?K3QHlXHHPME7 wmmemmmImv LmaZLH ASTERN ELECTIONS (Concluded.) Mrs. Anderson, a prominent society woman of Jacksonville, Fla., daughter of Recorderof Deeds, West, who witnessed her signature to the following letter, praises Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " " Dear Mrs. Pinjoiam : There are but few wives nnd mothers -who have not at times endured agonies and such pain as only women know. I wish such women know the value of Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. It is a remarkable medicine, different in aotion from any I over knew nnd thoroughly reliable. " I have Been oases where women dootored for years without perma nent benefit, who were cured in less than threo months after taking your Vegetable Compound, while others who "were chronic and incurable came out cured, happy, and in perfect health after a thorough treatment with this medicine. I have never-used it myself without gaining great benefit.. A few doses restores "my strength and nppetite, and tones up the entire system. Your medicine has been tried and found true, hence I fully endorse it," Mns. It. A. Andehson, 225 "Washington St, Jack sonville, Fla. Mrs. Reed, 2425 E. Cumberland St., Philadelphia, Pa., says : "Dear ilns. Pikkhah: I feel it my duty to write and tell you the good I have received, from Iydla E. Pinkbam's Vegetable- Com pound. "I have been a great sufferer with female trouble, trying different doctors nnd medicines with no benefit. Two years atro I went undor an operation, and it left me in a very weak condition. I had stomach trouble, backache. headache, palpitation of the heart, and was very nervous; in iact, l adieu all over. J end yours is tne only meuicino tnat readies , such troubles, and would cheerfully reo- ommend Lj-clia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound to all suffering women." When jromen are troubled with irregular or painful menstruation, weak ness, leucorrhoea, displacement or ulceration of the womb, that bearing-down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, flatulence, general debility, indigestion, and nervous prostration, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound at onoa removes such troubles. The experience nnd testimony of some of the most noted women of America go to prove, beyond a question, that Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound will correct all such trouble at once by removing the cause and restoring the organs to a healtby and normal condition. If in doubt, write airs. Pinkham at Lynn, Moss, as thousands do. 2$o other medicine in the world has received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles. Refuse to buy any substitute. W- s'-VT vf . : .-fMMMMMMM $5000 -FORFEIT if we cannot forthwith produce theorlgin.il letter nd ilgnatnre of ll proTfl lueir blwjiuio kciiuuicmwi. I-jtlla H. PlnJiht.ru Medicine Co., Lynn, Mn. bore tMtimonlalJ, -nhlch will prove Frazer Opera Hons Baker & Welch Tuesday 0 Nwemmlbeir 4 C. B. Manrin's Furiously Funny Musical Farce Comedy o T7rr tl a wise Mcmocr It's the Limit A A Hi TwiniadcD) (Q)ff Fttnnn Mnrttlhi Georgeously Costumed Catchy Music PRICES; TSc, SOc, 25c. Seats on sale at Frazier's Assisting the regular democrats are the Independent republicans who arc opposed to Qtiaylsm and It Is expected also that much of the strength of the prohibitionists will be thrown Into the Paulson column. The ropubll enn candidate for governor Is ox-Judge Pcnnypacker. a relative of Quay. In some o ftlio state districts the fight for congressional honors Is bitter. In Philadelphia the republican nominees for congress have no opposition. Medium vote. Pennynnckor seem'j certain of election. A heavy vote. Several arrests this morning for alleged fraudulent vot ing. South Dakota. Pierre, S. D., Nov. 4. Four tickets are In the field for stato offices In South Dakota democratic, ropubll enn, prohibitionist and socialist. The republican ticket headed by Charles N. Herreld as the candidate for gov ernor, is expected to be elected by a large plurality. John W. Mnrtln is the Tusionlst candidate for governor. There Is no opposition among repub licans to United States Senator A. B. Klttredge, who was indorsed by the state convention, and he Is certain to be elected by the unanimous vote of the republicans In the legislature, which will convene In January. Tennessee. Nashville, Tenn., Nov. -t. H. T. Campbell, republican. James B. Fra stler, democrat, and It. S. Cheves, pro hibitionist, have all conducted vigor ous campaigns, but the indications are that Frazier will be elected by a good plurality. The democrats appear confident of electing the congressmen in all except the First nnd Second dis tricts. Texas. Austin, Texas, Nov. 4. Texas elects a full state ticket, a legislature and 16 representatives. The democratic state ticket, headed by Samuel 'W. T. Lauham, is certain of election. The republicans have put up five congres sional candidates, but from all indi cations the state will send a solid democratic delegation to Washington, Utah. Salt Lake. Utah, Nov. 4. Utah elects a supreme judge and a legisla ture. The principal interest centers in the legislative ticket, as a succqs sor to Senator J. L. Itawllns is to be chosen. The result is uncertain, both sides claiming success. 