East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 03, 1903, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
fee dell rorfd m ynnt realdencc
lire ol buxluen by carrier .t
Tonight nml
Friday fair:
5c A WEEK.
warmer tonight.
no. -tsnn.
iry Commission is in
ion, With Lord Chief
:q Presiding.
May Be Followed by Com
: Proposed United States
nada Cash for Disputed Ter-
B-Bclicf Prevalent In London
mericn Will Get the Docla.
ur, tnc united States.
Canadians will fnvor
Sopt. :i, Thirty persons,
the secretaries and oounsol
ent. No business lg being
id, the mooting being ue-
LlvorBtone, lord chief justice
nd, was chosen president;
l Tower, the Drltlsh minister
rt, secretary; John Carter,
raunorlcan embassy, and Popo,
(.Canadian office, are aBsIstanl
:t meeting will bo held tho
tho Canadian argume'iU
ard. Tho meetings will all
o tho public.
ncral bcllor Is that the
lltnc nfimint lucn "Tim tliwm
? commissioners will nmli.
tho Do
nd tho result therefore, do
Alvorstono. ff he agrees
Canadians thoro will ho a
Tho result may then be a
suggested if this happens
may take tho whole of tbo
territory and make a sub
ioney payment to Caratla.
e Washington View.
ton, Sopt. 3. An abstract
Ited States argument In the
oundary dlsputo was made
ay It goes over tho ground
i and ndrls u bit of history
tho controversy onco nearly
iln war
ument declares that the
commissioners' contention
da's claim to the territory
d of Lynn canal was at that
rchasod from Russia) well
ijtho United States Is false.
: "This gratuitous asser
ts no proof to sustain. It
as'said If the Canadian govern
hd Instructed British vessels
regard these regulations there
have been grave danger of se
lendltlons. There undoubtedly
havo been collision, just ac
y)ats If they had been instruct
IhKcgard tho regulations of the
New York.
Occurs In New Jersey Chem-
itU Icnl Works.
fc N. J Sept. 3. Tho oxpio-
boller utmost completely
ho plant of the Von Winkle
Company this afternoon. It
1st reportod that 10 were
later all were accounted
twqre probably fatally in-
r CarlCrashes Into a WagcVi
vOne Person Killed.
,tl. Sent I! A trnllair ,.or
iwn a 45-degreo Incline on
eilUO this mnrnlnr nml
io track at a curve, crashed
eon. Tho neennnnta nf thn
Id several on tho car wore
tjmiimniy fatally The car
led to work.
He uecamp liesigns From
the Army.
tSopt. 3. A local nowsna-
jtho czar's favorlto aldo do
Irshall Dragomlroff, has re
Icauso ho objected to tho
! employment of tho army
lassacro of political malcon-
morlcan mllllonalro spent
ist year on tho malntonanco
Ifoot yacht, Another claims
(acht cost him $1,000 ovory
In commission.
Quotations Furnished by Coe Commis
sion Company B. E. Kennedy, Lo
cal Manager.
Chicago, Sept. .1. Desplto tho con
tinued dullness In tho stock market,
tho conviction that when there Is any
Important movement It will bo up
ward, Is bpcomlng stronger. Observ
ant brokers say that offerings de
creaso when prices decline and that
stocks sold by bearish speculators
aro finding tholr way cither into tin
boxes or tho hands of largo opera
tors who believe that tho corn crop
will be a good ono and that when It
Is out of danger from frost there will
bo a revival of speculative activity.
An operator who holds these views
quotes tho representative of nn in
terest which Is an Important factor In
cash corn business and which has
correspondents all through tho corn
bolt as summing up the crop outlook
thus: Corn is backward. If, how
over, frost holds off until September
1G, there .vill bo a crop. If wo got
light frosts between now and that
date tho crop will be cut to 1,100,000
Wheat Opening. Close.
Sopt l. SVA 81
Dec S2)i 82
Dec CHA. 51
May 51 51
Minneapolis, Sept. 3.
Vheat Opening. Close.
Sept 85 83
Doc 84 83
Chicago Wheat.
Chicago, Sept. 3. Wheat opened
82',; closed 82.
An Easy Stock Market.
