fit PAGE TEN. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY, 27, 1904. 2EN pAQEl COMFORTABLE SUMMER. SHOES Tho warm weather requires lighter and lower footwear. L)t us fit you out for tho hot season with a pair of those new, stylish tan Oxfords, Patont Corona Colt, or Viol Kid low Bhocs. They aro correct In shape and fit as well asprlce. DINDINGER, WILSON & CO. : GOOD SHOES CHEAP. 'Phone Main 1131. HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT. (Continued from page 1.) to furnish to the student in ns far as It is able, the tools with which ho will bo able to carve out his future, to glvo him power and tho ability to do something. If It docs that, it Is n success and will be tho cornerstone of the nation and of Its advancement and growth. At thovclose of Professor Acker man's address the audience was fa vored with a solo by Miss Lois Peeb les, of "Weston. Miss Peebles has a voice of great power and sweetness, well trained and under the best con trol. She captured her audience and was compelled to respond to an en core. Mrs. "W. C. E. Prultt played tho accompaniment for the Blnger. Dr. C. J. Smith presented the di plomas to the class In a sort address wishing the graduates all success and happiness in their future, and assur ing them of the hearty well wishes of the board and of the city. The members of the class of 1904 are Misses Chloe Stanfleld, Nell Jay, Ivy KImbrell, Bertha Alexander and Myrtle DIzney, Messrs. Dell McCarty. Fred Vincent, James Reeves, Hoy Al exander, Se Williams, Ed Jay, Will Wyrlck and Fred Hartman. Walla "Walla stables, but only a fow of them are now on tho track, most of them being young and Just under tho harness. Tho colt which ho sold to Gus LaFontalne some time ago, was entered among tho ovents today, however, and is expected to make a placo for herself. AT AGENCY SCHOOL i Transfer of Wheeler Property. ; Papers aro being drawn for tho for- 1 mal transfer of the property on Court street known as "tho "Wheeler Place," to the Pendleton Aerlo of Eagles. I The $6500 necessary Is now In the treasury of tho lodge, and tho trans- , fer will bo made as Boon as the pa pers and the details of tho transaction have been finished. The lodge build ing contemplated will be commoncecl I some time during the fall. Newspaper Artist. Eddie Payne, of Salem, passed . through town this morning on his ' way home from a tour through the 'East nnd South. Mr. Payne was cm- ' ployed in Pendleton as a newspaper I !-. -1 . . I .1.. , . . . . I m uunug me last gunumaioriai campaign, nna is wen Known Here. Ho has been in poor health for some tlmo and has been traveling for Its boueflt. "Whllo away he visited the St. Jxniis fair. LOCAL OPTION MEETINGS. Pine City, Thompson's, Foster and Echo Appointments, nevs. Hobert Warner and M. V. Howard are to go to Pine City Fri day evening and to Thompson's school house Saturday evening and Sunday morning, nnd to Foster at 4 p. m.; and to Echo Sunday evening, to hold services in the Interest of lo cal option, OFF TO THE RACES. Frank Frazler Has a String of Prom ising Horses. Frank Frazler left this morning for Walla "Walla, where ho will attend tho races for a few days. Mr. Fra zler has a string of horses in the Foot Powcfe For Sore, Blistered, Aching and Sweating Feet. We Guarantee This to Cure Either of These Complaints or Money Refunded. Tallman & Co. LEADING DRUGGISTS. Mrs. Clark Going East. I Mrs. A. M. Clark, manager of the! males' department or tne Peoples "Warehouse, will leave a week from today for the East, where she will en joy a four months' Vficatlon. For six weeks of the time she will be en gaged In buying a new stock for her department, and while gone will visit Chicago, Detroit, Boston, New York. Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, State Secretary Y. M. C. A. A. B. Stone, stnte secretary of tho Y. M. C. A., passed through the city this morning from the East, where he has been on business connected with Y. M. C. A. work in this state. He Is on hlB way to his home in Portland, and may come back to Pen dleton in the near future and see what can be done towards organizing a Y. M. C. A. In Pendleton. Democratic Candidate for Congress. J. E. Simmons, of Portland, demo cratic candidate for congress from this district, was a visitor in town todav while on his way to Athena to mix with his prospective constitu ents. nnir rvmrrhlln n 7-vear-oId boy. was drowned at Aberdeen, Wash., Tbrus- duy. , No Dessert More Attractive THE PROGRAM IN FULL FOR NEXT TUESDAY EVENING. Arrangements Being Made for a Most Entertaining and Instructive Even ing Teachers and Pupils Are Tak ing Great Pains to Have a Perfect Program to Present the Pupils. Tho closing exorcises at tho agen cy school on tho reservation will bo given