East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 18, 1903, Image 6

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    MONDAY, MAY 18, 1903.
Dandruff and
Falling Hair vanish
iJctoie the magic touch of
ttcwbrp's Hexpicidc, the
latest scientific discovery.
It kills the dandruff germs.
Destroy the cause, you re
move the effect Kill the
dandruff germ, and your
hair will grow abundantly.
Sr. Kmwn.lD ibo. Dm. .
fW Safest al fa-st-CIaw Drug Stores.
v Help wanted to harvest tho straw
tony crop In tho vicinity of Milton
and Kreewator. The crop promises
to be unusually largo, and outside
help will be needed. There will bo
employment for a large number of
persons In harvesting the crop. Fam
ilies who wish to take a six weeks out
ing and combine profit with pleasure
are invited to come up to tho Free
water strawberry fields. Camping
grounds will bo furnished free.
Twenty-five cents per crato is paid
for picking. Address N. W. Mum
ford. Freewator. Oregon, or 11. T.
Motley, Milton, Oregon.
By the Fire Insurance Com
ranies we represent. Our
companies, stand first in the
.Hsxtford Fire Insurance Co.f 12,250,076
AlliMoe Assurance Co 29,039,968
Xeodon Lnoashlre Fire
Insurance Co 2,644,683
Worth British & Mercantile
.P n 19.696.974
Soya) iBsuiwee Co 23,807,163
T4ay I offer the following city and
country property:
J2 per aero for cholco 160-acre farm
about one mile from city limits
new bouse.
$l,e0 for 600 acres, part bottom, im
nroved: 350 acres In wheat, E
acres fine orchard; 10 minutes
110,000320 acres of first-class wheat
land, lmnrovea : crop goes wnn
place: only two miles out.
31,860 a new house and lot in bot
JIB and un for lota on south side.
A sice business which payB, for about
11,200. Two other business open
N. T. Conklin.
:At Postoffice.:
Prions, Red 277.
Going to
Repair your homes or places
of business by having them paint
ed or papered.
to us
Large and nicely selected
stock ol wall paper and paints.
E. J. Murphy,
111 Cosrt Street.
Agency for
Ikw Paint.
tie Sherwin-Wil-
cnuti. on sbelres, walls, or for wrap
etac sw pasts. Old newspapers In torn
JurAas ISO seen at 9fi coots s bundle
at.tks'.aUarr OSMONlaM oslco, reue-
Nervy Procedure Last Saturday Night
by Robbers of Whom There Is no
Trace Only Secured Thirty-eight
Adams bad a session with two bold
highwaymen on Saturday evening, In
which pistols, gags and midnight
cries featured most predominantly.
.About 8:30 Saturday evening, Har
vey Itlcliardson, of the firm of Rich
ardson Brothers, prepared to close
the store for tho night. The store
building Is a large brick structure
with old-fashioned Iron shutters on
the windows In front and rear. Mr.
Richardson closed the Bhuttcrs on
the front windows and locking the
front door, proceeded to mo nacK m
tho room, whero he started to close
tho shutters on the back windows.
As he stopped out of the door no
was commanded by two men to throw
up his hands.
EYnm nnw on mines are liu. n
iinitP.1 Into the store and ran into
the offlce, which Is a little room,
wninsrniPi! fnr nbout three feet am!
glass the rest of the way to the cell-
intr Thn rouners iouuweu muiiuiu-
son Into tho offlce by forcing the door.
Here luchardson ran neninu xne saie
and attempted to draw his gun, when
the robbers shot him tnrougn tne
third flncer of his right hand. Rich
ardson's gun waB struck up and dls-,
charged Into the colling.
Bound and Gaggtd.
Tim robbers overpowered the store
keeper and bound him securely with
some cotton clothesline and large
binding twine. Then, tearing a small
curtain from the office window, they
used It as a gag, binding It in place
with two large bandana handker
chiefs, one over the gag and one over
tho eyes.
The robbers now turned tneir at
tention to the safe, which had not
vet been closed. From It and tho cash
register they took leaving oeninu
a couplo of checks. They then blew
out the lamp and taking an Iron box
from the safo and Richardson's pistol,
wont out of the back door, closed the
shutters and made off In the dark-noss.
