East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 03, 1903, Image 2

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September 7
You are Invited
to Inspect our
Men's Suits 810, $12, $15 ami $20
Hay's Suits $2, $3, 4 and $5
Uneqttaled Variety. Lowest Prices
720 Main St , Pendleton
Death of Mrs. Martha Wallace Lo
cated In Payette Valley Mrs. E. R.
Cox Appointed on Lewis and Clark
Committee Rev. Slas Has Gone to
Crook County Many GoIiiqs and
Comlng3 Among Athena People.
Ninety ami .!!) of Iho rnlsln mow- j
era or California have sinned the i
agreement that alms lu control the
price I
Two hundred llftyjfonr thousand
palro ofjBhoesjriToro' exported to Eng
land SlnstPyoar from the United
(leorge Koggun, an Insane man at
Pueblo, Col., heat his wlfo nearly to
death with a rcvolvor and then cut
his own throat.
Tim volcano Collma, in Mexico, Is
erupting. In addition to terrorizing
thousands of peoplo, It Is radically
changing Its shape.
Drainage tunnels have been com
pleted thai will enable Iho Cripple
Creek mines to he worked 250 feot
deeper than their present levels.
Nourly 1,000 workmen In the Chi
cago Manufactories of trunks, va
lises and dro3g suit cueos aro on
strike, and the industry' is at a dead
Dining the month of August just
ended, there was coined in United
States mints 1460.000 In gold, $452,
000 In silver aud 212,IS6 of nickel
and copper.
In tho United Statos there are
1.0(0,220 railroad cars and 41.22S lo
comotives. The railroad mileage of
the United States would bolt die
world nine times.
Holbein, tho swimmer, has just
made a fourth imsuccosslul attempt
to swim tho English channel from
tho Dover side. Ho gave up when
four miles from Callus.
During tho last week in August
the temperature fluctuated in Lon
don, England, from 101) degrees above
zero, fahrouheit. to ;!l degrees above,
or within two degrees of freezing.
Joo Mnrrero was released from
tho lepor colony in Porto Rico upon
a careful examination by medical ox
ports proving that ho was not a
leper. He promptly fell dead from
heart failure, superinduced by Joy.
Hotel Pendleton.
A Wurzweller, Joseph
J. K. Miller, Portland.'
G. S. Yotingnian. Portland.
K. U. Comau, Portland.
Lloyd Trombley. Spokane.
Miss Edna Frentz, Spokane.
Hmil It. Apt, Chicago.
J. O. Van Winkle. Salem
Meyer Abraham. Portland.
A. Kiondel, Spokane.
C C. Simpson, Spokane.
J. 11. Holskin, Page.
II. W. Cameron, Spokane.
Thomas A. Prudy, Portland.
1!. O. Klllln. Spokane,
n. II. Ilurke, Portland
!' G. Mcintosh, city.
It. N. Staiifleld, Keho.
.Mrs. M. U. Metzler, Heppner.
Mrs. Ci. W. Phelps, Heppner.
(5. M. Golden, Detroit.
Hakor City complains of an unusu
al Infliik of lough characters.
Tho O. It. & N. steamer Indravelli,
left Portland for China, Wednesday,
with 58.000 barrels of flour on board.
Two unfinished dwellings wore de
stroyed by fire. In Portland, Wed
nesday, thought to be the work of
Tho Seattle striking toamalors
hayo been roplaeed with non-union
nun, and all the teams nro now at
work, as usual.
A now strike or gold has been mado
on the Polly river, 240 miles higher
up the river than any other diggings.
A rush Is now on.
Louis C. .Moore, n Justice of the
peace at tllg Harbor, Wash., has dis
appeared from his home and foul
play is suspected.
Two masked men hold up aud rob
bed the Snug Harbor saloon in Seat
tle Wednesday, securing ovar $100 in
enih from tho till.
The citizens or llrownsvillo have
raised funds for tho purpose of
printing B.OOu descriptive pamph
lets of Hie eity and surrounding d lu
ll lets
II. Willis llnynle. under arrest in
Seattle for robbery, says ho would
rather hang than seo bis wife, who
accompanied him on his raids, spend
tho time lu Jail with him.
