East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 19, 1903, Image 8

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High Class Druggists
11! 1. -..,:.-
The bettor eta. of drnnbt.. ."M
. :.. ,U,eiiMnnR' mescrintions and
mm J"'.""- r- ..
wlm devote their lives to the welfare ot their leiiow
.i.i mnfiininnl ntrpnfs of known value, in accordance
i . . . i i ii.
ii , i, mi
w.- . . . , t mnnr OTPPllPtlt Teineuiur. li
Scientific formula. Druggets of the better class jSafa medicines,
always under original or "fficmal names and they never sea des
Thev are the men to dea w th when in need of anything in their line, wmcn UBa"J ,
Il&rf remedies and corresponding adjuncts of a Ihst-c a "
1 3
best of to let art c es and preparations ana iimu utnui i .ii nt the Uenefit
Srn ng ot . Mr living, wi.I the .faction which ' "Sv U, !r.St
cntod upon '" 1'! ! ! V'fi?', '"tw 1 W ttaf sSSJ ol
",v :' .. , . i . - ii i .. ;.ac iinivoTanl sHdritnotion.
Svrtip of bias, anu tney are giau to sen n utraufs n """,-"7 , : r . ,i
1 : -ir- r-:.. ii, ,.,vrai Kof cfnpt nn winch it mves ana tne
ir ton pirppiipnnc ni .-ii-rini in rii;a. mr uiiju-i-"' . . . . t
... I. - . ij:
immense uemanii tor ii. iniuauuns iwic iimu ---- , i
individual drucsirts to he found, here and there, who do not maintain the dignity and pr in pte
niiH condemned, but there are
do not hesitate
of the profession f and whoe greed gets the better of their judgment, ana wno uu -
4- nmmntirl mill trt in if 11 thn imitations m order to make a larger proni. eucn preji.ii a nun.
Bometin.es have the ..am.-" Hyrup of Figs-or "Fig Syrup" and of some pitica concern,
or fictitious fig svrup company, printed on the package, but they never have the full no mt of
the Company-California Fig Svrup Co.-printed on the front of the package The irai a ton
should lie rejected because they are injurious to the system. In order to sell the imitations
thev find it necearv to resort W misrepresentation or deception, and whenever a dealer passes
off 'on a customer a preparation under the name of "Syrup of Figs' 0r "Fig Syrup, wnicn
does not bear the full name of the California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of the package,
he is attempting to deceive and mislead the patron who has been so unfortunate as to enter las
establishment, whether it be lans- or small, for if the dealer resorts to misrepresentation and
and deception in one eae he will do go with other medicinal agents, and sr. the idling o.
physician' prescriptions and should be avoided bv every one who values health and happiness.
Knowing that the great majority of druggists are reliable, we supply the immense demand
for our excellent remedv entirely through the druggists, of whom it may be purchased every
where, in original packages only, at the regular price of fifty cents per bottle, but as exceptions
exist it is necessary to inform the public of the facts, in order that all may decline or return
any imitation which may be sold to them. If it doe not bear the full name of the Company
California Fig Syrup Co" printed on the front of every package, do not hesitate to return the
article and to demand the return of vour money, and in future go to one of the better class ot
druggists T?ho will sell you what vou wish and the bes of everything in his line at reasonawe prices
, I
Congregational Church Sunday ,
.eni.es as follows: Sunday school
t-1 . ......
1" a. m . morning worsiup
pratb'ni: at 11 o'clock, subject or
s.rnv.n What Is ChrlstlanltV" I'
nil! 1m the first of a series o; ser
mon on the "Genius of Christianity
The?. sermons will aim at a ii'i'M-
ai i .nictitation of the primary prln
, ,i,.. of protwitant Christianity In
tondPii to create an Interest In the
fundamentals of rellclon: to meet the
nindF ot thoitchtful people who are
troubled by the materialistic and
skeptical tendencies of the aqc Even
ing service nt 7:3" A cordial wel
. nm- to all. Jonathan Edwards, pas
tor wt End Chapel Coniti Maple ,
and West Webb streets,
school at 3 p. m.
Pirst Christian Church
..hool lu a m.. W. H. Hawley. su
i.erintei.dent; prenchliiR at 11 a. m..
sui.jeot So. TTParhlng at 7:30 P
ni Mibjec!. -'Helluvini; a Lie." Prayer
nieetmp Wednesday ovenlnc at 7:30.
Christian Endeavor and cho.r prac
tic Friday at 7:30 p. m. The public
is cordially Invited to all these sen-i-.
e- X H Hrooks. pastor.
Bk ZL v-?ssc
AnY Time
Is a Good Time
One Night Only
Monday, Sept. 21
Now is the accepted time It
have your house painted or pa
pered. A little painting here and
there will help its looks wander
fully. Some nice, bright, nev
wall paper will lend a freshnesi
to any room. Our stock of wall
paper was never more complete
pattern in endless variety and
every one new and up-to-date In
color design. Better come in ano
let us show them to you and tell
you what it will cost for your
whole house or one room.
E. J. Murphy,
HI Court Street.