Mr. Richardson, left alone In the
store, rolled to the safe door ana
managed to work tho gag from his
mouth by rubbing It against the cor
ner of the safo door. Having cleared
his voice he rolled to the front of
the store, whore he succeeded In at
tracting the attention of a cnance
passerby after having been bound
about half nn hour.
The robbers were wise in their ac
tions, and took only what could not
be identified. They left behind tho
checks and the proprietor's watch.
Tho iron box they carried away witn
them was of no value, as It contained
Insurance papers.
Sheriff T. D. Taylor went to Adams
yesterday and spent the day in look
ing for somo clue to the robbers, but
could find none. One man was ar
rested at Helix, but told a satisfactory
story and was released. The night
was very dark and the robbers were
seen but indistinctly by Mr. Richard
son, before they bound his eyes, so
that at tho present time the authori
ties have no clue upon which to work.
Kidney Trouble Makes Ton Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers is sure to know of the wonderful
r r ..mc ttinjir. nv ur.
Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kid
ney, liver and blad
der remedy.
It is the great med
ical triumph of the
nineteenth century;
discovered af tery ears
of scientific research
by Dr. Kilmer, the
eminent kidney and
bladder specialist, and is woudcrium
successfuYin promptly curing lame back,
nrirncid catarrh, of the bladder and
IKlTamp-Root not rec
fo dst the remedy you need It has
been tested in so many ways, in hospital
work and in private practice and I has
r.., orooon Experiment Station.
A representative of the La aranoo
" . JL,f.,t i svorv case that a
Special arr7nK.ent has been made by
which all readers of this paper, who have
nrt already tried it, may have sample
bottle sentee by niaU book te 1-
bl" When writing mention readingth w
generous offer in this paper andsend your
. . . t-:i..., eyv.
address 10 ui. rnn."..
x, rn.. ninchamton,
N. V. The regular
n,,(l one-
w1nc are Hoia. o Bw.Bp.Eo.
sold by all good druggists. Don't make
any mistake, bnt remember the name,
o. r, TV. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
and the address, Ilinghamton, N. Y., on
every bottle.
Observer recently visited tho Eastern
Oregon experiment station at Union.
He found that about 450 acres ui
.i. aintlnn farm are
on too rajiwiui. - -- -
now under cultivation under ui u..
tlon of Prof. Leckenby. uno 01
main features of tho expenmeuu.
work carried on Is the testing and
breeding of grasses. Sometning vU.
. . .klnt. TUOrO
200 varieties, a numoer 01 !.
originated by Prof. Leckenuy, are
tinder cultivation. All tne sni-
1 In ilrlllB abOllt
on tne larm are -
18 inches apart and the yield inus ob
tained Is as large, If not larger, than
when the seed Is planted in the old
, T.nst vear from an acre "i
nii.ontrn Rrome inrass a ton of seed
. harvested, for which Prof. I.eck
nnhv was offered J1.00 per pound.
Tho need oeas grown on tne mrui
toil to six tons, for
JU31 Jtoi -
.-hi,.h nn offer of 6 cents per pound
...onivnri Prom ono acre tho
wur - .
vlnhi was 29G0 pounds. Another very
important lino of work carried on at
the station' is tho growing of sugar
. o,l Iomiirknh!f SUCCCSS liaS
UK l L OCW. . . .
been achieved in this work.
. .. . t-.M linn! work or bodilv
To be tircu ou. - - . u (
Sfan" "x austion Witbout physical er
there is mi lievcr.rested feeling a weari
t,on and n tired, ut tr , ftnd ghows
nCSS Ho,w disorder is threatening the health. One of the cHd,
8?meh?"."l 1 - iver-rested condition" is impure tlJS
aUon Unless the body is nourished with rich, pure blood th
nervous force, the inus- por over f our yews I suffered with t,B,
liL-coinewcak.tlietll- causing a thorough bresklngdownot mrVJlJ
ClCS litconic w . , .1 ooueln, who had boon bencflted by B 1!
