DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1SC3. n 1 1 iiiiiiwn n 1 1 1 1 Hats and I Fall and AH the Late Shapes and Colors i BAE t 729 Main St., One Price Clothiers Furnishers and Hatters tTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTi T"TTTTTTTtTTtttTTTTttt GENERAL NEWS. Lord Salisbury's will shows lie left au estate valued at $1,551,180. Kdwln French, widely known as a minstral. Is dead at Saranac Lake, N. Y. Dr. Clarence Colgrovp Perry has been arrested at lio3ton on the charge of marrying four women. Senator Nathan U. Scott, of West Virginia, now at Denver, who was seriously 111, Is improving. The steel trust wll establish a sub sidy company for the extension of foreign consumption of the output. The demands or the Iron trade is not up to tho output. Special prices have to bo paid In order to sell the output. NORTHWEST NEWS. Tho state fair at Salem Is being largely attended. Three thousand from Portland attended Thursday. Some of tho shtnslo mills of Ilrlt Uh Columbia are tied up because of a reduction of wages. All the mills on the coast may become Involved. The blacksmiths and holiwrs or the Canadian Pacific at Vancouver. B. C, are on a strike for an iucreaso of pay. The blacksmiths demand 3t cents per hour. Work has been resumed on the fa mous High Line ditch, which is to connect Rogue river near Mills' Falls. It is to be C5 miles in length and furnish water for placer mining. A. H. Mock, of Grant's Pas3, has reason to bellove that his father, who mysteriously disapieared a few weeks ago en route to Iowa, was kid napped aim Is being held for a ran som. Sam Sing, an Olympia Chinaman, arrested for running an opium Joint, has appealed his caso to the supreme court. Ho doea not deny tho fact, but will test the constitutionality of tho law. Tho city supervisors of San Fran cisco have just won a decision from tho supreme court of California, to tho effect that all burials must coaso within tho limits of tho city, and all bodies now Interred many thous andsmust bo removed. M. M". Falrchlld, of Oakley, Idaho, was struck by an englno on tho Ore gon Short Line and probably fatally Injured. Tho buggy In which bo was riding was smashed to splinters, and Mr .Faircbild was thrown high In tho air, alighting on a pllo of lumber. if School Books I School Tablets 1 School Supplies No matter what the boy or girl Needs for use in school it can be found at our store. Largest tabletsjwith prettiest covers, at lowest prices. FRAZIER'S BOOK STORE 1 in n iuhuhihihi i n Caps for Winter mm a. smsoo CO DALEY Pendleton HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel Pendleton. L. Virginia DoWolf, (ieorge U. Forbes, wife and daugh ter, Elgin. William Alahoe, Portland. C. M. Smith, Portland. J. P. Nowell, Portland. J. W. Jones, Louisville. P. II. Hart. San Francisco. W. II. Garrett, Portland. J. II. Fearnley, Portland. C. J. Ilrown, Portland. J. K. Dupobert, Portland, T. S. McMahon and wife. Portland. II. X. Wilson, St. Joseph. M. A. Luacle, Lexington. .Mrs. Darnhart, Troy. P. M. Neoulse, Seattle. O. E. Warne, Des Moines. E. D. Drooks, Denver. II. W. Cameron, Spokane. J. K. Howard, Portland. Gertrude Preston, Weou. Pearl Findell, Mountain Homo. It. A. Seeds, Spokane. K. C. Young, Spokane. II. W. D. Smith, Baker. John Clanoy, Portland. J. S. Robinson, Spokane. M. Mortlson, Lowiston. A. Nylaiuler. Portland. W, W. .Thompson, wife and daugh ter, Condorport. W. H. Fernley, Portland. .Miss A. Uuker, city. Mrs. Neel, San Francisco. A. B. Stone and wife, Athena. Golden Rule Hotel J. 11, Baker, Meacham. .Mrs. J. Benson, Walla Walla. Mrs. G. Mills, Walla Walla. Mrs. J. Stephenson, Walla Walla. Mrs. W. S. Boyer, Walla Walla. Mrs. J. H. Stahl, Walla Wnlla. Mrs. M. A. Kinelly. Walla Walla. G. LoverB, Denver. Mrs. PhilllppI, Denver. George