East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 30, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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    , i
Destroy the
Remove the
Newbro's Herpicidc lcills
fhn dandruff ferm which
causes falling hair, and,
finally, baldness. No other
hair preparation kills the
dandruff germ. Stop dan
druff, there'll be no falling
hair, no baldness.
Dicurios, S. D., Not. ,.
Ilarf bn using lltrptetdt. and harp used
about one-UHnl of HI bottle, anil and Uiat
It lcr all, and cren more , tnm you claim lor
It. It not only clranara tb tain from dan.
rtrutf and prrYrnti ttm hAir from fellug odt.
tbeqaanUtrnwnUotml.aiMlhaTP mcrr bair
on nir hema tban 1 bar badferreare. I also
una rati u Keep our ei i nu Kirosj.
For Sale at all First-Clui Druj Storei.
Because They Are for a Specific Pur
pose. Nothing can be good for everything.
Doing one thing well brings suc
cess. Doan's Kidney Pills do one thing
They're for sick kidneys..
They cure backache, every kidney
Here is undeniable evidence to
prove it:
Mrs. A. M. weaver, of 115 N. A
street. Cripple Creek. Colo., whose
husband is superintendent of the TJ.
P. R. F. Quarries, says: "Doan's Kid
ney Pills arc a remedy In which I
have great confidence and I heartily
re-endorse what I have before stat
ed about them in our Cripple Creek
papers. Some three years ago I gave
them to our little girl, who was troubl
ed with a weakness of the kidneys.
A few doses checked the annoyance
and in a short time after a continua
tion of the treatment cured her. She
has had very little trouble since,
with the exception of when she
caught a severe cold; then there were
symptoms of a recurrence, but a few
doses of the pills never fall to ward
off an attack. 1 recommended them
to a lady friend of mine some time
ago, who used them and was greatly
benefited. I keep them constantly in
the house so as to have them on hand
in case of recurrences. I do not hes
itate to advise any mother to use
them In her family where necessity
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Fo3ter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
N. Y sole agents for the United
Remember the name DOAN'S
and take no substitute.
Despain & Clark
Wholesale Com
mission Merchants
Will pay cash for poultry. The
Market price always. Bring it in
every day and all day. Chickens,
Geese, Ducks and Turkeys.
Office in Savings Bank Building
Come, Get Out Quotations
We can supply you with
Building Material of all
descriptions and sa v e
you money.
B u i ldin g paper, lime,
cement, brick and sand. '
Wood gutters for barns
ana dwellings a specialty.
Oregon Lumber Yard
Alta St., Opp. Court House
Says Tendency Is to Better Grades of
Stock Would Have Stockmen to
Make Better Markets by Preparing
Their Output Perfectly Need of
More Alfalfa Area Anecdote of the
C. J. Mlllls. the hustling, genial
livestock agent for the O. H. & N..
spent last night in this city on his
way to "Washington points.
Mr. Mlllls has just paid a brief visit
to the principal livestock centers of
Eastern Orecon and is enthusiastic
In his comments upon stock condi
tions. "Feed is plentiful In the stock dis
tricts of Eastern Oregon,' said Air.
Mlllls to an East Oregonlan repre
sentative, "and stock Is In healthy,
thrifty condition. Losses have been
exceptionally light as the winter has
been very mild and open and w.nle
there Is no curplus of mutton stock
just at present, all kinds of sheep are
in excellent rango condition.
Tendency to Better Grades.
"One thing that pleases me highly,
is the tendency in all our ranges to
Improve the herds; the pruning nro
cess Is going on continually; the
'scrub,' God bless him, while he serv
ed a good purpose in his day, is going
down the toboggan slide into oblivion
and disuse.
Must Build Up Markets.
"What I want to impress upon the
minds of Oregon stockmen most em
phatically, Is the vital and leading
fact, that every locality must create
Its own market, by the excellence of
Its output. Stock prepared for mar
ket must be put In the pink of con
dition, they must be so perfect that
they will create a demand and com
mand a price peculiar to thelc special
value. A half-fed steer, or mutton
wether, means a loss of half of the
profit that should be made on that
animal. Poor grades of marketable
stock msans a poor reputation for the
seller of that stock and for his locali
ty. Markets are determined by the
excellence of the offering.
"If dealers can buy a better grade
Nice Dressed
Fine Sauerkraut.
Dill Sweet and Sour Pickles
Fresh and Salt Fish.