Tho now town at the terminus of
tho Sampler Valley road, 40 miles
south of linker City, lias boon named
Summit, bolng on the summit or tho
mountain between Whitney and Pra
irie City.
Hov. K. li. Kennedy, a Congrega
tional minister, or Hlllsboro, Is under
arrest on sensational charges or
burglary Ho Is accused or chloro
forming 13 II. Warren for lio pur
pose or robbing his house.
James Murphy, or Poitland. was
drowned in Wlllametto Slough, near
i nni eny. Wednesday. About 20
yoarb ago Murphy was reported to
havo been killed In a mine explosion
in Idaho, and his friends wero hor
ror struck when ho appeared in tills
city a few years ago.
Golden Rule Hotel.
C. A. Shurtl and wife, Arlington.
Madame St. Clair, Hiicago.
Dau St. Clnlr, Chicago.
Mrs. M. E. Ilenner, La Grande.
11. C. Ilenner. La Grande.
F. K. Young, Hoise
Mnry Flaherty, Ilutte.
Kttn Welch, Anderson.
Nettle Howe, Pilot Kock.
D. W. Hnlnos, city.
.Mrs. J. W. Arrasmlth, Colfax.
U. C. Adams. Juniper.
-Mrs. W. S. Herring, Atheau
L. C. Herring, Athenn.
J. D. Henry, Athena.
It. Thimlcan, Athena.
W. Feidor, Hillings.
1). II. Drlggs. Siisnnvllle
M. Stine, city.
Joe Kay, Duffalo.
Leo Dale, Heppner
K. C. Hays, city.
H. Stroiivo, city.
Mrs. M. Kill in back, j.a Grande
W. H. Kesslor. Sllverton
J Smith. Sllverton.
SmteofOiuo City of Toledo i
Lvcis County. t "
Frank J. (,'heuoy makes oath that ho l tho
senior partuerof thti ilrui ot F, J. Cheney j; Co ,
ilotns mnliU'M In tho rltv of Toledo, c'mntr
and utatc aforesaid, and that Raid (rm will nay
tho sum ol Oao Hundred Dollars for each and
evorycafeof Catarrh that cannot he cured hv
tuoufoof Haifa Catarrh Care.
Sworn to Iwforo mo and stibserthod In my
prefoneo thin 6th ilayof f)eiviabyr, A
I,-,. I). IMG.
'Ril I A. W. OLKASO.V,
.TTT; ... ... Notary t'ubllc.
Ilall'a Catarrh Cut is taken Internally and
acta dlrcctiy on the blood and mucoui nuhce
otthoiystcin. Send for testimonial,!,;.
, . . r! J !"KNKV fc CO., Toledo, Ohio.
fold by druKgUli, 75c.
Haifa Family I'll In aro tli best.
Famous Catholic College's Thirtieth
Washington, I). C, Sept. a. Car
loll Institute, one of the best known
Catholic Institutions in America, cel
ebrated its thirtieth anniversary to
day with a public meeting and ban
quet attended by diplomats, public
olllcials and scores of other eminent
menilifiH of the lioiniin 'itli.,ii.
The institute, which was lounden
In 1873 and named lu honor of Arch
bishop Carroll of Maryland, has for
a quarter of a century been the cen
ter of Human Catholic social and lit
erary lire in tho national capital,
lirllilaut receptions to high digni
taries or tne church, conventions of
national Interest to Catholics and
mass meetings of more than local im
portance have been held within us
walls on various occasions, all of
which lias caused the Institute to be
come a familiar namo among wo
Catholic people of tho entire coun
try. The Instltulo occuplos a hand
some building or Its own in Tenth
street, formally opened In ISO:: with
n brilliant reception In lienor of Car
dinal Satolll.
Athena. Ore., Sept. 3. Saturday
night, whno driving homo from town,
S. P. Purdy mot with a very painful
accident. His horse became frac
tious, and throwing him out of the
rig he struck a barbed wire fence, re
coivlng an ugly triangular cut, ex
tending both below and above the left
eye. Dr. Sharp dressed Mr. Purdy's
wound and found It necessary to ta.e
11 Ptitches.
Alias Grace MeKIro will soon start
for linker county, where she will
tench a six-month term of school.
