East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 30, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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    Musical Instruments
Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins, Accor
dions, Concertinas, Zithers, and Aatoharps
We handle none but the best makes, and
our prices are the lowest ....
Brock & McComas Company j
y .
What about Japan building gun
boats for this country? Is It because
labor Is cheaper over there, or be
cause they have better skilled me-
chanlcB than wo?
Governor Geer may bo the oulj
avowed candidate Jot United States
senator, but he is by no means the
only one In the race. Besides those
generally spoken of there are a whole
lot of self-sacrificing fellows who hear
the faint buzzing of the bee way up
In the wrinkles of the .crown of theii
The teachers' Institute Is doing
good work. -The Instruction being
given at nil of the sessions is valua
ble and Interesting to everybody.
Such an opportunity will not be af
forded the people of Pendleton to im
prove themselves mentally again for
a long time, and every one who can,
should attend these sessions.
Minstrel shows are passing and In
a few more years they will be re
garded as among the antiquated
things that were, but still one can
not resist a hearty laugh at some
of the Jokes yet, even If they are a
little stale. The black cork artist of
today is as much a departure from
the minstrel of old as day Is from
The people of different nationali
ties are coming closer together every
day in this country. In business, ed
ucation, labor and politics they mlnglu
together without thought of national
ity. Only the technical points or re
ligion now separate them. They
agree upon everything else but these.
Bverj' legitimate cause is a common
one, except they will not worship" together.
A war is to be waged against those
who attempt to celebrate -Halloween
tomorrow night. Still the boys will
have their fun. But they should bear
in mind the fact that If they do dam
age to others they should and will be
punished, if caught. Carrying the
matter too far only causes more vigi
lant watch over them next tlnie. In
nocent fun Is always In order but
permitting revenge or .personal spite
to enter into a matter always spoils
the best of fun.
And now to think of It! Wheat 60
cents and a-climblng! Who says It
Isn't coming the farmers' way? With
the miners winners in the strike, big
corn crops in the East and big wheat
crops and fat stock in the West, it
looks as if the man who makes his
living by manuel labor is coming to
the front all along the line. The re
publican purty Is great. The politic
law back In New York are telling
l ow they did It. The republican
made the good crops, they created
tho demand In other countries for our
products, are opposed to trusts and
combines and aro the best fellows In
the world just now In every way. By
tho time the presidential election
comes around they will all have
room, but there Is no necessity ot
booming Pendleton and Umatilla
county and begging for immigration
It may be reiterated time and again
thnt tho resources and opportunities
of this county do not have to be her
aided to tho sides. We do not have
to clamor for suckers or immigration,
and while we extend the welcome
hand to good people, wo do not desire
tho riff-raff that are often brought to
places by flaming advertlselug which
tells all Uie good and conceals the
bad. The boomer Is a fakir, a green
goods man, and ouly such places as
are In that business engage lu that
sort of advertising.
Tho following from a local paper, is
uncalled for: "But it Is almost use
less to undertake to stir up an agl
tatlou among the laboring class in
Pendleton. They always receive
what they isk for, and furthermore,
are gentlemen in the asking and there
is no cause for demagogues or aglta
tors in our midst." It Is true that
the laboring men of Pendleton are
all gentlemen, but It Is not true that
all of them receive what they ask
Some of them work long hours, not
because they like It, but because they
would rather do It than raise troublw
with their employers. They would
ratner wait until uie town grows
larger and the people are better edu
cated along tho lines of labor unions,
before they demand the rights usually
accorded union men where they are
stronger. The intimation that Mr.
Harry, the speaker Tuesday night at
the local laboring men's meeting, is
a demagogue or agitator, was uncall
ed for. He is an earnest, reasonable
advocate of the laboring man's rights
and said nothing beyond the legiti
mate discussion of the laboring man's
cause. It is the same old story of the
it-publican paper, however. They
never see anythlug but danger or
ilemagoguery in n meeting of the toll
ers to discuss their right and try to
improve their conditions.
The United States Geological Survey
Traces the Oll-Bearinn Strata.
