East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 10, 1903, Image 1

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?ile iWM.TbX carrier ..t j H CHKSSSP. . Sifc OPSm J& ...
',,,,ce ft. A WEEK t JiS sw"OTtana: lgQ5jgta'AW ! Tonight and Frldny fair; cool-
. , 7 a-ar-SB-ssiE $ SsbbsbS B ! (r ,ull,shl; wnrmor K,'l,,ny'
0L. 16.
-NO. 4S-I I .
lessful Meeting of the
lumbia River Conference
Us at Spokane,
to General Conference at
PnWHQ lit!
orhnnl.'; nml sen that no lwrcslos
creep Into the doctrines Inculcated In I
the young men who are there study
ing for tho ministry or the Methodist
churcii. ,
As the schools tench tho student, so
will tho doctrine of the church be
shaped, and It Is tho desire of tho
conference that nil care ho exorcised
in tho matter of tho instruction of
tho young. !
University Revived. .
Tho Puget Sound University, which
had practically gone out of uxlstenco, ' r
has heen revived nnd under tho man-' rOUl
ngemont of Dr. Randall, of the first j
Church of Seattle, has once more ,
talten Its plnce in tho list of tho de
nominational schools of tho state, i
This school is at Taeoma and has .
hoen raised in throe months from I
nothing to a place with good pros-j Big Demonstrations Are Made Against the Turkish Embassy, Which Ends
pects and a now uunuing worm
000, all of which Is duo to the untir
ing energy and effort or Dr. Handall,
the president.
Walla Walla has boon loft to bo
supplied in the future. The cunt or-
enco was not reauy ni mis mm- iu
Berlin, Sept. in. A dispatch to the
Embassadors Ask That the Governor be Removed
Beirut -America Asks That he be Replaced.
keep a man nt the toll gate on tho
Woodard road to inspect all fruit
coming into this county over that
route from tho Walla Walla country,
that Is infected with pests.
in Riot, and One Person Is Killed and Several Wounded Police Are
Called Out trades Issued to Fortify Frontier Posts.
send a minister to that place, and j
ler the First Woman Delegate , '
Sent From This District CAMPBELL TO RESIGN.
Ihes of the Conference Dis- Says salary Not Sufficient for High
Are All Supplied Except Walla Life at Washington.
ICOUllOlie, oujh. i". .iuus ijier
' Campbell, assistant attorney-general
, of the United States, will tender his
I resignation to Knox within a few
Warner, of tho Methodist , 'laKB' KaVK i ..,, ,, inirer afford t..
has returned from Spokane, ,oJ(1 tho position, as 1 must return to
Das uecn, in company u" ,ny ttw practice. Tho office renin-
Angeles Elected Mrs. Robert j will, it Is thought, fill the pulpit trom Tageblatt this afternoon states thnt
l-' American sailors are loported to
have been killed in a melee with the
.Mussulmans at Beirut. The dispatch
says the report is unconfirmed.
Getting Ready for War.
Vienna. Sept. 10. The Tageblatt
today lepoits that all towns in Itou
mella and even Constantinople, nro in
one net work ot military and police,
who have divided the stroets into
groupes of houses, which are con
stantly watched for secret agents
under whom are armed Kurds alu
Albanians, ready at a signal to ox-
The mes-
ope is aware
e Mohamme
dans it would devise some moans to
avert the massacres whicb are hound
to orcui.
Demand Governor's Removal.
Washington. Sept. 10. The secre
tary of war this morning received tho
following cablegram from I.elsh
raann: 'Constantinople: Four ambassa
dors have demanded the removal of
the governor from Beirut. The other
foieign repiosentatlvos may proba
bly do likewise. I have urged that
the governor be replaced . someone
that will bo more capable of preserv
ing order and giving more alfleient
attending the meot.ngl Wrloit to pay" the
Mi4 Mrs. Warner wore -dr.
ft, U Oliver, of this city,
Bfotchldss, the pastor of Pi-
a.nl Ukiah. llov ami Airs.
lUaker of Union A. S. Mill-
t a'Grnndo, Ilev Spoor, of
ft A V
Langlcy May Euild a Heavier Air
ship. Widewater, Sopt. JO. Lanuluy to-
Brackoubury. of ' day admits that he begins to fear
le, If. 11. Kllswortliy, of that he sacrificed too much in try-
: and Rev F. L. Jones, ; lug to gain stiffness and rigidity to
been appointed to tho pas- maintain lightness In his airship, .ic
Adams and Freewator, hut may build a new nnd heavier model.
formerly in charge of the .