Nov,' York, Sept. 3. The stock
market opened slightly easier, but
prices are not as low as thoso re
ported from London. The list gen
erally averaged y8 lower.
Threatens to Send an Army
Into Bulgaria if the Latter
Remains Rebellious,
Turkey Is Accused of Being Respon
sible for the Guerilla Warfare In
Macedonia, Where Irregular Sol
diers Pillage and Persecute the
Christians Sultan Declares God Is
His Prompter.
Scene Is Upon the Largest Military
Reservation in United States,
Where There Are Quarters for
Eight Thousand Men.
Junction City, Kan., Sept. 3. Tho
most unique camp in the history of
warfare, mimic or real, is planned
for tho maneuvers at Fort Riley. Tho
camp will lm in tho form of a huge
fan, the troops being encamped in
regular formation along the ribs. At
the end of tho imaginary handle will
be the commanding officer's head
quarters, Between this point and the
positions of the various organiza
tions will be sufficient space to hold
a review of the entire 14,000 troops
that will be assembled.
Few people aro aware that at Fort
Riley, 135 miles west Kansas City, Is
maintained a post that represents the
largest outlay of money of any two
other posts in the United States.
Here aro barracks for 8,000 privates
and quarters far a proportionate num
ber of officers. Here also Is the larg
est riding hull, military or otherwise,
in the world, as well as the largest
dining room. In tho dining room is
table spaco for 2,000 persons, and
moro than that number havo eaten
therein at one time.
Evory building Is made of white
magnesia limestone, and nn independ
ent gas plant, electric light plant ana
waterworks aro maintained. The res
ervation is of proportionate size, con
taining 72,000 acres.
Berlin, Sopt. 3, A local newspaper
today says it was a false report of
the attempted assassination of Mag
elssen; a trick designed to enable
Americans to Interfere in European
affairs. Tho article concludes with
a scurrilous attack on Americans and
tho American navy. It declares tno
officers and men of the European
squadron disgrace themselves by
riotous conduct In every port they
An Ultimatum.
Rerlln, Sept. 3. The Lokal Ansel
gor states that Turkey has addiessed
an ultimatum to Bulgaria making va
rious demands, the fulfillment of
which are cxpocted tonight. If tho
ultimatum Is rejected Turkey will in
vade Bulgaria witli an army tomor
row. The paper says tno German
foreign olUco regards the dispatch as
i altogether too alarming.
High and Pure Motives.
Constantinople, Sept. 3. Replying
to a speech of congratulations olfor
ed In his behalf by the heads of the
religious communities who hud re
ceived an audience on Tuesday, the
anniversary of his accession, the sul
tan established a precedent by per
sonally addressing the visitors and
speaking at some length. He said:
"All my desire Is for tho welfare of
the population without distinction as
to race or religion. 1 call God to
witness the sincerity of my declara
tion, and that all my aspirations and
work are for tho welfare and prosper
ity of all my subjects."
Folsom Fugitive Supposed to Have
Murdered and Robbed in Chicago.
Chicago, Sept. 3. A photograph in
the rogues gallery of Richard Gor
don, one of the convicts who escap
ed from Folsom, Is tho likeness of a
man seen loitering about tho Chicago
car barns the morning two employes
were killed and ?3,400 was stolen.
Mrs. Harry Dupreo. who livos near
the barns, made the identification.
She declares tho photograph an exact
likeness of ono of tho mon she saw.
Crosses the Line One and One
Half Minutes Inside the
Time Limit,
Attempt Falls to Make Wealthy Men
Criminally Responsible.
New York, Sopt. 3. Justice Gum
mors this morning granted tho mo
tion of tho defense In tho enso of .1.
J. Cnssatt, president of tho Pennsyl
vania railroad and 11 other wealthy
men, all directors In tho North Jer
sey street railroad, dismlBsIng tno In
dictments ngalnst thorn charging
thorn with manslaughter In connec
tion with tho death of nine school
children who were killed in a col
lision between a street car and a
Lackawanna train.
Race Started In a Drag, Continued
In a Brisk Wind, But Was Expect
ed to End In a Fluke Third and
Last Race of This Series and
Holds the Cup.