on the ovonlng of Tuesday next at 7 o'clock. The pupils of tho school have beon practicing for somo tlmo on tho drills and songs to bo given that evening, and will entertain tholr visitors in tho samo manner as usual. There have beon In tho past perhaps no more pleasing ontortnlnments than those presented by tho pupils of the agency school, and this year an es pecially attractive program has beon prepared. Tho program will bo given in the hall at tho school. The program to be presented will be ns follows: Opening song by tho school. Calisthenic drill by tho members of the advanced class. mother Goobc drill by tho primary class. "Umatllla8," a song by tho primary pupils. "Indian Lullaby," a song by the pri mary pupils. "Merry Little Soldiers," song by the small boys. May Queen drill by 30 pupils. This will lie a May pole dance in costume, and will bo very protty. "Itamona," an Indian song, by Miss Gertrude Ticard and Miss Julia Hart. Doll drill, by 16 small girls. Flag song, by 1C prlmnry boys. "Three Little Pussy Cats." This Is a trio by three little girls dressed as .kittens, and was given last year. It is reproduced this year by the re quest of many friends of tho school who saw It last opring. Tho little girls taking the parts are Anna Blnck thorn. Eta ma Teut-ta-ta-too, and Kancy Marshall. -FIbk llrill by 16 boys from the ad vanced class. Duet, "You're OS Welcome as the Flowers of May," Miss Gertrude TI card and Miss Julia Hart. OFF TO LA GRANDE. Track Team, Orator, Baseball Team and Others. A number of students of tho high school and somo of tho track toara will leave this ovonlng for La Grando to be on hand ready for tho Hold meot tomorrow. Tho rest of tho team, tho orator nnd others will leave In tho morning, on tho early train. The trackmen are all In good trim for their events nnd hopo to repre sent Pendleton with honor and good results when tho different schools come together In the combat. It Is tho Intention of a largo crowd of students to go with tholr team to boo tho fun. Tho Wonders basoball team will al so go with the track team, as a return game of ball has 'boon arranged bo twoon them nnd tho La Grando team for Sunday afternoon. WILL LECTURE TO EAGLES. J. T. Hlnkle on Benefits of the Order at Astoria. J. T. Hlnkle will leavo In tho morn ing for Astoria, where he has been In vited to deliver an address beforo tho Astoria Eagles at a celebration -to be held tlioro on tho evening of May 29. Mr. Hlnkle will talk on Eagledom and the fraternal benefits of the or ganization. Whilo in Astoria he will be n guest at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Herman T. Wise, Mr. Wise bolng president of tho Astoria Eagles. END OF SCHOOL YEAR. Special Exercises at Every School Building in the City. The public school pupils at each of the buildings held special exorcises this nfternoon, closing their work for the year. Programs consisting of rec itations, music and special drills were given by the pupils under tho direc tions of tho different teachers, to which the parents and patrons had been invited. Today was the last day of tho year's work. Original Scotchmen. J. H. Gwlnn and J. W. Malone' went to Athena this morning to seo how the Scotch celebrate. Both of the sontlomen claim to bo descended from the Highlanders nnd aro going to listen to the wall of the bagpipe and dance tho Highland ning to prove that Scotch blood Is in their veins. ADAM8 V3, PENDLETON. Baseball on Decoration Day on West Alta Grounds. Manager Cameron has arranged with the Adams baseball team to play at the Alta street grounds on Decora tion Day. The game will be called at the usual time in the afternoon, and will bo an interesting one, for tho Adams boys have been putting up some pretty fast ball so far during the season. On Sunday tho Wonders will play the La Grando team at La Grande. The .batteries for the two teams are: Adams Lteuallen and Lleual Ion; Pendleton Jones nnd Knapp. tin... uf rttiltittntt nnil 1 1 i" ,v spend hours Boakinfj.i sweetening, flavoring! and coloring wuon produces batter result in two winutc'sr Everything in the lackuK-. Simply ml'l box watcran.liscttocool. J'Npfrfeeti.-u Amu prise to tho Imu. .vuV. ' "If pense. 