QA1LY EVENING ED1TI0H Eastern Oregon Weather Toiilslit and Thursday fair. E DAILY j 5c A WEEK. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OIJEGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMHEK 0, 1003. NO. 4810. IBwiMMWWWWBWMMMiPWWWMMMMIBbiMlilMiMillB Hill IIHfaBTtti &C Rstejfcate ILSQM F TO CHICAGO r iu Pnlifnrnin Prisnn CminH His Wav iL Unnt TUCDC in MURDER AND ROBBERY. . ..I ill. i in linicaou n it . ...ut, Th-it Hr Notified nfi. Thnt Mis Son o rvnw. d prooaDiy lhc rri I ma ' EU. LiUIH. 1 nf THnlinrd one of the Folsom, Cal., cs- ...uhln n fniv lilnnkR or -t vniwiit nmrilprniiR . . . .. 1 1. frnni" n 11 f remitablo citizen, who says .tm tt-iq him finrdon LtlUlU F" ....... i tlir. itfnfnlrv n i 1 t. n. n il nnlll evil ita nf the nlacn and its moth- an eiei uiai 1113 rvMowtn v-u- t I'ii') 11 u nii leu,; In tho city. Ho says tho hoard of him was wlion, six nuuy. il nun iiu uvju- voncc. wno in turn, u ir advance of tho Folsom break they uutlfleil tno warden at This afternoon's search for iw shows thnt Ronton for a years was n nnnger-on . on hoot Tor a un ica American Church. this city today by rcpre- or all the Lutheran syn- on will be effected and the differences heretofore ox- I be reconciled. The con a sequel to the conferonco alCILUWIl 1IIHL 4111'II WIIIITII ailed of its full nurnoso the Inability of tho various mum 10 an ngrecmeiu re- 11:11 mn lm nM.. n.i.l KTIo. ncllned to come over to tho, uy the Ohio svnod nnil this uiinnu uuii 1 , SRanrisl. CHI 11 sideratlon, fin Gnnt ft mt- p 1 luwimea consideration of aiienmon said when 10 huh iiiil: UAUIlllllCU art iu . . . wiuuiitu una 01 Us - kiicbw, ABi1 P. n Vb7V irail of Convict. u' . Sept. 9.i. ntn i. o me Btnto . MUllUtlllWlfl hatEinSll?1)pavt'1 na1 'eft a trail ",annter8 were 'rail, jIo considered tlm uw close they n-re to . fearing publlcl'.y miBht muedth0how? 've the old cinV n, 'S ios from walla Walla. , BICYCLE RECORD BROKEN. Woman at Boston Won the Champi onship by 1:45. Boston, Sept, 9. Sadlo Knowlton, the dyclist, finished a 1,000-mllo run at (1:0C this morning In 97 hours and 45 minutes, lowering the world's rec ord for women by 1:45. She has not hnd 12 hours sleep since Saturday morning, yet finished In good condition. Old Settler Dead. Walla Walla, Sept. 9. August Hor mnn, nn old tlmo resident of Walla Walla, died at the family homo east of Walla Walla on tho Yellow Hawk, Sumlny night of sonlle decay. Mr. Herman was aged 78 years and set tled In Walla .Wnlla In 1804 on the old homestead cast of tho city. Ho Is surylved by his wife and four child ren, two daughters and two sonB.. Tho funeral takes place tomorrow nftornoon at 2 o'clock from tho resi dence, Itftv. Itoltko officiating. In tormont will bo In tho city eemete-y. Spencer May Not Live. Walla Walla, Sept. 9. Ed Spencer, convicted slayer of Ella Jlundt. Is acting as a nurse In the penltontlary hospital. Spencor Is still very frnll from his aelf-Inlllcted wound, and considerable doubt Is expressed as to whether he will survive his nine years' Imprisonment. Philippine Affairs. Oyster Hay, Sept. 9. President lloosovolt passed a quiet day, dis cussing Philippine affairs with Dish op Harty. Started Another Yacht. Ilrlstol, Sept. 9. Horreshoff hns al ready started upon a working model of the next defender. KILLED BV AN INSANE FORMER OREGON SHERIFF WAS SHOT IN CALIFORNIA. Slayer Was Once In the Snlem Asy lum and Had a Grudge Against His Victim for Taking Him There. Santa Rosa, Cal., Sept. 9. A. .1 McKinnon, a former sheriff of Wash ington county, Oregon, was shot through the heart and Instantly kill ed today at Guornovllle, 20 mller, northwest of here, by av obenped lu natic from the Dklah asylum named A, Jerraud. McKinnon came here soveral years ago after having re signed his office In Oregon and pur chased a ranch not far from town. It seems that while sheriff he was once compelled to take Jerraud to nn asylum In Oregon, and for that th? latter cherished a resentment. As McKinnon and Jacob Joos werv sitting on Joos