DAILY EAST OREGOXIAX, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1001. PAGE FIVE. BREVITIES tun at Wltheo's. t dally at Martin's. If Gloria lioes at Boose- L Hinan ehoes at Roos- Ion rags wumeu ...1 .t fl.ta tnd soda every day at Store .5x15 feet, cu tis Ranley. t Houses with or without a & Nowlln. 1st satisfaction at How- Ijr Rees' cigar store. h miss the kid (dove Ih's Wednesday, October fcood room with bath, Main street. Inquire I sale for $200. Practl- i first-class condition. Oregonlan. ule on ladles' kid Isday October 5. ut irtment Store. lie as low as others sell I'S. Ever' Jar guaran- Iraian. riding esents lS a gift for your jloa't overlook our pS prettier or more can be found any- la our large line of N solid sliver. PZKEEt hle Jeneler. iUito Street (flliinhiV BEEF Spoon, juits and Skirts We nre now showing severnl new styles In suits for misses and ladles nt $I2.!0 to $15.00, that, ure extra values, worth fully J5.00 more. For a few days only will these great Bar gains Inst. NEW SKIRTS I1Y EXPRESS. Over 00 new ones Just received. They are the kind that shed water, and they are cheap, too: only $0.00 and 80.50. All sizes. Alterations free. Perfect fit guaranteed. Teutsch's Dept. Store Corner Main and Alta Streets Get Sunny. U C Rader. New Knox hats, Itoosevolt's. Piano for rent; Inquire at this of fice, i !)3c for $1.26 kid Bloves, one day only, Wednesday, October C. Teutsch. Japanese cook wants a Job. Wages $30 per month. Address P. O. box 34. Children's coats from $3.00 to $8. CO at Lee Teutsch's store, Main and Alta. Mrs. Carlson gives free Instructions in fancy work at Hasbrouck's Jewelry store. The St. George restaurant, open Iny nnd night. Mrs. Cooper, propri etress. "Frenchy," nn Intoxicated person, was sentenced to three days In the city Jail. Jl.-G Imported kid gloves, one day, Wednesday, 93c at Teutsch's Depart ment Store. Enlarging and framing pictures. Work guaranteed. Western Art Co., 304 Court street. Tor sale Desirable property cor ner College and Alta. The old Leo residence. Call on L. II. Lee. James Cavunaugh forfeited $20 cash ball In police court this morn ing for carrying concealed weapons. Mrs. Samuel Hrndshaw, of Weston, was In town last Saturday and se- 1 the finest and largest lected for her home n large quantity ot of stoneware ever , or durable and stylish household endleton. We will sell gunds. .1. W. Itothrock, of Adams, last Saturday selected and took home a large and complete new outfit of household furniture all selected and stylish goods. School Started last Monday at the Ilolilniau district with 2S scholars, II. E. Ileck being the teacher. This Is the second term Mr. Heck has taught there. During the month of September this year the receipts of the office of the county recorder of conveyances amounted to $470. During Septem ber. 1003, the receipts were $275. Furnished Rooms for Rent Elec tric lights, steam heat, free baths; prices reasonable; C12 Willow street, two blocks west of Main, between Alta and Webb. 'Phone bluck 1433. The new nmusement parlors be longing to Wade Slier will be opened about October 17. The howling alleys are being floored now, with maple and the other permanent equipments are being installed. u. it. & Jv. Co. announces following dates of sale of World's Fair tickets tor month of October, 3d, 4th, Bth, 2"th, 2sth and 29th. Lust named dates are made for benefit of those who are unable to take advantage of regular sale dates. Final limit of tickets In both cases will be Decem ber 31, 1901. E. C. Smith, Agent. BeefExtract superior To All Others rr Soup., Sauces, antt Secure a Set of the HXi Udh A-l Silver ' r. su.rn.ia) FREE l7ordCinn,f USe lheSe 8P'endid Pns Soonn. nary offers- The Cudnhy jnthehtesTdn, WpMlw?l;,,h' V. heavler ,han veKg P'lle and ftee fr" HowToSccMeTlicsc Bf can . sP0n desired send a metal P Extract J oz- or lar6 shed jar OmU. Nob. can be seen at SN'S DRUG STORE PERSONAL MENTION T. H. Newton went to Rtarbuck this morning. Fred Milne Is clerking at Teutsch's department store. Dr. Vincent will go to Portland to night for a few days' outing. Fred Crawford has gone to Spokane to attend the Inter-State fair. Mrs. Tex Langlver left this morn ing for Spokane and the Inter-State Fair. L. M. Werkhelmer Is the new bar ber at Prlvett's, succeeding J. P. Weinman. Ilrose Cooley left for Spokane this morning, where he will remain through the fair. J. W. McCormack