Hats and Fall and Ail the Late Shapes and Colors I'BAE R & Hi - it One Pri Clothiers Femishcr s and Hatters H-H h i : i ; i : i i 1 GENERAL NEWS ir tie jawJatft Mii.H li5 ku. 9 tJU(, " Man deetTwroa Eti-9siu ) -,iK Ztytm itnr 11. : i Dftad 3ttM 8m"w BeM j of Vemaet. U T4d rf teed W nunoaa nM of (b. Tl ran W1Bmm. X Urt artmais to W Ia' , and Decomiarc' Vvimi. ! j ib em raatav u w tmmmm u thr Cnttd 8U OW. uat et?r toe tasf eoSwr at far Ijfvem- tcortk. mini 1 la the trtik t Carat Jen at CfBtliiK. Ky- riuni J1 a' -iae iMMatMl Ua 7 . Har sh. Ooetafll was tbt it jwrswo Ba route tram Ctanimmny Ta. v Arxau SlrF. Mar WOluiflM. aC0 !T Teat nMralr iaaaae at SaR OXT. and abut aaA VOkt hen wdf aTier skooUac tw!t ' ker baad vtthoat eScrL TaoriMs Taeaaw Ksactod Xe Turk tram Su ftaeciaeo i aa aato- aoaeo is ae ia li dajra kj Mnd taat oa dar b and sura aad e a den. aad ooaqdeMd tfc V. day of aetoa! trareL inp as NOHT-iV.'EST NEWS. Bobnala w-etaf auK arUrr in , ausisK opxratiaa thu tall Hand drlUiar la mc to be niakund T atr dr9k Her hmr aatraa. Qaeaaie Oawr uc, of Oraat't Pass, tboorbt IrL im wonk Urtac. to aneaitiiad uiH4 rTwaDt wor kby r donor as br life OraaHUr Bwovaatf ia P"' Moot. attanpted to kkrr a rt. fr. The ear was dsssnilsh' b to. iiaaars aecaped wtlk bru-esi;, or sttret yr aad eaaa. en-It to the proas jkxiw ot , the taotfirzaaa la aaelrtai: the rt.-i w A-tf-i- Ae wkoa 1 detected the bomb Tkrt hoadred and tweaty tv 'bonsaad acres soatb of VaBare. ia the Oxar rAIeae eUntn-r realoa. has vr. dorlared aoa-eaiaerai. Msay aiuabl claiau bate beee located Is :i;ir dutrir-i. Tke sxeriiBeat bad k'-ctCF se. !'. said u asisera lax.-: If Uiit r-cat Owciiioti of -!n- iaiiS oiakt- i not Tertj "I- Sunt""" School Books f School Tablets j j School Supplies f No ranter wi.at ttt o) or girl NteJs lor u-e a scboo! :t can be iocnj at ur store Larcest :a: -:'mth prettiest crets at iouet prices. FRAZIERS BOOK STORE f ! 5! Caps tor Winter t J- jm t-xraa x DALEY E B Oman Portlaafi Ogorst t. Wiliiaas Pmaa4 larli Deac-'X'- H. Jtorrtaot PorJaac F B. SDBMMTTaJ Bi: CiTj D. Br &f F. C. fiiaMe aad Ira P. Oooi. 3t LMd. Mrs. A. 6 gI'kj PBrtJaa J C Braar St. Lmh W. F Bum. Saa Faacawo. a. Boderu l. Graal. Portiaad. P. B. Bait T D VaBen Ponlaad. A a Haaw Nea Trt C E. Oaok. WUUaai HL SUia- Portlaad. C D Wataar Spokaw D. Marka. Spokane. T ltoasnaa. La Qraade. A. 7W Asav Hand PadrMd J. mscOL JaU Late innaai Hocaloee, ' J av.BBir. J T t Bi aad CataBr. MtThnva A W Scott. Seattle. Henry Wnlh. Poeom. S. Craaaate, MUtoa Mrs M. E. GiBaa U- Haleaad aad wife. i Mr Saattk. maptan Mr U Tanaiek. WaBa MWBa A. r. Bimard. Portlasd. Hob L Aakjy WaHa WaBa U fiiTiTTrtiftiwir Poniaad W 3 Moor Siwtan Wt Etll tnt rrc;".!-". c blss: pa-i-Cerj, Acker's Etsci Elixir, and?. s positive rDar&trtee It win eare B ekrooir and otber blood ttoi&o-iE. If body, or are pale, was or ras ooil. fc Jat -ht yeo V- Jf bb -aoamr If yoc are aot sttiESed- S eeu n ar. r -jr Sj-kaMt i Oo dmcrioU. Okk Rtpuohcsnt Optn Csrr.