DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1903. f Ask Your Doctor He will tell you That barley -malt is a half-digested food, as good as food can be. That hops arc an ex cellent tonic. That the little alcohol in beer only 3j4 per cent is an aid to digestion. But Purity is Essential But he will tell you that beer must be protected from germs, and brewed in absolute cleanliness. He'll say, too, that age is important, for age brings perfect fermentation. Without it, beer ferments i on the stomach, causing biliousness. ' Schlitz beer is brewed with all precautions. It is the hub- nized standard all the wciriu over, because of its purity. Askfortht Brmtry Bottllitz- Phono SI Main, H. Kopittke, 507 Main St., Pendleton FRUIT CROP GOOD STATE BOARD OF HORTI CULTURE HOLDS MEETING. Reports From All Over the State Are Encouraging Full Crop of Prunes In Eastern Oregon Rains Hinder Berry Picking. MM) ft ml mmmilm1 Portland, July 15. Junrterly ro ports of horticultural commissioner of tht state hoard, submitted at tho mooting of the executive committee Tuesday evening, tdiow that tho fruit crop prospectu. nil Milium considered, are fully up to the average In all por tions ot the state. The prune crop is salt! to he especially heavy. The mooting of the executive committee was lor the purposo of nudlting ox. nouses and accounts and transacting purely routine business. 11 H Weber, commissioner at The Dalits. Htates that ho 1ms been try I'v. to got a dryer established there. Tic says "KM'ry thing points to a prosperous ' ' .v lor tho irultgrtnvor at this time. I .i'ti working hard to establish u dry i here and a cannery, if possible. ihr dryer Ih needed here very much, as th. prune crop Is something lm m- n.M nnd unless a drying plant is i Mlili.-.hed I fear that a groat innio " mil", will go to waste. A cannery l not In such urgent d I'ana iim n dryor, yet I am satisfied "' .i moderutp-slzed plant could be ma'li to pay horo." Poor Crop of Prunes. .Iiiiid (Jeer commissioner at Cove, l nrt- a-- follows: Thi : c lias been unite a heavy shod 'i. truit rrop. especially apples . i i .a.-. I believe it Is reduced to ' er , .'iit of a crop on either, and u' rrti will not average Of, por . ' ' lit hut prunes bid fair to ho a vor wreaths were placed by various depu tations. Throughout the forenoon the Htreotn wore enlivened by mavtlal iniisle of roglmoiitB marching to l.oiigclmnips. where the annual rovlow was held this afternoon by President l.oiibet, In the presence of n large number of people. As the evening wore on vehicular trallle ceased on nil tho principal tlioroiigluares, and these wore quick ly crowded with people vlowlng the IllumluiUhms and fireworks, of which there were several lino displays, Observed in Washington. Washington, T). C, July 14. Tht trl-color waved over tho Krench em bassy today, commemorating tuc French national holiday, the anniver sary of the fall or the Uastllo, on July 11, 1 71)S. M. JiiBsernnd and his subordinates appropriately ntu. quiet ly observed the day, tho usual busi ness of the embassy giving way to hol iday recreations. BOYCOTT WITH VIM SPOKANE TELEPHONE GIRLS ARE DETERMINED. THE BEER THAT MADE MILWAUKEE FAMOUS Over 2000 Removal Orders Now In Hands of the Committees New Telephone System Almost Assured. As an outcome of tho strike of the operators and linemen of tho Pacific States Telephone & Telegraph Com pany n rival telephone system may be put In the field in tho course of n fow days, says Mio Spokane Press. Tho Piess Iuib It on good authority that the firm of Uoorr, llltcholl & Co., the electrical dealers, will within a few days apply to" the city council for n franchise to establish a now tele phone system n the city. Doorr. .Mitchell & Co. already have a franchise from the city for a mes songor system, also for a system ot burglar alarms, nnd It hud been ex pected for some time that Mioy would oventually try to Rot a telephone franchise. A member of the firm was naked today if the report was true that they wore to apply