IVest Kittitas, Wash.
Inner reports a very proli-
pleasant meeting at Spo-
Ihlch time a great many of
its or the church were In I
on the meetings of the
UMnriT m vv m t inc. uuuuo
that this fanatical attempt is to force
the sultan to adopt an anti-Christian
Governor Restores Order.
Washington, Sept. 10. Cotton ca
'ile the navy department under yes
terday's date from Beirut, that the
nival of the Turkish governor from
Damascus has restored confidence.
The governor-general has warned the
loml authorities that ho w..i hold
them responsible for all disturb
ance!.. The city was quiet Tuesday
night. Tho situation and business is
Forced to Declare War.
Vienna, Sept. 10. The Diezelt to
day says the Bulgarian government
has informed the powers tnat despite
her peaceful intentions. Is Is impos
sible to remain Indifferent as to the
Macedonian massacres. If the pow
ers refuse to intervene, Bulgaria will
be forced to declaro war on Turkey.
To Drive Turkish Ambassador Out.
Belgrade, Sept. 10. There was a
big demonstration hero against tho
Turkish embassy last night. Tho
police had to be called out to sup
press great rioting. One citizen was
killed and many were injured.
Irade Means War.
The issuance of tho Irade at this
County Court and Mayor Hnlley I
Name Men for Irrigation Congress.
The county court has ndjournod to
meet again September 23, nnd at the
meeting just ended they took up tho
consideration of the appointing of
delegates to tho National Irrigation
convention. Some days ago F. B.
Holbrook wns named by the court
as one of the men whom they would
send, hut the other one was not se
lected until the last day. H. B. Stan-
field, of Echo, hns been chosen as
tho second man to represent the
Judge G. A. llartmnn, as the pros-
mum oi mo uoiuniuin vnuey irrign- j
tion Association, has appointed W. F. I "
Matlock, of this city, to attend the
congress and that gentleman hns wig-i Russian Newspapers Say That War
nlfiod his willingness to go. The
Between the Two Countries Would
Hope to Force Japan to De
clare Hostilities on Russia
In Near Future. '
second appointment from tho asso
ciation has yet to bo made.
T. (I. Ilalley, as tho mnyor of the
city, has appointed Walter Fierce
and Bert Huffman to represent the
city nt the Ogden meeting.
Judge Hartman and Mayor T. 0.
Hailey were apolnted by Governor
Chamberlain as delegates nt large,
and Judge W. It. Hills and 12. P. I)odd
have been appointed to represent the
Commercial Asosciatlon.
Be a Much Bigger Thing Than an
Eight-Months' Campaign Russia
Has Little to Say.
St. Petersburg Sept. 10. The Nova
Vromyu today qiititon a Fort Arthur
I coriospondenl as slating flint thu
.lapaneso piess continues to discuss
j tho probability or an Immediate out
, break against Russia and they hope
io lorce japan lo dcclanj hostilities
n,.,n-(i .u. ,.,. , .u. - ' In tho near future.
ivui.iiuii uu .iik vvuirv wi iiiu um- r.,.. ..i- .1. t
vu't in mu .iiiiiiim'm- papers quotes
ing Congress,
South Bend, Ind., Sept. 10. In a
figures to show that Japan hns
enough money lu the treasury, sulllc-
speech before tho annual convention i lent to carry on an oighl-nionths'
of the Associated Bankers of Indiana wnr.
today. Senator Bevcrldge piedlcted Tho Russian prebs. i ouunontlng on
that the coming session of congress ; (he situation, says that war with Jup
would not enact nny radical financial ; an would ho n far bigger thing than
legislation, although sonio moderate i an eight-months' campaign.
legislation will prouauly be enacted
to icliovo the periodically recurring
of tho stringencies In the money centers.
to General Conference.
tSt 10,eff tBB Twelve Arrests Are Made and Scores
M In Los Angeles during
I 'f May, were elected. Tho
fercne meets every four
o this the district confer-
delegates. From the
pro are two delegates and
les elected, and there are
neiegates and two alter-
protection to the American citizens i time is considered most significant.