'William M. McCarty Is the republican candidate for supreme judge, and his opponent on the democratic ticket is Major It V. Young, a grandson ot Brigham Young. Washington, Seattle, Wash., Nov. 4. Washing ton elects a supreme judge and legis lature which will choose a successor to Senator George Turner. The out look favors republican success. The three republican candidates for con gress, F. W. Cushman, W. I.. Jones and W. H. Humphries, expect to re celve pluralities of between 3000 and 5000. Fair weather is general east of the Mississippi. Local rains in Missouri River states. At noon Indications were for a heavy vote In the far East, lighter to westward. Walla Walla, Nov. 4. The outlook Is good for the democratic legislative nnd county ticket. Specials sent out from Walla Walla last night carried 100 for the colonization of Franklin county and another ferry-load of 75 for Columbia. Spokane Light snow. Light bal lot cast up to noon. Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 4. The cam-, palgn In Wisconsin this year has been peculiar, and the result no man can forotell with any degree of certainty. Republicans are supporting democrat ic candidates and democrats are sup- nortlne renubllcan candidates. While the re-election of Governor La Fnl lette Is general conceded, Ills plurali ty s expected to fall far below that which ho received two years ago. The republican party is badjy split, nnd this split was widened by La Follette's i recent utterance to the effect that ho would not support Senator Spoouer's ! re-election unless the latter declared I In tavor of tho state platform. Thu democratic nominee for governor is j David A. Rose of-thls city. ! Wyoming, i Cheyenne. Wyo. Nov. I. Wyoming elects state officers and a legislature Three state tickets are in the field headed by George T Beck, democrat: De Forest Richards, republican, and Henry Britenateln, socialist. The re publicans expect to cany their stato ticket by a good plurality They ex pect also to re-elect F. W. Mondell their present representative In con gress, whoso personal popularity Is great owing to his efforts In securing the passage of the natlonnl Irrigation act. The democratic nominee for eon gress is C. P. Clemmons, the present mayor of Saratoga. Looks like a republican clean sweep. IIHIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIiniHIIIIIIIIHIillllMiMiiiiiiiuiminiHimniMHiiiiniiiiiiiiii Don't Let the Bother You Eii n'f Wrrv fhAr rhp HpaHntf Jinn Cnnhintt Dli r vmv i i v i - 3 1 will The' Stove Question is easily settled if you will come to f - - m h-k. j-v K I 1 MTVk T m A MT r u u i inni w. a n n n m. mr m u m m m- w u i i The Wilson Air Tight Heaters The original and best hot blast heaters; the one that all others are tryiaj M imitate is handled bv us. It is the father of the new idea of savincfuel Money Saved is Money Made So lot us Baveyou money on your stove, and also by cutting down your fuel The Time to Buy a Stove is Now T Ur AT "RT ATVICQ Write the East Ore lXLjrjjLf 1JLsJLVMS2 gonlan for a free cat alogbe of them. A foil supply always kept in stock. 1 Sumpter All Right. Cato Johns, the merchant of Sump ter, arrived In the city last night on a short business trip. Ho says busi ness in Sumpter has doubled in six mouths and everybody is rushing the limit with work. Morning Democrat, of Malno or where IT WILL BE TIME SPENT USELESSLY AND BOTHER FOR NOTHING The Universal Steel Range Has given universal satisfac tion. It is no new experi ment but positively the best STEEL RANGE made. Its points of superiority over other makes are numerous, Not high in price, but high in quality v nil nturp itrtnntirTtrur nppn crunv no- rnf i itiPCTinn m npnuiw l ' j J C o of stoves, but unless you have visited our store you have not sn Wilson Heater for they are sold exclusively in Pendleton by I .vaoMv - ftttatiw rx m-m -v A 1 n -va jrk an n n M w m M HI" I ir Kl i f I rrir. si natir nn-t hi Hlar nil i n-. rx t ' nnH UAin r and Cook Stoves and Steel Ranges, but only the good kind. I Our Prices on Stoves Will Mean a Saving to You vv hnviiie a Wilson Wood Heaters $3.50 to $12.00 Wilson Coal Heaters $12.00 to $22.00 Universal Steel Range $20.00 to $55.00 Cast Cook Stoves - $12.00 to $25.00 Simply reading the prices will not give you a correct idea of bargains, but an inspection will The THOMPSO HARDWARE COMPANY 621 MAIN STREET No Mflttfr What Vm. U7of ; HarH-vafP. We HflVC " w WWB T I MM BM M M M M WW M M I mm m M W II W V 3lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilll m IMIIM imiii uiiuiiuuiiiiuiiiiiiuiiimuiiinmiimi. t