TRANSPORTATION LINES. . 1 ? S HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel tn Pendleton and as good as any. mm, FE5SI0N8 AND TRADE8. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. PHYSICIANS, COI'B: m tn 12 a. m. ! re trouDies. eorrec'" 'fn,iri 1inN BO'i . Afrflrtlve er- witly fl"w,V4i Kir Main 1131 V n DFFICB OVKU TIIK SsMI7 Ran Telephone. 30; "'iMaln 301, ITS p.. hom.TO'KE id ".""'Mirk 73 bnphone, Mack rTT r.tlVSIPIAV AND AM II0b&- ' ' , A, hlIii(iine. FRATERNAL ORDERS. royal NEiannons or amkmca miawooa uimp, .no. meets second ad fonrth Tuesday of each month In Odd reiiowi- nan. .Mrs. Ida uolcomb, Oracle Mn. Nettle Robblna, Recorder. UMATILLA TENT. NO. 27. K. O. T. M. Meet In Secret Society nail, second and fourth Tuesdays In each month. All visiting sir Knlgnts cordially Invited. J S. Keen, Record Keeper; B. D. Bstabrook, Commander. rrnTLTnboy n associa- P-Sm" main Ml; rest- w;Nti -Hbsox, physician '-.L.iihn yi-. ear. rose 'fan -In SavlncR Rank build unfa 331. rnYSiriANs. nits. Ofuce one uiix-k wm m.AKnSI.nK. CHRONIC ji.... m anil diseases of nito ivna eton. i;or. mt-r DENTISTS. .... nnuwi etm 1 1 1 i." 1 1 . 1.- im 'mone rca i. . . . . . . m.mnn ' it- an. art, over nmunuio ucn uiub ltd m. tRI), AKCIIlTKirr Mill u- . i ........( nml HI It. Dtilldinp) In he cltr or conn- 1- Juad niu:ii."S rni.n. contractors and Isltnuti-s inrnisnjii in su-in ork a specialty. iTorapt i on llluff street near Main. CONTRACTOR AND 15UII.D nfliM furnished on all kinds' cement walks, stone nails, etc. HI l.itil Mr-,!"."" uuiir. PENDLETON LODGE. NO. 82. At F. AND A. M., meets first and third Mondays of eacn month. lsiting brethren welcome. t, J. Tweedy, w. il; joe u. rarkes, sec. PENDLETON CHAPTER. NO. 28 T. C. Taylor, . P.. P. P. YVamsley. tec ret a it Meets first and fonrth Friday of each month In Masonic nail. DAMON LODGE. NO. 4. KNIGHTS OP Pythias. L. W. ITe d. C. C: R. W, Fletcher, K. of R. and 8. Meets every Monday in secret society nail. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Tutnllla Camp. No. 8300. Meets first and third Mondays of each month at Odd bellows- Halt. Ueorge A. Uamblln, con sul; 0. A. Robblna, Clerk. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD REGULAR meetings of Pendleton Camp, No. 41, W. of W. are held In Secret Society Hall erery Saturday evening. Visiting neigh bors are always welcome. J. P. Walker, Clerk; A. J. Owen, C. C. ATTORNEYS. BALLERAY & McCOHRT, LAWYERS, AB80 elation Building. CARTER AND RALKY, ATTORNETB AT Law. Office in savings Bank uuiiamg. STEPHEN A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY AT Law. Room 14 Association Blk., Pen dleton, Oregon. henry-j.rean7attorney AT LAW, Association Block, Pendleton, Oregon. N IJERKELEY. ATTORNEY Office In Association Block. AT LAW, E. D. BOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 111 Court street. L. B. REEDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pendleton, Oregon. KS AND BROKERS. II'.IAI, IIA.1 Wl .tllll'JtlA. Capital, $."0,00fl ; surplus and ( an nml li.ini"ti'? c' hnr.irp ll J I- -1MI-- , IW ,.11,. J Itarncuf rasliler. I. H. Le nr en" :n-r Eicliance boucut and sola. promptly attended to. R. J. It. KilRore, cashier ; dl Hartman, M. M. Johns, T. Graw J F Kllnore. Robert ITCKDStei. soil on ime ni'iHWits. m nml snlil un nil nrlnripnl at nlti.ntlnn irlvon to rol. I urnlsb. president : J. N. enf T J. Morris, cashlei. (eaeral bnnklng buHlness. Ks ttlecrnpblc transteis sold on L -.iiiu.-n mow v ctfit n Tin a. Jnnnn and i;urone. Makes reasonable terms. Levi An- , casmer; u. r.jonnson, hs- lor iale Flnlahlng done for JAMES A. FEE, LAW OFFICE IN JUDD Building. STJLLMAN AND PIERCE, ATTORNEYS at Law. Mr. stlllman has been admit ed to practice In United States patent of fices and makes a Boeclaltr of Patent Law. Rooms, 10, 11, 12, and 13 Association Block.. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. TnE OLD SESIPLB FEED YARD, T2S Cottonwood street. Lindsay & Doty props. Livery, feed and sale stable. Sad dle horses at all times. Horses for sal. 'Phone Red 41. TnE CITY LIVERY BOARD AND SALE Stable, M. J. Carney, proprietor, for fine turnouts. Stable 118 Alta street. COMMERCIAL STABLES. G. W. FROOME Prop. Livery, Feed and Boarding. All kinds of turnouts. Competent drivers. Op posite Hotel Pendleton. 'Phone Main 161. OREGON FEED YARD. W. T. BOYNTON Prop. Special care given to horses left with me. Lower Webb street. 