Secret Service Guard on Sagamore
Hill Will Be Increased.
Oyster Bay, Sept. 3. President
Houm'voH locelved a largo batch of
telegrams this morning congratulat
ing him on his escape from an attack
by Henry Wolubrcnner. Ono Import
ant result of tho attempted assassi
nation will bo the Immediate Incieaso
ol secret service guards about Saga
more Hill.
Famous Filipino Leader Advises Ac
quiescence. Manila, Sept. 3. Agulnaldo, the ex
revolutionary leader, but now u pro
nounced supporter of tho policy main
tained by the United States in tne
island dependency, has just address
ed a letter of advice to Ins country
men. In this ho urges tiiem to for
sake their besetting sin gambling:
to improve their methods of agricul
ture, and to attend the public schools
so generously provided to afford
them educational facilities.
Ten and One-Half Million Dollars in
One Shipment.
New Ywk, Sept. 3. Guarded by
quads of secret service men and
regular soldiers, 110,500,000 In silver
coin destined for tho Philippines, was
brought to the city today and imme
diately shipped to Manila.
Rev, C. D. Nlckelsen Backs Out
Quietly by Agreement.
Spokane, Sept. 2.Uov. C. . Nich
olson, tho Methodist minister, after
a conference with Bishop Hamilton,
today formally withdrew from ills
pastorate and tho church. Nlckelsen
came hero to commit suicide with
Mrs. Dunbar, of North Yakima. Nlck
elsen mado good, Mrs. Dunbar failed.
Wife of a Retired Merchant Shoots
Herself In San Francisco.
San Francisco, Sopt. 3. Mrs. Sep
hort Conn, aged 42, wire of Nathan
Colin, a retired merchant, suicided
this morning with n bullet through
tho heart. Tho shot was heard by a
maid, who found hor mistress dead.
Her mind was unbalanced, Sho loft
a noto saying: "You aro right, my
dear Nathan, to havo found mo so
changed In tho last few days. Par
don tho Immense Borrow this w...
cause you. A thousand kisses for
you. Sephort."
One Woman Kills Another Because
She Wants Her Husband,
Denver. Sopt. 3. Mrs. Theodore
Kretz was called to her door this
mornln by Mrs. Kato F. Menior,
who shot and killed her. Mrso. Mo
nier was enamored of tho murder
od woman's husband und her affoctlon
was not reciprocated. She Ib believ
ed to be mentally unsound.
M. Curie, the discoverer of radi
um, has found 'that tno rays of radi
um color gloss a violet blue.
Highlands. Sept. 3. Prospects for
a race today are good. A two-knot
breeze was blowing at 9. hut at noon
it had increased to about seven
Got a Late Start.
Highlands, Sept. 3 Reliance
crossed the Hue at 12:01. Shamrock
20 seconds later, iinolllcial time. Reli
ance held tho load, outpointing Sham
rock. Promises Another Fluke.
After waiting until almost the last
minute granted by the rules, Reli
ance and Shumrock Marled today in
a race that promises to be another
lluke. The racers went to the start
ing line at tho usual hour, but the
wind was only blowing two knots.
As tho day wore on the wind increas
ed, lull very slowly. Soon, however,
it had taken a velocity of about six
knots an hour, and the yachts hur
ried away on a thrash of 15 miloR to
wtndwnrd and return.
I un at tne I ime Limn.
A haze bung over both boats when
Hie starting gun was fired. The of
ficial time of the start was: Reliance.
12:01 iSO; Shamrock, 12:0(1:20. Tin
wind freshened, although n bit un
steady. Reliance continually draws
away from Shamrock, and a half hour
after tho start was nearly an t'U'l'th
of a mile In the lead. Managed to
sail, not to windward, but forercach
ed on the Englishman, and as In pre
vious races, Itch! her head right and
slipped along faster than 1 lie challen
ger. At 2 the wind was blowinv: el.Jil
Knots, and if It holds out tho yachts
should finish by 5:30, tho tunc .lrnlt.
it Is Reliance's Race.
At 2:25 Reliance has tint wiudwnid
position, is half u mile in the lead,
and out looting and outpointing Sham
rock. At 2:3-1 Reliance is still increasing
her lead.