crest on impaired, ana t u j .a it, and it oured yfrj
ccncral disorucr o.. S?Sn7B- mJ!!ia
:i.,.,o-l,ni,t the SVStciu. - . - Mwn.anoAyTOSS,
Debility, insomnia, nw w,mauioi.,uuiuiUii,iim,
dvspcps'ia, loss of appetite, strength and energy, and U.e nundRdi J
djspcpMu, 1 .. t9 weoften hnve aredue ditectlvfnn
ditiou of thc blood und circulation, andtheqJ
wnv to cct rid of them is by nurifvinp snA a
up the blood, and for this purpose norcmtdvl
..,i.i.t ,1 nnd trmintrnn thc system. ItisavccctaMeMiwiJ
?f",i0i,r.,l nnd refreshing sleep comes to the tired, never-rested. J
JO rfJE swrrMnxinc co., ATimi
Unitarian Anniversaries.
Boston, May 18. This Is tho anni
versary week of the Auiorlcan Uni
tarian Association and representa
tives of that denomination aro gath
ered here from far and near to tako
part in tho exorcises which oponed
this morning with a service of prayer
In King's Chapel. Senator Hoar, Dr.
Rvcrott Halo and other famous
speakers will be heard during tho
Prunes In California.
Thc California Fruit Grower, April
18, reports the prune situation In that
state. as follows:
The prune market, contrary to ex
pectations, shows weakness In place
of the hardening tendency naturally
looked for, owing to the unfavora
ble reports from the large producing
districts. Reports received at these
offices during the week would indicate
that the prune crop of this state at
the present time Ib about 40 per cent
short as compared with that of last
season. In the lower San Joaquin
valley six of the largest orchards, ag
gregating upwards of 3000 acres, re
port the shortage to bo fully BO por
cent as compared with last year. The
trees were overloaded last season.
henco It Ib but natural that they
should take a rest this year. Condi
tions indicate that the fruit will run
to large sizes.
Old prunes are freely offered on
2V4 and 2c basis for outside and
Santa Clara respectively. A firm of
fer of 2c for outside stock would be
confirmed by some holders but quo
tations are not being generally made
on 2V&c basis.
Exports of prunes from tho United
States for the eight months ended
February 28, amounted to 69,109,646
pounds in 1903, and for the same pe
riod In 1902, the exports were 18,937,
996 pounds, and in the year 1901 but
6,920,888 pounds of prunes went ex
port. In short tho foreign markets
took one-third of last season's crop
at better prices than can be obtained
at present for spot stocks.
Strike Issues Compromised.
Glasgow, May 18. Tho Clyde en
glneors" strlko ended this morning. It
Is supposed thoro wcro mutual con
Riots In Bridgeport.
Bridgeport, Conn., May 18. Follow
ing tho trolloy strike riots of yester
day, thore Ib perfect quiet today. No
attempt was made by tho mnnnge
mont to run the early cars.
Tho Owner Seo hero! You wnnt to
handlo that trunk more carefully! Tho
Porter I"ll look out for It, sir.
know a man who let oue drop on his
toos last month, an' ho ain't out of
tho hospital yet. Town and Country.
'A taps worn elckteen feet louc at
leut eeme on the scene after my taking two
CASCAU11TS. Tills I am sure has caused my
bad health for the past three years. I am atlll
talons Caacnret. the only cathartic worthy of
noiloe by sensible people."
usu, w. uufTLSB, uaira, uss.
Housemaid I overheard tho missis
tolling a caller the other day that I
was "no good.
Butlor Woll, Isn't that what listen
ers generally hear of themselves?
Chicago Tribune.
May 201. O. O. F. grand' lodge,
May 20, Juno 3 Presbyterian gen
eral assembly, Los Angeles, iai.
May 24-29 Commencement at Pen
ton Academy: 24, baccalaureate ser
mon; 27, class day; 29, commence
ment; 30, banquet.
May 23-28 Commencement weoic:
finlrt ,inv! 24. baccalaureate sormon,
25, juniors entertain seniors; 26, pub
lic program by juniors; i. huuiui
class day; 29, commencement; alumni
banquet, 30.
May 26, 27 uaieuonian picnic ui
May 28. 29 and June 12, 13 Wool
sales. Pendleton.
June 1 Circuit court.
June 2, 3 and June 23, 24 "Wool
sales, Heppner.
Juno 6, 6 Wool sales, The Dalles.
