DAILY EA8T OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1903. Business Cards PROFESSIONS AND TRADES, PHYSICIANS. illume rpuionhnnn red 871. 3 p. gi, '' Fet imnnlrpd hearing. Uc "tly nTted for refr.ctlre er T.lonUone main 1181. tjTMTH 4 ItlNOO, OFFICII OVER rftldCDcr mij'"""- - .7" nnfrnniTTlir Tolenhone, office, black i3; res- HUtuat' - . "D.T MePAntlft npoM.n atocia. be, Dine i" r , T. y, nuNDEnsoN, rnwiciAN tiriron. unite iu onms , Cm . office phone Main Hll. res. Mali. ....... t- ttr iri.'UT.i7n riiKifniL sti Office 'phone main ..I , ret- fc, red -i ...... nr.pK iinoN'n. nsTIIOI'ATn fc-nc Ueu oUJi uuu unite i'"""'- .. n ., niivcrnr aw a V ll fi'" U. Va,Al Koiic l'loue Main 11. K.I i -ton Orciwii. DENTISTS. VAPOIIAN. DENTIST. OFFICE IN lurid building. 'Phone, red .1. ...... rir.VTlKT nfM-'lPR TN AS- l.poiA' ui biocfc.'iiror Schmidt's uew drug re I'lioue, reu -n. VETERINARY SURGEONS. mimi'ii- OR.vnPATK OK Till: Im.i eternary College. IMonburgh, S'ot it I. a aovernmciit veternary lupeclor V.I district 11 C All .lomelc aniniHlj ,t,!j on H-fentifli principals. Ofllce at ome . tablo Mam street, nppiil;c Hotel kih ton ReiUun c imono mihii ion ll kKI'AH SI RdKOK Dr. D. ( McNabb, Lokaiie tor lu yean Ofllce at la man s 4 lore, I'auillat in. Ore . I'hone .Malu 11.1 BANKS AND BROKERS. r...- i.TinVAl, tiAN'Iv OI' ATIIIIXA. (irtaon, Capital, JSU.UUU ; surplua and i Hi,WO. Intcn-st on time deposits. Ciw In fortlm nnil domestic exchange. Eili tlons promptly attended to. Henry j Inr I S, I.eUrow, cashier ; 1. M. Kemp, t caimer kh FAKMIIUS' IUNK OP WKSTON, Veiton, Oregon. Does a Kcnernl bans. bmloess. i:xctmiiBO nougnt anu boiq. lit '.ions promptly attended to. II. jntn- 0, president tieorw w. rroeusiei, p Dretldtnr , J KUporc, cnshler; !! lion. ( A Ilortmuu. M. M. Johns. T. Il'dre ij 1). llriiw, J. r Ullgoie. liou- Jsoieson, d, I'meustel ll l'K.VULinOX SAVINGS HANK, IVuJ.elon. (Iregon OrKaulzed .March 1, rapitni, hiih.im.mi , Kurpiua. tiuu,. Intprrit allowed on all time deiioaltfl. k-bnn;e bought and sold on all principal lau. special attention glveu to col- nlt.Di W J rurnNh. prealilent i J- N. I. Tlce nresh ent . T J Morris, cannier: Iw Ualuuey usslstnnt cashier l-JV XATIOXAl HANK (IP IT.NDI.K- lun Caiiltsl, fTO.Oiiii; Hiiriilua. SUS.Iino; Cmsns a general uuiiuni Diisineua. i.i Bit tod telegronhlc transfers sold on Hi3o, han Francisco. New York and bclnsl tiulnts In the NorthweHt Dratta ftvu od CI1I1111 Japan nnd llurupe, Mnkes 1 pctltns an reasonable terms. Levi An Hj president . W. V .Matlock-. vlee-nre- tot 1 It. Wade, cashier; II, V Johnson, I UUot rinhler ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. i F UOWARD. AHCHIT11CT AND SO- prloteo'leut . makes complete and rell- 'mm i.jr iiuiiuiugs in the city or coun lliwm IT Judd building, IHI-.K A COM:. CONTRACTORS AND Builders Ustlmates furnished on short lt( Jrtll U-nrL- n ...nnlnllv lrnmn. 'K Sliup on lllnff street near Main. I A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND IIUILD- MIDIIITtl ,,11 uii muui inssonry, cement walks, atone walls, etc. K TltOl'TMAN. AllCMUTECT AND l I'cndletun, Oregon. M KI1I.LFM!. I'LAH'I'IMMVU ivn i'iitlag tenient walks a specialty. Kb i furolstied free. Wurk guaranteed. h, i af "Ollloy Zehner's cigar ireei r u, nor 1U1. lllA., fcoml,. D(1!'' N0' 4- MEIrrS BVKKT lonilsj- PVRnln,. .,.., kz,. . ivnufeosr o.""b. w: u w j Kyyeg, (' c. i SECOND-HAND DEALERS. S 1S WW, ,N HECo..D.'v I tJV!?