DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. cATIIRDAY. SEPTEMBER 19, "03. SI Stylish I Shoes HNQNYM0U s SNEAK PROPOSITION MADE BY A ill COWARD TO CITY COUNCIL. i ti ll i ' That have the weurliiK (uallty ud give iwrfei't kmc! comfortable flte are the kind we handle. Our special Kline fr liovs wnr like Iron. i !-.,. Dav a License for Engaging' In the Hold-Up Business Commu nication Is Full of Sneaking Inslrv, uations City Officials Will Pay j No Attention to It. ' Thorn is n snirlt of childishness and i .11... tlon on our part I am very lv yours. CHIEF JIOBBER p O. Box X. p s. Should It Ix: necessary to sec" anybody in order to get this permission either rorresponil with he privately, or take one of our numer ous law firms to your closet and rIvc them a hunch. C. It. :r STABBED AT HELIXl SERIOUS RESULT OF A SALOON QUARREL. Dmdinger, Wil son & Co. GOOD SHOES CHEAP. Some Peaches. Sirs. J. V. Sparks, who lives on Birch Creek, brought to this office a box of poaches that certainly are a revelation of what Umatilla county can do In the way of peaches. They are of the "New Prolific" variety and are freestones. They are of delicious flavor and extremely largo In size. One taken from the box at random measured 9V4 Inches In circumfer ence. They were gathered from trees set out three years ago. QUEEN OF Crtfll First Round Was a Fist Fight In Which the Man With the Knife Was Worsted Wounded Man Se riously Hurt' His Assailant is at Large. Presbyterian Church 10 a. n., Snndav school and sacrament of the Lord's' supper, 0:45 p. m., Christian rmivnr! 7:30. sermon by the pas tor. All strangers In the city and those without n regular place of wor- i....fn1 In nt. shin nre niot ronnmo m' Used hor P Two Years It is with pleasure I ..... ti..i.., t vpn. .,iiir i.irprmnv rofttiti iMr ..n . lemi uii-bv ...Iw.ru ., r,,u.;i .11..,. . """f PCI 1. . " pastor. clpnnpr m nwded. In ' nu no t'ciuHi, ami iiuve iiMf.,1 , South Juniper Church Preaching past two yenrH.-KHznhetli Ton,!'! nt 3 p. m.. on wio nrsi nun Jin oi., I'iiiihflelj,!, m Sundajh of eneh month Alter, minister. rtohert I.. NEW CANDIDATE IS BEING VOTED UPON. facetlousness abroad In the land, and an underhanded desire for revenge. at the expense of men who have nt) way to parry a blow struck in the LeatJin Candldate s But Few Votes Ahead Stock Exhibit of Coming 01le story. to get n drink before go- rireat Feature inc to supper, nntl wnue i - 'came angry and Great sale nt St. Joe Store day, Tuesday and Wednesday large ad In this paper. Mon- See t t t X X X Toilet Daintiness H- t t t t dark and behind the back of the vie tim. There are two persons in the j world more rontemptlble and mean than all the rest: The Italian brigand , who steals lx-hlnd an unsuspecting I man and by a blow In the back robs him of life: and the witless writer or anonymous epistles, who. by false and ungrounded Insinuations and un der the cloak of an assum"! nam;, attempts to rob him of his good reputation and report of honest In tention. Such a man or men has now burst forth in all his glory and pride, with the following communication to the council. Whatever the right or wrong of the matter, whatever the Justice of the Insinuations, the size of the author and the magnitude of his soul are manifest In the spirit of his writing, and it needs no further comment to place him In the rank in which he belongs: Bobbers Sand Blow. ) Wnllula. Wash.. Sept. IS. '03. ) To the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Pendleton: Last evening an ugly stabbing nf fray arose in Starr's saloon at Helix, over a slight misunderstanding be tween I.afe Wlmpe and Charles Fasclmie. botli of that city. The men went Into the saloon, according to I il.wl T.lfuluwtt. vjn... . Carnival Will Be a Two Thousand Personal Invitations Have Been Issued. Fnschnio John Halley. knowing thnt he would bo unable to return to the city In time to open the ballot boxes in the carnival queen contest, mailed the keys to Mr. Wilson, and the votes were counted this afternoon, polling as follows: Miss .Vellie McMulleu 321 Miss Blanch Shull 292 Miss Myrtle Smith 1" Miss Smith is a new candidate, her name having been introduced since the boxes were last opened. The stock exhibit of the carnival seems to be the coming feature, as many inquiries are coming in to the manager as to the detail of the show and the nature of the prizes to be of fered nnd the requirements of enter ing