East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 18, 1903, Image 4

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VublUbed every afternoon (except Sunday)
at Pendleton, Oregon, by tbe
Tiione, Main It.
Uaily , one year by mall
Dally, )ilx uiontliH by mall i
Daily, three months by mall
Dallv. one month bv mall
Dally, per month by cnrrler
one year bv roall
Veekly, one year by mall
. -J.50
. 1.25
. .no
. .or.
, l.no
. 2.00
The Kaat Oreironlan la on sale at II. It.
tttlch'a News Htnnds at Hotel Portland and
Hotel l'erklns, Portland, Oregon.
Scrlpps-Mcllac News Assocla
Kan l'rnnclsci) Bureau, 408 Fourth St.
Chicago llnreau, 000 Heenrlty Multdlng.
Washington, I). C. Ilureau, fiOl 14th St.
Think nauRht a trifle, though It
small appear;
Sands raako the mountain, mo
ments make the year,
And trifles, life. Your care to
trifles give.
Else you may die ere you have
learned to live.
'Digging the Panama Canal is the
biggest single task ever attempted in
the hlBtory of mankind. Even more
wonderful than tho stupendous pbys
leal undertaking Is the quiet, master'
fill way In which the work will he
done, showing that man is exhibiting
himself nowadays oven more grandly
in the manner of doing things than in
tho results which ho achieves.
Uncle Sam leads the procession. In
this case he Is organizing a unique
army, in size It may compare Insig
nificantly with the 309,000 troopH ho
had in the nevolutlon, tho 2,772,000
In the civil conflict, or tho 274,000 in
tho fight with Spain, hut In most re
spects It exceeds them all.
It means some io.000 men under
carefully trained commanders, arm
Mi with tho latest tools and equipped
with machinery compared to which
mere guns ore as simple ns Christ
mas toys.
This army will march Into the zone
of revolutions which have disturbed
the world and work a revolution
which will contribute to tho world's
It happens curiously as to date. A
hundred yearH ngo from 1800 to 181C
Napoleon was revolutionizing. Ho
oont mo resources and Industries of
the people to military ends and made
Europe a graveyard.
In Uncle Sam's now army human
life is Ihe first consideration, and the
great purposo Is peace; his regiments
are more sanitary than sanguinary,
and the ammunition boxes, Instead
of bclns filled with gunpowder and
bullets, carry antl-toxlns, antiseptics
.and quinine.
Prance constructed the Suez Ca
nal, but at frightful cost of human
life and with every form of political
and social corruption. It attempted
tho Panama Canal, hut left ruin In
every dollar It spent, every spadeful
it dug, showing the Importance of a
big Idea without moral support aim
la the now army things will bo dif
ferent. Tho 30,000 men will be equal
to any 100.000 In Nnpoleoii's days.
Thoy will surpass twice their num
ber In any period of the building or
t tho Suez Canal. They will make very
tame tho efforts of tho French on the
Isthmus In ail tho years of failure.
They will represent the best organiz
ed nnd most effective force over
known whether It be In war. In com-
fliorce or In industry.
Thoy will meet difficulties worthy
of their powers. To dig a canal 49.09
miles from 3fi feet depth or wnter in
tho Caribbean Sou to 30 feet depth In
tho Pacific, does not seem, such n
wonderful feat at first glance, but the
work Is larger thon oven tho supreme
test of faith, for It not only involves
tho removal of a mountain, but It
goes deep below tho surface.
There are 43,000,000 cubic yards of
earth to be taken from tho Culebra
cut, and a great (lam 2.54C feet long
must bo constructed across tho
Ohagres river, .with foundations 128
feet below tho level of tho sea, tho
maximum dopth being 310 feet.
Somo count tho coat as seemingly
largo. Suez, they say, is ninety miles
longr, with an investment of 100,000,
000, and that is tho most exponslvo
canal over constructed, Manchester
is thlrty.flvo and a half miles long,
with an Investment of about 180.000,
000, while tho Haltlc and North Sen
Canal is sixty-one miles long, .at a
cost iot only $40,000,000. The. Pana
ma Canal is estimated at $184,233,000,
Including $40,000,000 for the French
concession and property. But that
represents construction more expen
sive than tho three great canals of
the world all put together.
