The BUCKEYE Folding Vapor Bath Cabinet THE ONLY PERFECT CABINET MADE For the Scientific Application of H;at and Steam In Curing and Preventing Disease. : : : : : Endorsed by 3o,ooo PHYSICIANS and OVER 600,000 Happy Users PRICE, $5.00 BROCK & McCOMAS CO. DRUGGISTS VOLCANO COINS. FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 11103. The cry of the century Is , "Westward' Westward!" The New York farmer turns his face , 1 to the sunset, ami thinks he has 1 1 attained the great Ideal by settl- lug In Illinois! The farmer from , Illinois hears the Pacific call- 1 lng. and scales the snowy ranges ' ' in response to the unlversay ! I cry. Westward is the creed of the coming generation. It means 1 the completion of the Pacific 1 Coast empire. A. L. Craig. THE MERGER DISSOLVED. Yesterday the United States dis trict court at St. Paul rendered a decision In favor of the people, and practically dissolved Jim Hill's merger. The court declared the merger to le In lestralnt of free and open traffic. It branded the wily scheme as a gigantic "corner" in the carry ing facilities of the territory in which it operated. It said that the ultimate aim of all uucli combines was to op press the people through forcing un just rates upon them and tnerefore. the government must draw a line on Its powers. The decision Is a triumph for Gov ernor Van Sant, of Minnesota, who inaugurated the movement against the merger. It is a triumph for the people of the Northwest, who are at the mercy of the lines comprising the Northern Securities Company. No wonder Jim Hill has loosened up on the people of Washington, somewhat within the past two weeks. No wonder his agents have announc ed that the freight concessions de manded by the people will be nuyle, gradually, by mutual agreement. He felt the quiver of the coming storm. His finger has been upon the pulse of the country. He foresaw the verdict of this court and in order to pacify the patrons of his systems, he hurries to announce that his road will quit fighting the people of Washing ton through the legislature, and tells them that he will deal with tnem di rectly. While the people have the merger on the rack, they should be as merci less with it as it would be with them. While the court's decision has check ed the tendency, temporarily, no quar ter should be given, hut every unjust league formed for the purpose of forcing up rates, should he throttled and nipped In the bud. owns the stock and doubles its value by finishing It for the market and It yields a profit and furnishes a mnr kot to the man who grows alfalfa, cats, barley or corn for feed. Oregon must turn her attention to these mattms The men who are buying unfinished stock to be sent back to us as food products, are reap ing profits that belong to Oregon. In the city of Portland butter fat Is selling at ".3 cents per poundthe highest price ever paid in the state. Willamette valley cannot find dairy cows with which to supply the clam orlug markets for butter. Stale stuff j that Is justly condemned by the food I commissioner Is being rushed into ' the state the state above all others, I which should be shipping out the richest farm and dairy butter that ever reached Alaska or the Orient. Eastern Oregon farmers buy Ne braska bacon, and yet in their 1.00O acre wheat fields, enough feed goes to waste to supply the state v, Ith ba con and lard each year. Oregon must arise to the occasion. The opportu nity for which the pioneers have waited so long. Is knocking at the door. ' - There Is trouble already brewing In the ranks of the new Lewis and Clark Woman's clubs, now being or ganized in Western Oregon. It seems that the Oregon Federation of Wo men's Clubs was Ignored In the mat ter of beginning work In the Interest of the fair. The clubs already or ganized have shown wonderful activ ity during the past two years. They have secured legislation on some of the most Important subjects before the legislature, and stood ready to enter the harness of Lewis and Clark Fair work with the same worthy zeal. They were the natural custodians of this work, being thoroughly organized and comprising In their membership the most active women in Oregon in both public ami private life. Without consulting them, the new club move ment was started. Without their consent, many of their names were published in the list of membership In the new club, and the work that justly belonged to the old organized bodies, was transferred to an untried organization. There Is room for wo men's clubs everywhere. As long as an unorganized town or Immlet re mains in Oregon, there is work to do. but why not Insure the success of woman's work for the fair by strengthening the clubs nlready or ganized. Instead of dividing forces by launching new ones? OPPORTUNITIES NEGLECTED. Every close observer who travels over Oregon notices the urgent need for more industries. Every man who looks into the commercial records of the state, and the trade movements, finds that the very commodities which under normal development of resour ces, should he exported, are being Imported. Instead of finishing our product for the market, we buy finished product from those who 'purchased our raw material. Instead of shipping beef, pork, lard, butter and