East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 24, 1903, Image 1

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j Eastern Oregon Weather
i h i : 1 -- ... ,
Tonight shuwcrs nml thunder
Htorms; cooler; Friday fair.
5c A wcwv.
and One of the
as Shot by the
out Twenty Minutes
was Shot at Twice
d Highwayman Was
the Engineer Is In
scheduled to reach
0 this morning, was
ht ahout 9:30, three
nl Troutdale. When
Into Troutdale two
hack of the tender
Ad anni as tne mini
headway tho men
I! uwai MUM
.. ..., (olllnrr
they saw a white
to stop. This tho
... niUi
. ''Un.lnn Tlnproll
n come with
iild not be
a,,, rvn el.
H nui:i:iiui! iui. wiiiuji
with giant powder,
of long poles. Tho
on the end of these
for the liibo to do Its
1 II llll! II IlllIW IIIIL
o Imvnr nnnolu nf lirifli
the express inesseu-
on tho bandits as
quick succession.
nu me engineer nnu
of tho robbers. A
nilPH fllinuii mo llfinrt
ie ground. The rob
the temple and the
the robbers wished
work that they had
ther members of the
out. This was done,
at the side of the
t! Hill inn Irnlt. et.i-
clapsed. During this
on mo tram were
' was no excitement
nc train tlrat stopped,
a braknmnn nn iim
. . w 1 1 .lit
ian near the end of
a man stepped from
anu took a shot at
to get back to th
n mrt.i. l.i i .1
itvuu ua,
warned through a
got off nn thn
train. There was a
who shot down the
na Smith got into
- wit, nu 101a
ov.b liiul LUBV
Un. and thv
"7 hut before
Jne traln had
ii, V '..uu B posse
'he trail of tho i.n.
wmC WHH nvnr.
- .ica iroTYi thn
c enpie and face,
t that to, wiU re.
was nut on
ui run ohi ot.
r L' f . i
wnJ 'nieent, 01
as on ik- . ...
s nainfiii .1.
unnr thn. i.
hV 1 00 wm re
vere aro no rnmnii.
this morning Sheriff Storey, In pur
suit of the robbers, found ono lying
beside tho track at the sceno of the
hold-up, with buckshot wounds in his
head, fatally wounded. Ho would not
toll the names of the others. It is
bolioved ho will confess before ho
dies. He was brought to tltls city.
The other desperadoes are being
pursued. Tho polico believe they
have gained this city by boat.
Robert Forster on the Train.
Robert Forster, of this city, who
was on the train, with Dr. F. W. Vin
cont, says of the affair:
"I was sitting in the tourist car
near tho roar end of tho train, and
when the engineer came to a gradual
stop at such a distanco from a sta
tion, there seemed to bo an instan
taneous understanding among the
passengers that something was
wrong. As soon as tho shots were
fired Dr. Vincent and I walked
through tho train to tue first car, and
soon many passengers wore on the
ground. If there had been any largo
pistols among the passengers they
could have shot tho robbers before
they got out of sight. There was no
oxcltoraent. Tho first aim of tho peo
ple and tho crow was to relievo tho
sufferings of the engineer, who was
shot through the fleshy part 67 the
broast. He was taken on board the
train, and tho fireman ran the engine
until wo met tho other train going
to Portland."
Conner Will Die.
Portland, Sept. 24. James Conners
was brought to tho county jail this
morning and then taken to Good Sa
maritan hospital, where he will prob
ably die. One shot went through his
nead. At times he is unconscious.
He will not talk, only to say he lives
in Portland. His hands show ho is
a worklngman, and ho wears overalls
and a jumper.
Back to Washington,
Oyster Bay, Sept. 24, Tho execu
tive office. It Is expected, will be
cleared Saturday night. President
Iloosovelt and his family will leave
Monday morning for Washington on
a special train.
Liverpool Grain.
Liverpool, Sept. 24. Wheat open
ed pence lower nnd corn pence
lower; wheat closed M&M pence
lower, a,nd corn V5 pence lower.
IN 0. R.