- '? there la nnythlnt: you t En crinii. n" sec"nd hand furniture, hU orloi, '!' "nu crockery, call and niCM. ,s0, ,,VJ ,:ourt Btreet t Iw ivn n Koasht kod .?f:W0'"ANl GOODS Kn,i .f." W i Pawn brokera : moner '' vu AH Klnili, nf nftUlua VV'AH ETllLJ' 732 Cottonwood -uVet" ' J0JNS0r(,AL PARLORS. :pMB8blkN,SAKl,A"GISUW nshlp ii ?, -0llc"t treot i beat work-! tn,,u modern Imnrnvementa I Itlon ,"tlu"d. bath roomi In con" BOARD ANd""loDGING. ! m. I.0llli'l'7."M'TON HAS l'tmciIAHED I hum 111 K"l tr eo her friends nnd I 1I ViuA' ,V."iNfL" ALTA AND I Ik. .S3 uft the d;f o, r"n. B. Compton'"K" 1r,'eo l"m ln Kr-NHmiLrnrrr..,.- .. t', ' ,00 to ii til r.u it. the PMitor " w Wday. It. i. Milieu, i 1 .ervlcrft1 H&.Ul5S-!f!S!! FRATERNAL ORDERS, O t ptWiioU4 and Societies ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS IIAltTMAN ABSTRACT COMeANY MAKK8 reliable abstracts o( title to nil lands In Uma. tlllaounty Loans on city nnil larm prop erty. Buys nnd lull, all kinds of real rstate. Does a general brokerage business. Fays tax es and makos Investment for nonresidents. Reference, any bank In I'cndloton. O A. HAKTMAK, fro. L. W HKLD.Soc. Q. A. IIARTMANJr., Vice Pros. J. M. BBNTLKY RKPRE8KKTS THE OLDEST and most rollable tiro and accident tnsuranco companies. Ofll.co with Jlnrtmnn Abstract Co. JOHN HAILF.Y. Jit., U. 8. LAND COM mlsaloncr Specialty made of land flllnga and proof ; Insurance and collections. Of fice in Judd bidding, room 10. CABS AND CARRIAGES. CITY CAI1 LINF,, RKWIN HAKRU, PROP. Telephone main "91. Office and waiting rnnm. Alta street, next to Savings Dank building. - LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. THE CITY lilVEUY HOARD AND SALE Stnble. M. J. Carney, proprietor, for due turnouts Stock bonruerl at reasonable rates, Stable US Alta Street. O. K. FEHI) YARD, (ill) Aura, street, It. 11. I'atton & Son, Props. Largo, comfiirtiibto stulN, plenty nl foetl nnil proper attention given linrsev Telephone Red 1.141, Livery In con nectlon. MISCELLANEOUS. MEN'S RKSOtvT, YOD are Invited. Free reading room Why not Join and got the ad. VRtitiieeof free bath, use ol pun.'lilug bug and other equipments, Including library and mid ingroom Terms, J1.00 to Join and oca mouth dues, DRESSMAKING I am prensred to do dress niHltlnc and tewing ot all Kinds (ioud uork Satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs P I). .Mann, Ml June street FOR SALE 110ILER AND -l-HoRSK ft) A tK vertical high siieeil uUBlne Alio a -10-llKht Generator lucluilluir alt switch board tuxtru inents For artlenlars, call on or addre&s l'KKi) Kink, llox :i"0, f'omllcton, Ore. WM. F. YOHriKA WILL PAY I'DOMI'T AT- tcntlon to iil sales and posting hills Lor resimudcucesollcttert. Commission reasonable I'. K. llox M. 1'cnUletou BIVORHV LAW8-PETKR WKST; ADVICU Ireo; Iocs, terms to suit 1 25 yeari' exjierlonce. Office MS Garden St., 1'eurllclon, Oregon. WANTHI) ADVnUTISKRS TO MAKIC USC ot these classified colununt. If you nnre Homethln you have no use for, offer to trnuo It ror Bometliins tnat some other body may have and have no URe for, noine tliliiR that you may need In your business. You may have nu extra horse that you may wish to trade for a cow or n vehicle. Somebody mny have thn cow nnd vehicle and want tin horse, li'c or 25c want ad will trnbably do the business. Proposals for Fire Department Sup plies. Sealed propojals for the furuMilue ol Kleven Hundred Feet uIHtandird Size Vita Hum', Fhe Mr OiipgH and Tclvo Fire Torches lor tho use of tho Firo 1 cpsrtmrut of the tlty ol Pendleton will bo received at the City Recorder's office tn the city of Pendleton until 5 o'clock p.m., October A, I1WT1. the proposals to statu kind, quality mid price ot articles proposed