East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 03, 1903, Image 8

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The Grand
And ou the Oxfords that arc
left wo tire making another re
duction to make room for our
fall stock of shoes, which will
arrive soon.
If you want ladles', misses',
men's, boys', youths' or little
gents' Oxfords, call and exam
ine our goods and prices before
Dindiager, Wil
son & Company
' Phone, Main iiSi
will return to tlio city about a month
earlier in order to have everything l
In readiness for the Improvements j
he Is Intending to put on tho place,
He will make somo nltoratlona to i
the Interior this year, but during the
coming year will make ninny Im
provements In the iin'iso r. many
ways. It Is tho Intention of the now
owner to make of the hotel nu up-to-date
family hotel, comfortable and
convenient In every way. The trade
was effected through the efforts of
the Hartmnn-Hentley Abstract Com-
Young Man From Baker City Is
In Jail While His Brothers Are
Rustling to Settle the Cnse Against
Him Out of Court Eight Dollars ' 1,R,'-
in Cash Was Stolen. , Mi,on and preewater Exhibits.
Carl Miller, a 19-yeni-old bov from! I,r- 'tUcHl wnnB the Or
Baker City. Is In the county jail i Informntlon Unreal returned
awaiting his examination for larceny ! at "0"" tm,a- from n vl,9lt JMllt
null r reewuicr, vm;iu nv iuvl iwi
J. W. Morrow Resigns to accept the
Position of Tax Agent With the O.
R. & N.
Portland. Aug. 3. J W. .Morrow,
of Heppner, hns resigned Ins position
as state land agent, to accept the
position of tax and land agent for
the O. P.. & IS". Company, In place
of Ahio S. Watt, who has held the
position Blncc tho company was first
Oswald West, of Astoria, has lieon
appointed laud ngent by Governor
Chamberlain, to succeed Mr. .Morrow.
J. W. Morrow Is one of the most
progressive young men In the state
and as an evidence of his ability
and fitness, Morrow county elected
him county clerk for four successive
terms, and state senator for four
Mr. Watt retires on account of his
advanced age, as he will be SO years
old when he steps out of his office
on the first of next January.
Operator for Coe Company,
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hannum, of
Havre, Mont,, are in the city and will
make this their future home. Mr.
Hannum hns accepted a position as
operator for the Coe Commission
Company and will be located here
New Examining Board.
The examining board for tho com
ing teachers' examination to bo held
the middle of the month, will be com
posed of J, F. Nowlln. Professor
Cherry, of Adams, and William Va
landlngham, of this city.
millll H-"H'H"M I"M-H"H-H-'
from a building. Friday afternoon
three brothers, Carl, Henry and Mox
Miller, came to this city from Athe
na, where they had boon working for
a day or two, expecting to work on
the sewer In this city. Thev went to
the Telephone Livery Stable and ask
ed to be allowed to change their
clothed there and remain until they
found a place to pitch their camp.
The permission was given nnd the
young men wont Into the loft and put
on other clothes, after which they
came down and were in the front part
of tlio stable.
C L. Howers. the owner of the
place, wont to his dinner, leaving
his sou In charge of the barn, anil
the latter went out to look nt n load
of hay. leaving the strangers in the
trout of the stable, near the ofllce.
He returned In a few minutes nnd
shortly afterwards the young men
left. Soon after that, having occasion
to go to tile till, it was discoveied
that about ?S In money had been
taken from the drawer. As there
had been no one else In the stable
but tho Miller boys. It was decided
that they were guilty of the theft,
and tho police were notified and com
menced search for them. They were
located Saturday evening In the back
of the Gratz saloon, and were taken
to the police station. It was found
that Mox Miller had been wormng on
the sewer Saturday afternoon when
the money was taken, but the other
two boys had been at the stable.
The older of the boys put tip a
straight story and convinced those
present that he had not taken the
money, but the younger one had not
so much to say. leaving it tor the
older one to explain all that had taken
place. He claimed to have $1.25 in
cash, but when he wns searched It
was found that he had a $5 gold
piece In a match box which he had
claimed contained fish hooks. He was
unable to account for the money, nnd
was taken to the jail and locked up,
It Is said that he confessed to having
taken the money, and tho brothers
are endeavoring to settle the matter
out of court.