County Assessor Makes an Able Showing in Presenting His
Side of the Assessment of Railroad Properly.
The East Oregonian takes pleasure , 000 per mile upon their track and
in printing. In full, the able defense roadbed.
made hv ronntv Aispusnr r p Second: To my assessment of $21
made by county Assessor C. P. 1 00() upou thelr (ol,ot sr0Ululs
oiru.n, in me u. K. At w. lax case.. Third: To my assessment of $21
wnno it will bo Impossible to publish S50 upon their supplies.
it all in one issue, it will be run from 1 will discuss these objections In
,i.v . j ...n .i, i . their reverse order. The company
r.n ' u . . , Iliad the material hero on tue first day
wum, nun- ukn Fiiiiiura lu of March, iuu3. They don t deny that
rcao ine entire paper. 1 1 valued tne road at what It was
Without doubt Mr. Strain hns nri. i worth excluslvo of this material. 1
nared the most elahoral.. n.i wade a separate assessment upon the
" , , material.
sumsiicai arncie upon tne suuject or
railroad taxation ever made In tho
Btato of Oregon. It Is the first time
tho subject has been treated from an
expert standpoint, and It is a paper
that will mark an epoch In the his
tory of assessments In the state. The
amount of patient and well directed
research, necessary to compile the ar
guments, and the vital comparisons
made hetweon the values of property
under different conditions, in differ
ent parts of the United States, shows
a wonderful energy, and the millings
of Mr, Strain upon the subject will
stand for future reference In Umatil
la county and In the Stale of Oregon,
for years to come.
Following Is the Introductory and a
portion of his argument:
Assessor Strain Said.
As an Introductory to this discus
sion, I desire to Invite your attention
to the geogrnpnical strength of this
company's position.
It commands the Columbia basin
as no other road ran. This basin Is
Loss to County In 1901
In this connection I will suggest
that the company had In lliOl cash
and current assuts to tho amount of
$2,547,9GS and materials aud supplies
to tne amount of ?759,1S9. Total, $.'!,
307,157. Against tills were current
liabilities to the amount of $S79.748
Their not personal property at that
tlmo amounted to $2,427,409 oxclu
slvo of their rolling stock. This coun
ty's assessed pro rata of that proper
ty would have given us $121,028. Wo
got nothing.
It might lie well for you to call ui-
on the company for a statement of
their personal property this year.
As to their second objection. I val
nod their depot grounds just as I did
adjoining proiierty, and then deduct
ed $C,000 from tho total.
Owing to Its seml-publle usage
and the nature of their title I admit
ted to their tax commissioner that
their objections upon this point had
some force. I agreed to reconsider
In Itself nn pmnirfi suttlinir nn and I the matter upon condition that tho
aeveionniir ns lew oiner localities are -"i'"" n una in;
vcf was kooiij ....
'ck this morning.
'-At 2:30 o'clock
They Are Workinp to
Strike All Over the
gere Will Fill Their
Extend the
City Mana
Places With
Chicago, Sept. 21. Messenger boys
in tho Western Union down town of
fices struck this morning for more
pay and shorter hours. They demand
$4.50 to $0 per week and an eight
hour day.
Two hundred boys aio parading the
streets, visiting tho otrices and induc
ing other boys to join, and have
picketed offices. Policemen are
guarding those who did not strike,
The managers say they can fill
their placos with girls, as in the last
strike. Organizer Fitzpatrick, of the
Federation of Labor, will form a Mes
sengers' Union.
Quotations Furnished by Coe CommlB
slon Company B, E. Kennedy, Lo
cal Manager.
Chicago. Sent. 24. As usual the
case, following a weak aud dlsap'
pointing market, tho feeling in trad'
ing circles tonight is despondent.
The fact that neither good rallroau
earnings nor favorable crop reports
cut any figure In speculation nas
spurred operators for the decline to
renew efforts which are not aggres
slvely opposed by the big men.
The iattor. however, continue to
buy stocks on tho fall down, .
The bears had another inning to
day in wheat and corn, wheat clos
ing almost the low point, and eoru
at the low spot.