-iiipr.. ChUliL-Dtbe O Sej 1 Th re pablkaa state .anaswi a o-ec with a sreat btnrab here today Tbe itfayuasirattu-i was beM at the ny ymrk Marrkiec Hob aad baadf froas Uaytot Columbin Cin'-inna. CIeelaad aad other cities helped ' swe3i the crowd that poured is frcm all the adjaeect oaaT Governo Nasi! preaUed over the BMetinc anC hr Fpt-aker iaciaded Seaatoia Ban na and Puraker aad tke state -ea5 iii-.ft Cotuael Mrroe T Hexnrk and at the aaarsx-t and settle their te-Vt-n g Ha-tUns rmozxi Mr AnfuMiivo also desires . - aaaouaor that the hsiiiac wfli be rndoctd at It be bees, and ali jet-5-jeVitn's Arnfcts Sat.t. rota of the asarfcet wff! receive the Ha a world-wide tasse for asmrvel same eoorteout treatment &f bereto i.uf. -m-st h am-paata any other fore fc've iotioa. oiatawt or balsa lor PSRBY HOUSEK 'm coru. hnra. boils, sore, Jj- AD AUGfSTAVO on ulcers, tetter, salt rheam. fr sores chapid hands, skta araptioas inhJllhle for pfles Care pairs at ?d Omly H rts at Taliaiaa CoV aracaaau , ranches it the conaty . All tie jJaow !! improve and well supplied Peodieton people are loyaJ to Pea- wth water Also forae very dosir dietoca bosiai enterprws Thnt'0 "ltr property Call and get two a(aofc aad then car scareedv handle the trade Qlw 11s jroar or-; aers ood v wn UKe care of It if we bae is nal k.r tim. wagoac 'Phone Male H!l. " T Thoasatdt of sheej.. .r rtins in Crsry Moaa'.aint Mocama aa at ' eflcet of the recent ery aeao snow t DULY ElST OtEGOV.M- PEXD'-ETOM S DF MILTON Ccdtt?f r3a i He Ds-sr II Lll jais-W--. Itosarwe rfat "'7. n overesrinjated b- "I. f tii-nrr Frorr Sir- Frigid. jay Oo ctoim ntaAR Nbro Her li Mr J" r X Howard ciub down -..near home i Otd3t. C . . 5b rtS aun' aa4 iai. Mr. m jifi a- J-. Adaaa. H L Hachcs aw bar nre inr h boaw as M f j avta- Tt k. - kr ! Mr E C. GOm- '( Vr Leaa Jotoam c WaJla WaBa yesterday -a. 1m9 far a atan d rrtam iac w aer koakf at U Oraadc j Mr aJ Mrs. D. B- Xickote. of Co&e raw- y!"--' aa4 ajwBt tbe ar fc Mi aad Mr 'vaDa. a ae of Mr. Lraxn , Mn C. kt BnJaj Oaled Waak.. fa com- a 3i Irish altk rwlatJre Bt Charles MeCaopiity t doarte Taescay Tor 3owj- Or ja-ker Mr MrCSaotkcr wii' wsiaa Itbe pastoraj o5 tk M K cutxl ! Thnmas ktasamk. o? Partial c . J tw has aotfe a poattioa as' salesman j srltfe Mosttdvf i: Co Mrs. MoniriS mm- hte tker wiB to kooskaeiiae as sooti as snlub" ' rooaw oaa he secured. ' Hovard Brass cease home ;st , ateW ftoa. Hepoaw where lor H past awstk ke has & reoeiriar fnril Mr Kmc SCT1 TltBflW li hafldiar , raaidly alae tke alias Late Neil the "HeUo Girl jia Collins dror store is rtaWBr is, ! It Matt MosaoTe returned yp- ' u-rday frcaa 3aa Praae sco she hat fe-ea the last six veehr i if ' itiar relatffes Mr Mossrov- at brr is Portland aad return--: n rt her j Center ne-nsvts. j Ira B Baaker eaate hosae Taeday i from the Valia WaUa hospital where ke had a easeer removed frua hit neck Otsa Colarasii Cslltjt. Professor