porch, Jerra.ud came along, pulled a pistol and fired with out warning. His aim was perfect ami McKinnon toppled over dead. Jerraud escaped hut officers are now on his trail. Jerraud eluded his at tendants nt Uklah two 'a nan It transpires that Jerraud escaped from tho asylum three weeks ago, and that hIiico that tlmo ho has been hidden In his mother's home in thin place. Jorraml's mother Is eemuivd by everyone for harboring tho Insane man In her home and for not notify ing the officers. There is much Indignation over the affair, and even though ho bo Insane, thore is belief that Jerraud wilt bo roughly handled when apprehended. He was committed to tho nsylum last April. GRAIN MARKETS. Quotations Furnished by Coe Commis sion Company B. E. Kennedy, Lo cal Manager. Chicago, Sept. 9. Threatened froHt in the corn belt Is tho featuro of tho grain market again today, as It has been lor a week past. If the present cold and unfavorable weather In tho central states continues for 10 days more, tho crop will bo Injured to a great extent, and already estimates fix tho shortago at 10 por cent of the usual crop, Stock markot oponed strong nml remained firm all day. fol lowing the dullness of two successive holidays. Liverpool wheat opened V't Wrong er than ycHtorday's close. Wheat Oponing. Close. Dec 82 82J4 May 81 84 Corn Dec 51 51 May 51 PIVj Wheat Oponing. Close. Minneapolis, Sept. 9.- Doc. 80 80 May 82 83 Chicago Wheat. Chicago, ,Sopt. 9, Wheat oponod 82; .cjosed'at 82. BLOODY WAR IN PROSPECT BETWEEN TURK AND BULGAN Sultan Planning a "Drive" of the Balkans, to Finish With an Exterminating Slaughter of the People. Starvation, Rapine and Murder Rampant in Macedonia General Disquiet In Syria Turkish Soldiers Asslsted"-1n Murder of a Christian German Consul Testifies to Bad State of Affairs In and Around Beirut. London, Sept. 9. The Turulsh em bassy here has Issued a statement that "The porto hopes the American warships at Beirut will depart as speedily as possible, as their pres ence tends only to Incite the Inhabi tants. He says there Is no reason for tho American nsscmbly at Beirut. "The American consul was only fired at, and It has not been discov ered that theie was any political mo tive for tho act. "The recent rioting, at Beirut was originated by orthodox Syrians." Speaking of Sofia and the reports of massacres In Monntlr, ho says: "The reports of massacres and out rages on Bulgarians by the Turks arc unfounded and are being exaggerated by the Insurgents In an endeavor to secure Intervention of tne powers." This Is tho first time Turkey has admitted that Magelssen was actual ly fired at. Heretoforo it has main tained that the firing was simply a part of the celebration of a wedding feast. Quieter at Beirut, Washington, Sept, 9. Tho navy de partment this morning received a dispatch from Admiral Cotton dated Beirut, yesterday: "No Benous dis turbances Monday night. Apparently the situation Is Improving, as the public feeling is quieter." Insurgents Surrounded. Constantinople, Sept. 9. Two thousand Insurgents are surrounded by troops In the Kirk Klliso district. News of their surrender or annihila tion is momentarily expoctod. A severe engagement Is also re ported between Insurgents and Turks on the shore or Lako Matova, near Salouica. Turks Will "Drive" the Balkans. Phillpolis, Sept. 9. EaBtorn Rou mania Muaselmans here are prepar ing to emigrate enmaase to Constan tinople because of rough treatment by Bulgarians. The Turks are reported to bo plan ning a huge "drive" of the Balkans, forcing the Insurgents into a small area where they ran be annihilated. Tho first part of the program has al ready been carried out In Monastlr, where the situation surpasses de scription. It Is u continued story of rapine, murder and starvation. The woods of Kastorla are filled with hiding women and children perishing miserably. Serious News From Syria. Paris, Sept. 9. A telegram from Cairo today says disquieting rumors aro current as to tho situation In Syria. Bedouins arriving here