East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 04, 1903, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonight fair; warmer Satur
furduy; Increasing cloudiness.
1 be delivered at your residence
oi DURjneii uy currier i
NO. 485W.
L. ig.
bgarded by Senator Cul-
Thnnrrh Hn flnec. Nnt
Sure of Panama.
; That Incident as Only a Tern-
ry Delay, ana ueciares i nai
Janal Will Be Built, Owned and
ailed by Americans Presi-
t's Policy Is Unknown.
Francisco, Sopt. 4. In an in-
ng intorviuw upon national nf-
Jnltml Status Senator cullom,
now visiting this city, said:
a canal will bo imllt is as
as that two and two make
id no doubt that the broad-
among thu owners and ofll
tho railroads must realize
,ct If the cunal Is not built at
a. It will bo built at Nicaragua.
iHBb&many others, at nrst favored
flatter route. Personally, I did
becausc at the tinio It looked as
thliplcountry could not got control
nnama route. When I lounil
r could bo secured, I helped
o reasons.
t It Is the shortest route.
oiid TLis the stralghtest routo.
Ird I ' Is the routo nearest the
that Colombia has rejected
aty, what Is to be dono. Un-
Spoonor measure. If Columbia
1 tho Panama canal treaty, tho
nt was authorized to select tho
ua canal. Wholhor tho pros
Ill do so at once Is something
t toll. Probably ho may think
nhlo to pursue a policy of rea
delay In order to wait filia
tion by the Colombian loglsla-
ut I am not trying to predict
io will finally do in tho matter.
I have not thought of the like-
f tho state of Panama seced-
Colombia on account of tho
n of tho treaty, and asking
lted States to deal with It as
pendent country In tho matter
taanal. It Is a waste of time
ulato on such a proposition.
al would mean much for Co
pland on that account it is all
re ot a surprise niai i.iuiu
'have been such a unanimity
part of tho Colombian (senate
ine to ratify tho treaty.
'BRthis rejection only means a
toMlay to the realization ot a ca
Jtio peoplo of this country havo
B.p thoir minds to have a canal
fcrJjAmorlcan control and owner
and thoy are going to have one
Bwncar future That the peoplo
ro favor a canal goes without
1 snouiu suppose, iiiu canai
an much for the development
' Pacific coast."
ptured In One Bunch and Will
Be Detained.
rtego, Sopt. 4. Ton Chinamen
ptured last night being smug-
08S tho Mexican line into tho
Btatos. A gun .play was nec
ktie Mexican drivers showing
into men hired Mexicans to
"Chinks" to Anaheim to
I vegetable gardons. None
llflcates and all will bo do-
rho Mexicans wilt bo pros-
An effort will bo made to
lie whlto smuggler who was to
the bunch at Santa Ana.
Continental Route From Lima
to the Atlantic.
RLako, Sopt. 1. Alfred W. Mc-
lino uiun mining millionaire,
Bn granted a concession by the
n government to buim a rati-
tho navigablo wators of tho
river to jonl a lino ho and
hoggin aro now constructing to
copper mines. Tho commls
nart of a trana-continontal
om Lima, Peru, to tho Atian-
Bus Acid Found In the Stomach
of Martin Bowers,
iFrancIsco, Sopt. 4. Dr. L. C.
toxlcologlst for tho city
reported to tho coronor to-
il.ni I... linrl found over lour
grains of arscnlous acid in the stom
ach of Martin uowors. xno uccusuu
woman will not be questioned nt tho
Inquest tomorrow.
Twenty Witnesses Examined.
San Francisco, Sopt. 4. Mrs. Bow
ers and Mrs. Sutton wero attentive
listeners at the Inquest of Martin
Bowers, whom they aro accused of
poisoning. On ndvico of tholr attor
neys Jhey did not take tho stand. Dr.
Von Friedman stated ho made eight
visits to Bowers, hut Mrs. Bowers
ordered him to stop on account of tho
oxponso. His treatment was for
ptomaine poisoning. Twenty wit
nesses were examined and all evi
dence points to the woman's guilt.
Quotations Furnished by Coe Commis
sion Company B. E. Kennedy, Lo
cal Manaaer.
Chicago, Sept. 4. Corn opened
very strong, but there was considera
ble for sale on tho advance.
Scptenilior corn sold at r.S this
morning and is still holding strong
around last night's closing price.