Pendleton Invites the neighboring
cities or Umatilla county to join hor
in celebrating the glorious Fourth.
Let us concentrate our enthusiasm In
one spot this year.
Tho flrBt condensed milk factory In
Oregon Is ready for operations at
Hlllsboro on June 1. Oregon import-
cd 40 carloads of condensed milk last ,
year, and yot boasted of owning 200,-1
000 milk cows.
You wear a coat. Why?
To keep the cold out? No;
to keep the warmth in.
What of the body that has
no warmth the thin, poor
body that lacks the healthy
flesh and fat it needs ?
For such we say that Scott's
Emulsion provides the right
kind of a coat. Why? Be
cause Scott's Emulsion builds
firm, solid flesh and sup
plies just enough fat to fill
nature's requirements no
more. That means bodily
We'll send you a umple free uoon request.
Tho Portland labor unions now say J
they will not take part In the Roose
velt parade, and the Oregon Dally j
jounmi auyu uiu inJ uun juuwiuu SCOTT & BOWKE, 409 PeJ.I Street, New Vork.
street will remind the president of .
the pathless Jungles of Cuba, I jn ti,c ianti,
, , It would not do, you know, to have
l'":tland Is after the scalp of Cow- the Columbia river open. To hurry
Bill, the nltlablo tool nf tho cornora-' lorwaru mat. enterprise is a crime, in
., , , , , . , ,. ' the eyes of those profiting from pros
uons, who is using wuai muu au.my , cnt contlltlons an(i tne people-a cor-
110 nns, 10 tieieai tne interests or Kasi- tain number of them are to be usod
Oregon, his chosen home. The as cat's paws to save the corporation's
Board of Trade has a committee on ' chestnuts from the fire.
lllS trail. Tlmao lntnraotn.1 l title mnvnmnnt
, against the portage road, against the
The May number or the "Haka- opening or the river, are like the cut-
win." the hleh school Intirnnl. Is nut tie fish, busy inking the waters in
and Is the most attractive number yet ' ?!,lc1u.1tl,ey arc B"-'n'mlllB. 80 a
UIII1IJ iliunc luual tliuiij VJtu-ci ttuu ju
making this great waterway Tree in
this decade. Those behind the move
ment even go so tar as to deny any
Gold Medal Butter, Pure,
Sweet. Clean. Tne chiet
characteristics of good butter t
t are purity and cleanliness.
I Tins nutter comoines uum.
f and will ietain its rich ana t
delicate flavor to the last. J
Try it and you will never x
use any other. Your money t
refunded if you do not like it
. . & SON
4 1 1 1 II 14 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H
Large 1
Centrally located
FlcMnllr furn.hed with modem PP'l"5??
Mcn and mnnlng water In wjhtoom
itooma bt the diiy week or month, ueai g,
iOrSc! K. F KKS-N, 1'rop. 7J3 Cottonwood 8t.
Issued. A glance at tho pages or this
little publication, is sufficient to con
vince any candid person or the ex
cellence or Pendleton high
school connect with It; In fact, pretend
I .. t.n nuhnniml f "ill-, ...nvl-l.n
,,!, .l I, l,..l.l l. H.I II. to o...m5,i ... .... .....j ....
itiv.uuun Ul.u H o.lt'.l.u 1'U . Ollil lll
! inc done, and yet It Is self-evident
appeal to the taxpayers of this dls- j that the braying against the portage
trict to further Increase tho scope and i enterprise would not be kept up a
conveniences of this splendid public ! minute ' those who are playing the
Institution. IS?" .r " "0Lr?.r.J' ,",n"T."..l!.r
I Mill HIIJrilVll OO 11IJ ni' nj.ta.j ...,. jtl
Last Saturday the Oregon Ilally 1 80 freo' ...
