DAILY EAST OIUSGONIAN, PKNDIJ3TOX, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER. 3, 1001 page Tnui:i EXPANSION SALE BARGAIN WEEK Clothing and Fornishing Goods Department Ht voiir service with complete lino of tlio newest and Wf Tt the fnI1 8"lts 5u'v0 8,;c" tllla 8cnson or aro ,( ,K! scc best of n matter or quality, or stylo, fit and workman any w ,cri)r(Ii , I)0t or all tlioso excellences which a satisfac tory "sllt' to 'os'!CS9' lllC!i S,'C"k "109t cI("1"ull,1' for themselves. Men's all-"""', tallor-miulo suits, new fall and winter styles, regular value S12.no, $14.00, SIB-"", salo price, $10.05. 325 men's nil-wool, tallor-mado suits, rcKulnr value $10.00, tr 00 ami $18.00, you nmy como In and select from our cloth lng" counters any ' the suits at $12.75. i Alexander Dept. Store f THE GIVERS OF BEST VALUES f IT'S THE BEST SMOKE ON THE MARKET Manufactured by A. ROHDE Monarch Ranges MallcnlIo Iron and the kind you cannot hrcnlc I havo n full lino or Ranges, Heaters, both wood and coal, mid in vite you to call and examine the same before buying. T. C. TAYLOR The Hardware Man NEW RIVER BOUT STEAMER MOUNTAIN GEM NOW IN SERVICE. New Era Tor LcwKton Begins With the Installation of the Elegant lllv er limit to Ply on the TJpier Snake Trial 'hip Proves Thnt tho New Moat Draws Hut 2" Inches or Wa ter When Loaded, and Can linn the Rapids Without Aid of a Line. Lewlston, Oct. 3. The steamer Mountain Gem made the Initial trip to Asotin Saturday and brought to the city 101 sacks of wheat while the stenmer Spokane, loaded with 1000 sacks. The trip was a most successful one and Captain Gray expresses himself ns well pleased with the craft. Tho stnrt was made at 8:30, but a consid erable delay was encountered at Cox's rapids while the stenmer Spokane was lining over the swlrt water. The Mountain Gem ascended the rapids Without the aid of a line but again lost more than two hours while the Spokane was loading at Asotin. The run to Asotin was made In one hour and 10 minutes running time and but 27 minutes were required to make the run from Asotin to Lewis ton. The steamer was loaded at Asotin, In a little over two hours and the cargo was delivered to" the company platform along the Northern Pacific track In this city for shipment. With the load of 1019 sacks of wheat the Mountain Gem settled Into the water but eight Inches which gives the ves sel a draught of 27 Inches, while the steamer Norma takes 29 and the Lewlston 32 when running light. Messrs. C. F. Allen of the Lewis ton Steamboat Company, Messes. Pe terson, Wilkinson and Nehrhood of the Eureka company, and E. W. Eaves of the Vollmer-CIearwater Grain Company were passengers on the steamer and reported a most en joyable trip. The engines are In charge of Engi neer Walker, who occupied the posi tion of nssltant engineer on the steamer Imnaha. Oscar Oleson, purser on the Imnnhu, fills a similar position on the Mountain Gem and Prank Fesler, general agent. Is nct lng as mate at the present time. Af ter today It Is expected that the boat will muke two trips daily. As soon as the unloading apparatus Is arrang ed It will take but a short time to re move the cargo to the cars at the Lewlston terminus. More Lands at Auction. Crookston, Minn., Oct. 3. The sale of the lands of the ceded portion of the Red Iiike Indian reservation was resumed In this city today. The orig inal sale was held at Thief River Falls In June, but the attendance was small and not more than one-third of the land was sold. More than 1000 tracts aro to be offered at the present sale. Montana State Fair. I Helena, Mont., Oct. 3. The Mon- tnna state fair which opened today Is i In every respect the most notable ex hibition of its kind ever held. In the ; state. During the past year a num