Fresh Eggs and Butter,
Shrimps, Crabs, Lobsters and
Pendleton Fish and
Poultry Market
310 Court Street
Phone Red 591
Mushes and prepared foods j
of all kinds. j
Pancake and H-O BUCK-
wheat Floor for vor
wneai riouz ior your
Best Maple Syrups
one need dread pneumonia or con
Otir Tea is the very sumption. Its relief Is Instant nnd
f.nci- t. m-s.frof 1 cure certain." Tallman & Co. guar
Choicest On the marKCt. antee every 60C and $1 bottle, .and
I give trial bottles free.
Miller Grocery Co.
623 Main Street
Phone Main 511
that gets your lungs sore and weak
and paves the way for pneumonia or
consumption, or both. Acker's Eng
lish Remedy will atop the cough in a
day nnd heal your lungs. It will cure
consumption, asthma, bronchitis and
ail throat and lung troubles. Positive
ly guaranteed, and money refunded If
you arc not satisfied. Write to us for
tree cample. W, H. Hookor & Co.,
Buffalo. N. Y. F. W. Schmidt & Co.
of 'beet or mutton In the Willamette
vallev. Just for Illustration, thnn can
be bought in Eastern Oregon, they
ore going to pay more for the better
grade and on account of that Increased
price, Willamette valley will hold n
better reputation as a market than
Eastern Oregon. While the naturn!
resources and surroundings, the per
fect environment and all tho natural
requirements of Eastern Oregon m!'
be superior to those or Willamette,
yet she was lacking In that fine touch
of the tradesmnn who made his mar
ket by making his stock ported.
"You cannot expect good prices to
exist where you fall to prepare your
stock In tho most perfect manner, and
you cannot complain If some other
section of the co.intry boasts of high
er prices, for tho status of your mar
ket Is traceable to your own methods.
Excellence Is tho baste of good mar
kets. Need More Alfalfa.
"The alfalfa acreage of Eastern
Orccon should he Increased fourfold
in the nex two years. The great do
main lying Idle between The Dalles
end Huntington should be a vcrdnnt
ftretch of three-crop alfalfa. You
need it. You are on Uie eve of the
true commercial era In tho Northwest
You have skimmed tho cream off the
frontier and now you are In the open
ing dawn of the best business perloa
that ever visited any land.
"You must prepare to feed stock
enough to supply the hungry markets,
not only of your own Northwest but
of Alaska and the Orient. The sci
ence of making beef and mutton un
surpassed In the world must bo your
study, until you master It. No coun
try offers greater natural opportuni
ties than Eastern Oregon. It has the
range and the fertile hay land, touch
ing shoulders. It is blessed with a
matchless climate. Tou musit begin
to raise more hay aud be better pre
pared to meet the urgent demands
that will be made upon your flock and
beef herds, henceforth.
Expects Large Stock Shipments.
"There will be a strong movement
of range sheep eastward this spring.
Our ranges are badly congested. The
short crops and unsettled condition
of traffic last year cut the shipments
short. Stockmen also showed a ten
dency to hold for higher prices at the
risk of causing congestion and sur
plus on home ranges.
Livestock Convention.
"It Is with pride that Oregon pre
pares for the National Livestock con
vention of 1804." said Mr. Millis. "It
will bring into this state 6U0O or 7000
men who have money to spend in in
vestments, and who are the very
busiest, .most energetic men in the
business circles of the country. They
will come to Oregon to see and learn,
and many of them will take advantage
of her excellent advantages and be
come fellow workers with us.
"Oregon appreciates the aid re
ceived from her friends in the con
vention. It is an honor to he chosen
from the number of great states in
this Union, as the meeting place of
such a strong organization of cap
tains of Industry.
"One little anecdoto of the conven
tion is worth repeating for the hun
dredth time. The Oregon delegation
took 30 boxes of the choicest red ap
ples that ever smiled from an Oregon
tree. Within ten hours after reach
ing oiu; headquarters in Kansas. City
Msitore had carried off the entire sup -
ply as souvenirs. The Oregon apple
was doing such essential work that I
we couldn't afford to be without !
them, so we sent out quietly and se-j Tne beard used to be regarded as
lected enough of the prettiest Knn-!n badge of wisdom, power and man
sas City red apples to be found to 1 ho0(l : now it Is looked upon as a corn
last through the session, and filled up j moh carrier of microbes.
the depleted boxes.
"it was a sin to do it but we took
the risk. How those enthusiastic del
cgates uit Into the Missouri apples
ami smacued their lips: -un. it we
could only raise such fruit here.' thpy
said to us. They will have the pleas
ure of returning the Joke In 190',."
