". ..... '""'-"il. EVFJIINGEDITION EVENING EDITIOJl WEATHER riEI'OHT. Fair tonight and Tues day. Take your itor nw to the people and the people will bring tbelr patronage to your atom VOL. 21. PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, JUNE 8. 1008. ti tO. 6302 IN WANTED 4 TO CUT WOOD Labor Famine Prevails in Ka melaand Meacham Camp Despite Good Wages. SHORTAGE OP MOUNTAIN WOOD MAY RESULT, Dealers Find It Impossible to Secure Hands Enough to Cut Winter Sup dI v of Fuel for Pendleton, Walla Walhi ami Way Towns Good Cut tern .Make From $2.50 to $3 Per Day lYIcc of Woh1 Recently Droped and Freight It" Co lhw Been In creased While Idle Men Count Tie, Good Jobs Arc Beckoning for Laborer. Work at good wages for at leant 100 able-bodied men Is now to be found at the wood camps of Kaincla and Meacham. Wood dealers find It Im possible to seeure men to tut wood for the winter market and as a con sequence, a shortage of Blue moun tain wood la threatened. Wood dealers are now offering $1.10 per cord for wood cutters, but so far none have been found to tuke the Jobs at this price. At this price a good man can make from $2. GO to S3 In a 10-hour day and while many men are tramping the railroad tracks these Jobs are still beckoning for laborers. A year ago wood dealers were forc ed to pay as high as 12 per cord to get wood cut. but the reduced prices of wood In this rlty and Walla Walla and the higher freight rate from Ka mela and Meachnm to this city have reduced the price of wood cutting to $1.10 on the mountains. As there Is but little wood on the mountain, dumps and as no men are now at work cutting a supply for next winter, wood dealers are expecting to have difficulty In securing sufficient to carry them through next winter. Recently the O. It. & S. company added 2't cents per cord to the freight rate from Kamel.i to this city and Walla Walla making the rate $1.50 to thl city and $1.7J to Walla Walla. FAIR APPROPRIATION QUESTION PASSED OVER. County Court Will Think on Mutter Before Giving $1000 to District Fair Hoard. Without taking any action regard Ing the appropriation for the dlstrlc fulr the county court has adjourned until June 12. The adjournment was taken Saturday evening after the com mlssloncrs had disposed of the rou tine business then on hand. The ses sion last week was devoted to audit Ing bills and the consideration of sev era I road matters. Just before the adjournment Sat urday Judge Gllliland brought up the subject of the fair appropriation and asked If the two commissioners were prepared to act 6n the matter. How ever, Messrs. Waller and Lee declared they preferred waiting until the board met again, so the matter was passed up for the time being. STATE VETERINARIAN HERE. Dr. Kornlck Investigating Mangy Conditions of Horses. Dr. Chas. J, kornlck, state veter- narlan, Is here today from Salem and has been In conference with Dr. S. W. McClurc, head of the local office of the bureau of animal Industry. This forenoon the two men drove to the reservation for the purpose of ooklng at the preparatory work be ng done towards dipping the scabby orses of the reservation. While Dr. Kornlck was not seen this morning. It Is undertsood that his Isit to Pendleton at this time Is In connection with the enforcement of he state law regarding treatment of mangy horses off a government re serve. For some time past efforts have been made to have the veter. narlnn take up the proposition of Ipplng mangy horses and he may ow be contemplating such a course. ME DEAD III 1 E Engine Houses Burned and Filled the Works With Poi sonous Gasses. SIX MEN SHUT UP IN TERRIBLE MINE TRAP Silverton, Colo, tlio Scene of a Tcr rlblc Holocaust-All Escape Shut Off by Burning of Building at tlie Mine Entrance- Gannon Killed Six and Sickened 30 Oilier Before 1 lea rue Came Vllngc In Panic Stricken. BJLNKEfl FLEECED ANOTHER BIER ALTER BARTNETT FACES TERM IN PENITENTIARY. TELEGRAPHERS MAY STRIKE. Members of Commercial Union Want More Pay. Milwaukee, Wis., June 8. A de mand for the same wages which were paid before the strike of the telegra phers on the Western Union Tele graph company will probably be made by the natlonnl convention of the Commercial Telegraphers' union, which opened here today. Threats are made of a general strike If the de mand Is not complied with. The locals of the union In a num ber of cities, Including New York, voted some time ago to make the de mand. They claim that union operators who returned to work were compelled to drop out of the union and- forfeit their Insurance policies In the labor organization. They also Insist that the companies havo discriminated against their former