You Mwys get GOOD GOODS at Alexander's. g Handsome FUR BOAS i i. no article of dress -whiohllends greater pleasure and com- FY. " sumptuous tUM iJOA. our stock embraces every nnouei J, 1 -; f Begining October 21st, wewill make a Induction of $2 00 each day on our $100.00 Jackets 'J .'r- ? nr.' . "if i. ,,00 " " " 44 5o.oo Until Sold ENEMY OF SALMON exander Dept. Store li RELIABLE CLOTHIERS. Knting and Paperhanging J Are our specialties and, we, are prepared to M 21 ve tirst-class work.. a Oor painters are the best Our paperhangers are'the'lJest Our paints are the best Our wall papersare the best rt Work Guaranteed at money saving prices. ;' Ee't us figure with 3Tou. CCIIA 1?P for SHARP New Ideas. IT1.JL Opera Hoase Block. Yotr Dreams of Musical Content Can now be realized. Invest In a piano and appreciate the beauties of our instruments, of sympathetic tone, of irreproachable style and finish. Jf-you're not prepared to pay spot cash, we'd like .to tell you about our easy payment jlan. 5 S. L Wakefield & Co. Wholesale anil Retail Muilc Dealerti USLO WAREROOMS, COURT ST. re Money on Stoves j By getting the best at lowest prices. 1 the best makes of stoves. We handle only Wilson Alr-Tlsht Coal Stoves, Wilson Air-Tlzht Wood Stoves, Trilby Alr-Tlght Wood Stoves, Universal Cook Stoves and Steel Ranges. The Thompson Hardware Co. trivs STOVES, to $25. ' STOVES AND STEEL to S55. Clarke & Ct 'Cotttt Street. OMPSON, PAWNBROKER COURT STREET wtoHouser's Meat Market P Old ha ft dothinp. riihr,," wpperT lead, etc! " Real E. D. BOYD, III Court Street HOG SPORT DESTROY SAL. MON WHEN HELPLESS. F. B. Holbrook Writes Concerning the MMi Question Irrigators Anxious to Protect Fish of AM Kinds. Editor East Oregonian: Dear Sir- I have read the article in your paper of October 20, and am very sorrv so much agitation Is being created over me question of fish in the Umatilla Kiver. The question is, to my mind, one concerning the preservation of game fish for the upper river and the pro tection of commercial fish In the whole river, especially in the lower river. , As regards the Irrigator and his Interference with their freedom or their destruction In his, ditches, I will venture to say that every one divert' lng water from this river is as anx ious as any lover of good fishing, that they be protected and enabled to in-. crease, and at the same time is oqual. ly as anxious that his lands and crops be free from the presence of all kinds of fish and eel. It may not be general ly understood, but fish running down Irrigating ditches and dying on the land are extremely obnoxious and positively detrimental to the hay crop because they are frequently raked up and stacked with the hay. As regards the commercial fish, 1. e., the salmon, no fear should be en' tertained by any one that they are in any way interferred with by any ir rigating company or person, for the good' reason that they, visit our streams only at its flood1, season, and when the water is cold and to their liking.. - The arch enemy of the salmon to day Is the "hog sport," who destroys the salmon when they are'.helpless, I. e., when they first enter the water and when ,they ,are struggling through the shallow , waters on the bed-rock near the mouth of the river. With a disposition on the part of the people to plant more fry and to protect them In the upper Umatilla and its tributaries and the enforce ment of the law against taking sal mon in any way whatever, save by baited hook, and you will soon find the river teeming with fish, both the commercial and game, varieties, and at the same time every Irrigator ex cluding all forms of fish from his hitches. Very truly yours, F. B. HOLBROOK. UMATILLA RUNNING DRY. Water Wasted by Irrigation .Com panies Fall Run of Salmon Un usually Small. Umatilla. Ore., Oct. 23. Present conditions of the Umatilla river are unprecendented, scarcely any water being visible at this p-;!nt L Erivate Irrigation .mtcrpilses set. on foot during the last two or three years and the Increased use of the liver water by Anchors llvini; ahing the bottom lands are mainly respon sible fcr the present fit nation Ex cessive sheep grnxtnir in the district where the Umatilla ?n.l sonu of its tributaries head has reduced the late spring flow and caused the stream to be unusually low ' throughout the summer. It Is Bald water Is drawn off in ex cessive quantities by ranchers along the river bottom and unwittingly wasted through lack of knowledge of proper Irrigation methods. The con sequent dearth of water will eventu ally cause trouble when Irrigation en terprlses, considered quite feasible and