Mr. .Millis left on the 8:1? Suokcne
train for Walla Walla and Washing-
ton points, where he will spend I
ween in tnc mieresis 01 ins uusy ne-.
Finds Way to ulve Long.
Thc startling announcement or a
discovery that will surely lengthen
i llfe' ,B n,adc by Ealtr - H- Downey,
j of ChnrUDUSC0 1 lnd, -i wish to state,"
jhe writes, "that Dr. King's New Dis-
' covery for Consumption Is the most
: Infallible remedy that I have ever
j known for coughs, colds and grip. It's
'invaluable to people with weak lungs.
Having this wonderful medicine, no
Southwestern Passenger Bureau.
I Fort Worth. Texas. Jan. 30. Pursu
' ant to the recent announcement of
Chairman C. M. Pratt, the Southwest-'
j em Passenger Bureau ceases to exist 1
.aiier uiuay. -me reason assigned for
dissolution or tho bureau or the Texas
"nw wa3 lne O'unarrabsmg position
occupieu 0 tne association by trying
to keep It up with only four out of
an original membership of about 22
lines, whose membership wns essen
tial to a complete and practical pas
senger association.
The widow of Faiardo. who was
killed In tho accident In tho New York)
Central tunnel last year, has been
awarded JtO.OOO by the supreme
-The Gambler' Daughter."
The best known or dramatic critics,
have bestowed unstinted prnlse upon'
"A Gambler's Daughter" as a dramat-,
Ic production. There is nouiing com
monplace 01 trivial about 1 From., OLD PANHANDLE
ZTATZ'tti oSonaor Un.on County Want. aMtter of State
the piece end it will undoubtedly Taxes Equitably Adjusted,
prove a most nttractlve drawing card Salem. Ore., Jan. 30. Senator
when it comes to Istlcht. ... Pierce or Union, Wallowa and lima-
when it comes to this city. Miss - tilla counties, proposes to make Ha
lian Hayward. the lending woman of );er COnnty "do the sauare thing" in
great talent has rapidly como to the the Panhandle annexation matter. Ua
foreground as an emotional actress In i(or county got the Panhandle away
the last few years. She is supported from union county in the last session
bv an exceptionally strong cast -In- r the legislature, and now Pierce has
cindlng such well known players as-introd,, three bills which are In
Camilla Cranio. Marie Laurens, Elsie tended to ir.ako Haker county bear her
Frazeo. James Norval. C. W. Good- s,nre of taxes, according to her In
rich, Walter Stanhope. J. J. Hylnnd.j crcasau proportion of property by rca
Allan Foster. Andrew Quirk, Louis ; son of tlie onnexntion.
Epstein. W. J. White. F. K. Wallace 1 Thc flrsl bj is ecnnt0 U1U 143 It
and many others. At the Frazer Mon- r(,cteg t)lat nt the session or 1901 a
day. February 2 ' law was enacted requiring Union
county to pay .02C2 of tho stato taxes,
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured but that by reason or the annexation
With local applications, aa thfj cannot ' of the Panhandle to Daker county,
read, the eet of the dtafMe. Catarrh ! property to the amount of $450,000
Srteto 1? younmU.t 'tSe tatanrt ns taken out of Union and added to
remwlles. Hall' Catarrh Cure ! taken In- Haker; that by reason or this chnn-e,
ternallj, and acta directly on the mncona 1 Union county's proportion of the state
urfJ ."?" SVwL rcrVi les should hnve been but 0222. an !
in of the best physicians In this country that the county should have paid
for years and Is a regular prescription. jaOOO less taxes for 1901. The bill
It Is composed of the best tonics taojra, rrov(ies that the state treasurer shall
"cSSs recuy ttawISS KSSt credit Union county, with $3000 on Its
The perfect combination of 'the two tngTe- taxes for that year.
dlents Is what produces such wqnaerini
rtKults In curing catarrh. Send for tea
ttmonlals free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., ITcps Toledo, 0.
Sold by druggists, price 75c.
nail's Family Tills are the best.
"Burglar and Waif."