Reliance turned tho oilier mark at
3:01 ; Shamrock two minutes later.
Reliance Has Long Lead.
At 3:50 Reliance Is now Hying Homo
with all sail not und about .a mile and
a halt In the lead.
At 4:0t Rellanco is still outfooting
Shamrock and nearly two miles In
tho lead. Will finish before tho ex
piration of the time limit.
At 4:20 Rellanco Is spinning along
at a good clip, about seven miles
from the finish.
At 4:30, if tho wind holds Reliance
should Unlsh In an hour.
A Fluke Is Expected.
At 5:05 Reliance Ib two miles from
tho finish. It is now doubtful if she
can finish on (lino on account of the
Reliance Wins.
Reliance crossed the lino at
5:28:30, thus winning the third race,
the end of this series.
I Crown Prince of Saxony Forced O.it
' of the Amv.
I Bi'illn. Sopt. 3. Tho crown prince
of Saxony lias Ixjcii forced out of tne
army because lie refused to challenge
a hiothor-in-law of Prince Leopold
Ferdinand to a duel on account of tho
hitter's connection witli tho elope
ment of the sister of the crown prin-
! cess of Germany.
Postoffice Robbed.
Capo May, N. J., Sept. 3. The post
ollloe at Cape May Court House was
robbed of $2,000 in stamps and money
lasl night.
Norwegian-Danish Press.
St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 3. Prominent
Scandinavians of Illinois, Kansas,
Iowa, Minnesota and the Dakotus are
gathered In tho Twin Cities to a to
tal of several thousand to attend a
series of meetings which began to
day with the annual convention of
the Norwegian-Danish Press Associa
tion at tho Windsor hotel In this
city. Tomorrow thero will be a meet
ing of Det Norsge Selskab (Tho Nor
wegian Society), a national organiza
tion designed to unite ull tho Nor
wegians in tho country. Saturday tho
Valdrls Sambrund, an organization
of natives and descendants of tho
provinces or Vulders. will hold its an
nual reunion.
Ueronlmo and u dozen of Ills Ap
ache warriors have joined mo Metu
odlst church at Ft. Sill, I. T having
been baptized In tho presonco of a
largo crowd of Indians and whites.
, There Was Nearly Fifty-Eight Thous
and Barrels In One Cargo, Besides
' Thousands of Dollars Worth of
Other Merchandise.
I Portland, Sept. 3. When tho China
liner Indrnveilli left her berth, short
' ly alter 9 o'clock this morning, sho
i carried the largest shipment of flour
I ever placed alumni a vessel sailing
from Portland or the Columbia, and
ono of tlio most gigantic the annais
of shipping show to have been ex
ported from the Pacific Coast. Sho
had exactly 57,077 barrels, represent
ing a valuo of $173,031.
The Bteninor carried a total of 14
passengorK, all steerage. 11 of them
Chinese bent upon a junket into tho
sunny Orient, and three of the list
despondent JapaiiOHO who were not
permitted to land here, failing to
qualify under the stringent cxaminn
tlons to which they were subjected
by Immigration Inspector Harlier,
Tho Celestials comprlf-o the entire
number of travelers, the liner not
taking out any Caucasians this trip.
All her cargo was not stowed
aboard, as her register showed Bho
was drawing over 22.fi feet of water,
and it was deemed advisable by tho
til lot anil ofllcials of tho Portland
Asiatic company, to lighter 200 tons.
This was loaded upon a barge today
and will bo towed to a point below
Holder's Ilnr, to he hoisted aboard.
She accepted a (inutility of general
merchandise, besides beer, clgaretteB
and other stuffs, all of which brought
the total valuation of her cargo to
$190,077. The Indravelll established
lilt! Hour record from this port in De
cember, but the load now In her hold
Ih larger by fully 4,000 barrels.
The British steamship Iudrapura
will bo the next of the licet in port.
She is due about September 22, but
liaK not yet left Yokohama. Tne
Portland officers expect a cablegram
announcing her departure from there
R. N. Stanfield Will Ship 1,300 Head
of Beevers to Portland.