Samuel Hoohr went over to Hlng
ham Springs Thursday atter his fam
ily, and finding his wife sick sent her
home on the train She contracted
the neuralgia, which settled in her
jaw. She had to take chloroform to
havo one of her teeth extracted. She
is some better nt present.
.Mrs. O. M. Castleman of Lu Grande.
Is here visiting friends und lelatlves.
.Mrs. .Martha Wallace died Sunday
at her homo near Milton,
flrajidpn Helmlck, famer or Mrs.
Samuel Hoohr, is on the sick list ,nt
Hoy, son or Mr. nud Mrs. 1,'. L. Har
nett, wub sick Sunday, hut he is
better at present.
Ex-Senator Price and family were
culled to the bedside of Jlrs. Price's
step-brothur'fl wife, who was danger
ously III.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Gerklng, who lo
cated In the Payette valley this
spring, are well pleased with their
now homo. With the means of Irri
gation at hand, tho soil is very pro
ductive. Fruits and alfalfa ate the
principal products.
.Miss Helen Moussu, of Pendleton,
was the guest Sunday or miss Kilna
Taylor, at her homo near Athena,
Miss Jennie Mays, who has been
visiting at Elgin, stopped over in
this city a day last week on her way
home to Dayton. She was a guest of
Mrs. Aieta Planiondou,
Bliss Evn Itfiler returned homo
Thursday from nn extended visit at
Elgin and Joseph.
The Christian church gavo an en
tertainment nt the church last Sun
day, as a farewell parting of tneir
pastor, in which an elaborate dinner
was served for all. Mr. Slas. the pas
tor, took his departure for Crook
county this morning. The Athena
people feel not only the loss of a good
pastor, but also two or the most high
ly esteemed citizens in the city.
Mrs. William Koontz wont to El
borta. Wash., tills week, where shu
will visit with her son and daughter,
Hov. aud .Mrs. Ambrose Huberts. .Airs.
Koontz will spend next week in Sno-
kano, attending conference.
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. .Miller and sun,
Hall, left Saturday tor Long Heaeh.
where they will enjoy the sea breezes
and escape the Kastern Oregon dust
for a brief season. Mr. .Miller will
attend to business in Fori...... and
Sound cities before returning home.
-Mis. Hussell. of Portland, is visit
ing at the home of her parents, .Air.
and Mrs. Caten of this city.
Mr. and .Mrs. Green Etos letiirne..
homo tills weok from Hlngliam
niuiHKH wuuie uiey navo noon em
ployed in business. They wero also
accompanied by her son, Charles
Miss Mne Swart has returned home
irom a very pleasant trip lu the
mountains with a party of friends,
.miss swart left Hlngliam Springs
i or iimcK mountain, traveling on
horseback and carrying her camping
outfit on pack horses. Great miniiii.
ties of huckleberries were found, and
-miss hwart succeeded in bringing out
1 1 ipiuns, cannon.
-Mrs. ,1. H. Owens and two iinnuli
ters returned home Sunday from tho
winameite valley, where they spout
urn iiiuiuiiH visiung relatives
Big Sale of Wheat.
Claud Stein sold to J. L. Khun 20,'
000 bushels of wheat at GO-! cents.
Timber Claims In Idaho.
A. J. Baglev and o n nimniiu.,..
lain returned Sunday from a abort
rip io Meadows, Idaho, where they
located timber claims.
On the State Committee.
Mrs. K. H. Cox litis been appointed
a member of the stato committee on
Lewis and Clark Fair work, under tho
management or the Federation or
Women's Clubs. .Mrs. Cox Is undow
ered to appoint suli-cominlttees. At
a meeting or the Friday Afternoon
Club held nt tho homo of Jlrs M 1j
Watts, on the last Friday In Septem
ber, the matter will bo taken up.
Mrs. Canflcld and Daughter Will Re.
turn Soon to Reside Ex-Postmaster
of Echo Is Here on a Visit
Packing Company Making Changes.
Keho. Or.. Sept. 2. W. II. Skinner,
of l.owlston, Idaho, one of the parties
Interested In the purchase recently
made of the Sparger property, came
down this morning to look after his
Interests bete. It Is the Idea of this
company to develop quite it stock
lanclt of this property, and they will
no doubt make It a dividend payor,
as they aio practical Irrigators and
business men as well.