Liverpool wheat is unchanged from
yesterday. In view of the impending
holiday, thoro Is litllo activity in any
""oil account of tho bullish features
yesterday, tho market becamo easier
today, ruling about Vs lower than yes
torday's close.
Tho estimates of the Minnesota,
North nnd South Dakota wheat crops
Is placed at 180,300,000 bushels.
vVheat Opening. Close.
Sopt 81 soy,
Bee 82 S2v
Dec 52 52
May 51 52
Minneapolis, Sopt. 4.
Doc 81 80
May 83 83
Want Murderers Punished.
Belgrade, Sept. 4. At Nlsh and
other Servian towns a number of of
ficers have been nrrcsted for having
In their possession a proclamation
against tho murderers of the lato
King Alexander and demanding their
Abdul and His Court Were
Thrown Into a Panic by the
Macedonian Threat.
American Mariner. May Be Landed at
Beirut Turkish Coast Opposite !
Federal and County Officials
of Indian Territory and Ok
lahoma Involved.
Members of the Dawes Commission
Implicated Prominent Contractors,
Adrianople Is Ablaze With Burning j County Commissioners and Others
Villages An American Promises If Justice Gets Her Blinders Off,
to Loan Macedonia $500,000 Something Will Be Doing.
South McAlostcr, 1. T., Sept. I.
Something of a sensation was creat
ed hero by the publication of a list
of office-holders interested as regis
tered companies doing business with
tho Indians. The following Is the
i:ui'iuiln Trust Company, C. B.
Breckinridge. T. B. Needles, members
Dawes commission; Plcnsant Porter,
chief of Creek nation; Canadian Val
ley Trust Company; Tarns Bixby,
chairman Dawes commission; Tish
omingo Loan & Trust Company; W.
C. Stanley, member of the Dawes
commission; Tribal Development
Company; Pliny Sopor, rederal attor
ney; Benjamin Collbert, marshal ;
Verdigris Oil & Gas Company; James
Ulcklebeiry. assistant federal attor
ney; Wacht Gas & Oil Company; W.
11. Darreough, marshal; Jefforson
Trust Company; .1. W. Freeman, cleik
court of appeals; I F. Fannin, clerk
of the district court.
Old Lady !n San Francisco Spent a
Week Arranging the Details of Sui
ciding and Made-a Fine Job of It
Lett Money to Pay All Incidental
San Francisco, Sept. 4. Mrs. L.
Petsch, 70 years of age, wrote a let
tor to an undertaker, mailed It, then
connected a rubber hose to the gas
jot and placed one end in her mouth.
A week ago she called an under
taker and got rates on cremation, and
also visited tho coronor and asked
his fee. The undertaker received tho
following letter this morning:
"Please call Soptombor 4, at 781 Fol
Bom street, room 27, after 8. Re
spectfully." Ho called and found tho old lady
dead, with this noto on the table:
"Friday morning at 2 o'clock I go to
rest. Good-byo. I leavo $C2.GS for
the undertaker, $5 for tho coroner
and $1 for gns." (Signed.) Every
thing was natty and nicely arrangod.
Now Company Organized to Connect
Those Points Directly.
Lewlston, Sept. 4. Interest in the
construction of tho proposed L-owls-ton-Rlparla
road will ho Increased
when it 1c learned that ft now com
pany, presumably an adjunct of tlio
O. II. & N. systom, has been organiz
ed to construct tho lino. A certified
copy of tho articles of corporation
wore (lied yesterday at tho county
auditor's offlco in this city. Tho luimo
of tho now corporation is tho Oregon,
Washington & Idaho Railroad Com
pany and tho capital Is $1,000,00.
Tho persons signing tho nrtlelej of
incorporation nro W. H. Kennedy, .1.
N. Teal and James G. Wilson, all of
Portland. Mr. Kennedy Is tho chlpf
engineer of tho O. R. & N.; Mr. Teal
Is an attorney for tho company, and
Mr. Wilson Js an attache of tho Ore
gon road.
To Modernize the Church.
Rome, Sopt. 4. Tho young clorgy
are agitating tho starting of a world
wide movement to Induce mo popo
to modornlzo the papal system so ns
to accord with modern, progressive
German War-Play.