During the present season G. H. El-
dridgo, qf the United Btates geologi
cal survey, has been engaged in a
careful examination of tho petroleum
fields of California with a view to
discovering the source ot oil. These
fields He in the Coast Range and
alongside the great Central Valley of
the state, but thus far their chief de
velopment has been south of the par
allel of San Francisco. In order to
locate their sourco it has been nec
essary to study tho general geologic
features of the Coast Range and Cen
tral Valley, and especially the oil
bearing formations themselves and
The Idea that Pendleton, Umatilla
county, or any of the citizens aro
Jealous or afraid ot outsiders or com
petition is a mistake. This town and
county has as good citizens, as good
business men, as Intelligent and
rhrowd men as there aro to bo found
anywhere. They aro not afraid of any
claas of men, or any class of business
enterprises. Those wllo think so are
doubtless shaky themselves. Let peo
plo como hero who may, so thoy aro
respectablo and good citizens. Tuo
are welcome. Thero is plenty of
Don't Try
to Master
the subject of life insurance Of
you will probably give up ir.
despair. I here are over 350
different forma of pollute
Security is the first thing and
resources guarantee security.
Tha Awn ( Ta Mutual Ufa la.uiaaca Capu7
tl Haw York aicaad thcia of aay olhir lift tatutuaa
aampany In akUtcnce, Taajr a tar
It kaa paid Fotiay-heUcra o.ar
vUch li mora tkaa aajr athar Ufa luuruca aanpaaf
U tha u)d hat dlabutaad.
Wrlla (or "Waara Skill I Iaaura("v
The Mutual Life Insuranci
Company or New York
Rkkaxd A. McCraor. IWdaal,
Seattle, Wash.
the structural conditions In the areas
In which they aro found.
Although tho work Is yet Incom
plete, several Important results havo
been established, one of which Is the
presence of petroleum of from 11 to
42 degrees Bnumo In a aeries of strata
at least 25,000 feet thick. A second
result of the Investigation Is tho sep
aration of this series, on llthologlc or
pnleontologlc grounds, Into nearly a
dozen distinctly recognizable forma
Hons, chlelly of Tertiary age. It is
important to note that petroleum was
found under many 'structural condi
tions, yet nearly all seemingly In har
mony with the anticlinal theory. Tho
technical nnd economic uses ot tho
California petroleum .particularly In
Its application as fuel, will also bo
considered In the course ot the work
as planned.
IN AIR ACFtlieuetUon of health
III VU -beoomo8 mainly a
question of nutrition. If the atomnch
and other organs of 'digestion and nutri
tion are kept iu a healthful condition
there will bo a well-nourished body, and
Utile liability to disorders of the liver,
bowels or tach other disorders as may
resuu nan in
nutrition sud
lack of exor
cise. Dr. Pierce's
Golden Med
ical Discovery
cures diseases
of the stomach
and other or
gan of diges
tion and nutri
tion, and also
diseases of oth
er organs which
are caused by
the diseased
condition of the
stomach. By
enabling the
perfect nutri
tion of the
body it increases the vital power and
promotes a vigorous old age.
- X was a aufierer from chronic diarrhea for flw
yeara," writea Mra. Mary A. Aaron, of Holla,
Phetpa Co., Mo. "I tried different mncdiea,
which would give me relief tor a ahert time
rwly. My trouble would return aa bad aa erer.
I conaulted you in July, 1900, and by your advice
commenced using Dr. Pierce'a remeuee. I took
two bottles of the 'Colden Medical DUcoTery,'
three riale of the ' Pelleta,' and eomc of the
' Extract of Smart-Weed,' aa you adiiaed, 1
hare not had any return of my trouble atnoa
uainff your medlduea. Am now ae-rentyoaa
yeara old and I never had anything to relirre
me ao quick. 1 thluk Dr. Pierce'a medicines tha
jrreateat on earth. Should I erer hart any re
turn of my trouble ahall uae your medicine.
My tnanka to you for your advice and thanka
to Almighty Clod for restorlns; me to health
throujrli your handa."
