East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 12, 1903, Image 2

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During This
Wp will ;ive a
'JO por cent on
Main St.,
. . . .
li Is now reported thai pe(e pre
vails in the Cripple Creel; mining dis
trict. Soldiers are guarding every
thing. William A." Hoftnmn. who shot
down his rnther-ln-law. William
llrandt, at Maysvllle. Mo., la still nt
A fierce storm has swept over the
KU ft N T&. Ts'
western coast of (lermany. pntting ,.0IJB of tj,p market will receive the
all telegraph wires out of business 1 3anie roIrtPOu3 treatment as hereto
and doing other damage. j ioro
Willi a rifle given him as a birthdnv
nresent. Stewart Johnson, aged 8
years, accidentally shot his sister.
Muble. aged Hi years, at Chicago, on
It is announced that I he Urltlsh
home squadron will be sent to Amer
ica on a courtesy visit, because the
American squadron visited England,
a short time ago.
Two young lads. Paul .Murphy and
Krnest Smith, have been arrested at
Trinidad. Col., for wrecking a pas
fcongor train on the Santa Fe road.
Thoy did It to havo some excitement.
Oranl's Pass is to have n now
creamery this fall.
James W. Odell. formerly attorney
or Whitman county. Wnshlnglon. died
at Coirax, Friday, from the effects or
a stroke or paralysis.
(ieorge Purdue, of Ilutle, was stab
bed by a beggar Fiiday morning, be
cause ho refused lo give the beggar
2.1 cents with which lo buy Ills break
rast. The body of While Calf, the form
er ehlor of the lllackfoot tribe, has
been stolen from tin- grave, near the
Illaekrool agency buildings, at (Ileal
Falls, .Mont.
Over 200 ticket agents of different
toads in the country, were present at
the opening session of the Interna
tional Association of Ticket Sellers,
at Salt Ijiko, Fihlay morning.
James lliirke. a l'.l-year-old boy. of
Jump-Oft-.loe. Lane county. Oregon,
was found n raving maniac Friday
morning, by the roadside. He was
naked ami running like a wild ani
mal when taken into custody by
.fvt.rai'r-tj'!,rv''''rv!4 4-' vvv rTvT
School Bell i
Will Soon Rlog ;
Got 0.1r iuiuks ami s- pp it-s ol us We are the
recognu (! hc.nl4iMJi1.1-. tor school supplies of all
Kinds anil have a fti-ck unMpialeil in Eastern
O.tgon. All books in use in the public
and 1 aroclual schools anil the acnleni.
Largis',, most beautifully coveieil tablets with
best paper, in PundJeion lor the money Parents,
let us lutnish your boss anil girls with neuik-j
supplies to commence school Come with them
or let them come alone We give children the
same Htteiita-n ss crown people We will s.ae
you mom Our niotto
. " i " . nri niinr 1
dis-t-ount of
Boys School Suits f
Urv.- k'i-(.p Pant- 2 piece
' suits Sl.n to $2 00
B v? Kni'e Fa"1 2 PleCH
' suit, S2 25 to 82 7o
Hoys Knee I'm ts 2 lce
suits .... S to S 1.00
Nov Knot' Pants 3 piece
suits .S2)0 to $3 00
Boys Knee Pants 8 piece
Hiiits $.5 2f to $4,126
Younc Mun's Long Pant
$3.75 to 2o
Votmr. Afdii'd Loiil' Pants
flfiO to $5 50
Youuu Menu Long Pauls
. ?G to $10
6.1 1 M fl Mat W
P Jf M ... n
EMS)" tr w iwcvi
j I
. , . u j.iAAW..i.W..K4-i-W-l
llu " '
.1.11.. D-iimns.
Having rented the retail depart-
ment ot mj m""""
,A:. 'i iKj:8,01
conduct the wholesale part of said
business, and nil persons knowing
themselves Indebted to me will please
call at the market and settle their nc-cn-ints.
Mr. Augustavo also desires
iniiuii-i 111 ,.. .
to announce that the business will be
n,.,i,1(vtH(i . it has been, and all pat
What Is Llf?
In the last analysis nobody knows
but we do know that it is tinder strict ,
law. Abuse the law even Biigim.
..ai.. Miuitu iii-oiriilfir Uvlnc means
i,aiu itBuiw. .
Ing In consllpatuw , iieauacne or uyei
tXl!!-eadius.,sng.T.isNeWlt' " V 2
ijulckly reaajuBts His u s ge nw,
yet thorough. Only 25c
at Tallmau I
& Co.'s drug store.
Farms for Sale,
We now have listed for sale some
of the best wheat larms and stock
ranches in the county. The stock
ranches can be sold either with or
without the stock. All the places are
well Impioved and well supplied with
water. Also some very desirable city
property. Including new modern resi
dence on north side of ri-ver. Call
and get prices.