.Mrs. H. C. Cnnfleld and daughter.
Helen, came In this morning from a
visit to their old home in Ohio. They
alio visited Chicago, Denver and Salt
Lake City. They departed on the
evening train to meet Mr. Cnnlk'ld
at Wallace, Idaho, after which they
will leturti and take up their resi-1
deuce hero. 1
Tue American Hare Packing Com
pany are moving the butcher r-hop
Inlo their now plant today.
Mr. Andiows, n former merchant
and postmaBter nt this place, is here
after nn absence or sovernl years, j
He exptosses himself as surprised at .
Kclio's growth, j
A Boy's Wild Ride for Life.
With family around expecting him
to die, nnd u son riding for IHo, 48
miles to get Dr. King's Now Discov
ery for consumption, coughs und
colds, W. H. Iirown, of Lecsvillo, lml,.
n.wlnrml dentil's nCOIllOS from nstll-
ma; but this wonderful medicine
gave instant relief and soon cured
him. He writes: "I now sleep sound
ly every night." Like marvelous
cures of consumption, pneumonia,
bronchitis, coughs, colds nnd grip
prove Its matchless merit for nil
throat nnd lung troubles. Guaran
teed botlolH r0c and $1.00. Trial bot
tles free at Tnlitnnn & Co.'s drug
Have your
shoes rupalred nt
brt FO
ffif Vosar
Great I
Idaho is Expected to Make
Fruit Exhibit.
Ogden, Sept. 2. The headquarters I
of the National Irrigation Congress in ,
this city today received a letter from
the French embassy at Washington, 1
stating Hint France would be lopre-i
sented at the Irrigation congress by 1
M. Max Couppey d La Forest, secie-i
tnry of the French commission of the '
water study. The display of Irriga-1
tlon-grown fruits promises to be the '
finest exhibit ot Its kind ever shown.
Idaho fruit growers are to make a
strenuous effort to capture the- first
prize for fruit and tho aiinouncemoiit 1
was made today that Hint state w..i !
send an exhibit showing ,'100 varieties !
of fruit grown under irrigation. I
Wga(gaitBin3 Trip
Pcoile who have been on
t! oir HiiitiniLT vacations are
In L'innine; to return and
an' bringing hack with
them sonic beauti
ful picture!-.
Cameras . Films,
Plates, all kinds albums,
printing paper, mounts,
and all kinds of supplies
fot amateur photo
graplicrs at low
We'll Help Yo with
Your Photo Troubles
Just call up Main
ton's Candy Store, wo wij
our wagon around wtv
quantity of Ice cream yQ0
What dessert enn you get
sat Hincrnrv nmi
Hlhj lint lilnntl.nM ....
v '"-"1'iwi, man t
and ice cream, nnr ...J
mire rnui nmi .in- n
iry our not weather
Try our candies, they a
fresh every day
W. Scfimiclt
Tho Reliable Druggist
k-ostofiic- mock l'hoiu M.1I11S51
1 1
place your order with 11s
Fir. Tamarack
tJIM... 1
xeicpiionc maini
John Noo, of Woodburn, lost ills 4
right arm Saturday,
circular saw.
by falling on a ; J
A Serious Mistake,
K. 0. DoWIH & Co. is the name ot
tho firm who mako tho genuine Witch
Hazel Salve. DoWltt'.s is tho Wlti..
Hazel Salve, that heals without leav
ing a scar. It is a serious mistake to
use any other. DoWItt'a witm. iin.
zel Salve euros blind, bleeding, iten
ng and protruding piles, burns
bruises, eczema and all skin diseases.
Sold by Tallman & Co.
A i!0.year-old New York bov is
custody for bigamy.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
Has a world-wide famo fur marvel
ous cures. It surpasses any other
salve, lotion, ointment or balm for
cuts, corns, bums, bolls, sores, fel
ons, ulcers, tetter, salt rheum, fever
sores chapped hands, skin eruptions;
Infallible for plies. Curo guaranteed.
Only B cents at Tallman & Co.'s,
Do You Want a Cab?
When you want prompt and relia
ble korvlco call up 'phono Main 101.
Tho McKay Cab Co.