from the Arlsh desert say tho Druses are in arms and fears aro entertained of massacres In Lebanon. Another Christian was killed in Beirut yesterday. Tho situation is grave, Turkish soldiers joining Mus sulmans In tho nttack on tho Chris tian. Citizens are abandoning their homes. One shop, owned by a French man, was completely destroyed and the mob is pillaging housos In gen eral. Tho French college is housing hundreds of refugees. Owing to the Vallsto outbreak, Nes ml Pasha, vail of Damascus, has boon appointed charge d'affalrs at Beirut. He la showing groat energy and cre ating considerable favor among tho consuls. Cotton will not be asked to land j tho marines oxcept In an emergency, as it is loareci such a step mignt cre ate a crisis. Saraffoff Is In Russia. Berlin, Sept. 9.- The Volksblatt )i liits a dispatch giving an emphatic denial that the Macedonian leader. ! Saraffoff, is dead, it says ho Is now , visiting Black Sea ports. . England and Austria Agree. I London, Sept. 9. Labotichcre, in 1 Truth, today predicts that Secretary of War Broderlcl; will ho succeeded in October by tho present Irish sec- I retary, Windham. Todays St. James Gazette says England and Austria have arrived at an agreement upon a lino of action In the event the Balkan trouble spreads. A German Statement. Berlin, Sept. 9. A report from the German consul at Beirut states that tho massacre of Christians continues nnd anarchy Is prevalent. Sultan Will Fo'rtlfy Balkans. ' London, Sept. 9. Tho News today states from a semi-official, source in Constantinople that tho sultan has decided to send 100,000 troops through Eastern Iloumania to fortify tho Balkans. Under the treaty of Berlin this right Is given the porte, providing no irregular troops are em ployed and no stop is made en route to the frontier. Tho sultan can thus Invade Bul garia while acting on his own rights nnd giving no cause for the powers interfering. It Is believed this move will goad Bulgaria into a declaration of war thus wiving the porte tno onus of beginning hostilities. As at present arranged, throe col umns of Turks will be moved north ward: one from Kirk Kiilesse to Burgas. The second from Adrlauople to Sllvn. Tho third from Adrlanoplc to Phlloppolls. All will then proceed northward. The dlspatcu adds the plan will be put Into operation within 15 days. It has developed that Admiral Cot ton at Beirut appealed for permission to land tho marines, but the porte declined to do so, inasmuch as the fighting Is between subjects of the ottoman empire only, and foreign property and life are not supposed to be In danger Long, Terrific Slaughter. London, Sept. 9. Tho report of the probable Invasion of Bulgaria Is regarded In diplomatic circles as of gravo importance, bb a war between Bulgaria and Turkey would bo one long, terrific slaughter. Oriental warfare is always bloody, but In this case It would bo ono of almost tin equaled horrors. Turkey has 750,000 regular soldiers, and with reserves at'ded, this makes moro than 1,000, 000, while Bulgaria has 200,000 avail able. The Turks, however, would bo at a disadvantage, as not being famil iar with tho country, Turkey Rushing Troops. Vienna, Sept. 9. DIo Zelts' Con stantinople correspondent practically confirms the London report that Tur key Is rushing troops across Eastern Roumanta. PONY RAN AWAY. Cart Smashed to Pieces, But Its Oc cupant Was Not Hurt. Yesterday afternoon, vvhllo driv ing in her pony cart, Florence Adams, tho daughter of Walter Adams, of tho W. & C R., had a runaway that resulted in tho smashing of the cart and a bad shaking up for tho llttlo driver. Tho pony took fright at some i.if nnil hnlted. After running some distance, the driver was thrown out of the vehicle and scratcnou ana bruised, though not meeting with se rious Injury. Tho pony continued for a tlmo, until tho cart was overturn ed and wrecked. Asldo from the damago to tho cart no serious Injury wnH done. EYE AMPUTATED. Joe Bailey Compelled to Submit to an Operation.' Jou Balloy, who suffered