and to the natives." I may mean preparation for even-
.,., ! tualitles with Bulgaria. This is es-
Preparing Rapidly. , ncclnily true, in the light of yester
day's reports that the porto is about
to send troops Into Boumania, which
Vienna, Sept. 10. The Volksblatt
today prints a dispatch from Con-
of Others May Follow Teamsters stantinople that warlike preparations
and Clerks Have Conducted the are increasing. The sultan, iu an nd-
Theft for Several Years It Is Es- (lrt'S8 lo tI,e llt"wl' llllsea cavalry
, ... , regiment, said It might soon have the
timated They St0le $25,000 In 0portuI1y t0 ,irovc t0 al, i2UI.01)e
Goods. the vuior of the ancient Slohaiu'me-
dan army. Twenty million cartridges
Chicago, Sept. 10. Twelve a.vesls , navo IW!n ordered from a French
Officers and Employes Number 161
Per Capita Expense for August,
$9.03 Expenses of the Institution,
Method of Selecting Carnival Queen
Has Not Yet Been Determined.
Now that tho carnival Is assured,
naturally the next ijmmtlnn In tho
minds of tho people ix concerning tho
choice and election of Iho gracious
queen to rule over (he Huongs that
will gather lieie during the live days
of merriment, mid already stops aro
being taken to gel I lit- matter hoforo
the people for Ihclr action.
It Is tho wish of (he men who aro
nt tho head of the carnival lo have
tho choice of the clly elecfed lo -iio
position, and plans wlih that end lu
;1 from th lmii.- p ti,,. have been made In a huge conspiracy firm
o ministerial delegates I b5' which teamstors and clerks of the ' A bonsatlon was caused by Sheik
i, m. uootu, tho presid- """'cauie. giuceio' nuutes uu : biuiuh jiedita, who declares that Prophet
The Dalles illstrlft nn,i whole truckloads of goods and have Mhnmot has risen from thP crave.
n, formerly of Walla soId tho nialler groceries. Scores of prying, "Allah, savo thy people." The
ow located at Pullman Ulutl empiojes win uu m-n-u-i. js otiuuehs who guarded tlio tomb,
were E. c Gllison of Wholesalers say the conspiracy dropped dead at sight. The officials
presiding elder of tho I ,ms probably extended back for sev- art. uleatlv alarmed It is believed
district, and Hnnrv cral years, during which time, a
presiding elder of tho ' rough estlmato iilaces the losses at
ict. ! an excess or szb.uuo.
oman Deleqates. 1
legates were Professor! KILLED AND INJURED.
of the Pullman Auri,
Be. and n. J. Genn. of
jiiy reserves were Mrs.
I'. i uus city, and
on. of Spokane This
o mat a lady has evor
i" mo conference by
k--..wiii me district
no general meeting of
ui uio cnurch.
Clause Unchanged,
Ins of tho conference
cnanE nir In tt,Q
Ife to the doctrine f
Destructive Fire Occurs at Nashville,
Nashville. Sept 10. Fire this
morning destroyed throe wholesale ,,,,, HmI thc 8tato raliroad com
Reduced Rates on Coal and Lumber
Take Effect Today.
St. Paul, Sept. 10. Tho new roll
road rates on coal and lumber, which
were recently agreed upon after six
years of contioversy between the
r,i , mi" n , ',r c i i .; , rn n ,! mission, became operative today. The
foil, killing Dr. W. Smith and lntnlly ; .,,,,' ,.,,ntnn f
njurlng Assistant Chief Weaver and I rQm g Q (;ent on CQa, Bnd
Tho walls
Captain Park, of the lire department.
Ton others were more or loss seri
ously Injured.
' ui ana tas dlsoiisK. Quotations Furnished bv Coe Commls-' i, nnffA It In nYi-.optml Mie reductions
Hegatea tnlr"dUCe1 '"' ' Elon Company B. E. Kennedy, Lo-, in Minnesota will compel a general
... . uui- , cai Mnrtaaer 'revision "t ttiniib, unu iv.-
W 0DI)0SI nn., iiiuiiuuci. t 11 mine ninnv
iaraKraph i8 Chicago, Sept. lO.-Stoek market "r0 " ;.Ti7 i ii
PsinlntiAH - ........ i n...t..