Either the older one of the men is
Innocent, or he Is n good actor, for
while making his talk to the officers
on Saturday evening he broke down
and cried like a child lvecnuse of the
humiliation nnd disgrace of having
been called to account for such
crime. He put up a straight story as
to what he had done, and it was seen
that ho had not taken the money
The younger one of the men, and
the one who hnd the money on him
was more composed, though he look'
ed as though ho was sorry for having
1 1 got Into the predicament. Ho had
1 nothing to say until ho was searched
and then he also broke down and sob'
great success In collecting exhibits
ror the bureau. Ho shipped two lurge
boxes of excellent fruit exhibits. In
jars, samples of fresh fruit nnd nn ex
hibit of corn nine feet nnd tour
Inches In length, grown by W. Hnun,
of Froewnter. The Hour mills nt Mil
ton are now prepnring nn elaborate
exhibit which will be sent In later,
and many line agricultural exhibits
are now being gathered. The Shields
Fruit Company nt Freewatcr, will
prepare one of the finest exhibits
ever brought together In the state.
Pendleton Man Abroad,
Mr. Alfred I.ung, a prominent citi
zen of the Pendleton district, Is In
the city, having traveled from t'en
dleton to I.ewlston by prlvnto con
veyance. Mr. I.ang reports that tho
crops In the lowlands between here
nnd Pendleton nro very light, with
the exception of the Pomeroy dis
trict, which will have an average
crop. The farm land nearer the moun
tains has fnred much bettor than tho
lower sections nnd the crops of these
higher altitudes are vory satisfact
ory. Mr. I.ang hns looked over n
large portion of the country sur
rounding I.ewlston nnd Is much
pleased with the conditions found
here I.ewlston Tribune.
iiiwii wunuL. vi ivi.w i, llke n ,nby ns ll0 wns lGd ,,, the
Wo havo Just received a full X , Ja"
line of Gilpin. Langdou & Co.'s X I( ls claimed by the boys that they
nure. hleh srado Snicos. A few have never been In the enro of an of-
of tho varieties are
Cloves, English Mustard,
Red PepperBlack Popper,
White! Peppery Turmuric,
Cinnamon, Mixed Spices,
ficer until now. Carl, tho youngest.
and the one who took tho money,
has never before been away from
The case will conio up for cxamina
tion as soon as Prosecuting Attornoy
Hallcy returns from tho springs and
can make out the papers. It will In
all probability be heard tomorrow,
unless it Is settled nut of the court
room, as the lads on the outside are
attempting to do.
These are all guaranteed
T pure spices of the very best j
Z make. Put up In convenient I
sealed pnekages.
x When you want spices that J
are ngni, come u us
I Leading J)nij;nlsts T
, .. .;, i..i...K-fr;"H"H.4.'H "rat f November and Mr Ilr 'd
Hotel Will Change Hands November
1, Following Many Improvements
T. K. Heard has returned to his
home ut Modesto, Cal., after a visit
of sevoral days lit this city. Mr.
Beard Is tho gentlomnn who has
bought the Golden Ilulo hotel nnd lie
took with him the papers for the sig
nature of his wife.
The bote! will change hands nbf .it
They Lead the Procession
The popularly of Swift's products among all classes la vory
largely duo to the absolutely clean and hygienic conditions un
der which each enrcaso Is dressed, and the meat nnd tho food pro
ducts prepared and Inspected This Is particularly true of Swift's
Premium Ham and Bacon. From the Bleok, corn-fed hogs In tho
liens, tho carefully selected hams nnd bacon In the smokehouse,
tho final expert Inspection bv the I. S. government, and, lastly,
tho dainty wrapping in parchment paper, each step in tho evolu
tion of those nutritious and appetizing products Is a guaranteo
that they will always please.
John Adams In the Hospital.
John Adams, of Adams, who had
the misfortune to have a shoulder
broken last Tuesday, by the fall of a
saddle horse near Ills home, wns
brought to the Sisters' hospital here.
yesterday evening, by Dr. J. D. Plo
niodon. of Athenn. It mny be neces
sary to join the broken portions of
the shoulder blade together with sil
er cord, in order to restore the use
of the arm. If such nn operation is
deemed necessary. Dr. Plomodou will
remain here to attend to It. At
present Mr. Adams is In bandages,
but there Is little hope that the use
of his arm can be restored without
on operation.
Dangerous Felon.
G. W. Thompson, who has been
laid up with a felon ou his right
hand since last .May. Is about again
and will soon tnko his old posuion
with the O. It. & N. Company as a
bridge builder. Mr. Thompson has
iiad to go to the hospital since his
felon started and have his arm laid
bare almost to the elbow, that the
doctors could got at the diseased
bono. As soon as tho palm of his
hand heals ho will he in as good con
dition ns over.