other farm and range products to the markets, all around us, we sell our stock large ly as feeders, and buy It hack from the purchaser at great profits to him, as food. And this in a state producing matchless alfalla, wheat and corn. All this in a stnte unsurpassed for its range resources and feeding facili ties. Last year the markuts of Portland and tho Sound Imported 10,000 head of fat cattle, besides using overy available hoof fed In Oregon. In the same period of twelve months, forty carloads, or 1C.000 cases of condensed milk wore shipped into Portland for local consumption, About fifteen carloads of Nebraska process butter, some of which was condemned by the food commissioner were shipped in and laid, cottolene and other vegetnble products have been purchased by the carload lot. The Xeedors that uro shipping out of Orugon should ho kept hero and fed. It yields a double profit to do t to the. man "'b0 w 3t yields vro&t to , The bureau of Insular affairs Is hard at work getting out tho new coins for the Philippines. Seventy flvo millions of pesos will be minted before the Job is complete, and after that number Is Issued as many more as tho business of the Islands de mands. Two pesos will be taken In exchnuge for one Amorlcnn gold dol lar. The skilled engravers of the Phila delphia mint are nt work on the dies for the pesos and the fractional coins half pesos, 25 centavos, 10 contnvos and contnvos. All the designs are tnc work or Meleclo Flguero, a native Fil ipino nrtlst and sculptor who studied In Romo Pnrls and won lnurels In Madrid. On tho obverse of the silver coins Is the erect figure of a Filipino girl standing beside nn anvil with a ham mer In hand. Ilchlnd her In the dis tant background Is the smoking rep lesentntlon or Mnyon, tho largest of tho Philippine volcanoes. Over tho girl's head Is the denomination of the piece of money, ns "1111 pesos," and beneath Is the word "Flllplnas." The reverse of the coin bears the Amer ican shield surmounted by nn eagle, with the date of coinage. The obverse of the copper centavos hears tho same smoking volcano and the workman pictured Is a Filipino man, seated with the hammer In his lap Instead of resting on the anvil. The reverse of the copper coins is I the same as that or the silver. Chi-; cago Chronicle. SPRING. The scout of the violets In the frn- J grant wood, 1 Tim nnnil of tovous birds tlint nine A woiuirous song, uiu uwiikoiiiiii; motherhood Of cosmlr nature this Is Spring! Frank Leo Plnet in Kansas City Star heumatism tiie: apA.xr ionso." Those wl.ohavecver felt its keen, cutting pah , . "ntnccd the i ..tense puffer,..-Mothers, know that Rheumatism ,s torture, and that it is ngut rr t.-iiif -Mid it sltius everv itmsr e and joint 111 the bod M.t.s utinj, lom e.,.t,in.. -1. i-i 1'i wathcrorcvpositreto damp, dull) unit.s or min. ai Sln'lrneUo acSti. or day. pcrhap. andlein the pa tlent with .1 weakened constitut on or crippled mid deformed for all time. An n" d oUi.te t condition of the blood is the cause of every form and vr.r t v o RliaJmatism. Muscular. Articular, Acute, C iron! c M- toy and Sciatic, and the blood must be purged and P"fiM". end to vour ichc and pains. External applications, theuseof innucntsnnd he ival cause or cleanse the diseased blood ; but S. S. S , the 11 blood purifiers end tonics, -Iocs cure Rheun.atis.n by; an eutrah.:-in-' the poisonous acids and building up the weak and sluggis blood. It lb in., mi. j1.11. i.ii7.ij nil fnnnsofR beuniatism. It makes Midi: illiu 1 v.iitii'iv --- - the old acid blood rich, and the pam -tortured mus cles and joints nre relieved, the shattered nerves are made strong, and the entire-system is invigorated and C IKS.. fnrrrtt'tMn mill Ml V. 0r toned up iV ukmim; 01 , . -It If vou l.ave Rheumatism write us, aim our piiy-wenim. ... ,....0.. ....... out clia-no asv information desired, and we will mail free our book on Rheumnti-it. THE SWSPT SPECtFtC CO., ATUkHTAn CAm HIT Mil HARVESTER 1 1- r- . wc ma a specialty of BuiU;. r Squaf, The onlyjsoccessfol Harvester ever tfsed in Umatilla Cotmty. The house In which President Itoosevolt was horn, In New York, has been rallied by the police ns a poolroom. TORTURING DISFIGURING Skin, Scalp and Blood Humours linker City has adopted a most commendable method of paying for her sewerage system. The total eost of the system is to be $42,300. The city has asked for the Issuance of $1L',000 in bonds to help build the system, and the other $32,000 will be raised by assessments on the prop erty abutted by the sewerage system. The vote on the bonds will be taken April IS. Speedily Cured by Outicura Soap, Ointment and Pills When the Best Physicians and All Else Fail. llfiTrn t I IB MM lm nihau 1 inn Iff n I LI I I HUH in We make thorn right ind alWaVS ClVn caticf..-!