Berlin, Sopt. 4. Tho Gorman army
maneuvers woro again too realistic
today. One ofllcar was killed and six
men wounded,
London, Sept. 4. Eugene hazaro
vitch. organizer for the Macedonian
revolutionary committee is now In
London seeking to raise a loan of
$10,11110,000. With this money he
hopes to recruit an International ar
my of (iO.000. Ho says 18,000 insur
gents are now in tho field. He looks
to America for substantial help, nnd
asserts that a rich American has
promised $500,000, provisionally.
Landing Marines.
Washington. Sept. 4. Minister
I.elsbiuan today Informed tho state
dopnrtniont that Russia and Austria
bad each landed a few marines at
Constantinople to do guard duty with
in their lPgntioiiG" enclosures.
Fire and Sword.
Vienna. Sopt. 4. A dispatch from
Odessa says all the coast of Adrian
ople and Stetfan Is ablazo. Hundiods
of villages are destroyed and hund
reds of Turkish women and girls
burned to death.
Another dispatch says the Macedo
nian town of Tavenik was partially
destroyed by fire. Many lives were
lost and seven mosques burned.
Cross Turkish Frontier.
Solla, Sept. 4. The insurgent lead
er, JankofT, with 400 followers, cross
ed tho frontier Monday without oppo
sition from tho Turkish frontier. Tho
date lor the general Insurrection lias
been postponed.
Foreign Fleets to Turkey.
Pails. Sept. 4. It Is soini-olllcially
announced that Franco has decided
to order the French floot to hold itself
in readiness to proceed to Turkish
waters as the result of the receipt
of a dispatch from the nmbassado
to Turkey, saying the presence of a
warship is desirable.
Great Britain, Russia, Italy and
Austria havo made similar prepara
tions and tho Iloets are expected to
act together In case of a crisis.
Cannot Provide Against Fanatics.
Wushlngton, Sept. 4. Tho only re
cent advices received by tho stale
department on tho Turkish situation
consists of a dispatch from Irishman
It recites the warning sent out to
the various foreigu legations by tho
sultan, stating that Turkey is ablo
to protect tho foreign legations, but
cannot be held responsible for fanat
ics or cranks who may gain admis
sion to buildings and then explode
bombs or procuro assassination by
other means. According to Welshman
the only precaution observed by dip
lomats was tho appointment by oacn
of additional guards.
Filed on the Sultan.
Milan, Sept. 4. Advices from Con
stantinople say tho Macedonian com
mittee hns notified the sultan thoy
have decided on his doath. The sul
tan and his court councillors at once
became terror-stricken, and every pre
caution to protect Abdul has been
May Land Marines.
Washington, Sept. 4. In view of
tho extremely unsettlod condition of
affairs In Turkish possosslons, tho
navy dopartmont Is today consider
ing tho advisability of ordering Ad
miral Cotton to land a force of ma
rines from his squadron immediately
after his arrival at Boirut.
Victorious Yacht Greeted With Great
Highlands, Sept. I. Reliance left
Horseshoe this morning In tow, and
started on a triumphant journey to
rh-t. iinsln. Whistles screamed
aboard every sort of steam craft
about tho Hook. Shamrock also left
her moorings for the trip "P the Nnr-
rows. Sho looked a ucieuieii yacm ns
she trailed after Reliance Just ns she
did in tho races. Sho had her share
of salutes, however.
An Oklahoma Scandal.
Guthrie, Oak., Sept. 1. Acting for
tho department of justice States At
torney Speed today completed tho in
vestigation into the expenditure of
tho public funds In tho recently open
ed Kiowa country.
As a result, three county commis
sioners u.ie fugitives from Justice,
and indictments havo been returned
against several prominent contrac
tors nnd many county officials.
I Seven Men Slipped Away This Morn
' Ing and Have a Good Start.
Seattle. Wash., Sept. 4. Seven
prisoners, all serving light sentences,
escaped this morning from tho city
jail. They were In tlio left tank,
which opens In tho jail ynrd. Tho
door is fastened with a largo staple.
In some manner the prisoners re
moved the staple, took off tho lock
and walked out in the jail yard. They
then secured a ladder, scaled tho
fence and escuped.
Tile delivery was not known to tho
jailer until three hours afterwards.
Those who escaped wero: Joe Scheu
berg, John Bardsloy, Billy Madden,
Charles Galllgher, John Cummings,
Harry Wilkinson and Bob Froster.