Manic H ' i if hare char? of the bnsioeas de-. jianmn- o? Cohunnia Coilere sttt )--e yesterday fross Portland W-2SI SSr?! "S1110 , - t-iir jnan tt tW tra oC f J.CSitiy t n . itasr VtHiaew is tb etty if. f-4. n-isty uS mte i.l-rtmxl ut ILut M tr-s i- tke tna oi 0-.t Bcad-t4 IXdUn Icrr .tt abc -ttt oi. etl rurrt ta e.caoai ecrei t-r tl- w cd HtU'i CkUrrt Curt. prfr; ui tt-Sffrt ae .r . ct-rit- la mj Tetrxit taa tt fifty oJ I-j-retalT x ,.., li. 1S. ittil 1 A w CLUL-WK. Stnirr -ubli BkU't Curri ""v-t it uln 1bi-iJ1t t-iit uo 4tnly ec tt atM( c -ae-tw- tai Uee a! tb irna-L. fag v-ccaaalilt n r j. csrsri & -: '. v id t-fc fcy aran-sv .Tke. Biir. rtmiir Mlk tn uh- we. l.st.tt tc Pstrsni-Ha-mj; rented tbe retai) dejan-bm-o- of my butcher bnelaoBS to Mr A V Aax-Bstavo aa neriest- tHHeoer of Walla Walla, I sayU vjJJ -oatdact the wbuleaak pan of said bnsiaes. and all persons toowltf ' themselves indebted to ae wffj plee&e Fimi tor Sal. We oo have listed for sale noiue of the boat wbet farms arrf Mocl: Ut ttado the gow! your vacatioL 1 Baa doae rrm hr rn- ...,7 ." ,1.' or aotttar inferior kv into the bmi- ed water Tea ctats worth of ic i vlu supply an ordinary family with pietv.y of drtnl.1nf water. Be ure thougt. ibat you get good Ice' CaJI BB 'Pborte Main and get ui.wiicu ier ice irom ISr"" tioi:jiit .v H. Hoste 4 fVi OREGON. ti,8Y. SEPTEMBER . V.AXIVS VXXIM. i Wde CU. Oftea Carry Carry , Co.ti Than LiS so Mr, the . m WW comi ol , t. UlfcHl it CtTT7 it J--'- iW ras twW acco:a?::sr 1 .v. t-ii! was -therefore iw rr?u. ia&ead Of Git- .strife u based (. acta scu tour to fall out iU the WW sensible 1 this to kill th" . j - doe .L;s 3oM by k-dil 5"ccirt H is saaipe iw w rkniiin jvrv Afi-r tk 3aowbaU Oab Kfuct How Toor boooh de trouMt I S WbCT Knbt l- iaaj :no aa; i ircr a ftrtaic ftoiai frt a; t -ma 13 fri-n5 'a'I -x "'"' ' - iti. a,p& ?an u ' ' '" s, 1 Act : KB t !- "He Won't Die of Socvrui The reaia." trt-tes tb tooUir rscoc3:ti o: She a 'kt of coaspapoac is emacjo-, ice c 5eh On ice -ljea's sre - . . i Di TZill i.- -..sei-j aafi w-uIk -ive Vn'.lV- ol :- Medici Difc. t ". Tbt ffrren- J-r J' pMads of 12- CCSSSC t ? " saS ia : 5aea B It'.Sf mrely crrc ?j:r:-: f coot- u- .--..r- -j j-i:!x?-! ob wxi hMBK u. eh? r list Hr tul rat 1 jaa: I r Qu.- trtp tit irruaicriL: luitf tyc ae mxgtt cart hue MS iirr-.'-aunf hitr. r:: - . . W .r bar: I lull inf irUO? fci. tlK UTDt. ai- til Ge : ta-tle-iart C of csgtk I a6 madcr-i: uiu -iyss Ec ur turn Mtl-9 o? (iu.urr Mtdickl Imotwey 4: b.-r-c coc th. & tJfr !-. oc wi :bc-i r' ttlniL 1 rc jus u: rtca-K of a eaa It jzz am frtrEc wtrs: qo"t .' - awtf ei A.-r.-1 Toe Cue-sot ?ac Meduct Acvf -nrv- Larpe- is snl rrtt 033 rrcr::r. : 5-ad" 51 ooe-cent ssamas io- "be - '.