already mooted, reach a stage where the water is required and none can be had. Small Run of Salmon. J. E, Krause, of Pendleton, vice president of the Oregon Fish & Game Association and one of the leading sportsmen of the state, said today: 'The fall run of salmon will be cut down from 50 to 75 per cent because there Is so little water at the Umatll la's mouth. Thousands of salmon are at the mouth now. unable to get up, and I do not think a single specimen s making the trip. The water- will I I OTOERWER OF SUPERBLY MERITORIOUS CONSTRUCTION AND OF THE FINEST AND BEST AMERICAN MATERIALS Safe IPrfees sAlLte 5Q(S. Childs and Misses two Piece Garments fl 2s sumd! 3e t; fleg These formerly sold at 40c, 50c and T5c Ladies9 Two Piece Garments 5oc MUses, Union suits aoc 40c Ladics' Vest and Drawers Flccccd c ; 85c Ladies' Heavy Fleeced Oflffm 6ocChilpren'sU..ion Suits 29C Vest and Drawers . . . ( $1.25 KVo.0' 89c Special H;V3SS 59c 3 3 TT. M 3 a A few dozen of knit vests (made by the flunion Co.) in doll sizes, s any little girl that wants a vest for her doll, please ask for one 2 rise a little when rains come, and the rear end of the run will bo caught, but It will be nothing like we should have had. Salmon should have been going up all last month and this AT FRAZER'S OPERA HOUSE. "Ellery's Royal Italian Band." - - - TT . ., i j A glance at the programs to bo ren Good Show Remainder of Week and (lur0(, nere ,,y Elory.8 oynI UaInn Others Coming. Hand, which comes to tho Fraier for Tl-n P.lnrn ( n tli ah nnmnnnv nlnvoil one eonc-ort in ennucti in Innurn thnt 'Far more water than ever before , another crowded houso last night they will please everyone. The pro- knUn. .-Iran -lit IV- IrrlcraHn- t H ( U 1 . . ...... . . at t razors, ino play uiu not laKOiKruniB are rarciuuy arranged so as as well as those of previous nights,' not to soar to highly Into tho classical but the acting was good. Tho spec-1 and at tho samo tlmo they do not laities were also well received. Tho 'sink to tho level of a rag-tlmo en play Is not. a favorite ono with some tcrtnlnment. Among tho lighter so ot the members of tho company, and lections to be rendered will bo several this may account for the lack of vim of Ulvela'tr own marches, which have that is always necessary to catch an become quite popular In other cities audience. Tho company will present where tho nana has played. one of He best plays this evening, which is sure to capture tho audience. This play, "Nell Gwynne," i. a favor Is beinc taken out for irrigation this year, but as irrigation and consequent settlement on the arid landB is a better thing for the country than the welfare of a few fishermen, I suppose these projects are more valuable than the salmon run. So It Is not possible to remedy the situation apparently wthout legislation to regulate tho exact use of water." Will sell you lots and residences for a small payment down, and balance in installments, or will sell in any other way. Pendleton is admitted to be the principal city of Eastern Oregon. Its future is assured. You should invest in real estate here. It is safe and sure, Invest now. Do not swjut until property js higher. Of All Kinds For Sle OTTO MIESCKE...; Formerly of Portland, Or. Wishes to announce that he has taken possession of PERRY HOUSER'S MEAT MARKET on Court Street Where he lis ready to serve the people of Pendleton with the Choicest of Meats, Saussages,' Lard, Bacon, etc; Your Patronage Is Kindly Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed FISH BEING SLAUGHTERED. Thousands Killed by the "Fish Hog" as They Start Up the River. F. B. Holbrook, manager for tho Oregon Land and Ditcli Company, of near Umatilla, was In town Wednes day on business. In speaking of thu salmon run in the lower Umatilla River, he said the "flBh hogs" were killing fish by the thousands. Mr. Holbrook said that men would get out on the shoals near the mouth of the river and kill the salmon ns they come up the river. The water is so low that they cannot get out of the way, and he stated that it wa3 no unusual thing for one man to kill from 20 to 40 large salmon In a few hours. Of course, no man or family willeat this many large salmon bo-foro- they spoil and they arc' sim'pl slaughtered for the satisfaction of killing them. The Indians are a little different. They will kill them, and what they cannot cat while they aie fietsh ore dried and packed home for tho win ter. Thus they waste none, although they sometimes kill many more man they really need. Mr. Holbrook said if tho flsh com missslon and garaq wardens would look after the "flsh hogs" a little closer and stop this wholesale slaugh ter It would do a great deal toward saving the fish and keep the streams full of them. The time of year that they are killed in this way is Just when they are spawning and this dt strovs not only tho old ones, but thousands of young. "A Wise Member." "The Grand operu house was packed lie with Miss ; Mattes and she Is said ! 