East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 30, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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mq's Half Soles, Nailed 75c
Uitis' Half Soles, Nailed 40c
art of tie
tad to Any
o o o o
Et; OCTOBER 30, 1802.
Eitard, (arm loans.
Bz'i clam chowder.
iojrsters at Castle's,
firing, take a P. I. U.
i winter suits at Joergor's.
Uto chips at F. S. Younger
Etstern and Cove oyster
of children Ping-Pong
frs. Campbell's.
Ilmburger and Swiss
bdwiches at Gratz's.
our eggs to F. S.. Younger
cents per dozen. .
Fleur-De-LIs Callforula
at F. S. Younger & Son's.
inese cooking at Phillips
Everything tastes good.
Itobicco and smokers' sup-
lack Candlsh's, Patton's old
ties, sweet potatoes, chick-
:ks at the Standard Gro
cash plan saves you
cleaned and prcssod by
1 workmen. Prices reason.
Holland, corner Holland and
Ikee for sewing machines;
and liest on earth: chain
combined. Prices 14
Wow zero. Call and seo
Ell pay yon.
n;w idea of
P fashion leaders
Modern Jeweler
Whltaker, the dentist.
Oyster cocktails at Gratz's.
Olympla oysters at Castle's.
When driving, take a P. I. It.
Neuman's for cigars and tobacco.
Fall and winter styles at Jocrger's,
Hot Wienerwurst and saur kraut at
Special until Saturday, wool waists,
yc. Teutscn.
Lewis and Clark badges and but
tons at Nolf's book store.
The season for Dutton's flue tallies
and home-made chocolate creams.
Your suits will be the helghth of
fashion If made by Slebert & Schulz.
Children's toy trunks, new line
dressBed and kid body dolls. Nolf's,
Brick building for rent, on Court
street, block and a half from Main
street. ,See J. F. Temple.
We have the neatest and largest
Mock of Jardiniers at prices so low an
to surprise you. C. Rohrman.
Light Brahma and Buff Cochin
chickens for sale at the Standard
Grocery at the lowest market price.
Lamp fixtures, Jill size chimneys,
wicks, burners, brackets, reflectors,
shades, globes in stock at all prices.
C. Hohrman.
35 cents ,per dozen.
Bring your eggs to F. S. Younger
& Son's.
35 cents per dozen.
K. O. lioyd has sold to J. J. Baum
gardner lots 12 and 13, in block -45,
reservation addition to Pendleton.
Consideration $450.
For Sale Property on corner of
Main and Water, 73x75 feet, 'two
buildings. The ronts pay 8 per ce:it
net on Investment. Must be sold b
Novombor 1. N. T. Conklin, office at
Why have gray hair. Get walnut
coloring, $1 per bottle, express pro
paid. San Francisco Hair Store, 1401
First avenue, Seattle, manufacturers
of all kinds of hair goods. Send for
The Boston Store has .fitted up a
very attractive new cloak room for
the convenience of patrons of this
department. The new room is sup
plied with fine large plate glass mir
rors, electric lights, and is nicely carpeted.
Housekeepers, Housekeepers,
Housekeepers, Housekeepers,
Sale, Sale, Sale. Sale, Sale, Sale.
Sale. Sale, Sale. Sale, Sale, Sale.
Thursday, Friday. Thursday, Friday.
Thursday, Friday. Thursday, Friday.
The Peoples Warehouse.
The Peoples Warehouse.
50 Small Boys. 50 Small Boys.
50 Small Boys. 50 Small Boys.
Suits! Suits! Suits Suits! Suits!
Suits! Suits! Suits Suits! Sutts!
All money-savers. All money-savors.
All money-savers. All money-savors.
The Peoples Warehouse.
Tho- Peoples Warehouse.
On the Charge of Assault With a
Dangerous Weapon Dragged Ben
Fix With Lariet.
This forenoon Clarence H. Hale
ana ucrt wisdom were arraigned be,
fore Judge Fltz Gerald and bound
over to the district court In the sum
of $500 each on the charge of assault
with a dangerous weapon.
For several months bad blood has
been existing between Ben Fix, the
complaining witness, and .Hale and
Wisdom. Last Saturday morning Fix
was driving his cattle oft William
Slushor's place on Butter Creek, when
Hale and Wisdom were sighted ridint,
toward him in a run. When they
were within a few yards of Fix, Hale
took his rope from his saddle horn
and began preparing to throw it
ovei. the head of Fix.