the loss of his oyo at the Rlgby-Clove found ry somo tlmo ago, was compelled to submit to an operation and havo tho ,oye removed yesterday afternoon. In order to save tho Bight of the other, as It was bocomlng affected through sympathy. The operation was performed by Dr. W, G. Cole and at tho last reports tho man was rostlug as easily as could bo expoctod under tho circumstances. Over 2,000 union men were In lino In Taconia on Labor Day, BOY BURGLAR. Swipes Silver Bullion From Store rooms of Nevada Mine. Salt Lake, Sept. 9. A boy named Fred Falllngcr, of this city, was ar rested on the train at Mllford, Utah, In possession of 36 pounds of silver cyanldo bullion of tho value of $3,400. Despite tho usual precautions lio en tered tho bullion .room of the Bam-borger-Dclamre mine In Nevada. Ho was making for this clt- when caught. GAVE HIMSELF UP. Fugitive From Federal Authorities Will Stand Trial. Now York, Sept. 9. Goorgo Hov ers, under Indictment in tho postof flce scandals, gave himself nn this morning to United States Marshal Huebcl. Ho gavo bond for $50,000. and said ho would havo surrendered before, but ho wanted tho govern ment to nnswor certain questions put by his counsel. After the First Quarrel. San Francisco, Sept. 9. Arrayed In her wedding gown, Mrs. Minnie During, wife of a letter carrier, took tho gas routo early this morning. A quarrel with her recently married husband was the causo. Charged With Murder. San Francisco, Sept. 9. Mrs. Mar tna R. Bowors and Mrs. Zylplm Sut ton, her sister, wero nrralgned on tho charge of murder this morning. Their hearing was set for next Monnny. Candy-Makers Strike. Chicago, Sept, 9. Twelve hundred candy-makers struck this morning, demanding n nine-hour day with 10 hours pay. SEATTLE LABOR III POSSIBLE Street Car Strike May Result in a Sympathetic Go-Out All Over the City. SECESSIONISTS FROM UNION ARE ORGANIZED. Strikers Will Try to Shut off Com pany's Fuel Supply A Green Crew Ran a Car Off the Track and Caus ed a Collision Strike Breakers Are All Armed. DATE FIXED FOR CARNIVAL FROM THE SIXTH TO TENTH OF OCTOBER, INCLUSIVE. A Portion of the Attractions on a Vacant Block, the Balance at Inter section of Court and Main Stock and Fruit Exhibit on the Side. Last evening, at the meeting of the city council, tho business men of the city were given tho privilege of the streets for n merchants' carnival to bo held in tills city from the .0th to tho 10th of October, and this morn ing tho men of tho city met Mr. Wil son, tho manager of tho snows, who is here to close tho contract, nnd thu articles wero signed and the enrnl val is now an assured thing. According to tho contract that has been entered Into, the big tent of tho show will bo at the Intersection of Court and Main streets. None of tho streets will bo blocked, and thoro will be nothing at all on Main street. Tho carnival company will hnvo a band on tho stretes all of tho tlmo during the five days, so that tho peo ple who come to tho city will havo a chance for amusement without go ing Into the tented shows unless they so deBlro. Everything will be froe In the city except tho touts. Along with tho carnival will be hold a stock, and If possible, n fruit show, gathered from all parts of tho county. It Is tho Intention and tho wish of tho management of mo car nival to make a beginning for an un nual county fair to bo held In thlH city from this year on. Prizes will bo offered for tho best exhibits of cattlo and other livestock, and it will be made worth while for tho farmers and stockmen of the county to come hero to exhibit their property. John Halloy, Jr., Is In charge of tne fair part of Uiq carnival, and will use every effort to make tho thing a suc cess. In a short tlmo tho affair will bo advertised In sll parrs of tho county and from Walla Walla clear to tho other end of the district, and It is expected that a great many of tho people will take advantage of tho In ducements offered to come hero. Mr, Wilson, on tho other hand, will leave In a few days for