mi- 13 DAILY EAST OREGON! AN, PENDLETON, OHEQON. MONDAY, MAY 18, 1903. Ci- 4 ' Clothing for Spring The height of perfection in Tail oring has been attained in onr lines of Spring Clothing. Each garment has a distinguishing style which together with many other notable points has bonght onr olothingin great favor with the conservative dressers. See our Suits, from $10.00 to $ J 2.50 BaerO Daley One price Clothiers, Furnishers & Hatters GENERAL NEWS. Eight persons wore seriously hurt by nn explosion of gasoline on the yacht Vagabond, Sunday. The labor unions of Denver and the employers have agreed to submit their differences to arbitration. Governor Mickey, of Nebraska, will expose the persons who offered him bribes for appointments, last week. Gilbert P. Moran, an employe of the Santa Fc ,was shot Sunday at San Bernardino, by Frank Barton, an ac tor. Over 500 men members of the vari ous labor unions of Denver have been sworn In since the present strike be gan. The general assembly or the Pres byterian church is In Besslon at Los Angeles, with an immense attend ance. C. M. Schwab, president of the National Steel Corporation, has pre sented Homestead, Pa., with a free Industrial college. Detective Sergeant Carey, of New York, believes the whole Btory about an infernal machine being sent aboard the Urabria to bo a fake. The first round In the Investigation of the alleged swindles In the postof flco system was a knockout, the pros ecution getting the worst of It. Postmaster-General Payne declares the charges are unfounded. Ellen M. Stone, in a letter to the state department, asks that indem nity be demanded from the Turkish governmont on account of her im prisonment. She does not suggest any amount. Colonial Secretary Chamberlain and the great raining firms of South Af rica, have agreed that the only solu tion for the present labor difficulties of that country In the importation of Chinese labor. Trouble Is expected to follow the carrying out of that jk1-.Icy, THE "JOURNAL WAGON." Unique Soliciting Outfit Nov.- In the Interior of Oregon. The Oregon Dally Journal advcrtlB Ing wagon Is now rolling along some' where In tho Interior of Oregon, whore roads are often dim and postoffices scarce. This unique scheme has attracted great attention, as almost every Con trnl Oregon exchange has reprinted the story of the Journal wagon, as It first appeared in tho East Oregonlan three weekes ago. It left Shanlko last week In charge of Paul DoLnnoy as correspondent, and A. E. Puterbaugh as solicitor. They expect to remain in the field for at least three months, perhaps ending their remarkable trip at Pen dlcton somo time In August. Ail tho famous battlefields of Cen tral Oregon, nil the early settlements old mining camps, places of historic note and prominent pioneers will be visited anil written up. The Journal will make use of the data gathered in a great harvest or holiday edition this fill. ONE WAY OUT. ( PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEW8. "Ex-Governor Geor Is now stumping the first district for Illngor Hermann. Tho condensed nilllc ractory at Hlllsboro. will bo ready for opera tion on Juno 1. The quartz mill on tho Lucky Boy mine. In tho Bohemia district, will be Increased to 50 stamp capacity. Ada Boom, of Yroka, Cal., died Sun day In a deserted cabin In skirts of the town, after n drunken carousal lasting a week. Robert A. Hill, of Bear Prairie, Clatskanio county .Washington, was accidentally killed by a sawlog, Sun day. An epidemic of burglary has struck Eugene, several reports of pilfering having been reported to tho city au thorities. A young man named Wcstfield. is wanted by tho North Yakima author ities for defrauding a dozen creditors I,, that city. Over CO cottages are now under course of construction at Seaside, In anticipation of the groat summer rush to that point. The Tacoraa & Eastern Is thu name of a now road now being surveyed trom Tncoma south, with Portland as a possible objective point. Alexander