer and Holes; Stelgerj Temple, Gilligan and Howley. La Ion ge. A'ornon 8, Sacramento 2. Sacramento. April 6 Happy Ho gan's Vernonites played their fourth' errorless game in a row yesterday and got away to an 8 to 2 victory when Sacramento contributed eight errors. Sacramento's errors figured in six of Vernon's scores and a base on balls figured in one of the remaining two. Hughte Miller, Sacramento's first baseman, was the Star of the day with & double and two singles in four times up. scoring both of the local's runs. Score: R. H. E. Vernon 8 8 0 'Sacramento 2 6 8 Batteries Breckenridge and Brown, .Knight and Price. Umpires: Casey and Finney. Oakland 3. Frisco 2. San Francisco, April 6. Oakland defeated San Francisco, 3 to 2 yester day In a tame game. Miller did well for six innings, but in the seventh Cot knocked the ball over the right field fence for a Tiome run, and in the eighth Cook scored the winning run with a sing'e to right, a sacrifice by Leard and an out by Hossman, when Miller failed to cover at home. Score: R- H. E. Oakland 3 8 2 San Francisco 2 8 0 . Batteries Malarkey and Mitze. Miller and Schmidt. Other I.eajme Scores. At St. Joseph Chicago Americans (second team. 10; St. Joseph (West ern league), 8. At Philadelphia Philadelphia Na tionals, 0; Philadelphia Americans, 4. At Columbus Columbus, 3; Cincin nati Nationals. 5. At Washington Washington Am ericans, 5: Boston Nationals, 7. At St Louis St. Louis Nationals, 7, St. Louis Americans 4. At Louisvi'Je Louisville, 12: De troit Americans S. NOT SALTS. OIL PILLS BUT CASCARETS No Odd How Sick Tour Stomach, IIow Hard Your Head Aches or Ilow Ritioit Cabarets Make Y"u Feel Great. At Mobile Mobile 5. Philadelphia Americans (second team), 1. linker Still Uncertain. Baker, Ore., April 6. Baker prob ably will enter the Trl-State league, although it will not be definitely known until tonight, when the com mutes complete their work. It had been given up. but on the solicitation of Mr. Sweet, the Boise promoter, a few local fans took up the burden of raising the funds. Some of the people want league ball ana some are opposed. This city has had bad luck with organized ball and a fast city league will furnish good sport In any event. The league supporters, how ever, are confident this evening that they will bo successful In their ef forts in spite of the indifference. The entrance of Baker now depends on whether Weiser or Ontario comes In but Sweet is confident of either one or the other. AT THE PICTURE SHOWS i Orpheuin. A very good program for Sunday's change. Four full reels of the best pictures. 1. "A Spanish Dilemma." Bio graph. Two brothers are in love with the same girl and she can not make up her mind which one she loves the best. After they hit upon a good plan the lady becomes en gaged to another. 2. "The Engagement Ring." Bio graph. Harry is successful In win ning Alice, despite of Redmond's ef forts to dethrone him In her esteem. Redmond swears vengeance and de clares he will win the young lady. 3. "A Cruciclal Test." Selig. A dramatic and romantic story of the rough Klondyke days. Bill Wilder and Jim Firster are partners. ' They become separated and after many ex citing adventures are again united. 4. "The Baby." Edison. An Eng lish gentleman volunteers his services to a woman with a baby In apparent trouble. 6. "When Duty Calls." Pathe. Dr. Rush has received a large sum of money to build a hospital and de posits it in his desk drawer. A burg lar watohes where he puts it and when the doctor is about to leave to attend a sick person he meets the burglar in his own house and is badly beaten. He however, goes' to attend the sick child. Musical program Hungarian mel odies. 