'IVitt.wUy. In Four nw Fla. vow! Zrmon. Orange. Straw U-ro, Usp berry. A: grocrr.. l'.'u "Under Two Flags." The powerful Franch war drama which Is to be presented at Frazer opera house Friday evening, Juno 3, Is one of tho most beautiful and thrill ing pieces ever witnessed here. This play abounds In startling climaxes and was considered tho banner at traction In Baker City and other places. The home company Belected for this aftractlon Is strong In every character aud when tho curtain goes lio the citizens can expect aomeunng ..,sv-HTurv in amateur theatricals. There is not a dull moment from tho opening to tho close, even uiC umo between the cls being given to specialties. Gone to the Picnic. All tho Pendleton Scotchmen left for Athena this morning to attend the Caledonian picnic. There was a car load of them who took the Spokane train and will return home this even ing at 6 o'clock. Will Visit on the Coast'. Miss Edna Thompson loft this morning for Portland for a visit. From Portland she will visit In Seat tle and Tacoma before returning home. She will be absent several weeks. SO TIRED Yet you toss about all night, unable to sleep. It's your nerves that aro unstrung. Weak nerves are starved nerves and you, therefore need some thing to nourish and put vim and vi tality Into them. For this particular duty Hostotter's Stomach Bitters Is highly indorsed by physicians. It Is also Invaluable In cases of Poor Ap petite, Insomnia, Indigestion, Dyspep sia, Weak Kidneys, Biliousness and Malaria, Fever and Ague. Wo hope you'll try It at once. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS Just Jlrriwtl Fine Schools at Baker. .Tii den Rills returned this morning from Baker City, whero ho mado the address of the evening at tho com mencement of tho high school The Judge Is greatly Impressed with the excellency of the Bakor schools, and thinks thnt they nre run on about the right plan. Miss Frum, of North Yakima. Miss Lydla Frum, of North Yakima , who has been the guest of friends i horn tnr Hll llUSt W60K. 10U U11S morning for Athena, for a visit of a few days boforo returning homo. Miss Frum Is one or mo puuuc ntuum tuachors of North Yakima. B WO FURN or fSarSoads of ITFJBE Wo aro now showing the linest lino of FURNITURE and CARPETS over seen In Eastern Oregon. You may not ho VFrora Missouri," but wo want to "show you." Seo our One lino of Conches, Roqkors, Rugs and Pictures. Prices, Qualify and Satis faction guaranteed. EH. A. BADER Main and Webb Streets Women Thank the Papers. a. thn minimi nicotine of tho Thursday Afternoon Club, hold May 20 a vote or thanKs was lonuoruu io .i... vt riroifiinlnn and Trlliuno for tholr kindness in giving spaco to club announcements and4 notes during tho past year. Daughter Was Born. born to the wlfo of A. I. MolHtrom this morning at tho fam ii.. i,.,. nhnni hW miles northwest on Birch creek. Mr. Molstrom Is a prominent farmer or tne uircu crutm country. Forty Men Employed. iiMiiinm Flntnhnr. nronrlotor of Fletcher's sawmill, wns a visitor In town today. Tho mill Is now running full forco end Mr. Fletcher has about 40 men at work for him In the various departments of tho milling business. Returned From California. Charlos Plorce, of Weston, passed through town today on his way homo from an extended visit In California, whore ho has beon for the past month or more. Three Days In Jail. Ed Gibson was arrostod this morn In. drunk "d vas en ec. default of tho 5 necessary to pay his line . A woman selects hor husband by herself but Hhe takes three other wo- O SPICES, ol BAKim POWDER, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAtj HELP US MOVE WE DON'T WISH TO ADVERTISE A CRACKED CHINA SALE AFTER WE MOVE, BECAUSE BY OUR PAST EXPERIENCE WE KNOW THAT CRACKED CHINA WILL NOT BRING ONE-TENTH ITS COST, WHILE BROKEN DISHES ARE WORTHLESS, OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAIN. WE HAVE CUT THE ENTIRE LINE. THE MORE FRAGILE, THE HEAVIER THE CUT. COME AND HELP US MOVE. OWL TEA HOUSE rr YTTTTTTyTTyYTYYYTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTYTTTm m f mm fliMolurePurirv. Finesrflavor, Greatesr Strength, IfcMorobkf rices. CL0SSET&DEVER5 PORTLAND, OREGON Tablets Palmo THE GREAT NERVE TONIC AND RESTORER. See our window display. Brock & McComas Company DRUGGISTS, Cor. Main and Court 8ta. Pendleton, Oregon. Ri?,n.!'C' n!llnn ... Eiwrt Repairing l' IBUfl"1" - ,., II MIT1T1 Have You Seen It? WONDER AT THE THING, TOUCH IT AND SEE IF IT IS ALIVE. NO! YES. BETTER BARGAINS ARE NOT GIVEN IN THE CITY J IN FACT, YOU ARE MISSING AN OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE MANY DOLLARS. "THEY SELL VERY CHEAP AT THE BIG SHOE AND CLOTHING Boston Store fibs ai ummer WE ARE SHOWING ALL TH NEW THINGS IN SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING "7 YOUTHS AND BOYS, AT POP" PRICES. MEN'S SUITS FROM W 70 $20.00. YOUNG MEN'S SUITS, 10 $12.50. BOYS' SUITS, $1-25 TO Baer Furnishers and Hatters . " ' . ..t...., AtrfllO We iUHKe hbw imiuio , Some" This is our exclusive business and we have w0 . welvo years experience at It. Wo ought to know hndn t xvc" AVull, wo do know. . tt j,as a P3 "vrt br t ELATERITE ROOFING Is rigidly (B""g J, be ." ,,i n win nay you to InvesiiBai" ZtoTp rices and tc , answer ,-uo The Elctcrite Roofing Co. 10 Worcester Block, (WirtL 5' inon with uor in v