to tho city council for a franchise and ho stated that he would neither deny or affirm Peter Larson, the mil- 'Just tr . Parrot Cigar Set" Grand Itondc vnlloy Is right height of Its strawberry crop, io fair. At this time we are Oinwery weather, which is i- (mental to berry picking, but Is of grot henefit to all other crops." H Carson, third district. Grant's 'us says Wt have thus far had an unusual-1 IV drv serine Tln nnncli nrnn Is nl. I IV a inlluriv I think mv oxtlninln I the report n nor cent full high llonnire mining man, Is reported as The apples and pears are all right. ' bel"K behind the proposed now com-bh- I am afraid If It continues dry ! na"'- M.rouchout the season tln.ro will lir l"e first ot the removal orders will v...- .....nit ...... in i hp slvon In tin i-nmnnnv tnilnv liv itn Huuii fiuaii juico. I am Hiding i;ruw-1 ......... .w M orso try to consorvo more moisture striHUng employes. Many Have nl- 1 liv nnnrrrnflf. niilNvfilmn I M'lllty JI.'CIl lltrilCII 111 V UIOH I1U "The L-rane i-nm .-if thin .into nmn,. i trons, hut the first list Ihut has ro mr . . ' I ..I !. lt. ...... ...111 lses goon, vinoyards are thoroughly ""-" k" mum y ai.imi.-iB win cultivated. " ,lp turned In today, and thoy number nliout 1.000. leaving a balance of n Miousnnd that tho girls havo not yet kt v s - 111 -w. IIW 1 The Smoke of the CoVers the Country .Jy M Cremo Cignr has spread from M man to man; from town to town; JM M from stale to state until it is gftlSMT I known and favored I ffl ThC Largcst felling 8 0 i" the Worid'8 I Hj&j s The Band Js the Smoker's Protection, I lrriniiaiiiiiiimiwmftir"y H' ''ir -'fitwitiliffltilnTlrlllm 1 iiiiiimWiiWiMB Night Was Her Terror. "I wou.d cough nearly all night long." writes Mrs. Charles Applegato, of Alexandria. Intl.. "and coiiul hard ly got any sleep. I had consumption so bad that it I walked u block I would cough frightfully and spit blood, biu when all other medicines failed, three S1.00 bottles of Dr. King's Now Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 08 pounds." It's ab solutely guaranteed to cure coughs, colds, la grippe, bronchitis and all throat and lung troublos. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Tall man & f'o.'s drug store. THE PARROT CIGAR IS A SUPERIOR 5-CENT CIGAR. THEY MIGHT HAVE MADE OTHER BRANDS AS GOOD. BUT THEY DIDN'T. FALL OF BASTILE. in 9 is i ' .roil o norhr.r Commercial Co. We Don't Keep Everything But we do keep a good big stock of nice dry Flooring, Celling, Rustic and Finish, in all grades. Also all kinds of Dimension Lumber, In cluding Lath and Shingles. Our stock of Doors, Win dows, Moulding, Building and Tar Paper and Apple Boxes is complete, and any one In need of Lumber will not be wrong In placing their order with the : : One Hundredth Anniversary Celebrated. Paris. July 14 The Parisians Being to day have been celebrating the 1HM annlversnry of tho capture of the Uas tllo In the customary manner, the hol iday corresponding with the Amori can Fourth of July The first notice able incident of the day was the an nual demonstration ot tUt League of Patriots hcrorc the Siraburg statue and the Joan of Art taut wheie given over to their central body. Tho object In turning this list ot removal orders over to tho officials of the company nt this time Is to show the strength and activity of tho strikers In the hope that it may in fliionce matters in being brought to an early settlement. in inc meantime tho girl strikers are keeping up their spirits and the work of getting signatures to removal orders goos on as vigorously as on the start. There appears to ho no visible change In tho aspect of tho linemen's strike, the company ns yet pot' hav ing signified Its Intention of with drawing from Its position of not treating with tho strlkors. Local linemen have organized a bi cycle brigade and these do picket duty, looking after oporatlo"s of the company and lending assistance to tho girls. Members of the union deny Mm statement being circulated that C. M. Allen, foreman