East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 20, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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Md aiimdl Mfldreini
We carry the Celebrated Alfred Dolge Line and have
them in red, black, drab and green. Juliettes and Slippers.
New line just received. We also have Felt Romeo's and Felt
Slippers for men.. Just the thing for cold weather.
l Wilson k Co:
Good Shoes Cheap. Phone Main 1181
Linn McAllen. of Wolla Walla,
In town.
Judge W. R. Ellis has returned
Irom Portland.
J. C. Holcomb, of Adams, Is at the
Golden Rule hotel.
J. P. McCoy", of Athena, Is at the
Golden Rule hotel.
Born to Mr. and lurs. O. F. Steel
this morning, a ten-pound lrL
ruin. George merunney, or Walla
Walla, Is In the city visiting friends.
A. J. Harp, of Cold Springs, is In
town today buying of Pondloton mer
chants. R. Able, formerly of Meachani. but
now a resident of BolBe City, Is In
town today.
W. H. Hawes, of Athena, was In
town this morning on his return from
the irrigation convention.
J. C. Lonergan, the cattle buyer for
the Pacific Meat Company, has gone j
to Han Francisco on business.
A. W. Talley and J. C. Moll, promi
nent Columbia river ranchers, are in
town today buying winter supplies.
William Eastman, section foreman
for the O. R. & N. Company at Adams
was in town Wednesday afternoon.
H. L. Hester left Wednesday even
ing for his home in Portland, after
spending a few days with friends
E. D. Severance, of Baker City,
passed through town this morning on
his way home from the irrigation con
vention. W. R. Cryderman, one of Walla
Walla's prominent business men and
politicians, was a guest of Hotel Pen
dleton last night.
F. E. Simpson and wife were guests
of Hotel St. George last night on their
return homo to Athena from a pleas
ure trip to Portland.
Ed Dupuls and W. P. Shepherd re
turned Wednesday evening from a
duck hunting expedition down the
river. They bagged several ducks.
H. B. Mitcham returned last night
from his ranch on the John Day. He
states that there was several Inches
of snow at that place when he left.
E. J. Wilbur, the pioneer sawmill
man of Meacham Creek, is in the
city. The O. R. & N. station, located
Wilbur's home, bears hl3
near Mr.
C. W. Waters, of Palouse City, representative-elect
from Whitman coun-
f V Toft vnntnrHn. fnp 1.1. V. ... nfA.
nttendlng the funeral of his brother,!"0011
Was Playing With Matches and
Clothes Were llgnlted Little Sis
ter's Heroic Effort to Save the
One of the most shocking deaths
the East Oregonlan has been called
upon to chronicle recently is that of
the 3-yenr-olil son of Mr. and Mrs. B.
F. Myers, who was burned to death
Wednesday evening.
The little boy nud his sister, a few
years older, were playing with
matches in the yard and the little
one's clothes were Ignited. The fam
ily wore all away except the boy and
girl and a little baby, which was lying
on the bed. The father was away at
work and the mother had Just step
ped Into the neighbor's for a minute,
not anticipating such nu awful thing
befalling her little boy.
It was about 3 o'cluck in the after-
James B. Perry was passing
Quotations Furnished by the Coe Com
mission Houst.
Chicago. Nov. 20.-Tbe market clos-
cd as follows:
December, 75-.
May. "o'k'g'tG.
December, BS.
May. -I3V
December. 304.
May. 31.
January f IB W
May SH60
Daniel Waters
R. Alexander, president of the
board of regents of the Eastern Ore
gon State Normal, spent Wednesday
in Weston looking cftor the Interests
of the school. Mr. Alexander says
the school ie progressing nicely and
the teachers are giving very ffood sat
isfaction. He also stated that Presi
dent Martindale, of the faculty, was
convalescing from his severe spell of
At the County Line Between Union
and Umatilla Counties, on the Blue
The section crew at Kamela eats
in Union and sleeps in Umatilla
county. The bunk house stands -on
the north Bide of a gigantic' fir tree.
which marks the line on the summit
I the place, which is in the lower end
I of town, when he saw tho child rush
into the back yard and discovered
that It was all nblaze. He rushed
over the fence and the child ran back
into the house. Mr. Perry caught him
Just as he got into the house and was
making for the bed where the little
baby was lying. The little girl had a
pail of water with which she was en
deavoring to extinguish the fire and
had kept It from burning the little
one's, back, but as the little boy kept
running awny from her all ths time
she could not get the water onto the
front of his clothes, which were in
Evidences showed that the little
girl had been doing all in her power
to save her brother. She had first
tried to wrap a heavy cane around
the child to smother the flames, and
as a last resort tried the water and
no doubt would nave saved the little
life had he stood still.
Mr. Perry tore the clothes from the
At the Small Rate of Pay Received,
the Boy in Blue Saves More Than
the Day Laborer.
"Civilalans talk of the hardships of
soldier life and the poor pay received
bv the enlisted men" said a local army
'officer yesterday to the Walla Walla
' I'nion. "but an inside look at a gnrrl
j son will. I believe, convince them of
1 thoir error.