1. Barvsarkez az yazak, etc. 2. Kegase kollak roszam, etc. Naem a tkozlak nem Szekasom. of art and imagination. A tramp af ter being given shelter attacked the girl, who struck him with a club. Be lieving him dead she and her father hid the body in tho woods. In the night the man's ghost came In their cabin and after a night of terror and horror they found it was not a ghost but the man himself. "An Indian Martyr." Bison. A thrilling story of self-sacrifice by a noble Indian, showing many exciting events and ending In a wonderfully realistic execution in which the In dian is burned at the stake. Pictured amid beautiful scenery. "Miss Biffin's Demise." Yankee. A lively comedy. Alter a family row Madam decides to suicide so finding a bottle marked "poison," she im bibes and awaits the end. But it was inly hubby's whiskey bottle, disguis ed, and when the doctor smells her breath he knows. A mile of smiles In this funny film. "Desperate Desmond Almost Suc ceeds." Nestor. Lively comedy with western settings and some clever and amusing stunts that cause many a laugh. "The City of Mosques." Eclair. Beautiful views of Cairo, Egypt, ta ken from above the city. Coming Madame Sarah Bern hardt in her greatest success, "Ca mtlle." At The GmiKl. Something new and novel opened at the Grand for this change. The best comedy team ever visited here and the only acrobutic act that ever made a success in Pendleton. Both are at work in one bill. Sam Dalton and Lillian Travelle are the best quick change singing and comedy artists on the circuit. They permit fun, sketch, music and ridi cule to enter their play In the few minutes they are at work In such a way as to please, all and to affend no one. It is quite a relief to to get away from the monotony of the gen eral run of sketch artists. As a general accurance the acro bats have a very poor show in this town. The "Landy's" are making an exception with their novel way of bal ancing and introducing all their new features they have made a hit where the others failed. Their most daring stunt the walk up-side-down on the ceiling is one of the cleverest acts ever worked here. This Is one of the best bills and no one should miss seeing it. , 3. etc. 4. 5. got. AT THE OREGON THEATRE TO SHOW WONDERS OF ALASKA IN MOTION' Olyan ember to rok birs, etc. Raeg elhuztak as estell haran-etc. You men an 1 women who somehow i"i.n't get feeling right who have an almost daily headache, coated tongue, foul taste and foul breath, dizziness, can't sleep are bilious, nervous and upset, bothered with a sick, gassy, disordered stomach, or have back ache and feel all worn out. Are you keeping clean Inside with 'Oascarets, or merely forcing a pas Karewav every few day9 with salts. rnthnrtlo nills or castor oil? This is important. Cascarets work while you sleep cleanse and regulate the stomach, re move, the sour, undigested and for menting food and foul ga3es; take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of th? svstem all the decomposed waste matter and poison in the intes- tins and bowels. A Cascaret tonight will straighten you out by morning a 10-cent box from anv drug store will keep your entire family feeling good for months. nou't forget the children. They love Cascarets because they taste good do good never gripe or sicken. The Pastime. The home of good pictures. Sun day's change of program: "Bounder," Selig. A remarkable and thrilling animal picture depict ing a mountain lion's devotion to it mistress. Miss Betty Harte plays the heroine role. You can't afford to miss it. "The Five Senses," Vitagraph. The sense of hearing, seeing, emelling, tasting and touch, which are natur ally a part of everyone, are admirably and humorously shown by that mas ter of expression and fun Marshall' P. Wilder. He's a funny fellow of world wide reputation. This Is another laurel in his wreath of fame. "His Wife's Mother," Lubln. Pack as is usual treated his wife's mother pretty badly, and tells her to go home. His wife soon follows and during her absence Jack plays the stock exchange and In an hour he Is a defaulter for S 10,000 of his firm's money. He is on the point of com mitting suicide when his mother-In law comes to his aid, after this the grand old lady Is given first place in his home. "A Story of the Circus," Vitagraph. A little trapeze performer has the riendship of the performing ele phant. The boy meets with an acci dent. The elephant performs for him in the ring, and he continues a member of the troupe. "Wifey's Ma Comes Back," Lubln Bob recommends physical culture They put on the gloves and mama puts Bob out in one round. Musical program: 1. Cupr Chasa, Polka two-step. 2. Kydz Json Nasi Fivavall Sedi ak Songs. 