DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1903. ..! t;" Ui lubllhI overy afternoon icicent Sunday) at Pendleton, Oreson, by the EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. 'I'iione. llnln 11. SUItSCnill'lON HATIJS. Itollv one year by mnll Daily, U moiillw by mail Onlli, three months by moll D.illy, one miinth by mnll Dnlly. per month by carrier Wtmly, one yenr by mnll VeklT. lx mtmtlw by mail Weekly, four months by mall . . . Seml-vveekly. one year by mnll . . itml-Weekly, elv month by mnll Soil Weekly, three month by mnll .?3.00 . J.SU . 1. . .no . .05 1,S? .7." . .RO . 2.00 . 1.U0 . .50 The Hunt Oregonlan In o.i rale nt It. It. lllch s News Stands at Hotel l'orttaml and Hotel Perklu. Portland. Oregon. Member Hi-i-lnns-Mcltac News Awl.i turn. taiT Franclwm Bureau. 408 fourth St. Chicago Knreau. OMi Security Unlldlnit. Washington. t C. Hurenu, SOI Htb St., .S". W. Rnrered at Pendleton poatofflei' as seccond class matter. and controlled, they became n source of productiveness to tlio soil. This Is the exact status or the gambling nnd house of Ill-fame prop ositions, in civilised society. They are present everywhere. No system of policing can totally destroy them. If you scatter them, they only infest that much wider territory. So the only piactlcat thing to r'.o U to con trol them, and make them help sup port the state. Uy this plan It Is not meant to on the evils. It is meant to keep thorn under such strict regula tion, and make them pay such a pro portion of the burden of government, that the very occupation will finally become Irksome, niul the dovoteog of the trades will abandon them out of sheer oppression. This sounds harsh In some oars, It is true. It seems to be a license on crime, lint ir tne crime is In the community, in spite of law, , Is It not better to make It a pnrt of j the government, and keep it under strict control, than to allow It to on- j Joy fretom, and yet occupy apace, ' for which other industries must pay. j frnoze. They should be satisfied with the raise in wages, however, what they asked for. This Is In Inviting the carnival Pendleton Lars out the fakir and the grafter. If n clean week of amusement and sport can be offered, all right. If the city can promise the people from the country n respectable, moral collec tion of attractions, for the weok. no amount or pains nor expense should be spared In the attempt. Hut ir the main object Is to get the crowd aid then get Its money, It woul.l he bet ter for Poudloton to lot her reputa tion stand as It Is. Doubly blessed with high prices and good yields this year, the farmers of Umatilla county should build more and hotter permanent homes In this city this fall, than ever before. The school facilities are beyond compari son, the health of the city Is wood, and the completion of the sewer sys tem Insures a continuation and. even The Innocent The Guilty Suffer With FOR S Flic world to-day is full of innocent sufferers from that most loathsome disease, Contagious Blood Poison. People know in n general way that it is a bad disease, but if all its liorrors could be brought before them they .1,1 dm,, it n5 tbrv tin the Lcnrosv. Not oulv tlic ncrsotl who contracts it suffers, but the awful taint is transmitted to children, and the earl in sores j j tj) Alfalfa t , , Catarrh, and other evidences of poisoned blood 1 A'HU Ji show these little innocents are suffering the awful consequences of some We have the BestB in iuai estate. M some nice homes iJ be sold. Choice Bui body's sin. So highly contagions is this form of blood poison that one may acre to 1G0. tyh be contaminated by handling the clothing or other articles in use by a ! .racts f..nn 1f!r. person afflicted with this miserable disease. There is danger even m drink- u,u 1W ing fi-'om the same vessel or eating out of the same tableware, as many pure o qqq and innocent men and women have found to their sorrow. The virus of Contagious Tllood Poison js so ssfi iriSf &r BLOOD POISON IS WO Strraarsss respecter of persons Urop 01 Uinou m uiu uuuy tainted with the poison, and the eatf This is the charm, by soften of ten told, GotiTertlng all it touches Into gold; Content can soothe where'er by