to be lurulsticd. Said bids to he opened at the regular meeting of the council of the city ol I'cmlletou to be held on October 6, l'.W!, at o'clock n. m. The council rew rve the right to accept the bids teliaered either for the whole ot said articles or for 11 part tliercof and also tho right tn reject any and all bids. Dated thli llith dav ot September, A I). IPO:!. THOMAS? FITZGEIMLD, City llecorder. LOSSES ALWAYS MET PROMPTLY By the Fire Insurance Com panies we represent. uui companies stand first in the world. Hurtfortl File Inntruuce CoJll',25U,07b Alliance Asflurance Uo 9,039,968 Loudon & Lancashire Fire Iusuratiee Co 2,544,(188 North British & Mercantile Co 19,095,074 Royal IiiHiirnnee Co 22,897,163 FRANK B. CLOPTON AGENT 600 MAIN STREET s ST STA STAN STAND STANDA STANDAR STANDARD STANDARD CROCERY Co We are the standard for quality in groceries and fruits, of all kinds. Prices such as will hold your trade. None better at any price. Mouoiiolo CiTOCero Court Stree Walter's Flouring Mills Capacity, 150 barrels a day. Flour oxebauged for wheat. Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, etc., always on hand. Your Eyes not free t'rotti strain should be relieved by Glasses of the rijlit strength, lly this, means they are saved from partial or total blindness in later years. Tests are made with the aid of modern scien tific instruments. My prices for Spec tacles and eyeglasses are quite moderate Glenn Winslow f)is Main Gray's Harbor Commercial Co. We Don't Keep Everything But we do keep a good big stock of nice dry Flooring, Celling, Rustic and Finish, In sll grades. Also all kinds of Dimension Lumber, in cluding Lath and . Shingles. Our" stock of Dcors, Win dows, Moulding, Building and Tar Paper and Apple Boxes is complete, and any one In need of Lumbtr will not be wrong In placing their order with the : : Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. W: & C. R, Depot I'll K QUEEN HOTEL. Cleau eomtortable rooms fium J. ueuts up. Newly furnished throughout. Queen Chop House lu connection. Meals at all hours. Only white help em ployed, tiivv u a trial. . LET US FILL YOUR BILL FOR LUMBER We can supply you with Building Material of all descriptions and sa v e you money m DOORS WINDOWS B u i Idin g paper lime cement, brick and sand. Wood gutters for barns And dwellings a specialty , Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St.r Opp. Court House Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE Vor iDflaminttlOu or Oatarrb of the Iiiudder nnd Dibeabvd KldnevA. No cure no dav Caret qotckJr and l'enou nently the worst CAset of 4noiiorrhoea nlli' no matter of how Iojr staaU lag. Absolutely u armless. Hold by drugfiat, Vrfce tl.OQ, or br mall, postpaid. 11.00, 3 boxwj 12.75. THE SANTAL-PEPSIN CO., OELIEFONTAINK, OHIO. Sold by F. W. Schmidt & Co. Suffered Eight Months I can heaitlly recommend Acker's Tablets for dyspepsia and stomach troubles, I have been Buffering for eight mouths and tried many reme dies without relief, until I got Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets, which I used only a short time and am now perfectly well. Thanking you for the speedy recovery, I am gratefully yours, Fran cis I. Gannor, Vancouver, Wash. Send to W. II. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. y for a free trial package. (Nothing like them.) F. VV. Schmidt & Co., druggists. CROSSED PLAINS IN 1852. From Illinois to Oregon City by Ox Team A Weston Pioneer. V. H. Perkins, of Weston, Or., Is In the city spending a few days with his brothers, T. J. Perkins, F. II, Per Kins and l;, U Perkins, says the- Spo kane Spokesman-Review. On the way tip ho visited .1. A. Perkins, of Colfax, Mr. Perkins Is one of the pioneers of Orepou territory and came across the plains In lSii'J. Ho was but N years old when his father and fninlly started from their homo In Marshall county, Illinois, and traveled for six months In an o team to Oregon City, then the chief town In the Northwest. They came by Salt Lake City, the old emigrant trail by the month of tne Hiiise river and over the Ultie mountains to Meacham pass. In those days Hour was quoted at $20 per hundred am' pork at 10 rents a pound, nnd strong at that, after a six months' voyage- around the Horn.: Mt Perkins lias neai;iMl in rn , peotinf,-, frplglitliiR nml whoat ralslmr ' and is now rotitod from actlvo busi ness at tlie aKO of Go years. He has been to Spokane twice, once in lS7i and in 1S90. just after the fire PREJUDICED AGAINST TRIB. Dr. L. E. Bulllnger, of San Francisco, Expresses an Opinion Regarding j the Greatest Liquor Habit Cure on Earth. Dr. U K. HtillhiKer. of San Kran-, lihco. writes: "I was prejudlcc-l aRainst T1U15 ruuthifr to me as it i'M j but 1 see now 1 was mistaken. I liav 1 been travelliiK In Knplaml a"d tl-o Eastern States much lately and llnd much evidence or TIUIl'S sood work I bought 2.-1 treatments for friends,1 and every one has done Its work well." j Tltll! Is the world's greatest cure j for the Litittor and Tobacco Habits. 1 Sold by all druRBists. W. C. Cutler & Co., distributors. Baker City. Ore, 1 Forgot to Count 'Em. When "Private" John Allrn was in tho' house of teiri'sentatlves hi wa InrorrlRlblo when it came to giving tt serious answer to a M'tious ques tion. The old members knew thin from sad experience, and seldom went to the Mississippi wit for Infor mation. New members, however, taking Allen's genial countenance as an indication of his willingness to bo or aid to his fellow-man, often came to grlet. Just after Mr. Mine field, of Maine, had taken his seat for his first term, lie wanted some figures In a hurry. Turning to Mr. Allen, he said: "Pardon me, sir; but you wore at Gettysburg: can you tell me bow many Federal soldiers weie killed outright thete?" "I am very sorry, very sorry Indeed that 1 can't accommodate you," re plied the "Private," but the fact is I was so busy that I clean forgot to count my shots." Detroit Kleo Press. Wrinkles. The New Age tells the lollowlim yarn on an Augusta bachelor who had occasion to so to Boston on bus iness. He went on the night Pull man, and look a berth. Just across the way was a handsome little wo man and her 3-year-old boy. Just before arriving In Iloslon early In the morning the two were laughing nml playing together, and tho good-natured bachelor smiled to himself as he lose to diess. Suddenly a very small foot peep ed out from tho curtifins of the op posite boiln. With a twinkle ln his eye the bachelor grabbed the plump toe and began: "This little pig went to market; this little- " "That Is J 1 .. .1 1 .. my loot, sir, sain m' iiiuiki" .. . n. ...i,ii. voice 01 a woman. 