The Denver Republican of January
12. 1903. says:" "The Burglar and the
Waif" was greeted by an oxerflowing j xhc third bill, senate bill 145 re
am! enthusiastic house last night, and , cites tue facts regarding the change
the performance pleased throughout. n tho nrouortlon of nroncrtv in each
M Iss Inez Foreman scored In a three- j
aim cuunii-icrizuiiuu m u uu, an "-,tne change in the proportion or taxes
t'lan princess and Asinodeus. J. F nH Bet forth in the preceding bill shall
Crosby impersonated the hero and; 1)e raa,ie l0 ap,,iy t0 the taxes for
revealed a splendid baritone voice 1 1902.
in several solos. ChnrleB Plunkett. Thus In the three bills Senator
the veterar. comedian, contributed 1 pierce hopes to relieve Union coun-
largely to the nin-raahing ami uie ,
support wns satisfactory. A play by
the author of "In Old Kentucky"
liiigui. lie expected to ueiigiu lurus ; ng0
audiences, "The Burglar and the, wm i,e noticed, the first bill
Waif" seems to all the bill." At the which proposes to relieve Union coun
Frazer Saturday, January 31. ty or the payment or $3000 does not
j provide that this sum shall bo pah?
New Century Comfort. tI( naker county. When asked how
Millions are dally flndlng a world 1 the state will get this $3000. Senator
of comfort In Bucklen'e Arnica Salve. . Fierce said: r
It kills pains from burns, scalds, cuts, "Oh. thafs easy. The bill will l
bruises; conquers ulcers and fever referred to the Judiciary committee
sores; cures eruptions, salt rheum. ; 0r which Senator Band or Baker Is
bolls and relons; removes corns and , chairman. Senator Rand will have
warts. Best pile cure on earth. Only .tile 1,111 amended so as to require Ba
25c at Tallman & Co.'s drug store. i;Cr to pay that $3000. Senator Rand
Slmms and Kearns to Meet.
Milwaukee. Jan. 30. Five good
bouts have been carded by the Mil
waukee Athletic Club for its flrst box
ing show, to be given tonight, and In
the windup an event ol unusual value
will be offered In the contest between
Art Slmms. of Akron, and Tim Kearnfe
the Boston lightweight. Both men
have been training faithfully and ap
pear to be in splendid condition for
the go. If Slmms Is successful in beat
ing Kearns. he will be matched toi
n .l, ntin c-.iir.fr .......... t .. i ,. '
lllll VltU .1,11.,., ,1 II J 11V1J III win
T , ' Bl,reuK " curing u
! ec'f?c ver hinl ln 0 "nd bout
1 jeeeeasasues
Ig .
BAKER & WELCH, Mgrs, MARK M00RH0USE, Local Mgr.
The Sensational Comedy-Drama,
"The Bttfglar
By Chas. T. Dazey, Author of "In Old Kentucky"
MISS INEZ F0RMAN. as the waif.
Elaborate Costumes.
I PRICES 25c, 50o, 75o, $1.00.
Seats on sale at Frazier's Book Store.
On Its Merit
Has the large demand for
Byets' Best Float
Been built up. Only the choicest wheat that grows enters in
to Byers Best Flour. It's perfection in Flour. Made by the
, W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
T1) BOCond bill, senate bill 144. nro-
poses to amend the general tax law
so as to require Baker county to pay
,0235 or the state taxes Instead or
,0195, as provided by the act of 1901,
and to reduce Union county's propor
tion to .0222 instead of .0262, ns speci
fied before the Panhandle wns added
'to Baker county
0f thesp counties and proposes that
ty from Ule paymcnt of more than her
(,hare r Btate taxes from the date the
panhandle hill took effect two years
' and I are working together. He Is as
(Seslrous of having the matter equlta-
hly ndjusted as I am, and will not op-
poso requiring Baker county to pay
her share ot tho taxes."
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question arises in the family
every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try
a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre
pared in two minutes. No boiling 1 nc
bating I add boiling water and set to 1
eooL Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp
berry and Strawberry. Get a package
at your grocers to-day. 10 cts.
and thc Waif
Startling Scenic Effects.
Fire Scene.
Rates $2 fel
"ceiientCaW, .
Every Mft
Bar and bilHardro
Only Three Blocks
Comet Court injjjj
M. F. Kelly, Prd
A work-nil Plan, rain
Kuroneuu I'lan. SCcl
Special rates by wetll
Free 'bus meets all t
Commercial trade
Special Atteotion GivafJ
Elegantly Fund
- OUfl.
nm 111 Cw
danipic iwv
cenUroicB . The ,a
rnexkrn Turkish ' v
?.':...Tn Pilot H0Ct.X.'"-m
i'kin im " . .
OHlce in umiuv" -
lin it
The r.r
0on preeny ,
J - -
"TmMflfta 1 1 1 i 1 ' - 1 1 i 1 i't