Fachln, a prominent AValla Walla sheep man, Is under S2, 000 bonds for Importing a Fronch wo man to Walla Walla for Immoral pur poses. Frank Harrison, n Northern Pacific carpenter, was Instantly killed Satur day ovenlng at Whatcom by falling! from a now coal bunker to tho water, CO feet liolow. A hot contest Is now raging bo tween two rival boards of control of tho Florence Crittontou homo at Portland. Tho last logislaturo ap propriated JC.OOO for its maintenance and appointed a commission to ox-. pond tho money. Tho old board of j lady managers refuse to resign, j A Resident of Pendleton Shows the Way. Only one way to euro a bad back Liniments and plasters may relieve it. They won't cure It. Backache means sick kidneys. Doan's Kldnoy Pills cure nil kidney Ills. Pendleton people prove this. Itcad a case of it: Mrs. J, Brynk, who lives on Star street, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills are a grand medicine, as I know from e.x porience, and I hnvo no hesitation In saying that any sufferer from back' ache or other kidney troubles who will give thorn a fair trial, will bo more than well satisfied with tho results. I suffered from three or four years with sharp pains In my back which became acute when I attempted to bend over, or to lift anything. Be sides, I had rheumatism or lumbago In my loft arm so bad that I could not ralBo It above my shoulder without assistance from my loft hand. I saw Doan's Kidney Pills advertised unci got a box nt the Bjock ,& McComas Co. drug store. When 1 hud used three boxes tho backache had van ished and with it the rheumntlc pains tho out-1 through my nrms." For sale by all dealers. Price B0 cents per box. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., solo agents for the United States. Komembor tho name DOAN'S ' and take no other. The Parrot Cigar is the new 5c cigar so much talked about It's good qualities are Astonishing "Jest Try a Parrot Cigar1 ' 5 cents BELL & CO. Sole Distributors Portland, Oregon The Migratory Sheep of Spain. There are In Spain pretty close to 10,000,000 migratory sheep which are every year traveled something like 200 miles from the plains to what Is called the "delectable mountains," where they are fed until snow falls. These sheep are known as "transitu mantes" und their migrations are reg ulated by ancient laws dating from the fourteenth century. In certain f.easons of the year no other stock is allowed to travel on the same route as the sheep, they having a right to graze on all open land on the way, which consists of a road SO yards wide lor the whole distance. Tho flocks are accompanied by mules and large dogs; the farmers carry the nec essary provisions and the clogs act as guards against wolves. RAILROADERS' CONVENTION. Rrrthriond of Trainmen In 8eslon at Denver. rvnt.-r iuv 1S. The sixth annual convention of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, met hero today and probably will continue for two weeks. Matters of routine character wcro discussed at tho opening ses sion. Changes In the constitution and matters affecting the Insurance branch of the order are the principal questions before the convention, the sessions of which are secrot. More than 1,000 delegates and visitors ore in attendance, nurraio anu scvuim other cities are bidders for the next rnnvnlltlnn nt the order. The report of the secretary and treasurer shows tho organization to be In n flourishing condition. During thp last fiscal vear there was an ait- crease In the membership of 9,000, making a total of 60,000 In round numbers, scattered over all tho prom inent roads of the United States and Canada. During tho year 32 new lodges were organized, making a total of 670 lodges. Largest Order of Railroad Men. The Brotherhood of Hallway Train men Is the largest order of the kind In existence and was organized for the nurposo of lending mutual aid to the members of that vast army of workers who handle and caro for the trains of tho various roads of