East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 20, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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    ! I
CLARKE & COMPANY, Hardware, Stoves
and Plomblng
W. J.
' 3HSDAY, NOVEMBER. 20, 1902
i I if
i nmt
All kinds of imparted lunclies,
ot wiener wurst, sauerkraut and
, gs feet at
Main Streets near Postoffice '
i f xt Murphy Frame those
l$ Ictores for Christmas
Don't put off having the
work dene. If Murphy
does the work it will be
good work and you will be
highly pleased, Best stock
of framing material.
E. J. Murphy's
Best work at lowest prices.
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. W; & C. R. Depot
Portland Flour Shipments Increase
30,000 Barrels In One Year Aston
ishing Figures of the Wheat Trade.
The October bulletin published by
the treasury bureau ot statistics gives
the following figures showing the ex
ports of wheat from the principal
customs districts of the United tSates
during the month of October.
New York Leads.
New York, 3,535,277 bushels; Puget
Souud, 2.452.2G" bushels; Boston, 1,
700,533 bushels; New Orleans, 1,679,
091 bushels; Willamette. 1,619,473
bushels, Galveston, 1.4S1.6S0 bushels;
Philadelphia. 1.3SS.071 bushels; San
Francisco, 754,677 bushels; Superior.
fit5,872 bushels. Baltimore. 660.m
bushels; Portland, Maine, 386,907
bushels; Newport News, 2C.2 454 bushels-
nuluth, 147,956 bushels.
Wheat Exports Light
The total exports of wheat from
the United States for ten ' months
ending with October. 1902, show a
decline as compared with the exports
for the corresponding months of 1901
of more than 42,000,000 bushels. The
total exports for the first ten months
of 1901 amounted to 154.303,188 bush
els, valued at $112,609,595. This year
the total exports of wheat for ten
months amount to 111,997,9G7 bushels
valued at SS3.791.862.
Astonishing Figures.
The total wheat exports for ten
months of 1902 from the leading cus
toms districts are as follows; New
York, 1S.312.51S bushels: New Or
leans. 11,883.028 bushels. San Fran
cisco, 11.788,396 buhsels; Puget Sound;
10,820.073 bushels; Galveston, 9,514,
646 bushels; Baltimore, 9,002,729 bush
els; Willamette, 8.821.311 bushels;
Philadelphia, 8.122,310 bushels; Bos
ton. 7,519.311 bushels; Newport News,
4.653.079 bushels: Superior. 3.743.-
540 bushels; Chicago. 3,027.446 bush
els: Portland. Me.. 2.204.453 bushels.
Four Districts Gain.
Only four cus'toms districts in the
list show nn increase over last year
in wheat exports. These districts are
Puget Sound, whose Increase is 2.
214.694 bushels; San Francisco, 721,-
353 bushels; Portland, Me., 481,100
bushels, and Newport News. 430.23S
Flour Exports,
The total flour exports declined
from 15.918.45G barrels during the
first ten months of 1901 to 14.315.S02
barrels during the ten months ending
iwith October, 1902.
Puget Sound sported in ten months
of 1902. I.is'),ti04 barrels of wheat
flour as compared with 933,821 barels
during the coreaponding months of
last year. San Francisco has han
dled for export this year 867,423 bar
rels as compared with 938,036 barrels
last year, while Portland's exports .of
flour increased from 498,780 barrels
in 1901 to 523,027 barrels in 1902.
When getting figures from
others on that lumber bill of
yours, don't forget to come
and see us. We carry a large
stock of all kinds of .
Building Material
including shingles, door, win
dows, moulding, screen doors
and windows in fact, every
thing that is found in a first
class lumber yard.
t C . . . 1 W v V V 1 W
Weber & Field's "Fiddle-Dee-Dee."
"Fiddle-Dee-Dee," Weber & Field's
successful burlesque, the largest and
most beautiful scenic production ever
sent en tour, will come to the Frazer
opera house for one night. Saturday,
November 22nd. "Fiddle-Dee-Dee"
ran for one whole year In New York,
six months at the Pan-American ex
position in Buffalo, and 111 nights in
San Francisco. The company is com
posed of the original comedianB who
created such an impression in New
York: they are supported by a chorus
of 40 pretty girls, who excel in both
face and form, and their singing and
dancing Is one of the big features of
tho performance.
"Fiddle-Dee-Dee" is just what the
public wants, with Its music and com
edy, with a good sprinkling of ginger
in it giving an evening's entertain
ment, clean and wholesome, thnt Is
bound to please. Seats on sale at
Frazer's book storp. prices 25c, 50c
75r- and SI.