- wum id never snchtpH . l DanrllanM Pi I i t.uuH.iuii rianing and Lumber Yard. BURSTER, Finn Yfillnto- Womt. . . . - n u n umy au cents a DOX. Fresh Ranch Ewr. k ... UU&U11. We have the Famous m ways suusiaciory lVAlTnnnrvi MIIIUIILMII U I'llL'U luvnvi vuu uurr 1 A trial will convince you 1 merits. THE HOLT does satisfactory work on any kind ol land. It is not an experiment, but practical, as time has proven, and the best advertising the machine gets is from those who have used it. Over 75 machines in use iu Umatilla County. Lightest draught and long est lifed harvester made. Sold by :D. KEHLER & t The Big Store in a Room. Knsine. ho er ana Mat kinds is our specialty, work guaranteed. I Of Extra Parts Furnished for all 01 uarvesiniji macninerr. The agonizing itching anil burning of the skin, as In eczema ; the frightful scaling, as In jHorliiMs ; the loss of hair and crusting of the scalp, as In sculU-rf head ; the facial disfigurements, as in pimples mid ringworm; the awful suf fering of infants, and anxiety of v. orn otit parents, as iu milk crust, totter and salt rheum, all demand n remedy of almost superhuman virtues to Piiecc. fully coe with them. That Cutleuni Soap, Ointment ami Pills me such stands proven lwyoml nil doubt. Xo statement is made regarding them that H not justified by the strongest evi dence. The purity and sweetness, the powei to ufford immediate relief, the certainty of siM-iily and permanent cure, the absolute safety and great economy have made them the xtnmlnnl skin cures, blood imrilieis mid humour remedies of the civlllml world. Jtathe the uftVctt-rt parts with hot water ami Cutteura Soup, tocleaii-e the surface of crusts and scales, and Milieu the thickened cuticle. Dry, without hnrd rubbing, anil npply Cutlenra Oint ment freely, to allay Itching, irritation and inflammation, ntul soothe and heal, and, lastly, tnke the C'uticuru liesolvcut 11113, to cool and cleanse the blood. This complete treatment, costing but one dollar, adonis instant relief, per mits rest and sleep, in the severest forms of eczema and other Itching, burning and scaly humours of the skin, scalp and blood, and points to a speedy, permanent and economical cure when all other remedies and the best physi cians fall. E. L. SMITH 311 Court Street Peodleton, Oregon Manufacturer of Rlf.RY-flflVE HAKYESi The labor unions of Eastern Ore- turn should awaken to their opportu nity and send delegates to the state federation meeting to be held In La Grande on May 3. Portland has al ways dominated the labor Interests of the state and now Is the time for Eastern Oregon to show her willing ness to take part In the program. Gray's Harbor Commercial Co. 709 East Alta Street. .. 8 ID EL 0" fi u "EL SIDELO" Is Manufactured bv SAM'L L DAVIS, Y CA ASK FOR "BANKER" SIZE 2 for 25c ALLEN h LEWIS , Distributors PORTLAND, ORE. Going to Improve SCOTT'S EMULSION makes pale, thin children fat and chubby. Overcomes wasting tendencies and brings back rosy cheeks and bright eyes. It's surprising how quickly children respond to Scott's Emulsion. It contains just the element of nourishment their little bodies need. They thrive on it. Even a few drops in the baby's bottle have a notice able effect for good. Nothing better than Scott's Emulsion for growing children. We'll tend you a uinpUi (rcc upoa rajuttt. SCOTT & DOWNE, 409 Tcatl Sirttt, New York. We Don't Keep Everything But we uo Keep u good big stock of nice dry Flooring, Celling, Rustic and Finish, iu all grades Also all kinds of Dimension Lumber, In cluding; Lath and Shingles. Our stock of Doors, Win dows, Moulding, Building and Tar Paper und Apple Boxes is complete, and any oue lu need of Lumber will not bo wrong iu placing their order with the : : : Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. W: & C. R. Depot On Its Merit Has the large demand lor Byers' Best Flour Been built up. Only the choicest wheat that grows enters in to Byers Best Flour. It's peifection in Flour. Made by the PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. IVCIjlill VUUI IIUIll"' w' I ni . t,.r. iin'inw Turin uw ed or papered. Come to ks Large ana nictij 'stock.of wall paper ana I E. J. Murphy, 111 Court Street. Agency for the snerww" llauiB faint. Farmers Custom M Fred Walters, Propria Capacity 150 barrels a day Flour, ijill Feed, Cliorpeo always tm nana. bo -. tin 41 ; - S3 O ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS cure dyspepsia and all disorders aris ing from Indigestion. Endorsed by J physicians everywhere. Sold by all druggists. No cure, no pay. 25 cents. Trial package free by writing to W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N, T. P. W. Schmidt ft Co. Easter Bargains T U Ih the week to outllt for Kiwter au I we have ma.le an eirbrt ti get everything needtd to furnlrtli you a complete outtlt for Ratter wear. cut patterns for summer waists. Our specl price t r this week, 4 yard waUt patterns lor omy 11.86. Japanese Bilk fcr trimming pitr pcsei, 19 Inehe wide u ually sold elsewUere for 35c vard, our price this week, '-8c yd. e. Silk WalMtB, new styles, all lolors.llne values J8 25. Fiue Bilk Waists, all uew Htylf. 8" colors, $3.75 and $5.00. Bee our window disputf of Bilks and Bilk Waists. MILLINERY We will receive thU week a shipment of new tr. mined hats for ladles and mis-Hes. Bee them before buying v?ur new spring hat Flow ers of all kiutlt, too, we have on baud, and silks and ohiltoua for trimming. SILKS AND SILK WAISTS Beautiful Wash Bilk?, more than 20 dltlVr- t-H .O space SATURDAY SPECIALS 4 eh O H We will have many specials on sale Saturday, too numerous to mention in this 5 can at tne store ana see them. : : 1 C THE FAIR LT ... 1 ....... . . 1 . 1 1 ..... . 1 .... .