'1IU1IUU MltUIlg tttlll llUill tip lllllli.
through tho day. Samo wavering un
certain condition In tho com market
yet. The question Is: "Frost or no
12 to 1C per cent on lumber.
The railways have bitterly oppos
ed the reductions because of tho fact
u.iti i.iuuer tuies i.um i m, iimvo clmrgo of the department of
modern languages for tho coming
is a part of Bulgaria.
Gets Ready for War,
Constantinople, Sept. 10. Irade $6,106.78,
was Issued today, ordering the forll-1
Mentions on the llosnhorus and at Salem. Sent. 10. The statr hoard view alo being laltl. The plan that
Adrianople, Chatalja, in houmclia of asylum trustees held ItB regular ' P'ei-ont lias Hie lend is to give
ami at Urzeroum, in Armenia, put monthly meeting yesterday afternoon 1,10 ''ntiro population of the city mid
Into efficient condition immediately, nt which time Superintendent J I 1 eountry a chance to vole lor their
hat 00
their appearanco since February. lermlncil. but thej will ho sold at
Work on tho new buildings is nro- H"e" ' "uu uiey will lie no
grossing The grain is all harvested, I llral11 on Hie purses of the friends of
tho farm work Is well up and the,l,l' -'n'1' who aie aspirants to
yield of all crop3 Ih very KatiHfactory. ! "10 '"'""r "f the tluone. The exact
owing to the fact that the supply of "'i'linor oi iituning uie ctiniest mis
Routed the Turks Calbreath, filed his report for Iho I Individual choice. Ticked will bo
qnt m a qp'rvin rti I month of August. Ho reports tho gen-. I'lnled and sold al Die viirlous stn
lVom Fila mouasterv stalS ! ural hwllth "r ,ho '"stltiiflon as being llomt appointed for (he voting placen.
at I Turki havrbeen rootel bv B00(). an" tllat " O'pold fever orM," 'w much will be charged for
111 ,Vf ,B',," '?U,Vt?J'y other contagious dlseascH nad iiiaile ' the tiekels not been uH yet do-
tho insurgents In a battle at Eltepo.
pfrin. The Turks fled In the great
est disorder.
iln anri th. in.tt ' lnllk ' Insufficient, It Is found neces- ot been determined, hut will be in n
! J , Isary lo increaso tho dairy herd by hIui" announced,
for the Opening, i hnying 10 or 12 moro cows. I '1'llt queen, when elecleil, will bo a
Scholars Are Arrlv
tution Is Ready
Iho Pendleton Academy will open The superintendent received $1,
on Monday next with good prospects C19.80 from the United States treas
for the work of tho year. Already ury department for the care and
the new teachers aro beginning to , treatment of the Alaska insane iltir-
come Into the city to mako arrange- Ing the month or August, tho number
ments for their stay hero during tho received, dlschiirged, died and eseap
year, and the building has been od. ami the number rinniiliiliiif mi
cleaned and made ready for the , August 31, showing a decrease of one
op'enlng day
Mlbs Bess Craig, of CSrovo City,
Pa., has reached the city and will
coal rates both into and out of the
state will be seriously affected by tho
oiued hy -al, " "
uerence and it
Hlllflt . WU -l-
l"rlt of thfi Z,J
H'art of thB " """"
the c.mrci, .:""'
m 11.... uue SJ-)k
i V'K and llent ' May S4-
oi uw , r
ioc, th,. r7 l.ua-
tp state w '
h matter. UB
" meml,or Dec Gl
ana tho minJMay Cl
I' a"y cunnirn i I Mlnncanolls Rent 10
Ihtands It iD ""M Wheat n'nonlnir.
Liverpool, Sopt. 10.
Wheat Onening.
G3. Cd CsTVid
Chicago Wheat.
Chlcaao Sont. in. Whoat.
l0,lal Schools.
I'lcartm" .'wu"l!'8
Ul tlio
50 Ms
through rates necessarily will he low
Tho roadB affected are the Great
Northern, Northern Pacific, "Soo"
Hue, Burlington, Chicago Great West
ern St. Paul & Omaha, Northwest
ern, Hock Island, Minneapolis & St
Paul, and Illinois Central.
patient over the month or July, fol
lows: Alula. Female.