employes, partic ularly In women operators. oniicr Vice President of Looted Cal ifornia Safe D-olt and Trust ConiMii)y Maiutgcr of Defunct In stitution Is Now Doing Time at Sim Qiientln and Will Be Slate's Chief Witness lYoscriitliig Attorney De nounces) Defendant. San Francisco, June 8. The actual trial of Walter Bartnett, former vice president of the looted California Safe Deposit and Trust company, charged with felony and embezzle ment, was begun today before Judge Conley. Ass-stunt District Attorney Coke made the opening statements. Bartnett Is accused of stealing $"0.",00n in bonds of the securities of the Colton estate. J. Dalzell Brown, former manager of the bank, will be the state's star witness. Mrs. Dahlgren, one of Colton's heirs, was the first witness. She tes tified that she deposited the securities In the bank. Bartnett will take the stand In his own behalf. In the opening state ment. Cook denounced Bartnett ond explained the cipher civie used by the defendant to communicate with the bank officers. Siivuton, Colo., Juno 8. Six men are dead, eight others in a dangerous condition from breathing foul air and 2u more temporarily confined to their homes from weakness due to contact with poisoned air In the Gold King mine, located at Gladstone, six miles from here. The dead: Peter McXiny; ltoy Co burn; Alex. Johnson; A. W. Burns; Victor Erlckson, Gus Olsen. On Thursday night fire was dis covered In the engine room of the mine and before it could be brought under control, that building hud bee destroyed, as well as the shaft house The two buildings were located nea the portal door of the main shaft an to prevent the spread of the flame and accumulation of smoke In the workings of the mine, these doors were closed temporarily. Before taking this precautionary move, the nun working the night shift in the mine were hurriedly notified of the conditions on the surface and Instructed to withdraw. When the flames had been extinguished In or der to make sure that all was well with the men, the list was checked over. Th discovery was made then that three men were missing. Immediate ly efforts to rescue them were start ed, but with little hope of reaching them alive, as the machinery operat ing the fans had been put out of commission by the destruction of the engine house and any pure air that might have reached them from the suiface bad been shut off by the clos ing of the portal doors. FRESH HOPE FOR 1I-T1FTITES Cannon's Maoager Rushed to the Scene and the Fight is Renewed With Vigor. TAFT WILL PROBABLY WIN EVERY CONTENTION LUNCHEON AT THE NORMAL. Hltclicock Is Finally Ousted From the Committee ami Then Declines to Go Back When Opjiortuiiity Im Of fered Hurry Call Is Sent for Con grossman McKlnley by die Allied Leaders Oregon Man Offers Hitchcock His Seat and Is Turned Down Tart's Manager Claims 700 Votes on the First Ballot. LONG BALIiOON TRIP. ..St. IOiiIk, Juno 8. Captain C. L. Baiinihiiugh will make a trip to the fticlflc const in his balloon July from Chicago. He recently made S00 mile trip. EMBEZZLER CAUGHT. 1 BALIiOONIST CREATES INTEREST "Professor Hicks" Makes One Asern rtlon and Tries Two Others. "Professor Hicks," balloonist and cloud Jumper, has been a source of Interest In Pendleton during the past few days. His first ascension Satur day afternoon was a successful one. Rising from, the starting place Across the street from the NT. P. depot, the balloon sailed straight up Into the air until the daring balloonist looked but little larger than a bird. He then cut loose with his parachute and alighted In the O. R. & N. yard on Bluff street. He was uninjured. Saturday evening another attempt at an aeccnt was made and a monster crowd gathered to watch proceedings. However, a hole was burned In the parachute and the attempt had to be given up. In a creditable effort to "make good" with the crowd, Hicks under took another ascent last night. But the balloon rose only 100 feet or more in the nlr and the aeronaut dropped In the street but a block away. The balloon then sailed away and landed In the west end of the city. GREAT HAILSTONES FALL IN JAPAN. Toklo, Japan, June 8. A ter rific hailstorm swept this city today. Hailstones measuring 2H inches in diameter fell like bullets. Not a window which was exposed Is Intact. Many were severely Injured and the damage to crops Is very severe. Mother Slmngles !uilx to Dcnth. Redwood City, Cal., June S. Mamie Slnss Is held In Jail today pending the Investigation of her confession to the police that she strangled her Infant, and threw It into the bay. The body was found floating near shore. Sus picion pointed to tho young mother, and when