I do not mean to say that the fn
listed man is free to go where he will
... .1 1 1 . T
or that nts wages are uv in-ui. mu i
Commercial Organization Up in Arms
Said That the Lewis and Clark Fair
Would Be a "Fizzle."
Portland. Or.. Nov. 20. All the
commercial organizations of this city
are incensed at the statement of
President Mellen thnt "the Lewis and
Clark fair Is belike a Fourth of July
celebration with nobody to see the
fireworks." Many demand a retrac
tion and the feeling is bitter.
Several leading merchals have
made the statement that If President
Mpllen or any of the other leading
officials of the Northern Pacific intend
to he continually "knocking" Port
land, there is but one remedy, and
that Is to take concerted action and
ship all goods via other lines, travel
over other lines and have goods con
signed over other lines.
i ney Were lid
.i .
me other nBU .
beautiful in her vi&
tie gropm looked M-V
vennonai m-i. "
Air, ti, Alter iv.
new school S!?Ud
i j . . J,su, a li.
.A " . ""re COM
","4 uuraie scroll."
consisting of i. '
Plate with V.V"!e
center richly decora.
snrav. and civ
... uiuc, enni-
creations in chm !r"'
" WIWTm ....
.... Wl
ueip out notice
will venture this assertion. "The old "- were marked
non-commissioned officer, the one who
has served a dozen yetrs, the man
with a family, lives het'er and has
more to Bhow for the years ot his life
thnn the nvernge day laborer who
ornws from $2 to $2.60 at the most.
t tnn'J
.... 7
Sergeant With a Bank Account.
"He Is furnished a house In which
to live, two stoves and in a measure
his fuel and food. Dainties he has to
purchase. He Is allowed his clothing
and if he is saving at the end of. each
enlistment he has mony coming for
clothing not drawn.
"I know of one old sergeant in the
regiment who has $1500 deposited
with the paymaster and who, when
we were getting paid every two
months, put away $35 every pay day.
Now when that man retires on three
quarters pay he will have enough
money to build a little home and his
pension will keep him. Show me a
civilian laborer who can do the same."
of the mountains at that point. The
hnn.Hlntr 1. m CI elnvwln ....... 1 . . C . 1
line about 100 yards, so the crew that I ? d as soon as ,got, 1,tJn,ni' wra'"
works on the track at this point
ping a quilt around it. laid it on the
bed. Then he left another man. who
was with him. with the child, while
he rushed out and summoned the
neighbors and a doctor.
bunk house, runs each way down the hJ?- XT V , , DULwle . ,
mountain. From a small pool four Lh"d l?Ile their work. The flesh of
feet across tho Hnv Etrnm orf mllt? " 8 ,,ut'-v was Durnetl to
cross the county line overy time thev
go to a meal. It Is an interesting
fact to note that uie water standing
in a pool on the summit, near the
east and west, one toward the Grande
Ronde and one toward the Umatilla
On the summit of the mountains,
for miles each way, the line between
the two counties is blazed on the
trees at intervals. Most of the marks
were made years ago and are now al-:
most grown over. i
a crisp and it had also inhaled the
flames as when first seen it was try
ing to fight the fire from its face
with its hands.
When the mother henrd the com
motion she rushed homo only to find
that her child, which a few moments
had ,
"Lincoln, the Statesman."
The third of the series of lectures
in the University Extension Course,
will be delivered at the Congregation
al church, corner of Webb and John
son streets, Friday evening, Novem
ber 21, by Professor W D. Lyman,
Subject, "Lin-
Asleep Amid Flames.
Breaking into a blazing home, some
firemen lately dragged the sleeping
inmates from death. Fancied secur
ity, and death near. It's that way
when you neglect coughs and colds, of Whitman College.
Don't do it. Dr. King's New Discov-coiu the Statesman.'
ery for Consumption gives perfect , mmmmmmmm.
protection against all throat, chest
and lung troubles. Keep it near and
avoid suffering, death and doctor's
bills. A teaspoonful stops a late 1
cough, persistent use the most stub
born. Harmless and nice tasting, it's
guaranteed to satisfy by Tallman &
Co. Price 50c and $1 Trial bottles
free. i
x"-iai juace in Otfj,
I have too much proptitr
illli.iii ill in iinm. .1.
wwn 1 L nil !
T 1. n 7
. raacnet tat
and nmnll nrt ...... i ..r"
1 nave ujt&,
may want from m
- i um
City Property a Spectdtj
T t.m.A . 1. ...
iuui, reaiaences, an,
I do not list propertj oh
price Is right
Real Estate Deafci,
'l"!1 ii4i4iil"l"li 'I1 'l'4
O'Brien vs. Choynski.
before was happy and strong.
ueen brought to death's door J
Everything possible was done for J
the little sufferer, but to no avail,
nnH a, IO n'sifn.,!. Inn. I.
Ph nHalnhlq I3o on ..ruii . . - ...r-- w ,
"-.,...", '1 -u. x-uuu- ferings ended
delphia Jack" O'Brien, whose great The funerai will take nla-P thlK'
Ml f-m u!e redenX W.