No. patients July .'11 U3'j aim
rJrt. rt.r'filvml In Ainmut MM
! No. under care and treat-
1'iesitieut V. H. Jlleakney has been i meiit siiii
in the city for some timo and is at No. discharged recovoretl. y
President Gets Busy.
Oyster Bay, Sopt. 10. President
Itoosovolt reeolvod no visitors today.
He devoted his time to correspondence.
Mls Sloper Very III.
Miss Loona Sloper, of Itosoburg,
who Is In the city visiting her aunt,
Mrs. William Slushor, is very ill to
day. The doctor who has tho case
in charge, reports her condition very
James W. Walker and Miss Carrie
IHIledge were married at tho parlors
of the Golden Hule Hotel yesterday
aftornoon by Thomas Fit Gerald,
the justice of the peace.
George Neuman, of Ukinh, Is In the
city today on n short business visit.
Fred Kloensclg, of Alba, was in
Peiiflliitipn today on a short visit.
work in making all tho preparatory
arrangements for tho opening.
Hubert L. Alter, w.o will have
charge of tho Greek and mathemati
cal departments, has reached the city
from his homo in North Washington,
Miss Dora Y. Parks, of Peoria, III.,
is also in tho city and will teach the
Intermediate department.
Tho other teachers will be hero in
a few days anil will bo all ready for
the opening day.
Several families have signified
their Intention of coining to the city
for tho advantages offered by tho
school, and part of tho number havo
already toadied tho city. W. H.
Ktissell, of Klgln, has moved Into tlio
city with his family and will send Ills
children to tho academy. Miss Iluth
Alter, of Prlnevlllo, and Miss Iuey
Olds, of tho Willamette valloy, havo
come hero to attend the samo school.
Inspect Walla Walla Fruit.
I.a Grando, Sept. 10. C. D. Huff
men. deputy fruit Inspector, states
thai urra gemeuts arc being made to
No. dlschaiged much Im
proved I
No. discharged not improv
ed 1
No. died . '
No. oloped I
Discharged, tiled ami olop
ed 2S.
No. patients August 3l...!iu
Averago number daily, 1,335,
There wero 1C1 officers and em
ployes fed and lodged In the institu
tion during tho month. The daily
averago number of patients bolng
1,335, this makes a totnl for tho
month of 1,400. Tho por capita ox-
pense for tho asylum for the month
wns f0.03 34-100, ami tho daily per
capita expense was ,29 14-100.
Tho expenditures for tho institu
tion for tho month of August amount
ed to $0,100.78,
lucky girl, for she will be nut titled
in queenly garments of silk ami fine
linen from head to feet, the merch
ants of the i lly will see to It Unit she
is tlecked out in mhos lit lur n queen
to wear and when the carnival is
over she will havo the gariiieiitM left
for her wedding or the ball of tho
season. From tho (line hIio Ik elect
ed until nfler the carnival In over
she will be the guest of tho city and
will have hut lo coiiimaiul lo ho
As nion as the plans fur the cam
paign have hi'tm perfected the polls
will be opened ami the contest will
be on which will result lu tho cholro
of the fairest nnd most quemily
daughter ol Pendleton to rule Iho
uplift ol' the carnival.
After the Editor.
Indianapolis, Sept. 10. ICditor Fred
Hohrer's residence was completely
demolishod by dynamite this morn
ing. No one was In tho house at the
time Tin cause is
.Manager Nelson bus inailu arrange
ments lo glvo the Shields' Pari; per
I'oniiunue ul Fnuer's theiiler to
night If tho weather Is too stormy for
uu outdoor performance. Tho tmtlio
program will bo given at ono or thu
other places, without fall.
The usual change of the piofpsslon
al bill will dike place tonight, ami
several excellent amateur numbers
have beon secuiod for tho ovcnlni;.
The professional bill this week is an
excellent one and the crowds have
been good all week, tlesnlto tho
thieateiilng weather.
Hie "scure crow shadow dance" is
a novelty ami Is alone worth thu
prlco of admission. John Coburn,
whii uis traiueu iioves and tho
Thompson Sisters are drawing num
l ers and must be seen to be appreci-
itieu i'rii ilr.uvni'
ii t !-....., Ml I
liiiHiwiuu Jltrtllll Mli'l-BSasasssanil mu