.... 77
.... 79'4
Dec. ...
may . . ,
Dec r 47V4
May 47
Minneapolis, Sept. 24.
Wheat Opening.
Doc. 75
May 7
Chicago Wheat
Chicago, Sept. 24. Wheat ojiened
at 77; closed 76.
Two thousand steel workers at
Lobanon and Cornwall, Pa., are Idle
from shutting down of furnaces.
Over production Is alleged by the
doing. Evnry new settler, every ad
ditional acr brought under cultiva
tion, every new mine, every new In
dustry, expands tho business of this
No man can measure the possibili
ties or this great basin. Within it
millions of trensure will doubtless be
expended liy tho government In ex
tending the project or national Irri
gation. New people, new products,
new enterprises promise to multiply
us never before.
Again, this company meets tho
Great Northern and tne Northern Pa
cific at Spokane, and the Union Paci
fic at Huntington. I do not profess
to know anything about the traffic ar
rangements. present or prospective,
of the O. K. & N., but I do know that
this Is an age of combinations and
Nothing Is more apparent than the
economic advantage of a community
of Interests between the O. II. & N.
on the one side and the Great North
em and Northern Pacific, on the
other. Dy a union of these interests
those two great continental roads
would Im triven a ilown-hill null to
the sea.
A merger of tho Union Pacific, the
Northern Pacific and the Great North
em is not an Impossibility. Under
such an arrangement, the heavy traf
fic of every one of them would fol
low the lino of gravitation down the
Columbia ovrr the O. II. & N. to
Tho economic key to this whole
problem Is the Columbia gap which Is
commanded by the O. H. & N.
Factors In Valuation.
Where can you find another road
with equal geograpnical advantages.'
Who can estimate tho future value
of this road? Our supreme court has
laid down the rule that an assessor
shall tako into consideration the cap
ital, the cost, tho net earnings, tho
power of a road to command the
traffic of a country, and Its connec
tion with other roads, In determin
ing It value.
Tlie company In tneir petition, ou
joct first to my assessment of $12,-
assessed. He never again mentioned
tho subject of their depot grounds to
Tiieir (list objection Is tho one of
most importance. Here are some or
ficial statistics bearing upon '.he
value and taxation of railroads.
Interstate Commission Authority.
The following table Is taken from
the report of tho interstate common"
commission for 1902, and shows the
average valuation In the Northwest
Tax per Mile
California $250.81
Nevada 143.53
Oregon 148.40
leiaho 197.95
Washington 178.14
The average tax in the Northwest
eru stntes is $183 per mile. The aver
age tax of the O, H. & N. In this
county Is $149 per mile.
An examination of theso figures
will show that the O. It. & N. Com
pany pays less tax per mile than does
railroad property of equal value in
any other section of the northern
half of the United States.
Deglnnlng with tho Now KngliwiJ
States, we find an average capital
per mllo of $C2,199 paying $3,704 not
per mile. The taxation per ratio
ranges from $107.77 In Maine, to $1,.
33C.32 in Massachusetts. If the mile
ago wero equal in each state, Mm
averago tax per mile In New England
would bo $G03.05. Bui the states in
which taxes aro highest contain tho
most mileage. This rule holds good
In other groups.
Average Per Mile Exceeds O, R, & N
Therefore the averago tax per mile
on other roads Is above rather than
below these figures.
It railroad taxes both hero and In
New England wero based upon net
Income and New England mado the
standard, then tho O, II. & N. should
pay approximately 3500-3700C00, or
$.rC7 per mile. Hut it paid last year
only $149 per mile In this county, or
26 per cent of what New England
would have taxed It.
(Continued tomorrow,)
W. A. Coughnaour of North Powder
Cuts Timber , on Public Lands.
Boise. Idaho, Sept. 24. The Jury
in the case of the United States vs.
Coughnaour, the Payette saw mill
man. for wrongfully cutting timber
on government land, has brought in
n verdict against tho defendant for
tho sum of $.100.