Shouberir had three duys to sorvo;
Bardsley five, Madden 30, Galllgher
I'.n, cummings ;iu, Wilkinson u;i aim
Froster 1G.
Mine Owners Dictate the Policy for
Cripple Creek.
Denver, Col., Sopt. 4. The gover
nor todny ordered 750 troops to pro
ceed to Cripple Creek mining district
immediately, to suppress disorder
there. Tho order was issued at tho
earnest appeal of the mine owners,
and against tho protest or tho sheriff
of Cripple Creek.
Concerning tne Civil Service.
Washington, Sopt. 4. An order is
soon expected from Oyster Bay that
will virtually have the effect of plac
ing thousands of government em
ployes designated as laborers In tho
classified service. Tho proposition
is to create an eligible list of laborers,
Fifty Stalls Added.
Wolla Wnlla, Sept. 4, Tho demand
for stall room has become such that
tho management of tho Walla Walla
County Fair Association has decided
to oroct CO additional stalls out at the
race track. Tho work will bo com
menced immediately that horsemen
from a distance who contemplate en
tering tholr strings In tho raco meet
next month may socuro sultablo
Disabled Steamer.
New York, Sopt. 4. Tho disabled
steamer Barbaroosa arrived this
morning. At no tlmo was suo in dan
gor, tho only troublo being a broken
tall shaft.
Treacherous Market.
Now York, Sopt. 4. Tho stock mar
ket opened narrow and Irregular.
Amalgamated copper lost hi. cent.
Bonds showed a hotter tone than
Plant Was Out of Order, Resulting In
Current Being Turned On.
The people of the city came near
having an nil-day light service today.
Tho engineers nt tho power plant
were testing nnd readjusting some of
tho lines and machinery of tho sta
tion, and tho dynamos were run near
ly all of the forenoon. Sonic of tho
mechanism of the swltchbonnl was
out of order, nnd It was necessary
to adjust it. Owing to that tho city
for a time enjoyed tho privilege of
light in tho daytime.
Send Them Anywhere, East or
West, to Get Rid of Them,
Says John Temple Graves.
California Physician committed to In
sane Asylum.
San Diego, Cnl., Sept. 4. Dr. G. 12.
Cowell wns today committed to the
Highland insnne asylum. Dining tho
examination lie called Superior Judge
Conklyn nn Idiot, fool and jackass,
and Insisted on tho judge changing
places with him. Ho pleaded bis own
caso In verse of his own composition,
and pathetically referred to tho death
of his son, which is supposed to bo
tho cause of his condition,
Privates Volunteer for the Island Ser
vice. Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Sept. I.
Oincers gathering the names of pri
vates who desiro to sorvo in the Phil
ippines, are surprised at tho large
number who wish to go. In ono
comnanv 35 of !)8 men volunteer, and
tho percentage is about tins in nil the
favoh a or terror
To Abolish the Russian Autocracy
by Violent Measures If Necessary
Is Encouraged by Growing Spirit of
Discontent In the Army and Among
the Liberal Aristocrats,
New York. Sopt. 4. The now rev
olutlonary party formed in RiiBsia,
entitled tho Russian Socialist Rovoiu
tionary Purty, which differs from the
Russian Social Democratic party, in
being less doctrinaire and moro vio
lent in tactics, Is described by tho
London correspondent of tho Timoi,
In a dispatch which declares that
tho new organization has revived
something of the terrorism which
shocked Russian society 10 years
ago. There Is a third party, tho Rus-
sian Revolutionary party. All thrco
agree as to the necessity of abolish
lug tho existing autocracy.
Tim now party alms at arousing
tho heart of Russia, reaching tho
peasants not nffectod by previous ef
forts. Tho dispatch assorts that
Blnco April. l'J02. a "fighting organl
zation" has been created as a wing
of tho revolutionary party in order to
meet force with forco and torror with
Tho especial significance of this
movement can only ho understood by
taking other facts Into consideration,
such as thu reaction m military and
high aristocratic circles In Russia
against tho time-honored, hoary'
headed, ancient system of brutal op
proHslon and suppression of all liber
alism. Tho resignation from tho army
of Marshal DragomlrolT, tho czar's
favorite aide do camp, for tho avow-
ed reason that ho will not longer
countenance "the employment of tho
army for tho massacre of political
malcontents" has a vast Import to
thinking people of all classes in Russia.