Will Visit in Michigan.
II. O. Hurroughs, the night opera
tor ot the O. II. & N. depot, will leave
In a short time for his home at Grand
Itaplds. .Mich., for a visit with his
parents. He lias not been home4or
over five years, and Is looking for
ward with plensuro to his visit. He
was to havo gone this morning, but
the relief did not come ns expected,
and he will wait for a day or so until
an extra man gets here.
Ed Strnhon leaves tomorrow or an
outing nt Itliighnm Springs,
Miss Florence Smith, of IloHo City,
Is visiting Pendleton friends.
Cliniies Frnzlor hns gone to Leh
man Springs for a vacation trip.
W. I). Strong, of Wnlln Walla. Is
In the city on n short business visit.
AI Waffle, of tho Boston Store, has
letnrned from a 10-dn.vs' vacation
Mrs. M. A. Under and family ore at
Lehman Springs for the summer
Mrs. Rlla Harnett, of Walla Wnlla,
Is visiting friends In tho city for n
short time.
.1. II. Gwlnn left this morning for
Ai.nnis, where ho will spend tho day
transacting business.
J. F. nines loft this morning for
Lehman Springs, whore he will spend
n few days' vacation.
Lee Goodman, a popular young
man of Wnlln Walla, was the guest
of Pendleton friends Sunday.
I). II. Whlttemore, president of the
Irwlu-Hodson Pnpor Coinpnny of Spo
kane, spent Sunday In the city.
Mrs. K. It. Ilnuni hns returned from
her visit at Salem nnd othor points
In the western part of tho state.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Mustno, of
Washington, P. C, are ut tho Golden
Hole for a short visit in tho city.
Louis Hunzlker has returned from
a trip to tho beach, whoro ho took
his family the first of the last week.
Miss Eniniii Nolf has returned from
Portland, where she Iuib been tho
guest of friends for a couple of
Mrs. Arthur Koelluor leaves this
evening for Jit. Forest, Canada,
where she will spend the summer
visiting her parents,
.Miss Slary Lyons 1ms returned
from nn extended visit with tho
.Misses Campbell nt their home near
North Cold Springs,
Mr. nnd .Mrs. K. E. Sharon left this
morning for their homo at Portland,
nftor a visit at the home of Jullon
Sharon, of this city.
JIIss Ethel Frnlior and JIIss Elva
Turner left this morning for Portland
whore they will be the guests of
friends for a couple of weeks.
W. J. Homer, the insurance man,
has returned from a trip to Ilakcr
City nnd La Grande, whore ho has
been for the last week on business.
I). E. Vernon, editor of the Owl, of
Oakland. Or., was In the city Satur
day night on his way to Garfield,
Wash,, whoro he goes to visit friends
for a short time.
William Valandlnghnm nnd J. F.
Nowlln have gone to the Camns pra
irie, whore they will spend a fow
days on the professor's homestead,
fishing nnd hunting.
.Mrs. Laurence G. Frnzler, accom
panied by her mother, Jlrs. Perry
Corby, who is her guest, returned
Saturday from a visit with relatives
and friends in Seattle.
A. Kunkle is at Bingham Springs
visiting with his family, which Is
spending tho summer there. Ho will
remain a week boforo returning to
his business in this city.
Misses Stniuborger, Minnie Llew
ellyn nnd Magglo Codd, threo young
ladles ot Colfax, were visiting In tho
city yesterdny whllo on route homo
from nu outing at tho Springs,
William Illnkeley left this morning
for his homo nt Eastland, after a visit
In thlB city with his brother. Ho
goes to nltend to the harvesting ot
his crop nnd to look nfter tho open
ing of his warehouse.
Dr. C. .1. Whlttnkor will leave In
tho morning for Lehman Springs for
nn outing. After spending some tlmo
there ho will go on Into the moun
tains for it couple of weeks, hunting
and fishing.
Camping at Kamcla.
Mr. ond Jlrs. C. JI. lloguo und fam
ily, Jlr. and Jlrs. 0. H. Garrett and
family, Mrs. William Jlllno nnd Itov.