3. Miadenci, two-step. 4. Bozenka waltz. 5. Andulko Safarova, two-step. Cosy. Friday and Saturday, all good live ly ones in this program, with two fea. tures. "A Terrible Night." Eclair. Won derful dramatic story, a masterpiece W WW0A 'NEW DISCOVERY i i j THE CURE THAT'S SURE FOR COUEH!S, COLDS, WHOOPING COUGH AND ALL DISEASES OF THROAT, CHEST AND LUNGS Famous for Forty Years of Cures. Price 50c and $1.00 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY MllHH'i'.Xl .-mLl.ttW 'BUI UB KOFPPEN'S One of the most interesting enter tainments coming to the Oregon the ater is the Tourographolog on Alas ka, the Great Wonderland, by.Bev erly B. Dobbs. 'America has only the slightest conception of the wealth and resourc es of Alaska," said Dobbs this morn ing. "A few years more, however, and we will all realize that it Is all that the term Implies; a new world filled with every kind of work and pleasure. Far from being the wind swept ice field which seems to be the popular conception of the coun try, Alaska has millions of acres of valuable farm lands, cattle ranges, and homesltes, where a man may ac cumulate a fortune just as surely, if not so quickly, as he can digging gold fro the creeks. Civilization Has merelv scratched at the surface of Alaska's possibilities and from the way she has responded, surely entitles her to serious consideration as a val uable undiscovered continent. Al though my pictures are not wholly de voted to the exploitation of the big territory beyond the Yukon, they will undoubtedly open the eyes of America to the possibilities of Alaska, both to us and our posterity." . The moving pictures shown by Mr. Dobbs include the big Walrus Hunt, a remarkable battle with a huge polar bear, the life and customs of the Eskimos, through the heart of Alas ka, the Copper River Country, to the richest copper mine in the world, the mining and dredging for gold, and many other diverting subjects. These pictures appeared at the Hel lig theater in Portland during the past winter. Pierpont Morgan und Andrew Carne gie made their great success in life, from a financial standpoint, because they never tried to sell valentines on the Fourth of July; never played foot ball in April or baseball, in Novem ber, and never played yesterday's nor today's game tomorrow." He declared that education in the west is in';advance or that in the east iecause the people here are more wideawake and up to date. That tho absence of mother's milk means a loss of one inch in stature for each three months the baby is de prived of its natural food was the statement of Dr. O. Stanley Hail, president of Clark university of Wor cester, Mass., and he cited the results of a test of 300,000 soldiers made un der government supervision as proof. Dr. Hall condemned the moving pic ture shows and urged that films mul be closely censored. , Frank W. Cooper, superintendent of city schools of Seattle, spoke in fa vor of a teachers' retirement bill, which would provide for the teacher in old age. Incidentally he urged the importance of teachers taking out life Jjnsurance policies of certain klud.i For Rent to a Jady, a large, well furnished room, with sewing machine. very close In. Cheap. Inquire 719 Lllleth. GAS IN YOUR STOMACH, BLOAT AND PRESSURE ' AROUND YOUR HEART Cured, Cured to Stay Cured With Baalmann's Gas Tablets. novum BAALMANN'S GAS-TABLETS are mad. specially for the cure at Stomach Gas. lias io the stomach and bowel ia not always dyspepsia: very often il l ner vousness or rather from a nervous, irritable stoniach. BAALMANN'S GAS-TABLKTS is the only remedy ia America made especially and distinctly