Amer ica. It organized at Oneonta, N. Y September 23, 1883, taking for Its model the largo and successful order, tho Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi neers. Not only does the order work for the temporal Interests of the trainmen, but It has attached to It as an auxiliary an Insurance order, wherewith to provide for those who are left when the far too common switching, ditching or wrecking acci dent tnkes away the head and sup port of tho homo; when the unan nounced crash tells of trouble ahead. and tho cars are piled in telescoped heaps on and around the track and beneath Is the mangled bodies. In the beginning the name of tho order was tho Brotherhood of Hall road Brakemen, but as the order grew, the others of the train crew evinced a desire to associate them selves with the order, and Its title was broadened to suit the broadened conditions. A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Earned You can save from 25 to 50 per cent on the stock I have left Tm. , aennine dosing out e and I am cutting prices to a flui uSAi rn ti, t Vinvnmade neaw reauouona in tun nriu. i i portieres, rugs, art squares and mattings. m Rfin and fi5o linoleum I am closing out at 50c All 30o and 58o wall paper I have marked down to 25c'per ,.ni UVttl UUUDU JJiBuwii .. - " will, UU, I still nave some uijn g macmnB kft luii Oat an ran had better come in at nnra th, uul from $18 up. Pictures and ploture frames yon can haveatbi?; i iirae uic gcuumc wm(j"w - "i v wuie iu ana gee jx JESSE FAILING, Store near the Delightful Summer Res.rt. Whoro are you going to suend vour acatlon this summer? Before vou decide this question, Investigate Leh man springs. It is beautifullv situ ated. Plenty of shade, splendid water, excellent accommodations. phone conneitlons with Pendloton and other points, nnd it Is easy of nccess. A few weeke siient at Leh man Springs will nut new vim nml Igor Into you. The waters nf Its in. rious hot springs have curative prop erties. There are 1!5 cabins, a largo, hotel and plenty of camping room. ou win mid It n delightful summer resort. Address C K. Dutton. Ieh- mnn Springs. Quick Arrest. J. A. Guolledge. of Verbena. Ala., was twice in the hospital from a se vere case of piles causing 21 tumors. After doctors and all remedies failed, Bucklen's Arnica Salve quickly cured him. It conquers aches and kills pain. 25c at Tallman & Co.'s, drug gists. For Sale. Three-quarter sections of good wheat land, of which one-half is iu grain, and all lies five miles north east of the city. A dwelling, two barns and other outbuildings, and a good water Bystem. Call at Oliver & Co.'s grocery, or at the home of u W. Itlghy, 704 Thompson street. HUMMOCKS HAMMOCKS I have the largest line Hammocks in the city you to select from. See the display in our show window of for T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man PENDLETON, ORE, 741 MAIN ST. niiiniHUH iimm ohm hhw i i i i h YOUR BEAUTIFY Nicelv mowed Lawns are easily at our LAWNS. maintained. Take a lool Change In Time of President's Special I rain. On request of varlouu IhihIiipr oople of the city, the O. It. & N. nn has changed tho time of the special trnln leaving Pendleton Jlay 25th for Walla Walla to leave Penillm nn nt o'clock, noon, instead of 10 a. m.. as advertised heretofore. Mnko a note of this and benr In mlml t!i, special train leaves at 1 L'o'clock noon mis cnango in time no doubt will be appreciated by tho business nennln. and public generally, as it will only bo necessary to be absent frnm ih city one half dav , the trip to Wnlla Walla. Those de- irlnjj to leave earlier in the dnv mn do SO b' UrlllC the rpClllni- trnln nt 8:15 a. m. Lots for Sale. I offer some nice lots on the north side near the river. No grading need ed. Price $200 to tfJOO. N. T. Conk-lln. For Rent Suite or rooms, nicely furnished, one block and a half west of Slain street Inquire 208 Alta. Oeorge Hugglns, Baker City. Mrs. C. Jl. Brown. Medford. O. M. Richmond and