ber of now buildings have been con structed on the ground and these are all well filled with exhibits illustrat ing the various Industries and re sources of' the state. The mining, livestock and agricultural depart ments are well up to the standard of former years, while tho manufactur ing exhibits far surpass anything ever attempted before. Another Interest ing feature of the fair will be the race meeting which will continue through the entire week. Today's at tendance was large for the opening day and record-brenklng crowds nre expected later in tho week. mm. (RE5CENT iftdinufiununili Makes Light Bread Tuberculosis Congress. St. Louis, Oct. 3. Leading medical men, not only of America, but of Europe as well, are attending the American International Congress of I Tuberculosis which opened In St. Louis today. The sessions will con tinue three days and will be devoted to the discussion of the latest meth ods of curlnp and preventing the spread of the "white plague." Made of egg and phosphate, Cre-eont linking Powder gives hotter satisfaction than any other. "Crescent" contains no lime, Roehello salts, etc., ami leaves no bitter or nnty "bak ing powder" taste In the food. Sold Everywhere 25c Pittsburg Hank Merger. Pittsburg, Pa.. Oct. 3. Stockhold ers of the North American Savings Company, at a meeting today, voted to relinquish control of the Fort Pitt National Bank, which In turn absorbs the Fifth National Bank. The new concern will be known as the Fort Pitt National Hank, and will begin business nniT with deposits amount ing to J4,000,000. Allied Printing Trades. St. Joseph, Mo Oct. 3. Several score of delegates were ptesent today at the opening of the stnte conven tion of the Allied Printing Trades. The sessions will continue until Thursday and will be devoted to the discussion of various subjects of im portance to the craft. Killed by 10,000 Volts. Portlund, Oct. 3. While working CO feet from the ground stringing electric wires Saturday evening, Tom Wnldron's hat came In contact with a live wire and 10,000 volts of elec tricity .passed through his head, killing him Instantly. What Is Lire? In the last analysis, nobody knows, but we do know thnt It is under strict law. Abuse that law even slightly, pain results. Irregular liv ing means derangement of the or gans, resulting In Constipation, Head ache or Liver Trouble. Dr. King's New Life Pills quickly readjust this. It's gentle, yet thorough. Only 25c at Tallman & Co.'s drug store. Ask Your Grocer MONTERASTELLI BROS. Mafele and Granite Wotks Anyone Intending to secure a monument or headstone for relative or friend will ilo well to see us. Largest collection to select from. LowuBt prices. ? MONTERASTELLI BROS. New Stone Building, Court Street, next to Domestic Laundry. Direct from Europe HO WE RECEIVE A PORTION OF 'OUR STOCK. THERE IS .NOTHING TOO GOOD FOR THE HUSH, AND THERE IS NOTHING TOO (iOOD FOR THE PEOPLE OF PENRLErON. IN ELECTRICAL fiUlU'LIES THERE IS NOTHING 1VUS (CANNOT SUPPLY YOU WITH. AVE ARE DAILY EXPECTING THE ARRIVAL OF THE AIOST MAGNIFICENT LINE OF EUROPEAN ELECTRIC PORTAHLE LAMPS AND HANGING PICTURES EVER SHOWN IN THE WEST. THE EARTH PRODUCES NO FINER Oil MORE BEAUTIFUL GOODS THAN THESE. THE FOLLOWING IS A LETTER WE HAVE RECEIVED, WHICH EXPLAINS THE DELAY IN THE ARRIVAL "OraUlUHE. GOODS: l4f iff PORTLAND, ORE., Sept. 27, 1001. Pendleton Electric Supply House, Pendleton, Ore. Gentlemen: Answering your favor of the 26Ui lust, wo beg to htaU; that the Elec troliers nro on Uie uuy from Europe, and nre due uny duy. We hope to ship directly. AlwajM ready to nervo you we remain, yours truly, M. SELLER & CO. Your Electrical Wants are What We Want to Supply Pendleton Electrical Supply House Maple Brothers, Proprietors 217 Court Street it.