Coughnaour was charged with un
lawfully cutting, timber on govern
ment land of a stumpage value of
$3,836. Uefore the case camo up for
trial, however the complaint was
amended so us to reduce the amount
of stumpage claimed to have been
unlawfully appropriated to $2,500.
Coughnaour Is proprietor of an
extensive water ditch which betrs
bis name at North Powder and also
large cattle and land Interests
In Baker and Union counties, Ho
was formerly in tho sawmill una).
Hess In the vicinity of North Powder.
The democrats of San Fruncljco
huvo nominated Franklin K. Lano for
Work Plentiful Everywhere and Men
Arc Independent.
I.a arande, Sept. 24. Several
prominent englaemen on tho O. t.
& N. hnvo resigned their positions
this week and as men nro senrco In
tho country, tho lorco Is somewhat
short nt present.
Among the enclnccrs to resign
tnis week nro J. U. Oliver who has
been on the road hore for 10 years,
Joo Fi.t.os, who has worlcod here lir
three yearn and A. F. Drefson, a re
cent arrival.
Several new men have been sent
hero Horn Portland, but only re
mained a short time. Woriv Is plen
tiful on all tho western roads nnd
railroad men nre Independent.
Tho resignation of theso old men
has promoted soveral firemen and
It is the intention of tho O. II. & N.
to secure nil Its engineers In future
through promotion. If possible, ns a
moro permanent class of men Is ou
taincd In this way. When n young
man Is promoted ho must work for
two years before bo can got a recom
mendation as an engineer, so the
company Is suro of their service for
this length of time.
All those who hnvo resigned will
go- to tho Southern Pacific where oil
miming engines aro used.
Register nnd Receiver for the Lake
view Land Office Are Nominated
by Oregon Delegation.
Portland, Sept. 24. John W. Wat
son, of Paisley, has been named as
n candldnto for register, and C. U.
Snider, of Lnkevlow, hns been named
ns receiver for the I.akcvlew land of
fice, by the Oregon congressional
delegation, In plnco of tho former of
ficials, who have been removed,
J. II. Booth, of the noseburg land
office. Is In danger of being ousted
from his position, for giving out con
fidential Information In regard to
valuable timber lands, and the bond
of Ed W. Davis, recently appointed
register at La Grande, Iibb been
found lo bo defective and has been
returned for correction. Ilecclvor
Newell, of tho Burns office. Is nn ap
plicant for reappointment, but no
action has yet been taken on his
Turks Burn Villages as a Re
prisal Following Heavy Loss
in Bulgaria.
Rustler Fights Desperately When
Caught In the Act and Escapes
He Kills One Man and Wounds
Several Others.
Sun Francisco. Sept, 24, Joseph
Itoberts was caught removing a hido
from a steer owned by a roan name
John Stockton, near Solomon, Ariz
Stockton summoned his cowboys. In
tho fight which ensued, Stockton was
shot through tho body and soveral
cowboys were wounded.
A pohbu from Solomon surrounded
the house in which Roberts nought
refuge. The fight continued until
darkness. The outlaw mado a des
perate dash for his homo, woiinilme
three of thi posso, and escaped.
Independent Association Launched at
Kansas City.
At a meeting of tho promoters of
tho Independent Packing Company
at Kansas City, Tuesday, a Joint
stock company, with $5,000,000, was
organized. The stock Is divided Into
100,000 shares at 550 per share.
A board of directors, mado up of
Western stockmen, was elected, con
slstlng of the following well-known
gentlemen: II. A. Castro, of Callfor
nia; J. T. Brown and William Llnd
say, of Montana; John W. Springer,
C. K. Martin and Frank Benton, ot
Colorado, and J, II. Owlnn, of Pen
dleton, Or.
A meeting of this board was nailed
to be held in Denver during the first
week In October.
Plans for future work will lx out
lined at tho Denver meeting. Mr.
Gwlnn Is not certain whether he will
he able to attend this meeting of tho
board or not.