of the telephone com pany, is a member of the union. RAILWAY COMMISSIONERS. jf Gray's liorbor Com. Co. Oop. W & C. ft. Depot juffered Eight Months ?"I can heartily recommend Acker's l.iblets for dyspepsia and stomach i-.wblcs. I havo been suffering for rht mnntliQ nnd trieil tnnnv t-nmo. I :a without relief, until I got Acker's ipepsla Tablets, which I used only ishort tlmo and am now perfectly $11. Thanking you for tho speedy !,-overy, I nm gratefully yours, Fran I. Gannor. Vancouver. Wash. Send ! W If IlnnUnr f'n Tlnffnln V for a free trial package. (Nothing B thorn. P. W. Schmidt Xr Hn ifmirtats. ' Hi tt . . i H ' Iiwaporaxea Cream I boning tho abort cap label, flows Hi from the can rich in every Ingredient which enters into body bulidine, JHj , Economy I Brand I I carries our euiranioe as to us ms I HI carelul preparation, richness and I, puiur. ii i umcrcni irom ine HJ watery brands and adds a rich. Hjl will do convinced it Is ths best. Hi Look lor our cap label. Ml H HELVETIA MILK AV C0HDENSIHG CO. VJ Highland, Illinois ftVMv j Interesting Subjects Being Dlscus3co at Portland; Maine. , Portland, Mo., July 14. Tho (If. teenth annual convention of tho i National Association of Hallway Com missioners opened in this city today . and will continue until Friday. Mnro than 31 states are roprosontcd by about too delegates. The subjects to be discussed nio grade crossings, I clanirioatlori or operating nnd con struction oxnenwis, taxes. and plans for ascertaining fair values of railroad property, unification of clas sification mid simplification of tariff sneot railroad statistics, lot-lslatlon mailed safely nppllancos. rates and rale maklntr. nnd forms of reports ot ic-firic railways. KENTUCKY REPUBLICANS. Ihailoi. Huclen l)r It A Willing- little l!n Inn mil, Vn . Hev W S Believed That the State Convention J Wall.i-r I amli.'iMt'-. T'Niis. I)r II. II Will Endorse Roosevelt. I Unroll oi Halnr University mid llev (ii-orge .McCnll, of lleaiimonl. Louisville, Ky.. July If.. The re- .. publican slate convuiu.on Is in sos- WANTED A PHARMACOLOGIST. sion Iiore today lor the purpoan of 1 nninlng cantlltlates lor governor and ) The ht Man Cnn ste) ,nto a Snnr. other state ofilcors to he voted for at j of j3 G00 per Annum the fnll election. For the head of Washington. 1) U, July 15.-The I no ticKet there is a spirited coniusi, . KVonum!iit Is In need of the services I uiu ciiiui itspt ms nuiiig .uouiB j.. , ft Urst-class mini as phurnmcolo iion nn p, a niiiiiouaire mere am oi k1b, t ri v Id cm 1 such u man can he i i-uuiBvi io; ivtiBiiBuis r.. "iiim.ii, a , Hl!cnrei for a compensation of $3,l!fi0 , ; ; . ,a"u' 111 '"''. I per milium, he will be placed In charge Clirton J. Pratt, the attorney general , tIl(l ,m.Hon r pharmacology oi 'f Kentucky. 1 1, nmr,10 10iptal service. Today It is i the general expectation Mint a (.xamatlon by the civil Hervlc. resolution Indorsing the atlniinlstra-, (.,mlnlHg()n R 1)oll,K .-.Mttliic-toil at ' lunuvuii mm i.ui-, various points throughout the ct THr OE Of EVERYTHING ONLY HOURS PORTLAND B TO B .rstt. w. m xrv n yv. i r IU S !T ca r o lug for his nomliiatlou for liresldeut in 1801 will he adopted with a hur rah. Tile only prominent persons to opposo the resolution are Dr. W. Ciiiu trey Hunter, ex-nilnisler to (luate mala, and Charles K. Snpp, ex-collect-or of internal rovonuo hero, both of whom hold President Hoosovult re sponsible for their removals from office. BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE. of Thirteenth Annual Convention Texas in Session. La Porto, Texas. July IB. At Syl van Cirovo today the thirteenth nn titial convention of tho llaptlst Young People's Union of Texas was auspi ciously opened with stirring addresses by Hov. G. A. Stone of Chicago, and ilov. lnlow of Nevada. AIo. Tho sos- try. It Is vory rare that a place com manding so large a salary Is thrown open to competition, most of the po sitions of that class being outside the civil service requirements. Candidates ar- expected to exhibit a thorough knew ledge 'if plmrmncy in all its hi'uii. l. . and in addition, a seneral knowledge of chemlstr. There Is little likelihood of the list of candidates being crowded. Men who have the ipiallficatlous rcnulreu by the government for placoB of this character can command more than double the salary fixed hy congress. via tht 0. h. li. & N. t o., Orepc .Short Line I niim l'autic anii RAILROAD WRECK. Smash Occuricd as a Result of nn Effort to Avoid an Accident. In u collision between a passenger train on the Chicago & (Ireat Nortti- I't-n flllll ti Hi, 111 .mt.ltii. 111,.,... .till.