1 no mivm;i 4 followed could be heard above thi)(J roar of the train. Lord Lyeden, head or the Uritlsh parliamentary party, was once a waiter In it cheap Hrooklyn restau rant, afterward a traveling actor, and for two years was steward on a steamer between Wilmington. N. C, and Now York. He "didn't have to" any of tho time, hut was out for ex perience. A vessel loaded with oil and nap tha. valued at $40,000, burned to the water's edgo und sunk off the coast of New Jersey two months ago. Last week It was sold for $1,800. The purchaser floated tho hulk and found the cargo Intact. If You Contract to buy $10,000 in 5 Gold Bonds from The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, Richard A. MeCurdy, PiesUlent, Payment to be made during; 20 years in annual instalments, and you die after you have made one payment, yoiii estate will receive $500 a year for 20 years Then cash ... Total guaranteed In gold $10,000 10,000 $20,000 If you wish to liiioir term, on which these bonds are offered address, statins vour npe nml the amount of Income ou would like to bculu drawing txtcnty jema heme. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK, lllrhnril A MrCnrdv ninsiilrmt. Vlma D. Katz, nmiWROr,' llolso, lilalio. KranH li. Ilainmond, District MannKiT, '"'"oton. OroEOU. THE ONLY GENUINE BOYNTON FURNACES AND HEATERS . iirKT. l'tiiir. niter that vour l'urmicc 11 put up by its, will be a micccv. l.cl us figure with you on hcatitic your home or place of hutiiiess, GEORGE PHILLIPS Cottonwood Street. E. D. BOYD Hits Kn.il RRtnto (on Knlu RKAIi KSTATK of all . kinds and (lescriptloiiH, ranging front u small ' residence to one of the , ttioHt modem anil Im'h'. ejulpiel iniiiihioiiH with- ? ln the IIiiiIIh of the city 01 Penilleton, anil from u farm of a few acres of J good alfalfa land to , thousands of acres of . wlipat land. Call or J Address G. U. BOYD. Ill Court St. tai44it''l4"lf2il'fl'5Ml I E. MOTSCHMAN t Tuaclics a thorough course J in voici; culture, piano and I. violin, lTor information en- quire at i Empire Piano House, i i Refrigerated Meat J Scliwatx & (ireiilich, Props. $ Wholesale and retail dealers in Beef, Pork and Mutton, Cured J Meals and Sausages of all kinds. J. 607 Main Street, Phone 1K1 A.. UCMAUnUHMCM rti. M w ,,, , Ilia Hi? O for uno.tural dJvliArtfwtJbtiftuiu.itiJc'i., Irrlt&ttoD. or unvralfoiil mnu Ci.ouii.ii. rtxaw, uo eui (1.00, ir 3 Ullloi, 11.75. Cltvul.r .out cu rmuMt, Daily East Oregonlan by only 15 cents a week. carrier C ICC ill IIKS Illness J ! HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel in Pendleton and as good as any. The Hotel Pendleton has just ban refitted and refurnished throughout. Phone and lire alarm connections with all rooms. Baths in sn;tes and single rocins. Hondquartors for TnvvolliiB Mod Commodious Sumplo Rooms, Rates $2 & $2.50 Special rates by week or mouth Kxeellenl Cuisine. Prompt Oinhigroom service. Bar ami billiard room in connootlon Only Three Mucks from Depot GOLDEN RULE HOTEL (,'ornor Court nnil Johnum HtrtH'ti, lVuillcluii, Oregon. M. F. Kolly, Proprlotor. HEATED UY STEAAl LIGHTED liY ELECTIHCITY American l'liill, rates Jfl .!,-, teM.tMI pcriluv, Kiiroiienii I'liin. fltxi. 7ftu. S1.IM1. I Special cii tot- liy wiiuk or iiimith. Free 'bus meets all trains' Commercial trade solicited Fine sample roomt Special Attention (liven Country Tnu'n HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STS. GEO. DAIIVEAU. Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heateo European Plan. Illock and a half Irum depot, Sample room in connection. ROOM RATE 50c, 75o, $1.00 THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. OREGON American i'tan, j per day auit upwairt Itcadquattera for tuurlit and corauicrdal trav dera. hpt-clal ratca made to TumUle aud alogU gentlemtii. The management will be pleated at all timet to ahow rooiua and gl.e plfcu. A modern Turkl.h bathratabll.hmeutln the hot.l, II, C. IIOWKHb.Manacei, Conrad Platzoeder t All kinds of Fresh Meats always on hand. Fine Bacon, I lams and Sausage. Prices as low as the lowest f -- - ' ' j