New Immigration Agent.
Smith W. Purdeo, a new immigrant
inspector, will arrive from Washing
ton, D. C, this week to assist J. II.
Barbour In enforcing tho Chlnoso ex
clusion law at this port, says tho Ore
gon Dally Journal. Among tho duties
which the now inspector will havo to
jKjrform will bo to visit all tho Bhlps
that arrive in tho hnrbor from for
eign countries and ascertain if any
members of the crow intend to land
and change their occupations, If
tney do he will collect a tax of $2
aploco from them. But If thoy land
with tuo intention of signing articles
on auothcr ship, no tax will be im
posed upon them,
Regards the Black Man In America
as a Sociological, Raclologlcal, Po
litical and Industrial Accident,
Nuisance and Menace Up to the
White Man to Get Rid of Him.
Chicago, Sept. 1- - John Temple
Graves, nf Gonrcla delivered nil ad-
iIi'oks on "Tim Problem of tbn Races"
this morning before the -IStli conven
tion of tho University or Chicago, li
satil In part:
' rbo nmlmllre nf u nice ih a nolnt-
lug of Providence, and the antagon
ism or peoples is tin- nxeii poney oy
which God peoples the different por
tions of tho universe nnd established
llw. lmllvlilmilltv nf the nations. The
act that brought tlies. peoples to
gether on this continent was n sin ni
tho fathers, a sin of greed, an Inlqni
iv nf trmU. nml t lit wirrnw and suf
fering of tho present la for tho sin of
tho past n sin against nature nnd n
sin against God. The curse can be
lifted only when nature Is vindicated
and God Is obeyed. The problem will
ho solved only when tho negro la re
stored to the 'bounds of his habita
tion.' "It Is neither Impossible nor Im
practicable. Tho elements aro wil
ling and tho way Is In reach. This
Is not a day of inipossii es. Tho
band or the Almighty is steadily
opening the way.
"It may b! thai the Islands or the
sea wero placed by Providence In our
keeping to furnish an answer to the
problem of I ho time.
"Tho negro Is an accident, nn ac
cident, nn unwilling, a blameless, but
an unwholesome, unwelcome, help
less, unasslmllablo element in our
civilization, lie Is not liuido for our
times. He Is not made to sliaro in
tho duty anil tho -.cstlny which ho
perplexes nnd beclouds. Lot us put
him kindly and humsimiy out of the
wny. Lot us give him a better chance
than ho has ever had in history and
lot uh have done with him. Let us
solve his problem frankly, fearlessly,
nobly nnd speedily. Lot us put It bo
hind us. Ia'X us purify our politics
of tho perplexity. Let us llherato
tho South to vole and to think lllio
freemen upon the mighty issues of
the times,"
Fall Sixty-Five, Feet at Spokane, at
Noon Today.
Spokane, Hopt. 4.- As workmen
building- tho steel elevator tank for
tlio Centennial mill wero placing tho
last sheet In position this noon, C5
feet from the ground, tho scaffolding
collapsed, precipitating four work
men to the ground and instantly
killing George Carrlck, aged H2, of
Carrlck Brothers, contractors; fatal
ly Injuring Oscnr Williams, figed 26,
nnd two others, all from Seattle. Tho
Injured nro dying at the hospital.
Passenger Train Goes Through Fish
ing Creek Bridge.
Charlotte, N- O., Sept. 4.-A north
bound passenger train on the South
ern railway, hclneon Rock Hill and
Yorkvllle, 8, C, wont through Fish
ing Creek bridge this morning, Hoven
or eight people wero killed outright.
Five or six woro badly hurt nnd 16
or 10 passengers more or less injur
ed. Conductor Turner was seriously
injured, and tlio fireman, mall clerk
nnd buggegemnn are muter the
Woman Hanged,
Norfolk Vr.. Kent i. .Inlln War.
ren was hanged at Courtlarul today
for murdering Fronla Allen Wilson,
her husband's mistress.
Mi-u Antifi fliL'If.l, 1.. .Itmirli.
tor Ada, ot Chicago, ono aged 50, the
other 20, havo gono insuno with ex
actly tho same delusion: that boiae
ono is trying to kill them by blow
Jug poisonous powders through tho