N. II. Ilrook8 composed a party that
hns gone to Kumplii, where they will
upend the next two weeks cnmplug
in tho mountains. As a consequence
of Hie absence of ltov. Brooks front
the city, thoro will be no services m
the Christian church on Sunday next.
r R E
holder rrco r'"m,18wi
the wall with on78crerhl
St. Louis World's rir tu..
ftUfi -rre ....
II m i i i ii iiii
USSL I I h nil
Three Hunters Get Five Birds.
Clifford Uelllngor, George llauni
anil 11. Cooley went to tho much of
tho latter named gentleman near
Hlllgard yesterday for a day witn
the grouse. Tho party got five birds
In tho day and are well satisfied, for
.Mr. 'Cooley went hunting uftor a cat
tle deal, Jlr. Iiniim had a rlllo nnu
therefore did not hunt, and thlB .left
nil of tho honors for .Mr Bellinger
to sustain.
Returned From Long Beach.
Sol Baum, of the furnishing de
partment of the Alexander store, has
returned from a 10-days' vacation
spent ut the Driftwood House at
Long Peach. Whllo awuy .Mr. Baum
caught fish from tho surf and deor
from tho headr and comes home
much refreshed In mind and nody for
the hnrd work of the winter.
No Dessert
More Attractive
produces hotter results in two minutes?
Lvcrytlung in the package. Simpl) add hot
wiuuriiuu socio com. it's perfection. Amir
prise to the houscwlfi' No troubli-. les., ex
pease. Try It tiwl.iv. Iu Four Fruit FLi
vors: Lemon. Onuigo, Strawberry, ILwp-
voimvo inon-Booosiimii we want lliisseu-un of theiear tl
miil imlnnil. ( :m. in n nu v;t na
.iion-s K"oo uiiiierMiiriM at an-. Men's bct'er uudershlrtiiattJ
Mi.,.,Im Hull. ,! i,,ll.l.(.. tn. r. "U""1"S 11 3V1
....... r, ....... ,.,it,,jiruii m 'uu. I'ruwers to nmtfh .11 .
the nlmve grades. Me,;'s "Uwt In Town" work Sttlf
Men's eheuper work shirts if you want them, Huts RloveiuV
HiNpemlers, loth of them, mid cheaper than you e.ui buy ihtmZ
where. If good floods at low prices will reach yon, we wil cerulnl
Hi-i jrnm- imiim-fi., an iimv prills prevail III nil Uepitrtultnt ot 0
Mllllt' Jllllin llll IMQIUVNH,
On 3 Coat Enamaled Ware. 5 Year
Guarantee. See oar Granite Ware
Window Display.
W. J. CLARKE & Co. 2i. court stt
The Ideal Busines
Recently Arrived Physician,
A medical certificate has been Is
sued to Dr. Frederick PJnolmrdl
Dorn. and tho same Is on file in the
office of the county clorlt. Dr. Dorn
graduated nt tho Chicago College of
Physicians and Surgeons Jlav (1. 1001.
and Is now on titled to practice medi
cine in this state.
New Dulldlnn at Athena.
B. U. JIay. the brick contractor, ac
companied by Wininm Flnndors, Tom
iMor.tn. John Williams, F. Johnson,
Kd Poters and Tom Denny, left this
I mnrnlni' fni- AMionn ,vlir, liv ...111
start the work on tho Ml'lnr building,
n now hrlclt business block, to bo
constructed nt that placo.
!r'! " nam n '
AbolurePurity, finest flavor,
Idaho Cattle,
J. C. Lonorcnn went to Huntington
Snturdny ovonlnrr, from whlcn point
ho will ship BOO head of cnttlo to
tho Fryo-Bruhn Comnany, of benttlo.
Tho cattlo wero boutrht of
Bear this In mind when you
need poultry and stock Biippllos
find nsU for tho International
Poultry and Stock Food. Uso
Low Kuro for your cow trou
bles. I - F. Golesworthy
127-129 East Alta St.
Agotit for Leo's Lice Kilior
H i
big mmnB
J COATS that
H keep their shape.
The ideal suit for business!
Button Sack,
dressy, stylish and made fnj
Cloths that are exclusive;
tf-rns. Coats are made
"hmV rlnth" front. The) '
, 1
Coats that keep their snap-
mnrln hv KQJKK Chicago
inz. Made in Union ShoM
ti... Nr.tn-wear clotnu
frtrlav IS dill
we are seiuuy
u tLwrlnthinP or a)1
em tiuiu uixx- ...
or two ago. There is no
better in the ready-to-wear
made to measure.
with Individ
UlackwcU, of Huntington.