the Interior of tho county to advertise, and at the same tlmo will hold out all In ducements lo tho men ho moots In tho way of thu stock exhibit. ! From tho Indications, there Is tfVery roason to suppose that tho carnival will be a great success and that It will bo tho beginning of a series of fairs, such as have proven to bo so profltablo and Denenciai to oiner parts of tho stale, Kaiser Bivouacked. Hallo, Sept. 9. Tho kaiser again bivouacked on tho field last night. The weather is very cold. During a rccont hailstorm at Lex ington, Ky., tho Henry Clay monu ment was struck by lightning, and the head of the statuo was knocked . to the ground, ' ' ' Seattle, Sept. 9. As a result of tho street railway companyV refusal ta submit tholr differences with tho em ployes to arbitration yesterday, tho union men struck at 10 this morning. Tho company has about half its cars running, becauso It organized about 200 secessionists from the union InBt week, who operate cars. i Efforts will bo made by the union j to tlo up the service by a sympathetic I strike of tho linemen of the power ! company serving tho street enr com I puny, and by n miners' strlko at Ren I ton. where tho company gets lis I fuol. Two men greased tho track on tho grndo on Greou Lnko this morning. I A new non-union motormnn nnd con- doctor chnsod tho culprits several I blocks with revolvers, but did not ) fire. , Another new crow ran off the tra. 1 and -Kumshcd up a mall wagon. Tho stilke breakers nil carry guns. Tho company will rtieognl.e tho new organization as long ns It does not affiliate with any labor union, and will pay Its members the wagos demanded by the old union. Tho strikers have assurances that I' every labor organization will join in a sympathetic genernl strlk" II" coll ed upon lo do so. COMMERCIAL ASSOCIATION. Making Arrangements for the No vember Meet at Pendleton. - i The Commercial Association had Its tegular monthly meeting last night nt the rooms of tho association. Nothing of Importnnre was done outsldn of talking over the matter of the coming stale Irrigation con veiitlon to he held In this city In No vember. A committee consisting of E. P. Dodd, Dr. O. J. Smith nnd J. F. Robinson was appointed for the pur pose of pushing the arrangements for tho convention. It Is the wish of tho nuhoctatlon to make tho convention ono of great benefit to this part of tho statu, ami It Is its Intention lo do everything in I Its power to arouse Interest fit tho i i i ii i... in. llll'CUllg llllil uiillg mum; iiu kiu tercsted in (ho question to thin part of the slnto in November. It Is necessary to fccuro preparatory leg islation In thu Interest or Irrigation, and It Is thu plan of tho association to foeter this Idea as much ns poasl blu, not only in this part of tno slate, but in the vnlloy as well, so that when tho legislature mcetH that body will li Informed anil Interested In tho subject, and thoro will bo no trouble to buvo the passage of meas ures that will redound to tho lxiniiflt of tho seml-arld parts of the statu, DECLINE IN PRICE. Believed That Wheat Will Take An other Raise Before Long, Wheat has taken h tumble from tho pedestal that It lias been rusting on for somo time, und for tho lat two dnys has been qtiotod nt 07 cents by tho wholesalers, and at CS and . cents at thu mills by the millers. Tho drop Is laid to tho fact that tho farmers havo boon soiling heav ily ut tho high figures and tho mills had all that thny could handle for the tlmo There hns bcon inoro wheat sold thus far this season thnu bo foio at tho sumo tlmo for somo years, and owing lo the overplus on tho market tho price has dropped. But It Is pretty sure to rlso again, for tho farmers have stopped soiling und will not deliver their grain for tho figures that are now being1 offer, ed. As they have lots of their grain yet on hand. It Is thought that the price wilt rlso as soon as the nkl is out of the local market. Mrs, William J. Bryan denlvs Iho report tjiat her daughter Is engaged In niitilnln llnlicmi StmOe