wife, Weston, W. B. Bolton. St. Louis. .Miss Campbell, Weston. Miss Clark, Weston. J. C, Bartlott, Dromsly. John SIcDInnoy, Boise. .1, Posner, San Francisco. L. Cunningham. Portland. F. O. Dean, Wulla Walla. If you are troubled with Impure blood. Indicated by sores, nlmnlee. heartache, etc., we would recommend Acker's Blood Elixir, which we soli uudor a positive guarantee, it will nlways euro Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons nnd all blood diseases. B0 cts nnd $1.00, F, W. Schmidt & Co., druggists, Enjoy Life Sick Headache absolutely and per manently qurod by using Mokl Tea. A pleasant horb drink. Cures Consti pation and Indigestion, makes you eat, sleop, work and happy. Satisfac tion guaranteed or money back. 2G cts and CO cts. Writo to W. II. Hook er & Co., Buffalo, N. Y for a freo sample. F. W. Schmidt & Co., druggists. lave you bad your shoes repaired at Toutscu? Try him. Outdoor exercise means improvedhealth and a sunny. disposition. All Kinds of Sporting and Pleasure Goods No matter whatgamc or pastime your -fancy runs to, you cannot the goods to promote it at FRAZIER'S Book and Stationary More Oar Soda Fountain Is sizzling, und 1'iEzing, and bubling with the Most Delicious Drinks None ont the best quality of materials are used. DELICIOUS SODA DRINKS Try our Mt. Hood Sundae Only at F. W. Schmidt's The Reliable Druggist I'mtoBicc Block I'houe .Main 851 Easy Running Lawn Mowers. They are made on the correct principal. It's a pleasure tl operate them. Let us supply you with GARDEN HOSE, j Best goods at lowest prices. :::::::: Thompson Hardware Co., 62 f Main Street EVERYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE t Headquarters for Fishing Supplies. 1 1 1 1 1 II I III 1 4 1 1 'I' 1 44 I U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 IW THE SURE WAY to Provont Pneumonia and Consump tion is to cure your cold when it first appears. Acker's Enollsh Rem. edy will stop tho couch In a nlcht. and drive tho cold out of your system. Always a quick nnd sure cure for Asthma, Bronchitis, and nil throat and lung troubles. If it does not sat isfy you tho druggist will refund your money. Write to us for free sample. W. H. Hookor & Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. F. W. Schmidt & Co., drugglats. THE BEST MANUFACTURING COM STEAM AND HORSE POWER COMBINED HARVESTEllSX AS trrir,,.l,.L- v., tlio nrlL.nl I,., ntnr nt Mi fPnllCr 20(1 t& er, so wus "Best" the original Inventor of the first successful Col blued Harvester. We wish to call the attention of our friends who contempt purchasing a Side-Hill Combined Harvester the coming seau, -we are still in the lead in the way of Improvements, in harves u mucuinery, anu which our farmer friends have ngmiunj' - past sixteen years, and for the season of 1903 it will 1 " Wl u we nave made a mimber of valuable Improvements, The MACHINE is the stronest and moat durable made. IMPROVED DRIVE WHEELS C feet 4 Inches high, 22 Inch "I iB a brake J maiu drive wheel, which Is controlled by the driver HEADER Is driven Independently from the grain wheel of sj arntlir nnH la nrm,.r.l 1. .1 In unit OUt 01 6 1 -. 14 hiiuu "iiu u 1.111 1 .J U iui luiunuib " when turning corners. THE SEPARATOR We wish to call your atteution partl'uUj to the separating qualities of our machine. We claim that no CQmliinoil )ind-ifo. ,. rntnnare """! - i uu me muiAL'l tail iu nuj " for speed and thoroughness of work, In all kinds and conditio" , a-nn, auu win require less team to operate it. AUTOMATIC GOVERNOR Our patent wind governor on jl urns governs me uiast so that at any speed at wmcu i" --- j may he traveling, tho wind Is automatically regulated and P 1 clogging the shoe and carrying the grain over in the str- , We take pleasure In .Inviting you to call on Temple A Pendleton, nnri ,olro ar.l I..- .!.. f nl, nnd eYC'l r"..l our machines before placing your orders. Every machine 1 ed to do all we claim for It and to be first-closs In every rese" 1 TEMPLE & WILCOX, Local Agents