A Young Investor
can ill-afford to be without the
book published by The Mutual
Life Insurance Company of
New York "A Banker's
Will." It explains a curious ij
provision in the will of the
President of a National Hank
in New York City, and gives
he list of securities in which
the largest accumulation of
trust funds in the world is
invested. The book is sent
free -to those who write.
Tht, Cumpany ranlci j
irj In Alum.
First in Amount Paid Policy holdrri.
Ftrltln Aje.
The Mutual Life Insurance
Company of New York
l:tutu A McCurdy. I'rewdenl.
Alma D. Katz, manager, Holso, Idaho.
Frank L. Hammond. District Manager,
Pendleton, Oregon.
cure dyspopsin and all disorders nrls
Ing from Indigestion. Endorsed by
ihyalclans everywhere. Sold by all
druggists. No cure, no pay 23 cents.
inai package free by writing to W.
Hill V
Military fj
Academy l
Telephone Mnlu
Dr J. W. Hill, Principal.
Mth & .Marshall Sts., Portland,
Now buildings, modern and
Manual training, military
Hoys successfully fitted for
all colleges or for business life.
Principal of -'C years' experi
ence in Portland.
Hoys or any ngo admitted a,t
any tlmo.
Write for catalogue
Fall term opens September
m Time I
; k Bum M
Now is the accepted gj
have your house naintedfo
percd. A little painting ld
there will heln Its IoohiIj
fully. Some nice, bright,'!
wall paper will lend a ltao.
to any room. Our siocxnys
St. Helen's Hall.
Iliih a Normal Kindergarten Training)
Class In connection with Its Acade
mic Department. Separate residence.
Two-yenr course. Model Kindergar
ten. Provides practice work. Fori
details address
paper was never .nore awgt
pattern in endless varlt'jPW
every one new and up-M
color design. Better come JW"
let us show them to you lESk,
you what it will cost fey
whole house or one room.J
E. J. MutM
111 Court Street,
H. Hooker & Co.. nuffntn M. v
W. Schmidt & Co.
Heforo decldlnir win lVO til im tr
I school, examine n
How to Join and Get Quick Results 1
at Small Cost.
Why not Join our union or piano
purchasers and have a hundred do!-'
lars? You can do It and we can help I
you. This Is how It Is duno: Wo can
muii auorn 10 sen ten or muio pianos
cheaper than ono, so havo organized
a union or ten membors. You Join
nnd pay $10.00 down nnd $10.00 a
month, tho piano is yours. Now here
Is tho best part of It. Kvory time n
new member loins the nrlee nt v,,n,.
Instrument depreciates in price W
in other words, when tho union is
lllled ovcry member gejs his instru
ment $10j loss than regular price,
for example, a regular $:i()O.0O Instru
ment enn bo bad fur 'nn nn i...
Joining tho union. Don't delay tak
ing advantage of tills great opportu
nity, as it will onlv Inst II few wnnl.-n
or the dull season. This, combined
with our easy payment plan nnd ex
change COIltrnCt HHlkl It nnmlhl.
for everyone .0 havo nn Instrument.
I liorkeluiii's Piano House, ;HG R
Court streot. Everything musical.
t-uuiiusuo ior 1110 cuming your. Now
building and equipment. Now man
agement, and a faculty ot exporlonc
od teachers. Special arrangement
for music students and for the caro
tid oversight of all students from out
or town. All grades of public school
work thoroughly done. Our college
preparatory work Is nccopted by the
best colleges Knst and West. Moral
and social advantages the vory boHt.
Torm begins Soptombor 14, 1003.
in diivlng Is tho caufeo H
riago nccidonts, but cnreie
never bo charged against '
Ing ronalrs. All work entl
us Is finished in tho bftl
possible, by skllltul workit
roimlred vehteln often ll
hands bettor than now
Oct your tires sot on ou'J
machine. linen not burn 1
Ttrx l.nnll.... .... tlw. tnWnfii 4
in iii;imiiK inn ii"--
Inn bolts. LiistH lomier n
way. Set them while n
This machine Is used by ,c
criunonts nn nrtlllerv W&fel
count of Its superiority J
methods. Wo Have no' 1
prlcoj wo sot big or sw11!
n sot. I
Winona wagons, hacks J
are the best. Wo keop i"1'