According to the evidence brought
out, Hale announced that he was go
ing to rope Fix. At this Fix threw
his hand down to his pistol holster
au the horn of his saddle, but did not
draw the weapon. Hale threw the
rope over Fix and jerked-hlm to tlio
The rope caught around Fix's head
and under one arm, and cut a gash on
his face. Fix's horse was bucking by
this time and Hale turned his ani
mal and dragged Fix about 130 yards
before he let him up. Wisdom was
riding along by the side of the two
men, urging Hale on, and at the same
timo Fix was begging to be let alone.
Fix got to his feet at one time, but
was again jerked down and told to
lay there until they told him to get
up, or they would kill him.
After being let up, Hale and Wis
dom undertook to catch the animal
rode by Fix, hue were unsuccessful
until the animal was run into a cor
ral. There, as claimed by the prose
cuting witness, the animal was caught
and the pistol taken from the saddle.
Fix may teel lucky that he was not
killed. To rope a man while on a
horse and his animal bucking, and
draghlm from the saddle. Is very dan
gerous, and in fixing the bonds thin
morning. Judge Fltz Gerald said it
was the next thing to an attempt at
The only excuse given for the act
of Hale and Wisdom is that Fix's cat
tle had been getting into their pas
ture and they claimed that he was re
sponsible. Hale also claimed that Fix
had threatened to kill mm.
The two men were held last even
ing In bonds of $500 for Hale and $300
for Wisdom, which were furnished to
keen them from spending the nigni
in jail. This morning Wisdom's bonds
were secured and Hale expects to
raise the necessary $500 this afternoon.
just received tv . ..:.. a
pwiaQ Rnkk r I w ii-m ai.cp ju- ttiiu ju oica. i iii-au
Ware ah.ni m.Vl6ratng the body, also beautifies the skin.
8t the R sanitary and very durable. Come in and
untain evervH ,SPonGe that we 1,ave used at our Soda
day (or six months and see how well it wears
Jg From Main St., Toward the Coart Hoase
President Harry of the State Federa
tion Organizes Two New Unions in
G. Y. Harry, president of the State
Federation of Labor, who remained
here yesterday succeeded in organiz
ing a strong carpenters' union yester
day ufternoou. The officers of the
new union are: M. Mullcr, president;
G. F. Ilitchey, secretary; A. F. Jones,
treasurer The union has applied lor
a charter and as soon as this arrives
It will be in working Bhape.
Federated Labor Union.
Mr. Hara- also organized a Federat
ed Labor Union with "C members.
This takes in all classes of laboiers
who are not strong enough in their
lines of work to organize for them
selves. Any man who is working for
wages is eligible to this union from
the farm baud down. Mr. Harry is
well pleased with the prospects of
stronger affiliation between the labor
ing men in Pendleton. He says that
they are just beginning to awaken to
their own interests and In the future
they will work more in harmony and
the laboring men will aid each other
Individually and in bodies more than
in the past.
William Beagle and Captain Sperry
Return From Alaska Were Very
William Beagle arrived homo thh,
morning from Nome, Alaska, where
he has spent the past two years. Mr.
Beagle was accompanied by Captain
J. L. Sperry, formerly of this city.
Messrs. Beagle and Sperry have been
mining in the Nome country, where
they were very successful.
They were Just leaving Nome when
a big storm came which nearly swept
away the city and Mr. Beagle was
fortunate In saving himself. In speak
ing of this ho said:
"We were on our way out with oui
gold dust when the big storm came
which nearly swept the whole city
of Nome out to sea. To our gold dust
we owe our lives. It was this way:
Owing to its weight we were delayed
In getting on a lighter which was car
rying passengers to the steamship
that laid in the offing more than a
mile away. This lighter was caught in
the storm and overtir ned and had we
been on it we surely would have lost
on Hives.
"The Nomo country is all right,"
continued Mr. Beagle. "The mines
are panning out much better than was
expected, and everybody Is making
money. The St. Paul, the steamer we
came down on, brought down at
least $400,000 in the treasury vaults.
beside the large amounts carried by
some of the passengers. Nome has
certainly become a mining camp of
whose value there Is no further quos.
There are occasionally heavy
storms at Nome which do considera
ble damage, but the one which was.
raging just before wo left wns the
heaviest In the history of the town.
The water In front of the city is ver
shallow and the wind has a clear
sweep across the Bchrtng Sea. The
water was so high in the streets that
people were going about In the town
in boats."
Mr. Beagle expects to return to the
north country in the spring.
Fresh strawberries at F. S. Young
er & Son's.
Fresh kraut and nice mince meat at
F. S. Younger & Son's.
Don't forget that we do all kinds ot
shoe repairing. Teutsch's.
Gregg's old reliable Mocha and Java
coffee at F. S. Younger & Sou's.