These queries are being an swered as fast as they are received. and It is thought that the stock ex Who is it that does not ap nreclate a sweet, delicate odor, especially of the dainty, last ing kind? We have the largest line of imported and domestic perfumes in Eastern Oregon, A few of our leading Imported odors are: Azurea, La Trefle, Peau d' Espagne, Vlolette de Parme, Indian Hay. And many more of the same quality In b'llk as well an In fancy packages, 1 TALLMAN & GO, f Lending l)rii;i;si j f I M I I I'T TT1 T " " ""tT'1 1 'I' I'X They are the Best The Standard and WHITE SEWING MACHINES Gentlemen I represent a class of )tit will be one of the best that lias men w-ho are not addicted to hard j over been held In the eastern part labor, hut make their living by hold-1 f the state. Ing up the unsuspecting citizen, in-; Nearly 2.000 Invitations havo been eluding the business men, and If need j j-ont out to the farmers of the county, be would put the said citizen down j inviting them to come into the city with a sand-bag. or by any nthor I )rns their stock for exhibition. Sold bj JESSE FAILINq' means secure such valuables as he may possess, either In jewelry or coin of the realm; nnd I should like to come over to your town for a coupl? of weeks and ply my trade. We arc willing to pay Into the city treasury the sum of $23 per day; $200 wo will pay in advance, the bal ance to Ixi paid on the expiration of our contract. If you do not see lit to take this offer we will fight you from June to eternity, and we do not care a whoop In Heppner whether you take it or pot, Iwnuse wo are coming anyway. Let us hear from you by return mall, or answer us through one of our numerous law firms, whom we have employed In your city to work this graft, and keep us nut of the peni tentiary Hoping to receive a favorable reply and thereby avoid unnecessary excr- The event is being well advertised, and from the looks of things at this time. It will be a grand success. drew a knife nn the other man. Wlmpe knocked his assailant down a couplo of times, but the third time failed to get his blow in, and Fasclmie caught him with his knife. He stabbed the I prostrate man six or seven times, and some of the wounds arc consul-1 ered dangerous, but not necessarily, fatal. One of the cuts penetrated Into the cavity below the heart, and Is thought to have pierced the lung. The Injured man was taken to the office of Drs. Grlswold and Hume and his wounds cared for, after which he was taken to his home, where he Is resting as well as could lw expected considering the nature of his hurts. ! In the excitement consequent on the trouble the assailant was allowed 1 to go, and has not been seen since the time of the fight. The sheriff was notified and has a pretty good ideal of the whereabouts of the man, and hopes to have him In custody In a short time. Visiting Here. Mrs W. H. Wenham. of Iji Grande, claim for It, and clieerfulK- rJJ. and her aunt, Mrs. Florence urignnm, - -.ant fot ... tnl II HI.. I I thn ,.tV 1 . . " ' Ul 1 III I II t :l I. .till,,.. .i today for n short visit with Lou Wenham, of the Kast Oregoninn, Mrs. Wenham Is Mr. Wenhnin's mother, and both Indies are on their way to Prosser, Wash., to visit relatives. glt, i or. ferry Maiden, Mn-f. Illlrlii r, FOK SALE n Two pianos, slightly used. Oreat bargains. Come quick Inland Em pire IMituo House near bridge OWL TEA At Shields' Park. Shields' Park still keeps to the front In public Interest. What, with the Chinese Impersonators, the Irish and negro Impersonators, the movlsg pictures, the farces and the lllustrat ed songs, and the keen Interest taken In the prize drawings, there Is no ex cuse for the public not filling the park. Looking for Location, Dr. and Mrs. P. T. Starr and faml l.v. of Denver, are In the city the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Penland Dr. Starr Is an osteopath, and Is In the West looking for a location. He will visit Albany, Eugene nnd other points before locating in any place. THE WHOLESOME Crescent Card of Thanks. We wiah to thank the many kind friends and neighbors for their noble assistance during our late affliction, and we wish to extend to them our heartfelt gratitude. Mr. and Mrs. Scrapie, Mrs. Hoover, Mrs. Jones and Charlie Scmple. Baking Powder Rheumatism Positively Cured The remarkable increase in consumption iiy un nml hwtct Spirits of l'dcn Trove " purity ana wnoictomencu. Money-back Goods. A.C.KOKl'l'I'NS: ONE POUND 25 CENTS llROij., bole Agents for 1'cndleton. With a Coupon Visitors From Kamela. .Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carlson stopped off on their way from Kamela to ' Portland, to visit Mrs. Carlson's sis ( ter, Mrs, Bert Huffman. Mr. Carlson Is taking a two-weeks' vacation from j his duties as engineer on the helper engine at Kamela. NOT GOOD, NOT HERE DELICIOUS IS OUR GOLD MEDAL BUTTER h is perfection in the butter making art. It is always sweet and good. It is recognized as the best product that comes from any creamery It is a butter once tried, always used. q It is handled in Pendleton exclusively by F. S. YOUNGER & SON NOT GOOD, NOT HERE Case of Diphtheria. The little son of George Mansfield, who resides with his parents at the family home on Bluff street. Is sick vith diphtheria, and the case has been reported to the city health of fleers. The house has been quaran tined and there is no danger of a spread of the dlseaM.-. Will Locate In Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Tassy Stewart, form erly of Helix, but now of Milton, were In tho city the guests of friends hero yesterday. .Mr. Stewart will locate in Pendleton in the future if his plans mature as ho wishes. Ladies and Children Invited. All ladies and children who cannot I stand the shocking strain of laxatlvo 1 Eyrups. cathartics, etc., are invited to trv the famous Little Early Ills ers They are different from all oth er pills. They do not purge the sys- 'em. Even a double dose will not gripe, weaken or sicken; many people call them the Easy Pill. W. H, Pow- eu. nuusiuu, i e-viis. suys iimuiug uei- h ter can be used for constipation, sick I headache, etc. Hob Moore, Lafayette. fi Intl., says all others gripe and sicken. I while DeWltt's Little Early Risers , I do their work well and easy Sold by Tallman & Co, Such Delicious Coffee It is not the coffee it u the Cream. Your coffee will always taste deliciout if you um ECONOMY BRAND EVAPORATED CREAM It is riot like the weak and watery milks put up by others, but is creamy and uniform in cm. t v.. , ..... -:-. v... U.-Kw...u wuui scaring our can UML WTBK reproduced herewith, is piiranteed to be the best and purest, lie sure vou i2 QBHsVN 'he "P 'abel btt'"' you bu'- Ti' ,ne "P ' merit the sign of honeil tooS 'lilal'iZinM HELVETIA MILK CONDENSING CO.. Hiehln nrl Tlllnni. lM"ivJ "Orlrlnatora tai Lareest Producers of Evaporated Cream." The Big Boston Store t AflK 32 JVW twenty payment life, nr-mml premium lu.9, Cash mlue Ath year tJitC 50 Or paid up policy for fj'xo, And Cash flOTu, Total cost for life IJC3.M 6TAT1: 1.1FK INSURANCE CO. Indianapolis Indlaua W. J. HOMER, Manager dd Bid's;. Pendleton, Orecon The New Goods are Now on Display Wt haven t hurrieil the Fall Exhibits We have waited in buying until we were curtain as to what tvere the new anil proper material?, new styles in waists and skirts Wt have thum now on our counters. We wish to show you what we have accomplished, and we thing you will say wt havt dont ourselves honor as to assortments and infinite credit as to lo prices Ladies New Black Tailor Made Skirts. Ladies' Shirt Waists in Mercerized Wool. Ladies' Fine Silk Lace Waists. Ladies' Elegant Silk Petti coats. Ladies' Fine Lace and Lisle Hosiery. Lsdies' Silk Coats for Fall. The Finest Peau De Soies Silk Waists in the City For $5.00 Come to us for Your Stoves Large Stoves Small Stoves Round Stoves Heating Stoves Cook Stoves Air Tight Stoves Wood Stoves and Coal Stoves I.arKi' awartmcnt air tight Stoves $3.00 to $13.00 Wt- will make it worth your while ir you will call and inspect our stock and (,'tt our, prices. V. S t o b I e Complete House Furnisher Court Street The Merchants' Cafe. Keeps constantly on hand Import ed lleberv irst, Frankfortors, Ham- n Mr . i ' .Kw"sn. cro"s, oystors, ruLyw0T.Holra.Bant8- Take advnntmto of th ...... a " . 1 at tho St. Jo Store MondV7fto. and ttednday. Read the "ad." '(A C. Koeppen jffi., iul'Vj fW.eton I Oil and Sweet Spirits of Eden cirrdVr0"' K""S "Dd Al,,,nu",l'UB a in the Kun biiMn5 A ful' " H. J. STILLMAN, IS i.nK or .11 ,.,.. a.,w,,OBG... l Many People iA X "OB"-'88ive as a sky rocket turned lfi ! ,i . ,U a hard thinK' say but we cks,'lheMnSS,0n f"s ,hc housekeeper who e eel I ware j l Mare 0r cheaP enam- ' elt.d ware mstead of saving money by buying 3 STRANSKY seamless, all steel Four coated, kitchen ware. 61 o, 2ii Court Street