the crime was fastened on her she cooly admitted she strangled the child. Sho will be tiled for mur der. Prominent California Politician Under Arrest. San Francisco, June 8. Charged with the embezzlement of $500 of the funds of the Metropolitan Surety company of which he Is the Pacific coast manager, Judson C. Brusle Is under arrest In Los Angeles. The au thorities here are awaiting his re turn to San Francisco to be tried on a felony charge. He Is secretary of the state board of railroad coinmissoiners and prominent politician. The warrant was sworn to by D. A. Macbeth, an eastern representative of the firm. RoblxT Is Caught. Ely, New, June 8. Just os he was about to board the train at McGIll Junction, 14 miles north of here to day, officers overpowered the man who robbed the saloon at Rleptown of $800 Friday and recovered the money. Tho officers had traveled 100 miles before they got track of the man, Thomas Would Fight. San Francisco, Juno 8. Willis Brltt, brother of Jlmmle, has assum ed the management of Joo Thomas, and Is now arranging several bouts for him. He has challenged Ketch ell to a six-round fight and has also wired Charlie Harvey for a fight with him. Gompors Will Fight, Washington, June 8. Gompers to day declared he would fight the New York petition against the Insertion of the anti-Injunction plank In , the re publican platform. Victim Buried. . Los Angeles, June 8. F. Q. Max- field, who died Sunday as the result of the explosion on the cruiser Ten nessee, was burled today In Harbor View cemetery. Oregon for Bryan. Portland, Ore,, June 8. That Ore gon's delegation of eight will be In structed to vote for Bryan "first, last and all the time," at the Denver con vention, is the statement of Chairman Alexander Sweek and other prominent democrats gathered here on the eve of the state convention. Adherents of Johnson are few and have made no headway against the overwhelm ing sentiment for Bryan existing in Oregon. Chicago, June 8. New hope was given the allies today in their battle gainst the Taft-Roosevelt power In the republican national committee by the arrival of Congressman McKIn ey, manager of the Cannon boom. Senator Hemenway of Indiana and Senator Murray Crane or Massachu setts, who have been at the head of the allies, sent a hurry call for Mc Klnley. The contests before the national committee will be continued In ac cordance with the statement given out by the allies last night after they had given up the plan to save their power until they could appear before the credentials committee of the con ventlon. Today the fight seemed to be on with all Its original vigor. There is little doubt but the Taft men will carry every Issue before the commit tee. , fTaK Hitchcock, Tarts manager, whose presence on the national com mittee caused such an outcry, an nounced today that he would not par ticipate in the sessions any more. Solomon Luna, of New Mexico, whose proxy Hitchcock held, appeared in the committee room personally. Hltclicock refused to attend the ses sions as assistant secretary of the committee. The committee today placed the Taft delegates from the third con gressional district of Florida on the temporary roll. HitehcoeK remained In the ante-room during the session. He declared he was certain Taft would have "00 votes on the first ballot and said Luna asked him to take his place until he returned to Chicago. Charles Carry of Portland, Oregon, sent his proxy to James Mc Lachlan, who offered It to Hitchcock, who declined it. The Taft delegates from the first congressional district of Georgia were seated at noon. Tart (Jets Tlioin All. The arrival of Arthur I. Vorys, of Ohio, the original Taft manager. coupled with the absence of Hitch cock from the committee, started the rumor hat Hitchcock has been sup planted as Taft's director general. Vorys has established separate head quarters. Taft delegates from the second and third Congressional districts of Georgia were seated this afternoon. The Taft delegation from the first district of Kentucky was also seated. Tills delegation was contested by Mr. ilrbnnks. ' The Louisiana contest will be the next taken up. Annual Event at Weston Celebrated Sunday. Weston, June 8. President and Mrs. French gave their annual luncheon to the seniors yesterday afternoon. It was an affair of music, mirth and flowers. The young ladles were all clad In blue with yellow flowers, the class colors being blue and gold. Two rooms held the well arranged tables at which the seven course dinner was served. Two young girls from the freshmen one each from the sophomores and Juniors gowned In white, assisting In th service, Toasts, songs and