Sick Headache absolutely and per- i
maiiontlv cuied bv using Mokl Tea. i
A pleasant herb drink. Cures Consti
pation and Indigestion, makes you
cat. sleep, work ami happy. Satisfac
tion guaranteed or money back. 25
cts and 50 cts. Write to W. H. Hook
er & Co.. Huffalo, M. Y., for a free
sample. I W. Schmidt & Co.. drug
gists. On This Saturday Night
Potty (huen Wayne Knit men's
matchless hosiery, regular 25 cent
sox, tonight three pairs for Sn ents
at The Peoples Warehouse
Have your
shoes repaired nt
rac nr mil moo Milium ha,
IsLlfVlJ Ul IIIILluiB mi i iuiiiii- "-' 1
Hazel Dittebrandt Breaks Her Arm
While Returning From School
Ministers Attended Conference
Narrow Escaoe From Fire at
Stone's Furniture Store.
.Milton. Or.. Hop!. 11 .1. - Htorla,
of Cedar Itaplds. la.. arrived hero
Wednesday morning and Is visiting
his sltirs. the Misses Ida and Kmnia
Dr. S Archibald Fulton, of Spo
kane, fame down on Tuesday's train
and lias decided to enguRe In den
tistry here lie will open up an olllco
as siinn as suitable rooms can be se
cured. .1 M. Adams, who has been here
vWlllne his Inollier. Itev. A. .1.
Adntns took bis departure Tuesday
for his homo in Perry Kan
Yestenlnv while returning from
schoool In company with a playmate, i
Haze the 13-year-old daughter 01 ui.i
... . . T-i-
JM. V Dittebrandt. fell and broke one
,or the small bones of the left
2 This is the second time tho arm 1ms
been bioken In the '.nn-.e place.
n.iisv Wilson has Kone to
! I . . ...1 .i, 1.... ..,...i..,i
I Willlll. nnvir nm- linn
a position In the I'alne school
ltev O. H. (llbbs. Itev. J. W. Cotnp-
t"". 'resldins Klder H h. hiiunge.
U'aMB Wnlia lo ntte-ii! tho lenl'i 111-
mial sesfl on of the unsr i;oiunii)iu
Conference of the Methodist KpUeo
nal Church'. South, which convened
n vrer.lnr mnrnlne
s. Louise J. llerry' .s here from
her home at liolse. Idaho, and Is .a
guest of her sister. Mrs. 1.. J. Pierce.
This morning fire started In the
back 100ms or J. X. Stone's furniture
store, and for a little while some cs
cltement was In evidence. The file
was caused by a lighted lamp being
overturned. The flames were soon
extinguished by a bucket brigade.
.Mrs. A. M. Stout, who lives ten
miles south or town, is n"tte 111 and
yesterday she was brought to town,
where she could receive medical nld.
She Is with her daughter. Mrs. D. F.
Mi's. Melvina Mnlhlas Is here today
from 'hei, honlo nt Westou
.. .. n , , ...tv.
jihv u. - isuiumi'suu uuu woe it - -
h , )(M,n atteling conference.
W"9 qU,,e '"l'P"l"tmet to nil
thflt Il()V gnmier8on 1h not to bo ro-
turned to this place again. Hov. Al
kin, of Clarkslon. Wash., will arrive
hero next week and assume charge
of tho pii8tor.il work, while Itav. San-
dprson will go to Ponieroy, Wash
Boston Has One of Most Modern
Playhouses Yet Erected,
lioston. Sept. 12. The latest addi
tion to the list of lioston playhouses.
I Messrs. Weber and Field's new (5 lobe
' theater, is to be formally opened to
night with .lames K. Iinckett In his
new play. "John I-Innluc, or th
new the.iler Is pronounced by
plele as well as one of the handsom
est In the entire country. .Many nov
elties Intended for the convenience
and safety of both playeis and public
have been Introduced In Its const ruc
tion. Particularly novel Is the shape
of tho auditorium, which promises
great things In the way of proper
acoustics. Prom the proscenium arch
back to the lino of the balcony the
1 house Is like a huge tube: fiom the
! balcony Hue It Manges back to a
curved rear wall. The .01111 Is not
unlike the old-time speaking trtttn-
pels, and It Is said that a whisper on
1 the stage can be distinctly heard In
: the back of the house.
Hiatk or Ohio, city ok Toleui i
Lrcis County. 1
Frank J. Chenor mnke nath llmt lu ii thi
xnior psttnr ot tin' Orui ot F. J.Chtif J. Co ,
Uolnx butlut-K In tbe city ot Tnlmto. rounty 1
and itatc xfortll, nul that mill firm will !
the mm ot One Ihimlrisl Pollnn (nreach ami
every cav-ot Catarrh that ('Hiilnntx-cur-d Iit
tlieiieo( llall'a Catarrh I'ure.