Large Graduating Class,
Tho graduating class of the high
school this year, so far as organized
at present, Is composed of thu fol
lowing; Fred Hnrtman, So Williams,
Bertha and Hoy Alexander, Gertrude
and Leonore Sheridan, Dell McCarty,
Nell Jay, Will Wyrlck and Cloo Stan
field. There aro about 90 scholars in
the high school grades this year,
while there wero but 70 last year,
and a large number of pupils Is ex
pected to enter theso grades later.
making ovt'r 100 when all are in.
Antl-Turklsh Sentiment In the Hun
garian Diet Causes a Riot, Mem
bers Expressing Great Displeasure
With the King France Has Sent
Four Thousand Troops to Crete.
Constnntlnopki. Sept. 21. A llorco
battle. Is In progress In KreHiia Pan.
In the Macedonian mountains, be
tween tho Turkish troops and Insur
gents. The Turkish casualties thus
lur reported aro 325, Including five
oillcers. Tho Insurgents' loss U six
killed nnd 20 wounded,
Riot in Hunnarlan Diet.
Hilda Pesth, Sept. 21. Thero was
u riot upon the reopening of thu Hun
garian diet this nrternoon. A num
ber of monibors attacked Premier
lledervary, crying, "Bribetaker; put
him out." Quiet was finally restored.
Tim premier nttompted to speak and
htarted, "In the name or tho king."
Ho was Interrupted by shouts, "Wo
no longer bi'lluvo tho word of tho
Tho acridity of thu situation at this
time is largely duo to tho numbers
of Macedonian nnu Bulgarian sympa
thizers In the diet liolng greater than
ever before, and they announce their
purposo or forcing us un Issuo a
proposition to nlly Austro-Hungnry
with Russia In un effort to oubI the
Turks from Europe. To a man this
element is nrrnyed ngalnst the king.
whoso ago and settled policy or con
servatism and peace forbid all hopo
of his being a party to such a com
pact. Emperor JoBoph Is known to nt
heart a sympathizer with tho Balkan
revolutionists, hut has pursued n torn
porlzln, vacllntlng policy that has
brought down upon him chnrgcB of
faithlessness and doublo-deallng, gen
orully termed perfidy by thu llbernls.
Turks Were Defeated,
Sofia, Sept. 24, A dlsputch today
reports n battle between 7,000 Turk
ish troops and u revolutionary force
near Kotchanl Friday In which 600
TurkH wero killed. Later tho Turks
pillaged nnd destroyed a number of
Bulgarian vIllageH in revenge for
their Iobscb.
Battle on the Frontier.
Constantinople, Sept, 24. It Is of
ficially announced that In a battlo
near Mlshino, near tho Bulgarian
frontier yesterday, tho Turks lost
seven killed and wiven Injured and
tho Insurgents 45 killed and raptured.
Charged That Personal Property As
sessment Is Too High.
Thu county court UiIh .ifturuomi Is
considering tho assessment on Iho
property of W. J. Fumlsii, whirl- In
tho estimation of tho o.vuur, was
valued at too high a figure, Somo
tlmo ago It was repotted that thu
Savings Bank thought their nsKoss-
mcnt was too high, but (boy have
made no mention of tho matter.
Tho property In question Is the In
dividual projKTty of Mr, Furnish. At
thn tlmo of thn bdhhIoii of the board
ot equalization, tho matter was
brought up so lato that tho board hid
no time to look over all of the prop
erty In question, and the couit ix to
day completing that work. Tho court
has not ynt reached a derision In 1 lie
O. II. tt N. case.
Just a Neighborly Quarrel,
Mrs. Hansen nnd Mrs. Talt, two
women who are neighbors and resi
dents of Clay street, were before
Judge Fit Gerald this morning. Mrs.
Hansen wus tho plaintiff, and charg
ed tho defendant with assault and
battery. In tho estimation of the
court thoru wus nothing in tho rase.
and ha dismissed II, gave the women
a lecture and sent them homo, Tho
row Is the result of a family quarrel
In which tho children of the two wo
men were also parties.
The grand Jury at Denver is wrestl
ing with evidence to show registra
tion fraud in thu charter election.