-it r iL v -ietTifi-o. X Y. - , - - a. . - - . - . Just Received L. e iii-bhiid- 1hUi Tlit-1 t .. I411JC1. -HrW; uiidpt f . . i he -'. f x:.d unut-t' aiii HJ-1.C &Jj pink?r vtiu in UHQ-T-v-ur . we baie it (rooi tLr vb?t--i i.. the Kilt jjitl wuul ur Bilk arxi utirti. Our bat we her nod tiev uir l-nDt- the lt.ttt acv-Hi. owt-y irltb Irtbrr bUKie. ki-ti Ule ialljj, tbb'r- wbk-l. iwie voru -o luur-L m tiir vltir- Wiieti jv.u vuct tavtbilir iirtr in fun.ibuii eoiuc s.oi i-? up tiht uojer-- l"in3erwer. PVt-r t w-L'er Ii-ti!- (ilove i.iid tbe I-! uT everj'tlnug: SULLIVAN & BOND Mei t KuiUriuiigr " WHAT ISTHE USE of 6uCer.tr f-a lLdifeEtjOL U yot AcrtVT rt-J. bf-, " i .cm ti fw'-S-tlr rjmmtcnt ti 't,f-i . . x A ! - " " PWMt eta. E wj.t roc wv . . . u uxt ti Air.tr TaMtt aiterwari! Jfttrrty ruu-Ui for- Col7t 2 twtyt U rfcat.i' If tos "e i ttttttbi. "H"rf:t .q Sf 0V t mm! ,f yo0 desire a sd eri U" .v and mites 4 jear 'iM 5L arbes. rro-". ";t MU.f f CO,, T; . Y f staple- W. Tamarack COLGH BALSAM pe- :i the ?othmg nstiv hite pine bini io a pslit-iMe for. It i? . unexcelled .(or COUGHS and COLDS . i and 50 rests -r oli.e F. W. Schmidt's The Eeliabie Drngcist COMMERCIAL STABLES G W FR00ME. PROPRIETOR. iot iicnK parties Good s. wlti coaptit drivers lor itfrcial men. Speedy horsef nst -a-.isotDe rip for erentos aad irires. Gextle horses lor fall? Stock boarded at reasonable -. -? Best of care aTec to transient --. -l Op jos it Hole. Petiiieton ;- use Male 1C1 OnEGON. PORTLAND St. Helen's Kail te: IMi" by Rt Re B W Morr.f i VViU enter its 0th year 5titemter H 1WH. Number or resident u:i jni:vi !o sixty BocV jf :sJorniatioii ELEANOR "ESS: PS Pr.p MA1TMOID I JaaT L I SBBBBBBBBsHcliBBBEW WSlSBBBBBBBBBfew BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS jTVjtf &jf Zoir priced Fori" clsiattsiat.co'.d, rair, fun, feaet scd re co no: trtn it. Co-a in rol.i rta;v f-r hrmg. Low frrigh: car-ra. Iatx-;r. cr; to pp . , crap ;s tr; ri: p.ace ytin. The Paraffine Paint Co. San fran-isco Stit'Jt, Port! and. I C. TA'lLOh 6e- Tlie Colombia Lodging Hocse Newly Furnished. Bar in connecti : Bet. Aha 4: Webb Sts. In Center of Block , F. X. Schempp Proprietor H 5 I,,','.'"1 " iiiiini in Lzi .a.j fJf . -vA fonimi. Loj Ansela I cm ".Colorado I VjMMBBMjpjpjpBjsjsMap DUTT01N asa :n cnare 01 nis cot nonary uu&mcss. itjJS cnarintee that FIJ CLASS SERVICE y,u given- w alf r - k vanuii-o, uui UU4VV 1 1 11 hn hi iv uni ETC. ETC. -f '. 1 . i:iEpuoae in your Proaipt delivery lire Cani' 1 an :ALIIILt rA N Artisticai . , , 1 r. horce. bii5;ress tout on. tns rest n. ater.-it Our paper hicers . perts and our seie !ic: paper the re west A, bright ;deas cJ tie 2t shown ,n czt stc 1: n n pi Bjk. sTk W Ws SwAllA 4 4 Lc-s i ct TRANS TRUCKIN STORAG . Telejiboce Main COA Let ls r , yoBi bin witr 7 RdflK SPRING Reco?r!i.ed t5 tfcs Recoirri.ed c5 tfc) - J - . nnrniM We ate prepared B traci wini )u . I . , Af winter s suppi) liver coal or woodu part c t the c t I A kVr a j s s 11 Main Street Model Light iAtcoaahoa loom ak'?S I luniij lot wtat , n4 men if jou don'l , Th. f 4. UUP., clad hutii. Outer i"?. mti, pbaetona snd '?S urea act on our nypraui 1 "jt r ... - - fl , Bur ?; y