PhilllppI, Denver. Oscar PhilllppI, Denver. C. F. Weiss, Freewater. I, O. Saunders, Freewater. T. Horenson, Salt Lake. W. P. Boyles, Milton. A. W. Scott, Seattle . W. H. Mcltoberts, Spokane. E, A. Bessy, New York. W. L. Davis, Portland. W. W. King, Illtzvlllo. C. Hays, Ritzvllle. J. H. Taylor, Alba. W. O. Brown, city. II. W. Knox, city. J, J. I.amli, Coqullla. Irene Uimb, Conullla. W, A. IlulUon, Athena. A Boy's Wild Ride for Life. With family around expecting him to die, and a son riding for life, 18 mllo3 to get Dr. King's New Dlscov ery for consumption, coughs and colds, W. II. Brown, of Leesvlllc, Ind,. endured death's agonies from asth ma; but this wonderful niedlciuo gavo Instant relief and soon cured him. Ho writes: "I now sleep sound ly overy night." Like marvelous cures of consumption, pneumonia, bronchitis, coughs, colds and grip provo Its matchless merit for all throat and lung troubles. Guaran teed bottois 50c and $1.00. Trial hot ties free at Tallraan & Co.'s drug store. Pendleton peoplo are loyal to Pen dleton's business enterprises. That Is tho reason the Ilosa Ico & CoW Storage Company have had to put on two wagons and then can scarcoly handle tho trade. Give us your or ders and wo will take care of It If we have to put on four times two wagons. 'Phono Main 1881. Seo Charles Lano about your paint ing and paper hanging; 807 Vlucent itreot. GWfNN AND BELTS TWO UMATILLA COUNTY MEN AT THE WOOLGROWERS' MEET Short Synopsis of the Addresses at Baker City by the Secretary and President of the State Association The Gentlemen Are Recognized Authorities. Secretary J. H, Gwlnn, of Pendle ton, responded to the address of wel come In a most happy vein. He said that the representation to this fourth annual meeting of the Oregon Wool growers' Association Is not large, but It represents one of tho greatest in dustries in tho state nn industry which has grown slnco pioneer days to the ownership of three million sneep nnd thousands upon thousands of acres of grazing lands. Secretary Gwlnn admitted that Colonel Butcher was right when ho said that tho sheep Industry Is not the only Industry In Oregon. Other Industries have Just as many rights and privileges, and theso rights and privileges the Woolgrowers of Ore gon are ready and willing at all times to concede. Big questions confront the woolgrowers, nnd tho settlement of these questions demand the exer cise of calm Judgment and n proper recognition of tho rights of others. Knowing tho sheepmen of tho asso ciation, the speaker was certain the equity will bo observed by them in tho adjustment of all matters con cerning their business as relate I to other Industries In the state. Gwlnn a Pioneer. Mr. Gwlnn crossed the plains to Oregon when tho West was young, and has beheld and assisted In the building up of tho sheep industry slnco that time to Its present vast proportions. Ho has wltnesseu all the ups and downs or the industry, and tlioy have been many and varied. Through all their vicissitudes, the sheepmen of Oregon liavo continued to add wealth to tho world, food to the hungry and clothing to the naked. They have built homes In the state and hav! raised families. They are good people. May they llvo long and prosper. President Belts' Address. President Belts then read his ai. nual address, which was devoted to a general review of the work of tho association since Its organization, Ho touched upon tho work past and prospective In the way of needed leg islation. Important laws havo been passed through the organization In Oregon, and still moro Important leg islation has been secured through the National Livestock Association and tho National Woolgrowers' Asso ciation In congress. President Belts told of his success as a delegate to the national bodies mentioned above, and then introduc ed Secretary W. A. Martin, of