R, N. Stanfield, of Echo, was In
the city today and Is on his road to
Uklah, where ho goes to receive tho
large number of cattle ho has bought
of parties In that part of the country.
Tine consignment consists of 1,300
head of young beef cattle ho has
bought of II. II. Trowbridge und Joe
McGIll, of Izee, on tho South Fork.
Ono thousand of tho cattle will bo
delivered at Uklah, and will bo taken
to the Butter creek country, where
they will bo fed through tho winter
for tho spring market. Three hund
red or tho lot will bo driven to (ills
city, where they will bo shipped to
the Union Meat Company, of Port
land. Tho delivery Is to bo made
about tho first of the coming month.
Business Mon Decide to Hold
a Five-Day Event, October
6 to 10.
E. J. Arnold Will Have Charge of All
Details Carnival Colors Decided
Upon Queen Will Be Elected Ex
cursion Trains Will Probably Be
Run Country to Be Thoroughly
Carnival Is tho word.
Tho business men mot at tho coun
cil chamber last evening and bo no
dded. Tho preliminary arrangements for
a live-days' merchautu' carnival and
street fair to bo held from October
0 to 10 inclusive, were mado with
I', .1. Arnold, and tlio matter is now
being finally arranged.
Mr. Arnold will hi lug bin nxeollout
aggregation of dhows here, furnish a
good baud of music, arrange for the
thorough advertising of tho carnival,
and hnvo complete control of the en
tire event. Ho lelt for Portland last
night, where he goos to perfect ar
rangements for coining here on tho
date designated, and in the mean
time will leave some competent man,
not yet decided upon, to havo chargo
of the work of preparation hero. It
will require an Immense amount of
labor, time and expeusu to complete
arrangements, and bill the Interior
It Ib the Intention or Mr. Arnold
to make a special effort to advertise
tho carnival In tlio Interior and out
side districts, am! to this end will
start a man nml team through the
country, nB soon as htu posters are
ready, und when ho In done with the
task every settler in tlio Interior from
Pendleton to John Day river will
know of the event.
If possible, nu excursion train from
different points will bo nrraugnd lor,
at least three days out or tho live,
nnd ull the county towns will ho given
a special oppoituulty to come to tills
elty during tho carnival,
Mr, Arnold promises a clean, moral
collection or carnival attractions, nnd
curries homo excellent features. Ills
shows will include tho following at
tractions on the regular carnival cir
cuit: Circus, Royal Menagerie, .lap
aneso Theater, Wallace's famous
glass blowers, plantation bIiows, l.or
etta Twins Vnudovllle Co., Allco, tho
Wonder, Hlcctrlo Theater, tho (Iroat
Alaska Sea Serpent ami tho pleasuro
Resides these attractions, It will
probably bo arranged to have a fine
stock show two days, In which some
2C prizes will he given; an agricul
tural and horticultural exhibit, and
private booths, representing tho va
rious branches of business In the
city, will also bo part of the cai nival.
Tlio main attractions will ho located
ed on Court and Alta streets, the clr
cus on tho vacant lot near tho
Shields. Park, and tho booths in
front of each business house repre
sented. The city will be decorated appro
priately for tlio occasion, tho national
colors or red, white and blue having
been chosen as the carnival colors.
Tho selection of carnival (pieon will
bo one of tho Interesting features.
There will bo no board fenco at any
place In tho city, everything to ho in
tents, and free passage) through to
all tho streets being nssured. One
thing which Mr. Arwhl nssuies the
city, Is that no fakirs or grafters of
anv character will he allowed to op
erate In tho elty, as part of his shows.
What lie brings will he clean mm
ahovo question.
Tho surrounding country is corui-
ally invited to help Pendleton make
this event a success. After a bounti
ful harvest und a seasun of prosper
ity In ovory lino, it Is lilting that she
should celebrate tlio closo or tho busy
year, with a week of plousure nnd en
joyment in which her neighbors
should ho the guests of honor.
Two Promotions,
I2d C. Oedding, llreman on tins O.
R. & N. yard engine, will tonve for
La Grande tomorrow to accept a po
sition ,'ns fireman on tho nittfn line,
and l. D. Held, of thlg city, will be
fireman on the yard engine In his