Accept no substitute for "Golden Med
ical Discovery." There is nothing "just
as good" for diseases of the stomach,
blood and lungs.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, the best
laxative for old people. Ttwy cars oa-
STiTtATUMi ana nun
of A. Klein &Co's
Liquor Store
and Sample
Saturday, Nov. 1st
at 619 Main St.
I would be pleased to greet
all my old friends asawell as
new ones at my new stand.
My sample room wilt be ready
to supply your desires with
the best liquors and wines
that are to be had anywhere.
Nice lunch served Saturday
TO'AY parlors hav bteu fitted up and
v everything will be conducted 011
city otyle. Eastern and Bboalwater
Bay oysUrs will be served fresh
and as you like 'em. Our oyster par
lors will be kept open day and night
nnd will allbnl a splendid place for you
to enjoy a lunch ufter the show or
other entertainments. All oysters
served by ns are received dally direct
from our own beds In Bhoalwuter Bay
and are a delleaoy that to be ap-
precintea must be eaten, uaii on us
r f-rf -r w - -
Farmers Custom Mil.
Fred Walters, -Proprietor
Capacity 160 barrels a day
Flour exchanged for wheat
Flour. Mill Feed. Chopped Feed, eta
always ou hand.
Clothing . . .
Tho ellect (if our method of close buying is,
more apparent in our clothing department than
in any other part of the house.
Our Customers
are simply astonished when we price Mon'b Suits
at $4.25, $5.50, $6.00 and $8.00, when they have
been in tho habit of paying from $8.00 to $13.00
for the same suits.
Men's Overcoats
that we offer at $5.00 and 85.50 are sold most
every where at $7.00 and $8.00.
Long Pant Suits
for Boys from 10 to 16 years we offer at $3.35 to
$5.50 are much below the'usual price.
Boys' Knee Pant Suits
We have boys' knee pant suits for $1.50, $2.00
and $2.50. They are all good servicable suits for
school wear.
Boys' Cotton Knee Pants
25 cents; wool mixed 35 cents; and corduroy
49 cents.
AT Till
1127 and 12H East Alta Stitwt
Colesworthy j
of our experience in carriuxo and butlneti
wagon aelllug, we do not heilute to tar that
we liave taidj- well learned the ueodiotour
custouieta-pteaeut and prospectire. Lookaa
Ions aa you like, teat at long ai you pleaae.
you'll And our output to bo all right this day
he next day, erery day. '
Our Winona l.acka are Juit the thlnga, well
made, good looking, eaay to ride in and itronir
We have tops for alt klnda ot bugglei an(I cu,v;
ion. and daabei lor hacki. Oetourprloeaon
wagon., bugglei, heck., carti, gaiollne en
glnei, plowa and aaw mllli.
Water St, near Uelo, readletca, ore.
Come To Us
For your lumber and building
material of all descriptions and
you will save money and get
first-class stock. We can sup
ply you with
Doors,. Windows,
Screen doors and windows,
building paper, lime, cement,
brtck and sand.
We make a specialty of wood
gutters for barns and dwellings.
Oregon Lumber Yard
Alta St., opp. Court House.
All kint,. I .
,ut a" Pwpo
Sash, Doors and
Planing of all
to otder.
Don't place vn.,,
Buildinp Mntor:,i w
u - "-in unit
cnnsiiirpri c
Pendleton Plank
Lumber yard,
nanging or deeontb
then come to us.
w 4i,uo die DOt
but low. Let us figure
Wm aW
aaaaaa a atauiu
Court Street.
Bargain Hook
Stoves, Gli
ware, Crocket
Prices cut waydow
to make the goods
move rapidly, spw
al bargains. Cow
in and investigate
I Itavo DargaiiH
to locate
On the Hull-1
YinTxr nTiriftf
d. flnaf.Ylfltfl
m i m jAirn
Wr-C 1 fli HI
Joseph Ell,
r.T uuuuiea or nampaiMn. con
UInJSV,T& 10 ttX P. "Sa b, ol
Mintd for 25 cents a bundle.
Have some
- Coal aiio
Delivered ?tM''
- We are m in d 0
rrnr'Kiiii: a- ' . . - ni
pared to move ligM