the National Livestock Association, and promoter or the Independent Pack ers' Association, recently incorporat ed lor $5,000,000 under the !aw of the Stato of Arizona. Bakor Cltv Herald. Ladles and Children Invited. All ladlec and children who cannot stand thr allocking strain of laxative syrups, cathartics, etc., are Invited to try tho famous Little Early Ris ers They are different from all oth er pills. Thoy do not purge tho ays '.om. Even a doublo doso will not gripe, weaken or sicken; many peoplo call them tho Easy Pill. W. H. Pow ell, Houston, Texas, says nothing bet ter can be used for constipation, sick headache, etc. Bob Mooro, Lafayette, Ind., says all others grlpo and sicken, while DoWItt's Little Early Itlsers do their work woll-and easy. Sold by Tallman & Co. Rice Crop a Large One. Urowly, La., Sept, 18. Tho rice mills In Louisiana aud Texas started up this week and Judging from nil in dications She harvest will bo an ex ceptionally big ono. Tho yield Is from 16 to 20 sacks per aero above tho last year, but the second crop promises to bo tho host In ti'o hlstoiy at tho rlco Industry. Tlu luulliy is pionounced by experts to be wiper lor" to that of tho Japanoto rice. We sell the greatest of blood puri fier, Acker's Blood Elixir, under a positive guarantee. It will euro all chronic and other blood poisons. If you have eruptions or sores on your body, or aro palo, weak or run down, It Is Just what you need. We refund money If you are not satisfied. SO cents and 1.00 F. W. Schmidt & Co., druggists. SEWING PARTY. Most Enjoyable Social Affair Out at the Indian School. Wednesday of this week a sowing party was given at tho Umatilla In dian School by Miss Gatthcr and tho ladles of tho school. The tables, which wero bountiful ly filled with good things to eat, wero set out under tho trees which sur round the buildings. These and the adjacont grounds wero beautifully and artistically decorated with wild llowers, autumn leaves, berries, etc. These, In addition to tho growing llowers at the school, made beautiful grounds for tho luncheon. During tho day the ladles worked about 300 button holes In clothing for the Indian children. It was in tended that the one who did tho best work should get a prize, but the work of many proved to be so good that the judges could give no decision. To decldo tno matter, they drew for the prize, Miss Cox receiving It. Tho visitors wero; Mesdames Tnylor, Hartman, Iialloy, Furnish, Cohen, Sturgls, Smith, Judd, Clopton, Cor nellson nnd Dickson, of Pendleton, Mrs. Porklns, of Boise City, nnd Miss Cox, of Washington, D. C. Tho perfect day added to tho en joyment of tho occasion. TWO LETTERS ABOUT TRIB. Man Who Was Willing to Try and Was Convinced. A. S. Burroughs, Bakor City, O10., Dec. ID, 1902, wrote: "I havo been a very hard drinker for twenty years, fow people drank more than I. If your TItIB Is a euro 1 want It." On May 15, 1003, Mr. Burroughs wrote: "It Is a pleasure for me to recommend TU1B as a cure for the liquor habit. It has now been six months slnco 1 completed a cure with TUIB. I have never had better health. 1 eat well and sleep well. I believe It is tho best cure for tho liquor addiction yet placed upon tho market." TH1B Is the world's greatest cure for tho Liquor and Tobacco habits. Sold by all druggists. W. C. Cutler & Co.. distributors, Baker City, Ore. Kort Collins Argus: A Weld county tanner went to Denver the other day and lost $200 speculating on corn. That night as he entered his bam a mule kicked him clear -.irough the door. "Good work," said tho farmer, as he arose and limped away. "That's Just what I need." r ABC ALL BO I I LED KING or . SOLD E.VER.YWHERE. iWr I Just Received By exprt a new bunch of ueeKwear, xcarlet midget four-in-hands, the latest ctuze for lioth men nnd women, and a