fortune placed. Or .rear a garden in a desert waste. H. Kltke White. There Is one m-heme to come be fore the Irrigation congiess, which meets at Ogden on Sutember 16, that should be defeated. This is scheme to have the govornmeut pro .... ....nn.laifn,, ,,f iiv,ml ml). v,e ... an ()ther pontipn,. SOclal. or religious lions of dollars to add to the accu-1 ' ' .. mulated national Irrigation fund, for organisation. skin is soon covered with n red rash, ulcers break out in the mouth and thro.it. swellimrs nnncar in the croins, the hair and .eyebrows fall out, an Improvement of the excellent snn-1 nU(j unicss the ravages of the disease are checked at this stage, more itarv conditions ! violent and dangerous symptoms appear in the form of deep and offensive I sores, copper colored splotches, terrible pains in bones and muscles, ami Th nntl,nllr lnrv In illffprpllt Yp,irr'l1 lirc.lkitlp- (loWIl of the SVStCUl. ific fnr Cnnt'atrious lllood Poison and the onlv remedy that antidotes this peculiar virus and makes a radical and complete cure of the disease. Mercury and Potash hold it in check so long as the system i3 under their influence, but when the medicine is left off the poison breaks out again as bad or worse than ever. Hcsides, the use of these minerals bring on Rheumatism and stomach troubles of the worst kind, and frequently pro duce bleeding and spottiness of the gums and decay of the teeth. S. S. S. cures 13lood Poison in all stages and even reaches down to hereditary taints- and removes alt traces ot the poison ana saves the victim Irani the pitiable conse- Horn & Swa Room io over Tavlj parts of the country is now making an effort to have the oath of the In ternational Typographical Union rhantrckA frttm Itfi timSMtlt fnrtll wllll'll binds the members to give tneir un divided fidelity to the union, "before This is a plan to enrich a few eon- funds now accumulated are used to reclaim the arid land of the West in UTILIZE THE EVIL. Itev. ndgar P. Hill, pastor of the Kfrat Presbyterian church of Portland,- has written an open letter to Jf-vw Williams of that city, protest- lug agahwt the mayor's plan of fining B prttc.tral mRnner. it is sumeient for gambling, and making it a source ot n )regpllI lnlrI,ogeg The ,,, that profit to the city, Inasmuch as it j ,g rHC,a)meil mll8t )niy hAck t0 thf, eslsta, ami will exist in spite or a.. ; t thf c,)8, , reclamation, police forces and mayors. In a greater thp eMn burden Q( approprln. or less degree. In every progressive' on Bhom , bf adde(, , u 0()1)t. c'w'- Just let the West reclaim itself. That 'uuv. tun wmnu, tinve oitt ann Keep . ... , .... .u- , .u, ..... I all asks. uut an me i mui unit lurws id tue cuj. the purpose of carrying on more ex-. Knowle8 hw jugt gh(3(1 a columI1 tensive Irrigation plans In the West. , mi( g hnf ()f ((mrg ,u Ul0 0r9K()nln i over the appointment of Ed Davis. tractors and favor a few localities. ; aR re?)Btl)I. of the La ciran,ie in,i , tpieiices of this monster scourge. As long as a drop of the virus is left in the blood it is liableto break out, and there is danger of transmitting the disease to others. S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable and Oregon dulegatlon take its medicine. This is what Dr. Hoosevelt ordered and it would brettd extravagance and , flfe poltie8 tn Oregon are getting can be taken without anv injurious effects to health, and ail experience of misuse of the fund, if the legitimate ue01. the nterMtiHR point. I.et the nearly flftweats proves beyond doubt that it cures Contagious Blood Poison completely and permanently. Write lor our r'' Home Ireatment Jloou," which dWcrihcs fully the diffi--rent stages and symptoms of the disease. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CAm LEGAL BLANKS JSS,SU afojw of them. A fH kocoIv aJwp.vs kept ia stock. Thomas J. Hamilton, of l'ortlnml aged 02. and .Mrs.. Victoria Witt, in Kmmet. Idaho, formerly husband and wife, have just remarried again, after a separation of 30 years. Poudloton Real Estate " i. inn ufiuug, stauie clfi i.w uuu z mis- $1,000 t; room dwelling and two J i uny simoon inwn, flnejjS I I-room bnardiiig house A unirnny located $2,500 1 5 room dwelling win, t,0 j suit. $i,uU. A number ot lots soniewhaij iu to ?ioo each, 1 lot on flat flvo blockt fi street. ?ono Other lotic encit. Jiucii other very desln t ror sale All sold o;d tome and buy To find Just wbnt )o;i, ri.nii price, sec I. 1). BOYD. Ill CcJ This scheme to bor row money anil load the burden on the arid districts, is not tho work of true irrlgntlonlsts. It would seem, i but of speculators, who expect to he benefitted by the construction of gov- f""-" au,t "Z J! ,Z ; erument works. As the idle lands i much lass derive a profit from them. This la easier snld than done. It I sounds practical on paper or from j tho pulpit, but in actual practice, it I Imnrnntlrnliln if umi snntlai- the cancer. It will break out lu a down BW 80,rl- ,et the l'roeeds be n),'"ed ! I othar places. The only way is toi' reciutntion. tuns Keeping a per control It. Concentrate It in one pe,uftl f,,ml 011 lmml- T,,e ,BW as spot, and gradually 1:111 It by confine-' now lrame1 ,s ver' 00'- N" ,m" ment and by a close check upon its meaae HPI'roprlntlon is noetled to progress 1 hamper the work of irrigation. II When the first Oermun Mtture j w"l only mid to the cost of the Irrl went to Samoa, they found acres and ! 8ated m,m- aml n,ake ,,,H ttler puy rack the money which Mi.' eonirai trrs received DO YOU GET UP "WITH A I,AME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. zs-tsaaiisfa Almost evervlxxlv who reads the m-- il Reading for Kilmer's hwaiup- bj - I .lev. 'liver ami bla.U fi t fo fl C W If I Iflh i. :. !.,' ., ,i -nfl v ical triuuipil ot tilt- unini i , .. ,i nineteenth century : iH ouc Do not Delay, i Gifted Man not Stay wlthYl Always. acres of the richest land on some of j tho small Islands used as tho roost-' Ing places for seabirds. This pre-, vented tho use of the land for any I other purpose, and so the old Gor-1 mans began to break up tho roosts and scatter tho birds to nthor parts ' of the Island In a few weeks tho ' noisy birds began roosting on house-' tops, on fruit trees. In gardens, on I fences, outbuildings, clothes-linos, vo-1 hides, and on anything that affordeu a resting place. Tho result was awful. Tho nause ating stench from the droppings caused sickness, fever and disease. Tho inhabitants could not prevent tho winged things from alighting on Ihuir promises, and were horrified nt The announcement of the Indian Territory. Arkansas. Kansas and .Mis souri coal companies that they have raised wages about 1", per cent, founds encouraging, and would in cline many people to soften their hnrsh hatred of tho truat. Uut this ilUcnvered utter vcirs j of Mrieutific re;.e:iri-h i iy ivr. i-hiiuii-7, iiir eminent kiiiuov anil bladder pevialit. .mil is wonderfulh Micce.-sful in promptly curing lame Ixiek, uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and lirighl's Disease, which i.- the worst form of kiduev trouble. Dr. Kilmer's 5vamp-Root i not rec ommended for everything but if you have kiduev, liver or bladder trouble it will be found' just the remedy you need. It has iieun lesicu in so work and in pri moved so success! snecial arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who have m Remember the Place, the Strahon Lodging Hoj Parlors I and 2, Office Hours 10 a, m. to 10 p. m. Is onlv one side of tin. storv. At tin- same time they raised tho wages of ' already tried it, may have a sanijile Home sent iree oy inaii, ui?ou injiK n;n- ing more about bwauip-Koot.aml how to iindoutif vou have kidney or bladder trou ble. When writing mention reading; this generous offer in tins paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer fr; to., mnguamiou I employes, the companies raised the I price of coal 20 por cent, and also j raised the freight rate on coal so It Is prohibitive In the coal mining tor j rltory affected. People In moderate , circumstances find It almost impossl ' ble to pay the exorbitant prices, and sS&SS: m fhe Lmiiieol World's Greyest Palmist Clara and Mystic Healer, Has No Equal, So Says Hie Public fill trahr)lt Ptlni. 