-iu mum. uiu to cuiiu nio ten nays, "aoiu 1 from here this morning. Hnglneor winning' Is tho koy thought of the , lirownfield mid Fireman Stowurl "atlicrlPg this year, and all papers,; were killed. Hngineor Thomas How addresses ant discussions will hnvo'al(, nml Kh-umnn DeiiHon were i.roh this con ral Idea In view. Prominent j ahly fatally injured. All of the men among tho speakers whose names np- were residents or Dos Moines. Twrm iienr on tho program aro l)r, W. II. ' ty passengers wore slightly Hurt. Thc Hlloy, or Minneapolis: Walter Calley, freight train discovered it washout, t'oneral secretary ot the llaptlst and loft the main section of a couu Young People's Union or America; try streleh of track mid the engine Dr. n. A Stone. Sunday school mis- ran to warn the passenger train, slonary of tho American llaptlst Pub- when they struck on n curve j r SPECIAL Two trains a (lav, with thro;;! l'ullnian ilrawinK-roum sleeping cars, fret- reclining chair cars and dining cars (,i la carte), THE CASE oonnoi'tf at (JranBi'r with fiiimniH overland Limited, w moHt luxurious train in thewrn to Chicapo from tlie't. lie sua m ur It .vtl re'Jc Clituiiocihorlli-W itern. A. Q. UAnKER, ar t Aot C ft H-W. . WISCONSIN ELKS. Large Delegations Pouring Into A3h. land From Every Direction. Ashland, Wis.. July M Ashland Is garbed In purplo nnd irold In honor or the Kiks. whoso annual state conven tlon will bo In session hero during tho next two (lavs. Visitors pnurod Into the city today from all dirnr-Mona. amoiiu' the arrivals holng pond-sized delegations trom Milwaukee Oihlimh, La Crosao and numerous ntlior cities of the stale. Tho nroirrnm will ho ushered In this ovenlng with n reenn. i Mou and ball In honor of the visitors mid tomorrow mornim? tho huslnoss sessions will begin, Klahornto enter tainment has 1'oon nrovhlod by tho local lotlgo of the order and from all indications tho fathering will bo a huge success. Is nn ordeal which all women approach with indi scribnblo fear, for no' liny compnres with Hi pain and horror of fh d-hirth. Thutlmnirht ti' ' nf tlln ClllT..ln.. 1 .1 . of nil pleasant nnlicitationi nf V ' "c cxlcctant mother hadoir of gloon" wS' c n, 1 1 B-ojf T" 'iT ?f ',Ur & have found that the use of Mother's Send 1 1 ,ouJ f women confinement of all pain anil dan,' Li ''"""K llrt;Knaney robs and child. This Ji 5t r. ?"d ",8".rus Hfo of mother IllS bde.itifir. I!,.i.v...t' 7". "'y to time of their most critical tr ,1 nL B"'e,' to women at the carry women safe y J Zlh tl t . 0"iy f "S M"""8 Friend gently prepares he svmtrlt f cl' ,d'birth' bllt its sickness," and other disT """" evo,,, I,ruve,lts "morning cormorts ot tliis period. Sold by all druggists at $i.oo per bottle. Unnl,- "l""""l.r vau.aoio information free. BBPmmamm m mm ThoDradf,Cdnc0ulotorCo.,Atlanto,Ca. f"MiEM3 Tho first Hfo Insurnnco society wns stnrtod In I ondon in 1GS8 and another In 1700. Neither was successful Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once Delay will lead to serious breaks. First-class work guaranteed by BECK, the Reliable Plumber. Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel T0J Pullman SleepinR Cars. Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist Slevp'nS I Tir'MTH I HKLESA THROUGH PICKETS BOSTON h , .i.vi. in JPn A1..n C l nroiiirn ""X.ihBiu t'clQC k" Tcom anil Nprtneiu i" od AmotlcMi line, Trlm lTe Pendleton ariw and tlcketoicallon or "n&rL$&fa 'i niru nuu -- TP