Money on Your Stove
A second shipment of Celebratedcorn Stoves and Steel Ranges has arrived and are on
seconu snipmciii. ui w nleases your fancy, and note the many
display at our store. .' . how much you can savo in the price. Our
SSXTKSTSiS-. wnich we h- expeced tosupp.y the trade for
iirsi i i t1, tLnt x, afn1u was soon exhausted and a second order was placed and
SbtXX Acorn Stoves and Steel Ranges, which are
sold i Pendletonnly by us, were so highly pleased when they learned the low pr.ee at which
this superior stove is sold by us that they readily became purchasers, and are now advertising
our stoves by their complimentary words. v
Two sizes
$n and S13
Three sizes
$9 $11 $14
Three sizes
$10 $12 $15
All sizes
$3o to $65
W. J. Clarke & Company
We know this because ladies call (or this delicious bever
age more than any other. Men say,
"Ladies' tastes are not bad,"
For the fruity flavor of our Muscatel has won many men
to its side. Sold in bottles for 50 cents or over Kline's
bar for 5 cents a glass. The pure juice of Muscatel
Grape gives health and pleasure.
LIQUOR STORE, 6J9 Main Street
A half section of fine wheat
land, all in summer-fallow,
north of Pendleton.
Good improvements.
Almost a section of land in
one body, a short dis
tance north of town.
! rnd beautiful new scenery by James
I Fox, of New York. Including c real
A Melodrama. elevator or cage In nctuil npr ration
I An elaborately appointed scenic are reatures ot "fenusyivaria, it
nuilodrama entitled "The James Boys lb to come to the Frazer TucsJay,
In Missouri" Is booked to be present-1 November 25th,
fd at the Frnzer. Friday, November
SlHt. Different from any plays that ; Deafne88 Carmot Be Cured
Jame ZvThl JnTnovi"!; M uf b' "al "Potion, u tbey cannot reach
James Hob The James Hoys In Mis- the diseased portion of the ear. There Is
sourl" is a romantic love story: sen- only one way to cure deafness, and that
timent prevails throtiehout nnd is so 18 by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is
cleverly combined with the sensation
For Rent.
What .s known as Jacob's
Enquire of C. B, Wade.
Farmers Custom Mill
Fred Walters, Proprietor
Capacity 160 barrels a day
Flour exchanged for wheat
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopied Feed, etc
always on hand.
Bally Eatt Oregonlan by arrlr,
only 11 cent a waefc.
al features that a really worthy dra
matic- success has resulted, There
are Jour nets and each Is equipped
with a special and exceptional sconic
environment There Is lots of happy
fun which furnishes a good hearty
laugh. The company is made up of
some noted one, including John Ab
bott and Harriett Lee. Seats on
sale at Frazlor's book store at popu
lar prices. 2fic( 50c. 7Ec and $1.
We are to have a splendidly con
structed play with a consistent plot,
a heart story which strikes home end
brilliant comedy in "P&nns.vlvanln,"
which is tho, Joint authorship ot Dan
iel I. Hart and C. E. Callahan, both
prominent In the ranks of popular dra
matists, as Is attested by their re
spective success in "The Parish
Priest." and "A Romance of Coon
Hollow." etc. A select metropolitan
cast, the celebrated Eagle quartette,
cnused by an Inflamed condition of the
mucus lining of tbe Eustachian Tube.
When tbla tube Is Inflamed you nave a
rumbling sound or imperfect bearing, and
when It Is entirely closed. Deafness Is tbe
result and unless the Inflammation can be
taken out and this tube 'restored to its
normal condition, bearing will be destroy
ed forerer; nine cases ont of ten are
caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but
an Inflamed condition ot tbe mucus sur
face. We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case ot deafness (caused by Catarrh)
that cannot be cured by trail's Catarrh 1
Cure. Bend for circulars, free.
P. J. CHENKV & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Tills are tbe beat.
Burglars in Odessa.
Vienna, Nov. 20. A special from
Odessa says that burglars Tuesday
night entered the palace of Princo
Lorenzo and secured a million dollars
worth of booty.
Ladles' halt soles. 40c. Toutach's.
For all kinds of shoe repairing, fo
to Leo Teutsch'a.
look is caused by defective lilunibinjr.
There Is always something out of order.
Better let u make a thorough ex
amination of the pipes, drain-, menni
and gas fittings, etc., and give an esti
mate on the cost of putting them in
good working condition. Our work-
block. Ulcn ftre conitent and we have every
thing necesfiiry to carry the most dff
llcult job to a fuicvetsfiif i-nue.
The Plumber
Court Ht. PpposHe Golden Utile Hote
Let Us Do
Your Hauling
Famous at home for
Generations past;
Famous now all over
tne World.
For Sale by
We do trucking and hauling
of all description at reason
able prices.
Your horses will be well cared
for if taken to the Old Dutch
Henry Feed Yard,, corner
West Aha and Lillith streets.
Hay, grain and all kinds ol
feed bought and sold.
Horses for sale at all times.
Successtor to Hays & Connerley.
Come To Us
Fcr jour lumber and builditj
material cf all descriptions and
jou wili save money and ge!
fust-class stock. We can sop
J'J) 1UU W 111
Dcors, Windows,
Screen doors and window
building paper, lime, enr-trt
brick and sand.
We make a special!) e!,CC1'
gutter- (or barns and dv
Oregon Lumber
Alta St., opp. C.-rrt Hop-
No Bad Debts
Are contracted bj our sjst
of doing business lrV6
for cash and give our w
mers the benefit of oni : "J
from loss. More
class groceries for your nog)
than any other store m
ton. Our stock
JNew goods arriving
ii' 1.