Sworn to before inn anil mbn-rltn-a 111 nv
nrvteiu-o lhllh liny ul Deivintwr
-- Noiary I'tibho. t
lull's Catarrh Curt- Is takn Intcruallv and 1
acliillrwllron tins blood ami ioumiu luilaret '
ottliesyitem Huil lor trttluuuials, Iriv ,
F. J. CIIE.NKY CO., VoUsln. Ohio
s-l.l by ImirKlstr. 7ftc. .
lUIl'. Faintly I'lIU aru th Wit. 1
On This Saturday Night
Three dozen men's Stotson pmn
cowboj hats, the swell thiiiKk ot thr
season. toniKlu $S.5n ut The l'eopl.-s
Special Sale Announced.
Lot- Teutsch's big department store
will olfer onie rare Indiicenieuts to
trailers during the Hint throe days
of next week Tho large advertise
ment on the editorial piiRo of this
issue gives tome prlcos which mean
a big saving If buyers call luirmg the
special sale Head the adveitiso
muiit carefully and weigh the bar
gains offered.
On This Saturday Night
ThonipKon tiros.' patent iblt bals
a stylish and handsome shoe, tonight
at The Peoples Waiehouse.
The .oroner's Jury at Junction
City, has exonerated j. j. yiutlor .
killing Frank Mulkoy, Tuesday
Scores of Delegates Are Swarming
Into There to Attend the Conven
tion, Which Lasts inree u.y
Great Preparations Are Being Made
to Entertain Visitors Excursions
a Feature.
Ilaltlmoie. Ud.. Sept. la Scores or
delegates and visitors nre arriving
In Hnltlniore for the ronventlon of the
(lernian-Amerlcan Alliance. which
will hold forth during the three (lays
beginning tomorrow.
The Alliance Is orRuubed In nearly
everv state In the Union and em
braces all the (lerman societies of
pionilnence. Great pieparatlons have
been completed by the Oerniati c lti
ynns or Ilaltlmore for the entertain
ment or the visitors. .Monday will
be occupied with business, tiuludiiij.
t,.. ...initnl i-eiiorN of the olllcer.- ami
committees and the election oi im-
i ura nil
thi. com nc year, we eiui i-
.in hn-linli. a ninn-
, J demonstration In Parley
oo' lwtian ,rp down the
l"1- an"
I bay
Among the cities that have sent
jw-v-h .,.i., nrn fin
delenates to 1110 nnnum.....
. T?!"
Of tlie child is an evsnt In the mother's
hie. How proud sh- fi when the,
attempt to walk is begiir. so eaily as to
evidence childish courage and sturdy
strength. Sash pride should be enjoyed
bv tnery mother. But it often happcra
that the child is timid, v-x
mother's arm with 110
desire to walk or play.
Mothers should learn
that to have strong chil
dren they must them
selves bj: strong, for the
child strength is
me gin 01 me . ,
mother. 'Jj-rC"
The use of Ir. V?
Pierce's I'avorite TlU-i
Prescription by f h ft
gives them health I
and strength to
five their chil-
reu. It nour-
ishes the nerves,
, ,k.. i. , 1 1.. ,,:- ,tran
... , . ,.1,-:,
kenpttoo. aud can Jy uis iu t wht you adw
Uti U to be, and can cheerfully recommend It,"
writes Mr Victcr J. Hadiu, of Iooardvitle,
Riley Co., Raima:
Ibcau takmartt lut ivro
month beforr uabv
beforr baby cai? ?nd ru& greatly btue-
fited bv its use. The o
or who Attended me
said Z did (ibout as wet' ,.'iy oue he had neen
' m I was sick oulvaloii inite hours), and alio
that your -Fa vorit?: Prescription ' was -the one
hcalthv. who weurhed niue Dound
aus wncn uom
j jhrei auJ one-half pounds."
(July ssth). During this month he has gained
"I'avorite Prescription" makes weak
women strong, sick women well. Accept
no substitute for the medicine which
works wonders for weak women.
The People's Common Sene Medical
Adviser, a book containing 1008 p.iges, is
imen awav. StMid 21 ont-.cent stumtM
j for expense of mailing otiv. for the book
1 in paper cover-, or ! stamp for the
j olume bound in cloth. Addreas Dr.