the reading of the class prophecy prolong ed the feast from which formality disappeared. Dainty clusters of hand palnted forgetmenots embellished the place cards, red and white sweet peas decorating the red room, yellow roses tiie dining room. Near the close Mrs. French distrib uted pieces of the wedding cake re maining from last June's wedding, when Miss Winifred Welch and Prof. Dennlson, both of the faculty, were married at the president's cottage. ASSASSINATION PLOTS EXCTTE PORTUGAL . .LIsIkh), June 8. Consternation Reltrns at tlie Palace following the discovery or a plot today to blow up young King Emanuel, whoso father and brother were assassinated. Three conspirators havo been arrested. They had planned o assassinate the king; during the stater religious fen st to he held June 18 with a lomb, which was to be placed so the king would not esmi)e. Outbreaks are reared. The palace guards have been increased. Tlie queen stirrers from the shock caused by he news. Tlie royal faiiiillen arc virtually prisoners. im III 9 VISIT - RMISTON Secretary of Interior Announ ces That He is Coming to Inspect Project. PRAISES WORK AND ENGINEERS IN C1HRGE. Announcement of Approaching Visit Is Made to Representative of the United Press In San Francisco This Morning Before the Secretary Sail ed for Brief Visit to Hawaiian Islands Will Come to Umatilla County Immediately Alter IHs Re turn Visit Long Looked for and PrciMtratlons Are Being Made. BAKER CITY TEAM HERE THURSDAY LOCALS GET THREE DAYS REST AND NEW MEN. Loiliuer Is Rapidly Strengthening His Llue-iip and Iloc lo Keep the Miners In the Cellar Enierlck and Isatu-y Will Add Strength -Conrad Will Go Back to First Crocker May Be Signed Up. Oregon Democrats Meet, Portland, June S. Oregon demo crats will hold a s ate convention at Portland tomororw morning. It Is expected Chairman Sweek and Sec retary John B., Ryan will be reelected. Clever Burglar Eswi)es. Los Angeles, June 8. With the as- Isiance of two unknown confederates T. Adams, charged with burglary. feigned Insanity nnd escaped from the county hospital in im auto early this morning. Deputy Sheriff Hutch inson fired at the man as he was getting into the auto, but missed With a steel bar and a block of wood, the door of Adamson's room was raised from Its hinges. Ho left the building wrapped in a blanket. For the next three days the Pen dleton ball team will have a rest and during that time Manager Lorimer will strengthen his team for the series to be played here the latter part of the week with Baker City. Emerick, the star tosser, who was here for one game this season, has been signed up as catcher and will arrive tomorrow. Isaacs, an outfield er of Payette, Idaho, has also been engaged and Crocker, outfielder, may be brought here from Spokane. With the new men on the team Pendleton' outfield will be made strong and with Emerick as catcher and Conrad back of first the team will be In shape to do some winning. The Baker City team conies here this week and will commence the series Thursday. Games will then be ployed here Thursday, Friday. Satur day and Sunday. At the conclusion of the coming series Pendleton goes to Baker City for a return series. The long-deferred visit of Secretary umes H. Garfield of the department of the interior to the Umatilla Irri gation project will now be made In a short time. Before leaving San Francisco today on the battleship Maine for a tour -fit Inspection of the Hawaiian Islands, Secretary Garfield said to the United Press representative that he expects to visit the Umatilla project on his return from the Islands In a few weeks, at which time he will make recommendations as to the methods of opening the land under the project to settlement. For many months the government engineers of the Umatilla project have looked forward to the visit of the sec retary to this work and now that he has definitely announced that he will come, elaborate arrangements will be made by the citizens of Hermiston to receive him. Secretary Garfield came west to witness the fleet festivities on the coast and will make a thorough in spection of the Hiwaiian Islands, after which he will return to the Pa cific coast states for an inspection of the reclamation projects. At the time of his visit, the date of which has not yet been announced, it is hoped by the people of Hermiston that some definite plans for the open ing of the remainder of the Umatilla project will be made. It is thought that the secretary will return about July 15 to the coast and his visit to Umatilla county will be made soon after his return. By that time It is hoped by the engineers to have the project entirely