'im nttt -' Mnoi, It -1 , . . i 'rl111 t ivp till uut. U( I v tne prospyct. Tho am formerly oc- i i . . , wuwiij ul tH impossible to ship in coal, so the trust is in control The common peo ple can elthiM buy lual at lis pric or eiipieit by the birds as a roosting placo was farmed, It Is true. It pro-! duced grout crops of tropic stuff, which mulched the owners, but II had cost the community lis healm and peaio. Kilially. otle old (itirnmn. wiser dian the rest, cimeolvud the plun 01 nu.i Ing the birds to return to tb,-,i old hauuta at night by vacating the land, and building roosts again m pa-( of the trees that had bei-n nit dovwi Soon a crusade against the bunted birds bogan In all the Island. The people drove them toward the old centers, ami fought them away from the settled districts. Soon thoy began to gather In multi tudes on tho roosts oreeled for them, and by degrees tho country districts ' were rid or them. The droppings I wuro concentrated In one place ami ' tho health of the community was gradually restored. I Tho guano produced by tho millions lof. fowls which Hocked to this roost, i was gathered up and distributed over Ihn adjacent land. The very evil the tho most dreaded and deadly of all inwplo had sought to remove bocamo dlseases. well as pneumonia, and a toureo of profit to the country The'0" 1,uns Troubles ro relieved at Urds wore ,n tho country a.,,1 could IAS .fSS, not bo driven out. They would Infest "ures coughs and colds In a day. 25 every homo nnd scatter tholr con. I fonts. Your monoy back If dlssatfs lamination on every part oi the Is-! led WrIto for Ireo 8an'Ple. W. H. laud. If dispersed. ' M,Lla fi, N' Y' F W" N. Y. iht regular fiftv-cent and one- dollar size lxttles arc Home ot Simr-Hoet. sold by all goiMl druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swani)-Koot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, ittd the address, Iliughamtoii, N. Y. on every ljottle. O SPICES, o COFFEE,TEA, BAKING POWDER, fliioIuePuriv. Fiixesfnavnr. I Greater Sfrmjlh. J?easort!2?rkes.! j CL0SSET&DEVEP.5 PORTLAND, OREGON. 3ii - -M 'W 11 CONSUMPTION 3 K Come and Bring Yonr Friends Show them what good laun dry work really means. Tho Domestic Laundry will bo al ways pleased to show Its skill and to demonstrate why their work is superior to all others, nnd how ono can add to his p-ersonnl comfort during tho heated term by having tholr linen laundered properly. DOMESTIC LAUNDRY Court and Tlioiujiion Streets MultituJes visit him daily. Wlmt he tells vou. (lm il. imod or bal - 1 1 . .1. . . ,1 Iff . . , " ' . - .. ! cii-i ut-iiBiiu up ui us int' truui. no ati vises ui lovo, marriage, divorce, health, property, speculat.on, lawsuits, fhann'., rivale, husbau-lp, wives, friends, success or failure in business, locates nr.nn- lmU hiddoti tranre articles His revel atioiiB are wonder!ul. There is nothing too mysteriotji nun in mi.vu unties i niu nave iituon place years ag-), even century described minutely by this wonderful man, while in tho death trance r.W .mi. Mute. ne can cuinniunicaie wit l smn , m n nonooa y Uvnn t welfa e Th" ignorant and the skeptic will say "I don't belbva that the! can be loretold. They might tell the past but not the future" Pliei occunns: daily in the heavens are loretikl years before they take nlacr. uu.i-ioii mnniiv u wim ine propnesieu event. Upon the same natu spiritual laws do I foretell events that are to take place or those tlut y avoid. Kead testimonial from one of your best citizens, and many more in my possession: Tn Conn, Pnik-i r.,.. Pendleton. Oregon; August j , " K.?ef S""h,u tea linK)'0U gave me last night was most satisfactory. I havet sve .ir n,,i ; T.i . erS' a,u' ,l,us far l,ave tailed to find your equal. Vo, " .1 ' ' tl,u 20th cu,,tl,r'- V1.'1' to!l' ' Pat with mathenmic exactness. Z i v Z " f nre . rrcct as 1 10?ku(l "P tl,e llnte 'I'ings unknown to an)' our welhrV. ,. H , l, ,-"u"rs'-enl "nt support ol this community With bust 1 our welfare and tliat your sifted power will stav with von. 1 am Sincerely Yours, C. , Are vou illy Have your doctors failed in vmn-nnv great M.ystu. Healer. He diagnoses your cafe clairvoyantly an Si fi-oly without asking you one single question the nture of yt II I S onnlL lX . " V0 U.bttck .v lost nerve anunergy wi uioottocr iuiu io ins magical power, Then call d tells n our nia"i l uui- J iininuiniminiiiinnnnnminn mramiiiiiiii t -v