Lost Sheep, branded with ring in
right ear, with name of owner on
same. Reward will be paid by re
turning animal to William Slusher.
For Rent.
What is known as Jacob's
Enquire of C. B. Wade.
Wednesday, Oct 29
Ladies' cotton hose, regular toe, for one day, prs. 25c
Misses' cotton hose, regular 10c, for one day, .. ..3 prs. 25c
Boys' heavy cotton hose, regular 17c, for one day, . . 3 prs. 40c
Men's cotton socks, regular 10c, for one day, ... .3 prs. 25c
Ladies' ribbed fleeced cotton underwear 25c a garment
Men's heavy ribbed ileeced cotton underwear, 45c a garment
Comforts, regular 1 1.35 value, for one day, $1.10
Cotton blankets, regular $1 value, for one day, 85c
Woolen blankets, regular $4. 50 value, for one day, . . .$3.95
Millinery, all grades, 20 per cent off of the regular prices.
Ladies' and Misses' Coats and Jackets 10 per cent off.
Calico, all colors, 10 yards to one person, 35c
Gingham, apron check, 10 yards to one person 40c
LL house lining, 200 yards to one person 5c a yd.
We want your business. We can save you money.
A TTTHx WhM7 Whnl
All V IUlJl y V V
mT Families Can Trade
New Goods Arriving
This Week
Childrens Black Boards
Krcm 65c to $2.95. New Style
A great assistance for children
studying at home.
8-day Alarm Clocks Strike
every 30 minutes. Sold regu
lar at $5, here on sale at
$3,45, and fully warranted
The most complete line in town.
Drums 25c to $2.45 Toy Trunks
39c to $ 1.95 Toy Bed Steads 25c
to 75c. Toy tables toe to $1.95
Telephone Main 4.
Well Cooked Meals,
With a splendid variety
of eatables are served at
Altnnct rnrt wnrfli n f ffanipc fn I
select from. Games from 5c to L ,
i 7 '95-. Think of the immense line. U U KS A K A NT
Complete sets ping pong J5C to v
1.50. Crokinole boards 1.39 to 1 951
1 Cooper's old stand,
The Best Shoe in the Cotm
try at Its Price. We Chal
lenge any $5 shoe to equal
FREDERICK NOLF r Main Si, Near W. & COcpot
Senia ciaus' neaaquarera --
U,MM A900
1 r.
The homliest man in Pendleton, an
well as the handsomest, and others,
ore Invited to call c any druggist
.ad got free a trial bottle or Kemp's
Balsam for the throat and lungs, a
lemedy that is guaranteed to cure and
relieve all chronic and acute coughs,
asthma, bronchitis and consumption.
Price 26c and 60c. For sale ly Tall
man & Co.. sole agents.
Wachsmuth Brothers have opened
an oyster house In the room on Court
street In the Golden Rule hotel, where
thv linvn fitted. un mizv narlors and
will serve oysters In all styles at all
times, Tliey win make a specialty
of serving parties after theaters or
other social events. Wachsmuth
Bros, have their own oyster beds on
Hhoalwater Bav and will sunnlv their
own stock fresh every day. The new
parlors are now open and ready 10
serve to callers.
When driving, take n P. I. R.
Shoo repairing of all kinds.
T.nHlfia' wnnl waists, former sellinc
price $1.25 to $0.50, special sale price
Friday and Saturday, 75 cenis, ai me
Boston Store.
Turtles' wool waists, former selling
price $1.26 to $G.C0, special sale price
Friday and Saturday, 75 cenis, at me
Boston Store,
Where Whole Families are Shod.
Water Street
30 days
fiee trial
Saves labor and produces clean
clothes Cash Price fio
Court Htreet
Physicians Prescribe
it for their most deli
cate patients. Old and
Kor tale bjr
Ittiiot 4h treat to M "Hn m to qmJUj willing worker to tvatm
Mfttrbx mttU m beMM$rt a4 tHrni ugrsphrs. Oar Utrctio fa
uatawagy fcromtfc- feet wtAtlgr k&ewa tkM rtpaUtloa 1m Utay
M km f v itiidwiti. flaalfty alvmr aU. Kauala fate m
fccill tit better tha rvw Ufa. hUartriwa, willing tUdtata wutm
ngU a4raaMeM fa. iSX mMm take. Otli, at wrtto for tmt atotogtw.
fmrfc b4 Whlnftoa Btracta A. . IsmMnag. IX. Pitad
If you are seeking the newest styles in Furniture, Carpets,
Rugs, Portiers, etc. We have some new novelties never be
fore shown here. See thentique Furniture were showing.
Furniture Store near Pot tofflce