thousand other ntylfs. We can please you lu under wear, we havo it from the cheapest to the silk and wool or silk and linen. Our hats are hero aud they are beauties, all the latest novelties, cowboy shapes with leather binds, also' tho punanin slmpex which are worn much in the OltlfS. When you wautanything new in furiilaliiligrt come and He us, wo have Cooper's Underwear, Pflster's Sweaters, Dents' Gloves aud the best of everything. SULLIVAN & BOND Men's Furnishings. WHAT IS THE USE of suffering from Indigestion it you eat what you want, or of starving yourself to avoid such distress? Acker's Dyipepla Tablets taken alter eating will digest your food perfectly and freo you from all tho disagreeable symptoms of .Indigestion and Dyspep sia. Kat what you like at any time, nnd take an Acker Tablet aftorward, Positively guaranteed. Your money will always be refunded if you aro not satisfied. Write to us for a free sample. W, II. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N, T. If you desire a good complexion use Mokl Tea, a pure herb drink. It acts on tho liver and makes the skin smooth and clear. Cures sick head aches. Twenty-flvo cts. and 60 cts. Money refunded If it does not satisfy you. Wrlto to W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y., for free samples. W. H. Schmidt & Co., Druggists. Pictures Off Your Vacation Trip People who have been on their summer vacations are beginning to return and arc bringing back with them some beauti ful pictures. Cameras, Films, Tripods Plates, all kinds albums, printing paper, mounts, and all kinds of supplies for amateur photo graphers at low prices. We'll Help Yow with Your Photo Troubles F. W. Schmidt Tlio Reliable Druggist I'oitoflici: Block Phone Main 8ji COMMERCIAL STABLES G. M. FROOME, PROPRIETOR. Carryalls for picnic parties. Good teams with competent drlvors for commercial men. Speedy horses aud handsomo rigs for evening and Sun day drives. Gentle horses for family use. Stock boarded at roasonuble rates. Best of care given to transient stock. Opposite Hotel Pendleton. 'Phono .Main 101. OREGON. PORTLAND. St. Helen's Hall (Est. 1809 by IU. Hev. B. W. Morris.) Will enter Its 34th year September 14, 1U03. Number of resident pupils limited to sixty. Book of Information sent on application. ELEANOR TEBBETTS, Prin. MA1TMDID ROOFING I For all climates! heat, cold, J I rain, gates, fumes and fire do Ji I not affect it. Comes in I rolls ready for laying. Low I 1 I freight charges. Inexpen- J I live to apply, cheap in the J I first place and lasts far 7 H 6od for booklet. 1 I The Paraffine Paint C.n IT. C. TAYLOR, Agent The Columbia' j nraSE Lodging House ! : Newly Furnished. J Bar in connecti i Bet. Alta & Webb Its. In Center of Block, j I F. X. Schempp j Proprietor j .,.... If II I III 1 uuck at h soU uusmcss guarantee tl', Til CLASS SERVICE given. cdies,bonbJ ETC, ETC. . iuiiijh ucuvery. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAMJl I A LITTLE PI Artistically app!i(Jl hkiiiuu woiKinen addin to the appearanceolit tenor or exterior rfl Home, business fcoa other buildings, Wta only skilled painters 1 only the best materi'ikl Our paper haneerss perts and our selttij paper the newest bright ideas of the t shown in our stocl. 3 c. c. sha Opera House Bkil mmmTmm TRANSFl TRUCKIl STORA( CROWNERBM Toloplione Malai COM Let us fill yctaj bin with . ROCK SPRING Recocnized as tbtj and most economici We are prepared t tract with you winter's supply liver coal or wo part of the city Laatz Bf Model Light Business 1 Arson show in our MjWg . . , , , . -..... .,..11 rtf tunliy to ma what niwer"j dolon to llahwn tb W2 nn men lfj-ou don't f ""T vehicle afford one ol ,W J clad hubs. Outer bearU',T eailett tunning wJDTC5,M ct. ptaMUin 3SSW1 the old wT, last 0l'v'i. weeeU. Adopted lr M ""J NEAuufc Dutti