'IlBt "Ifiht with an appreciative audi , i. ,.,oii . 0,0 ,,ort This ence that thoroughly enpoyed an tx- 1 1 i .. l 1 1 . v. . i . i r woo nnntlini- rxV Mhnn'H HIlnrOHKSPH. " v - and Miss Mathes having studied the , ,c.mci, . Wise Member" Witty great French actress in the play, Is lines, humorous scenes ami novel U Tto be equa l, - is good b Rhea.'P'; "" the atton i,i.i0 in.l.M nrun,i rontnron Hon of the auditor, making the en- Prices 10. 20 ..nd ao cuts. The Convict's Daughter. The performance in this city of that powerful dramatic play, "Tho Con vict's Daughter," will occur on Thurs day October 30. Very few plays of the present day have Jumped Into such popularity as "Tho Convict's Daughter."' It ranks and associates Itself with such plays as "Shore Acres," "The Christian" and "levers' tertalnment unusually pleasing, and well worthy of moro than passing no tice." St. Louis Republic. This attraction may ho scon f-r one performance' only at tho Fraxor, November 4th. How's' This? U'o nrrer On Hundred Dollars Uewird for nv caee of CaUrrb tbat cannot be cureo Dy nana caiarrn uure. K. J, CHENKX A CO.', Toledo, O, w. the nndm men. Dare Known tr. J fhenpT for the Daat IB Tears, and bellere mm to re pericruj uoourouiv iu an uuii nMi I rflnftartlnna and financially, able to carry out any obligation raaae oj tueir arm. WEST & TItUAX, Wboleaale DruggUta, Toieao, u. WA1.1WNO. KINNAN k. UAnVIN. Wboleaale DruggUta, Toledo, O. Hall s Catarrb Care la taken Internally, act In. directly upon the blood and mucou surface' of tbe ayatem. Teatlmonlala sent free. 1 rugglsta. liana Price 75c per bottle. Sold, by all Family 1'IIU are tbe beat Cow for 8ale. A 8-year-old cow for sale; will be fresh in a month; Is very gentle. In quire at this office. For Sale Beven-room house, bath and city water, two lots at corner of Jackson and Gar field etroets. Also household effects, consisting of piano, sideboard, range, stove, etc. Ten cords of wood and a good single horse and new buggy. Dr. Perkins, Lano." No prettier story has over been told and tho author has reached tho top-most point of intense heart luterest. sweetness and wholesome- ness. True. It has a complete produc Don of wonderful mechanical devices, startling electrical effects and a wealth of beautiful scenery, but it Is tho happy combination of all theso that gives tho result, and with a cast pf unequalled ability an evening's entertainment Is an assured fact, Southern homes aro noted for their picturesque uetaity and pretty sur roundings of trees and flowers, and their air of homo like peace and com fort. Tho curtain gros up on just such a scene Col. Gould's Kentucky homeand its very atmoephoro seam to diffuse Itself among the entire audi enco. Sunshine and happiness exist there only until tho dark shadow of the villainous but confidential clerk of Col, Qould throws Its gloom over tho household! Spumed by the girl ho lov&s, ho forgets his manhood and plots her ruin. All lovers of tho melo drama should seo this powerful play at the earliest opportunity. You can not afford to miss It. The Place to Live. Weston Ib among the prettiest home towns In Oregon and has the only state educational Institution the Kastorn Oregon State Normal School In this part of tho state. Weston Is abundantly supplied with pure wator and has granted freo water for household purposes for 10 years to all persons who build houses prior to April 1, 1D03. You enn obtain a good building site on Normal Heights, with water, sldowalks, grading and shade trees free, at a low figure. If you are socking a pleasant homo at an educa tional center. Address tho Weston Improvement Co., Weston, Or. Miss Mae linker, thu Seattle girl who entertained Trark a half day, Is to ho married to the son of the woman with whom she was picking berries when discovered by Tracy. mm "MeaBflH Roses DA I AltC FERNS& S. H. FORSHAW Water Street 09aaaE. my REMEDY CATARRH Is Sure to GIVE Satl&faotlon. Ely's Cream llalin aivei ralleral en It cleanaea. aanthta and beala tti1lnad membrane. It enrei Catarrb and drlre Ilea, abtorbed orbed, lualaand prtlecti tbe utulran, Kaatore tua sarnie ot laala and ami-11. Full il Wc, at drogiimor by ualll (rial la 10c by mau. u,Y shotjikiih, Ui wautn iIihi, nts avis. ftfll I 1 "WWW