complete. In his interview with the represen tative of the United Press at San Francisco today, Secretary Garfield spoke highly of the Umatilla Irriga tion project and praised the work of the engineers who have the project In charge. He said that It had moved forward most satisfactorily since the day It was Indorsed by the consulting engineers. DEPOT FOR ECHO. Ex-Sheriff Bradford of Washing ton county Is now confined In the asylum nt Salem as the result of his being compelled to hang John Led rick In the 90's. FORMER SAGE BRUSH WASTE SELLS HIGH Another Illustration of the rapid Increase .In land values of Umatilla county Is brought to light In the sale of the C. R. Lisle or James E. Taylor ranch, three miles east 'of Echo. Joseph Cunha, the well known sheep man of Echo, purchased this ranch last Saturday for $26,000 In cash and will take charge of It at once and harvest the large crop of alfalfa now ready to be cut. This place consists of 560 acres, In the Umatilla river bottom east of Echo and only a few years ago was a sagebrush waste worth but $2.50 per acre. However, by the Improvement of the place, by reclaiming more and more new land and by securing more water from the river, Mr. Lisle suc ceeded In making It one of the finest ranches In that section of the county, and its sale for about $$0 per acre Is evidence of Increase In land values In the irrigated districts. Mr. and Mrs. Lisle left Sunday for Portland, where they will spend the summer. They have resided on the Lisle ranch but a few years, and have made It one of the choicest proper ties In the west end of Umatilla county. Confederates Gathering. Blrmlugham, Ala., Juno 8. Sad ened by the recent death of their commander-in-chief, General Steph en D. Lee, but with much of their old enthusiasm left to them, the hosts of the United Confederate Veterans are gathering in Birmingham today. The sessions of the encampment will be commenced tomorrow and will last three days. Many officials of Grand Army and other patriotic organiza tions of the north will be the guests of the Confederates and will Join with the "boys In gray" In mourning the loss of their great leader. O. It. Jfc N. Making Arrangements for New Building. The O. R. & N. company Is arrang ing to build a new depot at Echo and a contractor is now there for the pur pose of doing some preliminary work. The new station house is to be built ocross the railroad track from where it now stands. At present the build ing site Is occupied by a couple of warehouses and Hicse are to be re moved. According to reports from Echo an O. R. & N. contractor from The Dalles is now at Echo and will probably have the work of removing the warehouses as well as constructing the new depot. Ran Away With Brother's Wife. Welser, June 8. A mild sensation was created here when It was learned that Ed Dutton, a well known resi dent of this valley, was arrested at Medford, Ore., and Is now In charge of Sheriff Winkler of this county, who will return with htm as soon as ex tradition papers are received. The crime for which Dutton Is under ar rest Is eloping with the wife of his brother. George Dutton, who resides west of town, taking. with them the two children. When the case comes up for trial some sensational devel opments are expected. Safe Crackers at Work. San Leandro, Calif., June 8. Safe crackers, thought to be the men who blew open the Southern Pacific safe In Melrose, recently, completely wrecked the safe In the company's station at San Leandro. Nitro gly cerine was used. Nothing was taken. Blllek Must Hang. Springfield, 111., June 8. Governot Deneen and the board of pardons to day refused to commute the sentence of death of Herman Blllek, convicted of poisoning six members of the Ver zal family. He hangs Friday. Black Hand Terrors. Plttsfleld, Mass., June 8. A posse today is scouring the woods on th estate of William Pollock, the New York millionaire, for members of the black hand who threatened Pollock with death If he did not submit to blackmail. Pollock and his employes had a gun fight with the black hands Sunday. Try for Artesian Flow. R. T. Thompson of the Lewlston Real Estate company, has awarded a contract to H. C. Hlrzel for drilling a well on his farm property In Tam- many, says the Lewltson Teller. Mt, . Hlrzel Is now engaged In drilling a v 4 f well on the Charles Glfford farm. aKi J' will remove to the Thompson placjl aSX Q (T iQl soon as the present contract Is com- YV A 9 'i A pietea. Mr. Thompson will have tftV,ell driven to a depth of 200 feet, sTad'fyt Is expected a flowing well will be cured. The farm la 1oca.UA In 4?fi Tammany section, near the postofflcete- . corner. V. v.