June 9, 10 and June 26, 27 Wool
sales, Shanlko .
June 15, 16 Wool sales, Baker
Juno 11, 12, 13 Ninth annual re
union, Umatilla county pioneers, at
June 17 Oregon Pioneer Associa
tion, Portland.
June 18, is wool sales, Elgin.
June 23. 24. 25 end 26 Eastern
Oregon Baptist Association, Pendle
June 23, 24, 25 State Federation of
Women's Clubs, Astoria,
July 2 Eastern Oregon C. A. R. en
campment, Union
July 6-10 Forty-Becond annual
meeting National Educational Asso
ciation, Boston, Mass.
July 7 Improved Order of nedmen
great council, Portland.
August 17 National G. A. R. en
campment, San Francisco.
September 8-11 National irrigation
congress, Ogden, Utah.
"Uncle Joe" Cannon's nlrthday for
1903 Bltpped by last Thursday. Ask
ed to suggest somothing appropriate
for a reporter to say on tho occasion
the next speaker dictated this: "Mr,
Cannon was born of God-fearing and
man-loving parents. Ho made himself,
and he did a blamed poor job of it."
"I don't seem to mako any Impres
sion on your fathor, Maude. And I've
done my best to get on his right side.'
"Try his loft side, George. He
hears better on that side." Cleve
land Plain Dealer.
I'l.iunl Pl!hl.i riitj.nt Tuti florid. Do
Uood, Neer Sicken. Weaken. or Orlpe.lOc. ae.Utt.
Sltrtiaf Kaarir t !. Cklae. NeatoMl. St ra. Sll
NO 'X ...uj.
Willie WlnU'rinun And so you w-n . 1.1 .. mc?
Mamie Montana Why. huw perfectly ridiculous you urc. Willie. Why, you"n
uuttilng biifun American:
The Grand Trunk Gold Mil
Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mining District!
Is located upon the GREAT MOTHER
LODE system of veins and has for neigh
bors on that vein such well known
mines as the NORTH POLE valued at j
S10.ooo.ooo. The COLUMBIA valued at
S5.ooo.ooo. GOLCONDA valued at $3,-
000,000. 1 tit: iYiuiNmu 1 n u. m. tu b
BELLE BAKER mine valued at $5oo,
000. THE BALD MOUNTAIN valued at
$5oo,ooo. THE IBEX valued at $400,
000, and many others.
The Grand Trunk Gold Mining and Milling I
Owns Its Property Conslstlnc of 160 Acres of RichQold BcirlntVl
It lias no indebtedness of any character.
It has a conservative mining and business management!
It is offering 50,000 shares of stock at 15c per share.
It will become a dividend oaver in a short time.
It will pay you to write us for full particulars and tot
careful investigation of its merits.
It has the indorsement of mining men, business men
bankers of Eastern Oregon.
Write us today and let us post you.
H. S. McCallum & Company,
Miners, Brokersand Financial Agents,
Or R. S. BRYS0N, Local Agent, Pendleton, Oregon,
Our Weekly Mining Letters on Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mi
. A
uisinci rice un nppui.auuu.
Price $35
Equal to any
Typewriter Buppl''
ber Htsmp w
Dinner Twenty-five Cents
l'rom 11.30 a. m, to 7 p. m.
Short orders a speciality
Quick, Courteous Servioe
Open all Day and Night
T. A.O!dfather, Prop.
offlce. Urge bundles ot newspapers, eon
talnlng over 100 big papers csk be ot
talpul for 25 onts a bundle.
The Ovenon Dally Journal can be
found on sale st Frarler's book store.
Babbit Metal, best In the world. In
bars. Price, 91 per bar, at .the East
Steam Laui
w have iust opened a
... "" 7" .J in.mdrv m
We l
nrri to do nrst
.nmntiv Consult
r . .j -:. m a in'
make special '-. . ,,
01 ..cnnH we will cau
laundrv. Don't send )4
to Chinese wash hou
j. better
fa"" Tour laundry
none but white help
Stephens & jj
Phone Main 1101 IS
CKorltlle Of F01
..... Ar.nl I. II
On and an r,
Hts. Ills. ron?4i'.",i,'ir
Bosk, f 1. ronno j. t
ursflonian omoe.