Art distributors for Malt .
Ceres it new Health Fooi)
Kveryont should in
Just received Caiiform
I'l'Ksaml Oregon Hones i
the comb.
Phone Main 1741
ana the Famous Original New York Cast
Church of the Redeemer Divine
service tomorrow at hours as fol
irm-c Siindav school at 10 a. ru.. ser
mon and celebration of the holy com
munion at 11 a. m. Evenins prayer
and sermon at 7:3" o'clock.
First Baptist Church Sunday
' school at 10 o'clock. I'reachins: at
i! ana & o'clock by the pastor. The
present pastor will close his work
v itl. this church on next Sunday, and
i is hoped that the memNTR of the
.iuu-h and congregation may be able
t.. make the mos.t of the time left. In
a""inlancf upon all the services.
Strangers and those in the city who
iiae no regular place of worship,
an tuns' cordially invited to attend
li. services of this church. It. W.
King pastor.
Methodist Episcopal Church lu
a m Sunday school. A J. Owen, su
perintendent; 11 a. m., preaching:
12 15 p m., class meeting. Ilev. G. W
Itigby leader: 3 p. ni.. J.inlor League.
Epworth League. C:30 p. ni. Sermon.
7.3f. p m All are cordially invited
to attend Hobert Warner, pastor
YcunGf married women must remem
ber that the experience of maternity should
not be approached without careful physical
A capable mother must be a healthy mother; the birth of &
first child is an especially try ins experience, and nature needs all
Help 1C Call get. Lonui;i. itiiu jimum-iii tuuiuci u vii uic iuosi, vital la
rortanee to the would-bo mother. 3irs. Piukhnm's advice af .i
times, together with Lyriln E. IMiikhiim's Vefretnblc Conip(uUUt
puided manv a youns woman through this trying experience tvhh ti
happiest possible results. Her advice is that of a mother -with an ti
' pencnee witu tuousanus oi neu cases, una k" umireiy iree,
By six.'eial permission we publish the following three letters,
. ne- rim n so ute liGcessttv ot proper care aim auviee at the
materni.v. tuai in ui. .-e.vnii musu.iu- mc uuHgus oi inatcnutT
That of lUrs. Hanson the suti'i ring during the eriod; and that of .Ma
nia-sev the troubles that mav tx-set a young mother after chiJd-birti-and
th. all illustrate- the vmulerful value of X.ytli E. l'inkLani'i
Vegctaltlf L'oiiipoiinii in siten eases.
firs. Lilie Sexton, Ashland, Ky., Boyd Co., says:
"Deah Mas Pinkiiam : 1 wrote t you in Sept., 1900. Iliad beennuny
two ycar mid liuil two roiK'arriUL'e. one at sis months and oi.e rt term. V.
organs wen vcrv wei.U You wlriK-d me to use Lyrfiii 1, I'iiikliaai
Vegetalile Compound, and I lieran nt once nnd ttsed 13 bottles.
"In Juin . I'.hjI. 1 fiiMin cxpettwl t lwiac a mother, and now I baTesii
baby glrl.tv.o montli old. I tool the (onipound all the time (lurlij pm.
nancy. I cannot prni- your remedies enough."
Mrs. Karianna Hanson, Box 343, Worthington, iMinn., says:
"Deai: .Mas. Pinkiiam . I feel it my duty to send you my sincere thui
for your kind advice and for the poou Lytlia E. I'iltkha m's VcfrctaVi
CioiMIMiiuiU anu vour letter ol imnru liai tne me
' Wlic-u I wrote you I did not see a weh day. I wus to become n motla
and had headache, dizzinew,. jxxir appetite, was nervous, had pains ii
cramps in umiomen ami swollen leet.
"After following your advice I soon began to feel better. When I W
taken four litles of Jjjdia K. 1'iiiKliuiii's Vest'Uilile Comjiounil IW
real well. ,v iny wneu three months old weighed over twenty pounds.
" I cannot prain- your wonderful medicine enoutrh, and would advised
sufleriup omen to write to you and tie Lydiu E. Piukliaiu's Vepctal)
Prices ft 51 f i.ca. and soc Scats on sale today 9 a m. at l-'razier s
liook Htorc Reservations wil, U sold after - o'clock unless paid for. Curtain
will rain' it s u -.harp
1 The green fields in Ireland are
! en fields today;
1 Och. the miles on miles of butter
cups, tho blossoms of the May!
I 'heard the streets of London were
1 paven all with gold.
Bin Fortune is a leprechaun
slither from your hold
1 Ti.e
Free Street Entertainment
Every Evening Except Sundays
We kicp nothing but pure
natural ice frozen from pure
clear mountain water. It goes
farther and last longer than
artificial Ice. All we ask Is an
unprejudiced trial of our Ice.
Why not order a case of the
celebrated Bchlltz. A H C o
Oambrlmu for your Sunday
The Quaker Doctors
C, AW . !ZS, h3y. f doing marvelou
ixiiert specialists in chronic and nervo diM.as.es.
or jin.