Journal printed the first issue on the! Shall the shackles and thongs re
Water tankS
We make a Specialty of Building Round
or Square'
The genuine, the bicycle
which is the undisputed
leader, is handled in Pen
dleton only by us. Come
in and see the Racycle.
rnn ah
run oa
We have tliA ttJi
in Real Estate, xp,
some nice homes tht
be sold. Choice iu
Lots. Alfalfa Land from
560. Wheat
from 160 a
acre to
3ii Ccrart
We make them right and the)
always give satisfaction. Our
work is never slighted or botched.
new press. The number was tho most
attractive newspaper over issued In
Oregon. Tho head is changed some
what from the old style nnd the qual
ity of the paper was much bettor
than has been In uho. Tho colored
head-lines and colored lines In tbe
large display advertisements mode
the Journal tho triumph of newspaper
making In Oregon
main forever on our limbs, and tho
crown of thorns upon our heads, put
there by these time-servers. Just be
cause wo will not rise to that pitch
of energy and Independence which
must possess free men and a free peo
ple before they can value their liber
ties, exercise their rights and bultd a
great city and rear a great state?
Those who sit by In silence while
till, shrlf'klps nrf Iinlnp- u-nlili.it tlirhtr.r
The news sorv- l,B"lel. wiuie iratie mat ueionga
...tit i i. i i .. l" i uiuuiiu in iitriiiK uiuitt.'u iu uuim
ico win ne gratiuauy mrrenseii as tne- ,.olntH
nnil nenhist nnturjil urnviHlnn
facilities for handling It Is extended. ! deserve to be in bondage forever; de
and the Journal Is In Portland to ' serve to hear the braying of the hired
stny. Its ntlveitslnc imtronane and ""'i-asses. who sell tholr birthrights
the increase of Its subscriptions, an
phenomenal. The Journal is only 14
months old, yot has a firmer grasp
on the reading public and advertis
ers or Portland than Its proprietors
oxpected to gain In flvo years.
to corporate Interests for barely a
mess of porridge; deserve to occupy
the rear ranks In the march of devel
opment and progress In this Almighty
endowed Oregon of ours. Oregon
Daily Journal.
Pendleton Planing Mill
and Lumber Yard.
Rohert Fokstkk, Prop
Is always received when you
place your order with us.
Fir. Tamarack and
Why buy poor coal when you
Rihorn & Swam
Hardware Store.
can get
the best for the same
Delay and defeat the building of the
portage road by tho state, the open
ing of the Columbia river to naviga
tion. Is the cry! The effort is being
Alonzo Ciarcelon, of l.cwlKton, who
-il years ngo beenme governor of
.Mnlne by a curious political accident,
was ill) years old on Thursday,
He Is still In such vlgoious health
that. Instead or sitting In a rocking
made to create sectional Jealousies, chair to receive the congratulations
to turn the people of the different sec
Hons ngalnst the project by using the
lerereudttni ns a club, while selfish
Interests direct the wielding of it.
Ilrazen voiced agents ate being hciiI
out over the state to secure signatures
or voters to referendum petitions
with this end In view. Why? Ue
cause the sum appropriated by the
last legislature Is to bo used to tbe
fleeing of the river nbovo The Dalles
to navigation.
If this money was certain to be
wasted, as Is alleged; was innderiuato
In nmuuiit lor the purpose, there
would be no cry against the expendi
ture by the parties at Interest, but
since It Is to be spent resultrully and
with lull rrults to the people or tho
great Inland Kmplre. to those or
Portland and tho rest or Oregon, the
hand or Ksau uppenrs to direct nf
ralrs while the voice or Jacob Is heard
nl his neighbors, be went down to
New Orleans to attend a convention
ol' physicians and surgeons.
Dr. Oarcelon ranks with ex-Cblur
Justice Peters among tho grand old
men of Maine, being loved by nil men,
legnrdless of politics, and he Is 10
years older than tbe venerable Una
gor Jurist.