: JK 1
c . Ail m a
tt7 IS
' IB
j wma
V -M :
Carryalls for picnic parties Rood I
teams with competent lricrs forM
commercial men. Speedy horses and
handsome rigs for evening and Sun -
uti) iiuh'b. vieiuie nurses iur lamuy
use. Stock boarded at reasonable
rates. Iiest of care given to transient !
stock. Opposite Hotel Pendleton '
"Phono .Main 1C1
Your Eves
not fret from strain slumlil Ik-rcluvid
bv I
of the right strength, llv this ur..is
they are saved froni Mrtial or total
blindness in later je.irs.
are made with the aid of modern seieii
tlhc instruiiieuts. jv prices fr Spec-tack-s
and eyeglasses are ijuite luoiler.itc
Glenn Winslow
si.i Main
-Inntitl New York. Chicago, Mihviiu
mtJ: Ptrtshurc. Cleveland,
HUL-, at. - ----- '.i1.,l,tn
Hurrah), Huston ami r"i'""u"'--
Pendleton people arc loyal to Pen
dleton's business entorpr ses. lhot
I. the reason the nos,s Ice & Col
Storage Company havo had to put on
Two wagons and then can scarcel)
handle the trade, aire us jmur or
dcrs nnd wo will take care of It It
we have to put on four times two
wagons. 'Phono Main 1881.
A rich gold strike has boon made
the Pixie .Meadows district near
Quartzhurs. In Ornnt county.
Of Your
Peoplt wlio liavt lici-n on
tl cir summer vacations arc
lie(,'inninp to return and
an- liritlLrint; back witl.
tlium some heauti
(ul pictures.
Cameras, Films,
Plates, all kinds albums,
printing paper, mounts,
and all kinds of supplies
for amateur pilot"
gr.ipliers at low
We'll Help You with
Your Fhoto i roubles
F. W. Schmidt
Tito Rollublo Druggist
I'ostnflici lllotk I'lloiH
State Normal School
Weston. Oregon
Coarses of Study
Prepare for liest jKsitin- 111 the (
public -cliool. Thorough iustrtu - '
u?) tion is the best metliodh of tc.ich-
1 j) jug. Practice teaching in a well
1 '
jJJ organized training school. Sx.-einl
cotim-s in Ilookkcoping, Typc
writing, Sloyd. Domestic Scirmi..
Tho Faculty
i'i Includes graduates of II.trv.tnl
Indiana, Stanford Drake. W1II.1
iV) mette and Chicago 1'nivei-sitit-.
State Normal Schools of Mass.i
(J eluisetts. Indiana. lVniislv.ini.
r and Iowa.
I Home Life lit tiaroinlly Sup
1;, urvlsetl Dormitories.
Tuition l-'ree
Uoarii at Cost
Next term opens September
Write for catalogtu
Robert C. French,
H.i a N01n1.il KiiideiKarlou Tiainiut;
''i.i.ss In conneetlon with lis Acade
mic Department. Separate lesidence. Main Street
'lv.u-.veur course. Moiloi Klndei'Kar
''ii Provides practice work. 1'or
'uls address
Before deciding where
school, examine, a
I Pendleton
catalogue for the coming year. New
building and euulpinont. New mnu
ngeniont, and a faculty ot experienc
ed teachers. Special arrangement
for music students nnd for tbn ,...-0.
till oversight of all students from out 1 hicu8 sitoM one o!M
of town. All grades of public school
iK uioiuiiguiy (lone, our college
preparatory work is accepted by the
best colleges Knst and West. Moral
ami Boclal advnittnges the very best
rorm begins September U, lno.l,
Just call up Main 1531
ton's uanuy Store, we 1
our wagon arounrl vtj
nuantlty of ice cream y0n.
Whnt dossort can you geJ
this not weather, than .
nnd ice cream. Our
liuro, cold nnd dellctoJ
you aro down town drop J
try our nor. weather
Try our candles, they ar(
rroaii every day.
Artisticam applied!
skilled workmen addspJ
m tbu appearance olllj
tenor or exterior oi
nonie, uusini noustl
otltcr builclinp- Weeirl
onh skilled painters aol
only Hie best materials.
Our paper lianjjers irtl
pt-rts atui our cur tjo:
paper the 1 twi st A I
l-nt;ht nil as o. tin tastl
shown 111 our t nt,
C. C. Sfe
'rra Hnit i(cil
Telephone J
Recotrni.ed ! the
and most e-onotmcall
We are prepared to j
tract with cu fori
winter's; sunnh
liver coal or waodiol
part of the cm
Laatz Bn
Model Light CaM
Business Diiv
1,.. 1 1.. cbifiroois'i'
ni tin luifrcaien you m;1 ' -,;,B1
luiilty to tee what modern BJ
iloliiL- lollL-htan tho burilM,?'.ol
nm men II you don't visit w
llll- lirniBr 1. th.. klllt! OI l"'j
viiiuti.iiuiii Ulivui -1
Ik-member we huie the " blocttJJ
carts, phaelona snd Mtil'!;",
bt4t made, (lur irlce can I
the old wuy, last longer.,.1''; B4
weeels, Adopted by ibe U s-1"!
(' '. Let us fill your
bin with
1 -.MkilW