to calm a nervous, irritable a-as-Corming stomach. (las simply cannot form after a few days' use of BAAIJf ANN'S GAS-TABl.LTk because your stomach will be quiet calm and ia normal action. Remember BAALMANN'S OAS-TABLETS are so different from anything in existence, contain no pepsin, no soda, no charcoal, no peppermint, no digestive of any r rod; they are made for stomach gas only and cure you where everything else has failed. These peculiar tnhletssre sold for SOe by every dnuorist, or send direct to Hahnemann Pharmacy, JKJ8 Sutter St 3aa i'rancisco. No. 11 Mr. Ball Player: Don't you want to compare your play in j and the records of your team with the E laying of men on National and American e-ajue teams, and how can you do so if you do not play with a Cork Center Ball? Your accurate throwing, your perfect stick work, your long throws, and above all that perfect confidence which all ball players need, all depend upon a standard ball and the real standard ball is the style used ia the World Series game. The SPALDING "Olliclal National Icape" Cork Center Ball 91.25 each IS THE OFFICIAL BALL OF THK WORLD SERIES AND THE STANDARD BASE BALL OF THB WORLD Copy of Spalding Catalogue, free on reeruesf to any address. Samples of material for Bam Ball Uniforms aent free on request. A. G. Spalding & Bros. 156 Geary street San Francisco A Tonic. Alterative and Resolvent. The bc.t remedy fur Kidneys, Liver and Bowels. Eradicates Kmples, Kruptions and Disorder of the Skin. J Antics i,e IIUxxl anu Rives Tone, Strength r lm w to the entire system. YORK & YORK, tho Chinese doc tors, with wood- ' erf til remedies Compounded from Harmless and Xon-P o I a onous Hoots ami Herbs, are successfully treating many ob stinate case of Klndeny, Stomach Lung, Heart, Rheumatism, As thma, Fever, Cancer and private di seases of men and women. If peo ple want a safe cure to obtain the roots and herbs compounded medi cines. We have hundreds of testi monials from prominent people, on file, which are open for publlo in spection. If you live out of town, come or write for free symptom "blank and circulars. Consultation free. YORK & YORK, CHINESE MEDI CINE COMPANY-, 23 W. Alder St. Walla Walla, Wn. URGES TEACHERS TO BE UP-TO-DATE Spokane, April 6. Speaking at the general session of the Inland Empire Teachers' association, lr. E. A. Wln Bhip of Boston, urged the Importance of teachers of the west keeping up to date. He said: "John D. Rockefeller, J. Every Woman IS Int-f ested and ihotxld know about the wonderful a 1 MARVEL Whirling Spray The new Vaginal Syringe. Best most convenient. It cleanses Imuntlr. Ask your druggist for it.' If he cannot supply theN MARVEL, sccept do other but send stamp for Illustrated book sealed. It elves full sartlrn- lara and directions Inviluahleto Udiei7of MUia CO.. 44 East 23s SUaaC fork' O aV CHICHESTER S PILS 1 lie 1MAMON1? MIW I.nJU'l Ah yonp ltrtiatrtat mf fill-in llrrt ant .M metallic iii, seal, with nine Rltton. Tflbfl nn nthp. Una. nf 11AM.NI UUM fl M.ft, lot a years krovn .19 Heit, Safest, Ai wars It el la Sfli n rv rsnnoisTs fvfpvwhfrf Trade Mark. Dcn't accept any substitute. MOTHER GRAY'S SVEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, 4'oniiiHiiorif M u 1 itc li f Ktou arh Troiiblrtt, Trrll hi M r (I r "i nnd llrntt oy YVnrinn. Trty lireitli .ip In K4 ho'ira. At til Irupirt, 2 eta. aSftinpl muM FHKK. jiddr, A. S. OLMSTED. L Roy, M.Y. First Ell IE. Mi Monday, April 81th LAST ATTH ACTION' OF THK HIGH SCHOOL IJSCTUtE COUIISE Apollo Concert Co. and Sell Singers A company of strictly high-class musicians and entertainers. ' Solos, readings and ensemble numbers of great variety and su perior quality, . ADMISSION 75c. CHILDREN 35c Scenery Beautiful Costumes F.'any Special Features Chorus of 30 WlnnAetxr rA Tif.ac.f1.fi lltMlyi APRIL 8th and 9th. M2 The Famous Musical Comedy "im ISLE OF MYSTMY" Under the direction of SANDBERG and BATTLE Under the Auspices of MOOSE LODGE, NO. 780 TWO-HOURS OF GOOD HEARTY LAUGHTER-TWO 4 - 1 i "f ' i i H V