Thev are
Offices: Hotel Pendleton
Vlun tius ,.. K i,aIM,, i ,,nv.lte ,0 tJ lailj.
except Sundaj-s
grfen fields in Ireland are sweet
beneath the rain;
My soul would leave my body to see'
those fields again: I
! For here in lonely London the body '
hardly knows
j So hard it is to win one's bread- (
the color of the rose. j
Hrs. fl. I. Hassey, Sulphur Springs, Texas, says:
"Dkaii Jinx. Pinkiiam : I will tel; vou what I think ubont Lydla ftl
PinUlinmV Vcr'JIi1i Coiupoiiiul. I think it it a wonderful meditinl
I believe it saved my life. I
" When one of "my children was just five weeks old I took a set-back uil
came near dying. I was in K-d two weeks. The doctor attended me ahoii
a week and J pot no bettor. My K-.weK would neurly kill me at times, oa);j
) ii,:J, ouuiT me lniiuence 01 opiates. It seemed at times were wen
Knots in iny oowcls n large as mv fist. I had such pain iU mv left aide,
snfferwl as much as 1 did when mv bat. v as Itorn.
" I got a Uittlc of Lyiliu E." I'iiiklmin's Wtretalrie CoinioBnd(
eveninfr. and the next day I wa.- ncurh eav. 1 will always praise yofl
he dcsrrvi'A to Mitfer; for tli-1 liwnc thnf lns benefited thenl
"""" " " " iHinuremnimsHid others will hurcly lielp on.
FORFEIT il wrruinot fnrthwitl. ,r.uf- the orieinal ltu t.il I
..te iniimcnal". whl'h will vnm tl.eir atolut trninliirnm I
I.T.tli .. 1'li.klmiu Medli ine Co., J-'M. II
r l.,r:ls' V''1' 'lor.senient. hliould dlspvl dotilit from X
; of u 1 lu'.sttatim: woin.in. MU't readiuj,' mieh letters, if an
sht ll wlllmtr U remiiin t-luk, we van onlv hav it is her own i
green fields In Ireland
would die to see;
poor soil, the clay floor.
J good enough for me.
j Here 'mid so many houses, the
J looks gray and far,
j And. dazzled with the lamplight
i seeks not for a star
tis I.
1 The green fields of Ireland
j Ing. calling, still,
I They haunt me like the echo
1 leapB from hill to hill.
When from some wanderer's
the oldest tunes of all
j Come out in golden laughter
ver sorrow fall.
The green fields of Ireland are pull
ing at my heart.
They draw me from the city wherein
I have no part:
f shake from off the limbs of me the
broken llnkh of chain.
For the green fields of Ireland they
draw me home again.
N'ora Chesson, In Black and White
'Phone your order to Main
Have Yoor Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at On
we,a wir ieaa to serious breaks.
ni-; ci.if- work Guaranteed
Do You Want a Cab?
When you want prompt and relia
We sorvlce call up 'phone .Main 1C1
The .McKay Cab Co.
-j t
'-"I I
that I
fiddle J
In sll-j
Wain lioini- an mere lonely aliud'-
Ihiabm; no rhildrrn are there liarreniMKf cj
ists in abiuwt every taw Ui-aum1 female ditvat
.,, , ., . praijaa it,e organs of womanhood
1 i "'" 0,4,Ca111 '"ipart healUi and Htrenpth to the diawu jwt"
and makes motherhoml iKWiible in thousands of uuies where bam ni.e'
is ?upl to U- incurable Wine 0f t.'ardui remilates the liieiistni-H
llow and id,., prevents miscarriaKC and cures lirmi; down j-au"
me of Cardni removw the mate f barrciwes .v makinu the fruialt
ort!ttiuii!i) rtronc and health '
n, . ,io,tul.uur ,1JJ.trKin "".'J a Jl.Otl l.Ue of Wine of f.'aulu
I he UM- of me of Tardui w, lirltip happ.ne.s lo your liume
In tiwn ryarnie Mial dmiti0llF. address, -jivinp
fHi'IJIlL ,llBe M"i- I'epartment." The
(.hattanoopa .Mcl.c.ne Co. f'hattanooKa. Tenners.-.-
v; . 1 . Aiwmw Cmi.. Kel.. 24, 1902.
l.L U ,,!V ,Vmr 1,f': .' taud me to become a notl r
lis Doha I
HllVANT. Vi.
Feb. 18. 1902
tit-T.T' '"aie (i'l,,8',fuul'' at benefit in Wine of
1. bhe had a lu.Karrmne in Marc). 1801 Mozo u.siiil vour ined
bo ww in very bad heiUth, So 1 failed her to Vrv Wine of
.Soon he wdlbeUm
w 1 1 'V''"','"' "ai a fine baU boy.
iiHuumcr. rannip llmirinii un i .1 1 . 1...
treatment M.e mUh, apprate-'w i vn" w "
Mlf I.til GILEf.
BECK, the Reliable Plumb
Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel
j Hooker Ilros.' sawmill at Panthei
.near Eugene was totally dc-sted
' " lire the night of the
I 51.000. with no lnsuraate
LEGAL 31 ANKS WrHe &sl "i