When he was born, In a log house
nt r.owlston Falls On the Androscog
gin, there were but seven bouses
where now stands tho pronucleus t.ty
of l.owlston. He at first desired to
become n civil engineer, but wns dis
suaded from that idea, on the ground
that theie never would be any rail
roads In Maine worth talking about,
nnd so he studied medicine Instead nt
Ilowdoln College nnd In Cincinnati,
wns graduated from the Western Col
lege nt the head or his ohiss and came
homo to practise his proresslou In
The Aristocrat Among the
Whiskies of the old School.
Without a peer.
For Sale by
hH"l I IHI'I I l'l'l"M-M'4"H"H"'
Conrad Platzoeder
All kinds of Fresh I
Meats always on
hand. Fine Bacon,
Hams and Sausage.
Prices as low as the lowest
-M'l"WW l4-H-4-H Mil H.
I r
life mr Jm
The best materials the best that money can buy. H w
I A brewery as clean as your kitchen; the utensils as clean. fU I il9SK(i
The cooling done in filtered air, in a plate class room. H raSS3pSBSflBI
H ne Deer ogeu lor months, until thoroughly fermented, so Iff, J- .THI
h it win not cause biliousness. H WmSf-KmiiMM
m The beer filtered, then sterilized in the bottle. W Mf WTSllfMlWK
W You're always welcome to the brewerv for the owner r V ' 'WKQSzMzMti&M
Pd"- Phone 51 Main, 1 I
And the size of It proves that H- Kopittke, m!KlS3B&W
people know the worth nf 507 Main st- Pendleton THO' ' 'Bf
The Bmar That MfmJm Vur.nku W.t.na W
Laatz Bros.
Telephone Main 5i
One of the finest residences in
Pendleton 11 rooms nil modern im
provements; pretty lawn; complete
$6,500. $2,500 down, balance on time.
Another residence 7 rooms, with
!i.Uh. sewerage, electric lights; pretty
lawn, shade trees, within three blocks
of Main street, $2,500.
Other houses and lots from $C00 to
Nice residence lots, $150, 950 and
Much Other Town Property, and
Easy Terms, Where Desired.
C. D. BOVD. Ill Court Street
We Make Our Bow
).utuiu trim laiip ovainitmnnn m inn nne
lioii in carriages, runabout!, lurrw.
ttr isn hvn flit moiiaiirM ni TiTtKU
vnnr tti.ntlin thltkPHinn Htt
ivonnni urlth atuol Ur1 lilllttf KHll U tell I
beHriue blocki. matlntr them tne fw
ifl wive us h can.
The HUtikmUbi.
$13,450,960 Insurance in Force
H. M. RICE, Freewater
Airent lor Umatilla ronnty.
J. P. WnikM, Hit A.enl for Poudlelun
office, lance bundle of nitiriiuRni
talalns ever 100 big papers can be ob
tained tor 23 cmts a bundle.
The Oregon Dallv Journal rnn 1m
found on sale at Frazlor's book store.
Vc can supply you with
Building Material of all
descriptions and save
you money
Building paper lime
cement, brick and sand.
Wood gutters for barns
and dwellings a specialty. '
Oregon Lumber Yard
Alta St., pop. Cort House
iiuntin vpnr MAMAiiKMK
nnnn vl
. - , P..
UUf VV. Ilia auu w.... - ,
T VY- 1 ,1., nfthPtl
l. ieii, luimciiy --
Henrv Feed Yard, and wouW
pieaseu to caie iui -Plenty
ol stalls, large corrals
loose horses and cattle. H)'
grain for sale. Chop null in
I U.Ah
Unlini Unilnil 01111 nxi
UUglUE, UU11U1 uuu i
Of all kinds is our specialty,
work guaranteed.
- . . I C . - Ml II
cxira i arts riuuiMii"
ol Harvesting fliaimutn.
Manufacturer ol
700 P-fit Alta Street.
riatad eanu. woauiu -iih
r .inn w...
loo eagraTea Tutr.
hundred. Tb. Kut OrafoaU