MrrrT warner VVI"'
a chance to redeem himself tonieht. I i
Your Doctor's Orders to be
effective must be supll
mented by pore drugs
If-- your prescription is
filled by us it contains
nothing but the'best in
gredients that your doctor
prescribes for .you. We
never substitute.
He is slated to go up against Joe
Choynski, the clever Californlan, in
a six-round go before the Penn Art
Club. This will be the second time
these two fighters have faced each
other in the ring recently In their
previous meeting, which was a six-
round go in Chicago. O'Brien cot the
decision over Choynski after a one
sided contest. Choynski claimed that
he was not In proper shape to be In
good fighting shape oa that occasion
and as a consequence tonight's go
was arranged. Both men appear to
be in good fighting condition and from
all appearance neither will have the
excuse of poor condition to fall back
upon in the event of defeat
London Delegates at Toronto.
Toronto, Ont. Nov. 20. The party
of distinguished members of the Lon
don chamber of commerce which
came over recently to attend the dedi
cation of the new home of the New
York chamber of commerce, arrived
in Toronto today and were received
by the city officials and representa
tives of the local commercial associa
tions. The visitors are to remain in
Toronto two days, spending the time
in viewing the various industrial en-
I terprises of the city and concluding
meir visit with a banquet tomorrow
The Intant child of Mr. and Mrs.
T. G. Montgomery, died today.
Portland hotels have been filled to
their fullest capacity with visitors t
the irrigation convention.
Look Here
120 acres of wheat land, 3 miles from Pendleton, $2500
600 acres, 10 miles from station, plenty of water, $6500
160 acres, 10 miles from Pendleton ' $1500
160 acres, on the river, 7 miles from Pendleton,
35 acres in alfalfa, good house and barn .... 4000
Good house on West Alta street $ IIOO
Good five-room house, north of river, six blocks
from bridge j
Two five room cottages on West Webb bt., each $ 800
Dutch Henry Feed Yard
Good property in olty and country too numerous to'meii'tion, any
location that one may desire.
Union and Baker Counties Are Minus
A Few Regular Boarders.
J. J. Jackson, a "cull'ud gem'en,"
wno tor the past three months has
been an Inmate of the county jail
awaiting trial before the circuit court
for having stolen six pairs of shoes
from a freight car at Huntington, Is
no more so far as the Lherlff's office
is concerned. Not that the son of
Hamm has gone to Join Jils ancestors
in the great beyond, but he took
French leave two weeks fien avid rItipo
that time has been enjoying the de
lights of freedom. Jackson sawed
through a bar in the window upon the
north side of the Jail and one quiet
evening hied himself hence. Baker
City Herald.
Jackson Is the man nriested hv th
authorities in this city some time ago.
He had several pairs of new shoes
nnd hose in his possession and was a
suspicious character. Shortly after
his arrest here it was learnprt thnt
he was wanted In Baker county for
robbing a freight, and Deputy Sheriff
Davis took him to Baker City at the
request of the authorities ther I
Jailbreak at Union.
Sheriff Pennington, of Union coun
ty. Is In the city, says the Herald, in
quest of several prisoners who escap
ed from Jail this morning. The men
patterned after Jackson, the colored
prisoner, nnd sawed through the bars.
The local officers have been requested
to keep an eye open for the missing
charges. 0
Special sale this week on all
We have too many and must close them out.
Now is the buyers opportunity.
We will give a big cut price on Blankets, Bed Com
forts, and Outing Flannels.
Our Clothing Sale is Still On
KememtKer: The largest stock of goods In the city to select from.
In Police Court
Jesse Grant, Fred Johnson and C
Divine were each fined S5 in nnH
Ba' uvening an uthls morning
w. uwmc uiuiiu uuu uiaorueriy.
Four masked men held nn n
ger train of the Colorndn Rn,,hQm
near Trinidad. Tuesday. While pre-'
iiiu& ufuamiiB untier the baggage
car, Messenger Sherwlnh
side door and fired, wounding nn.
the robbers. The other robbers then
Fastened and put together
in a manner to please and
satisfy the most exacting.
Such are our Men's Shoes
that we sell for
Warm Shoes and Slippers
Harrv O. Monro n,n 1
wner, died at Sumptor, Wednesday
of pneumonia. Vm
Tie Queen Hotel
Now Open
The new building, 3o by 80,
recently erected by Joe. Ell, on
Garden streit, between Court and
ftiia, is now open to the. public
Contains 30 well lighted, and venti
lated and newly furnished rooms
Not an inside room in the build
ing. Modern improvements, elec-
tut ugius ana oaths. The Hotel
is directly back of of the Queen
Chop and Oyster House nn Main
street, and the Queen Chop House
and the Queen Hotel will he rn
in connection by Messrs.
Olson & Van Puymferoeck
To be seen in attractive millinery at our parlors. Our
trimmers keep constantly in touch with t'.e fashion
centers of the East and the latest ideas are always oa ,
display. Come in and study the very newest style;.
As the season advances so do our styles.
The best and m08t convenient thing of
the kind we have seen is a neat little folder
showing a calendar for 1903, a lodge direc
tory, railroad time card and car fares. They
are for free distribution. ' Call for one
1 &ga
1 - -''Jaiimiet--'