and son Walter have Just returned from a four weeks outing nt Lehman Springs. C. M, Pierce and wife and Mrs. Prank Pierce of Weston, came down Saturday, returning this morning. Miss Ethel J. Galbralth has been engaged to tench school In the Kidder district, No. 39, west of this cltv. George Cruise and wife left this morning for Spokane, where they will attend the Inter-State fair. Conductor J. B. Smith, ot the O. R. & N., has resigned his position and may go Into business In La Grande. Mrs. Henry E. Lnutz and the children will leave In a few days for the World's Fair and for a visit to In diana. Mrs. Albert Rhode and the child en have returned from a three- monthR' visit to Tacotna and other Sound I) on Its. Colonel F. S. Ivan hoe and son Lytton, of La Grande, nre In Pendle ton today, visiting Mrs. Ivanhoe, of the high school teaching corps. W. T. Porter nnd wife will leave in few days for a visit to Illinois Kansas and to the World's Fair. They will be absent six or seven weeks. Ellis Bloom, accompanied by his brother, E. D. Bloom, left this morn lug for Umatilla, where they will cross the Columbia and go over Into Washington, intending to take land. Foster Stone left this morning for Dayton, where he will visit relatives :or a few days. He will return Wed nesday and spend all the time until election In this county. Miss Delia Prlvett left this morning or Walla Walla to attend tne wed ding of her friend, Miss Lizzie Coyle, with Byron Lutcher. The wedding takes place Wednesday next. F. L. Holman nnd wife, of Free- water, are in town today. Mr. Hol mun, who was for some time in the mercantile business In that place, has sold out to his brother. Mrs. F. K. Wells left this morning on a tour which will tuke In the Spo kane fair, Chicago and other Eastern States and the World's Fair. She will be absent about two months. Charley Smith and Bert McBrlde, two Baker City boys, arrived last night and expect to take care of heep during the coming winter be tween Birch and Butter creks. W. M. Parish of Holdman. was In he 'illy today on business. Mr. Par ish harvested 21 01 sacks of No. 1 .'heat, which he will now sell, as he feels that the market Is as good as It will be. Professor Haw will leave this eye ing for Helix, where he will open a school of horsemanship, to run Thurs day, Frldny and Saturday, Anyone Interested in stock should attend. Free exhibition every evening nt 7:30. J. W. Welles, accompanied by his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Frank K. Welles, departed this morning for St. Louis, nnd points In Illinois. The Wdrld's fair will be visited and then Mr. Welles will go to his old home near Chicago. He will be absent two, months. ,,-, awMUPixiW':' M. M. Masters Is visiting with his sister. Mrs. Ellis Brown. Mr. Mas ters Is of a consumptive tendency, and his home Is In northern 'Iowa, and he comes here on the recommen dation of his physicians. He will go up Into the Palouse country to spend the most of the winter. Tully Scott, after spending the sum mer In the mines of the Greenhorn district, arrived last night nnd will go out upon his farm In the Juniper country, Mr. Scott believes he has a good thing In sight In some mineral holdings he secured In the Greenhorn country over a year ago. May Serp and his couslit, L. T. Smythe, were visiting with the for mer's brother-in-law, Albert Jonas, from Friday until this morning, when they went to Spokane, Mr. Serp has been taking treatment at Hot Lake for a stomach trouble, nnd Mr. Smythe for rheumatism. Gone to the Okanogan. Harry Plltler has gone Into the Okanogan country, having a winter's work ahead nt tool sharpening. Mr. Plltler has been visiting old friends In the southern part of the county. and a few dayB ago returned from the Greenhorn district. He reports laborers, even skilled labor, as over abundant there, and took up a stand ing offer to go Into the Okanogan. He prefererd, for cllmntlc reasons, to remain In this pnrl of the country. When Miss Alice B. Welles, spon sor for the uottiesnip uonnecucui, threw the bottle of champagne against the side of the vessel In chris tening It, on Thursday, the bottle failed to break and the omen was taken ns unfavorable by the supersti tious. A workman standing near, seized the unbroken bottle and smashed It to atoms against the ship Just as she was sinking Into the water, thus preventing her from oe- Ing launohod under a bad omen. And In the menntlmo tho Bishop Potter saloon is being well udvertlsed by the temperance organizations, Ilussla has Just ordered 11 torpedo boat destroyers from a French company. Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits, Overcoats, Pants JSiiisaibo&tt wsnco W THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE UVQNDERFULBR XATl'ltE ACCOM PUS! IKS A C.HKAT PRAT IX ITAII. Solid SumUtouc Arch Tlnit" Hundred Tlilrty-1'ivo IVct Bctuecu the WalU of the Cnujou and Over a Gorgo Tlirw Hundred I'lftj-Seven PtH't Dorp I lux a Longer Span Than Any -MuMinry Bridge lu America. Here In Utah, across a canyon measuring 33r feet seven inches from wall to vall, nature has thrown u splendid uich of solid sandstone, six ty feet thick in the central part and 40 feet wide, leaving underneath It a clear opening of 357 feet In per pendicular height. The lateral walls of the arch rise perpendicularly nearly to the top of the bridge, when they flare suddenly outward, giving the effect of an Immense coping or cornice overhanging the main struc ture 16 or 20 feet on each side, and extending with the greatest regulari ty and symmetry the whole length of the bridge. A large rounded butte at the edge of the canyon wall seems partly to obstruct the approach to the bridge at one end. Here again the curving walls of the canyon and the Impossibility of bringing the whole of the great struc ture Into the narrow field of the cam era. exceDt from distant to!'Us of view, render photographs unsatlsfac tory. But the lightness and grace of the arch Is brought out by the partial view which Long obtained by climb Ing far up the canyon wall and at some risk crawling out on an ovc hanging shelf. The majestic proportions of this bridge, however, may be partly real Ized by n few comparisons. Thus Its height Is more than twice and Its span more than three times ns great us those of the famous natural bridges of Virginia. Its buttresses are 118 feet fnrther apart than those of the celebrated masonry arch in tho District of Columbia, known as Cab in John Bridge, few miles from Washington city, which has the greatest span of any masonry bridge on this continent. This bridge would overspan the capltol at Washlngtpn and clear the top of the dome, by 61 feet.' And If the loftiest tree , In the Calaveras groves of giant sequoia In California stood In the bottom of the canyon, Us topmost bough would lack 32 feet of reaching the" under .side of the arch. This bridge Is of light or very light sandstone, and, us In the case of the Caroline, filaments of green and orange-tinted lichens run here and there over the mighty buttresses and along the sheltered crevices under the lofty cornice, giving warmth and color to the wonderful picture. Forest fires raging In the Bitter Hoot mountains In Montana, have slaughtered many wild animals of all kinds, within the past week. The an imals' carcasses have been found where they took refuge on cliffs and In heavy thickets. Drink ASCENT H It Is Fine IN 1 AND 2 LB. SEALED TINS ONLV WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE BIBLES Wc have just received a very fine lino of Bibles, l'rnycr Books, Testaments and Uynitinl, Including HAGSTKll'S compre hensive Teachers' Bible, .IIAGSTKH'S Sunday School Teachers' Bible, BAGSTKU'S Self-Pronouncing Teaclicrs' Blhlo. Leather bound Dhlulty Circuit and Indexed. Cambridge Itcfcrcnco Bibles with Concordance. ( Cambridge Prajcr Books. !i" Cambridge l'rajcr Books and lljinnal.H. V ' Cambridge Testaments. The best Hih: .ublUheJ. FRAZIER'S Book and Stationery Store Automobile Livery PASSEN'GEUS TAICR.V TO AXY I'AKT OP THE CITY POIl 25 CENTS. SPECIAIj RATES I'OK DltlVES OF ONE HOUR AND UPWAHDS. O. M. CHOSSON IS A THOROUGH MAS TEH OP THE AUTOMOIHLE AND YOU ARE TAKING-' NO RISK TO RIDE WITH HIM, AS HE HAS PULL CHARGE OP THE AUTO AND WILL MAKE THE RIDE l'LEASANTFOR YOU. AUTO 'PHONE CALL MAIN PLUMBING Good plumbing la nluujs tho cheapest. It lias li lasting quali ties. It saves you repair bllU. Ahvuys entrust your work to thorough, reliable and competent plumbers. Our force la made up of the best xiHM-lcnecd workmen. Strict ottcntlon paid to sanitary feuturos or work. LET US GIVE We quote right On your work. Goodman-Thompson Co HARDWARE AND PLUMBING. Telephone 811. 013 Main Street Correctly and Well Made I Prices Always the Lowest 2851. YOU FIGURES prices and do only the beat work. mi