'Phone Red 204 BOARD AND LODGING. THE WHITE LODGING HOUSE, 801 South Main street, M. T. Bradley, prop. Housekeeping rooms and lodging rooms. Good comfortable rooms and clean, well cept beds. Lodging 25 cents. I HI flu am: found orr x; Mi - Junes," unys the chairman of the county fulr premium board, "we have t il th hlne ribbon on that beautiful enmroldercd Pimht holder you exhibited In Fim- Ait Hull," "Pnpci lu.lili-r?" repents Mrs.. Jones, "Oh! I'm so glad. I like to get the inMim, of course, bin after I got that thing worked, I didn't know what uu rtli a was, so I feel right thankful that you folks have decided the question OPPOSE THE RESERVE. SMPIRE LODGING nOUSB, CORNER OF E. Court and Johnson streets; goods 'arge clean rooms with comfortable beds. Rates 25c and 00c a night Thos. Smart, Prop. HOTEL ALTA, CORNER ALTA AND Mill streets. Board by the day or week. Good table set. Bates 4 and $5 per week. Pendleton Feed Yard In connection. L. Neff, proprietor. BOOT AND CHOE REPAIRING. COTOT STItnET. LA nooses, mores, wireu lur Will AP I, anhnniui KIM fit 1M Vlf.4. n.lnui r.p i i u, . . . "nil u n i i .-n i rnn. ...... uiuric - nnn omrR . "ius ui p a ma an mi. jjg'MIgg, room 10. AD CARRIAQE8. i i.r. it i i'L ,... . . U. M I Mi'as nsnns .i.ommrclal bUm- - uU me nack will call I. K P. U" r v t i T-i.r. vrTTTTTT Si 93. Stand In'fr'ont of UAMIKl. Villi DOnnM iiiivu.iu p.iC"'".V 80d, Court St.. ,H n.iW.M e him. "MutM IN SECOND If tljf TP fa e n . T. t - ir -. imiiiu inrnitnre. . Xo. 212 r.T ?" od nom i rilNG. ffiPOn'wHRAT SACKS. "t In town. 314 vr.hi. oI ",TER8 AND RIIDDI irro" 'h' SPOKANE. WAsn 8ALE, L. oreenAWXld, THE OLD RfiUABWC Shoemaker. First class repalrlnr with beet materials. Hfiop in rear 01 uinamger, ivmkju e uo. JOHN WILSON, FIRST CLASS BHOD- maker and repairer. Best material osed and good work done. Shop I1T AIU street. FOR RENT. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms and single rooms. 719 College street, opposite court house. Mrs. Alice Smith,' Prop WANTED. MJJDICAL JOURNAL DESIRES A HKI'R1 aenatlve In this locality, permanent era- eloyment, salary and commission. Address . T 0, 1M JJ. 72 New York City. WANTED NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping. Apply at this office. WANTED ADVERTISERS TO MAKE USE of these classified columns. If yon have something you have no use for, offer to trade It for something that some other body may have and have no use for, some thing that you may need In your business. You may have an extra horse that yon may wish to trade for a cow or a vehicle. Some body may have the cow and vehicle and want the horse. A 16c or 25 cent want ad will probably do the business. MISCELLANEOUS. PENDLETON MACHINE SHOP AND KOUN dry, Baltezore & Howe, proprietors. Black mltnlng and general Jobbing Iron and brass easting. All kinds of machinery repairs. Phone Red 2D. CELLAR BROTHERS, PLASTERING. and cementing. Cement walks a spe cialty. Estimates furnished free. Wo guaranteed. Leave orders at Badley ai Zahners cigar store. Main St, P. 0. bi OLD NEWSPAPERS t-TO PUT UNDER carpets, on shelves, walls, or for wrap- Clng purposes. Old newspapers tn large undies of 100 each at 25 cents a bundle at the EAST OltEGONIAN of"c, Pendle ton, Oregon. Grant County's Reasons For Making the Fight The people of Grant county are up in arms against the new forest re serve, and their protests and remon strances are the result of a close stu dy and a detailed investigation of the subject. Protests are based upon the follow ing; First That the creation of the pro posed forest reserve Is a land grab bing scheme by holders of script and is promoted by script dealers. Second That it is supported by ad vocates of the leasing of the govern ment range, in hopes of securing per mits for grazing of thousands of head of .stock on the proposed reserve. Third That It Is supported by large land corporations, who contem plate reclaiming large tracts In Har ney county under the Carey act. This they hope to do through the conser vation of a water supply for irrigation purposes. Fourth That if the proposed re serve is made permanent no timber will be left In Eastern and Southern Grant county to supply lumber "and building -material, necessary in the growth of its towns and in the devel opment of its farming and mineral lands. Fifth That in reality only a very small part of the land proposed to be withdrawn in Grant county contains timber of any great value, and that consequently the excuse that the re serve will conserve a water supply Is without merit. -Sixth That by the withdrawal of the proposed lands the expected rush of homeseekers to the West would be deprived of a field for settlement. Seventh That the proposed forest reserve includes large tracts of valu able mineral land, and the withdrawal of this area would prohibit proper do- j velopment and would forever exclude miners .and prospectors from a terri tory that would only a few years hence contain hundreds f producing mines. GOOD SHOW AT FRAZER'S. The Clara Mathes Company Is Cap turing Theater-Goers. Another large audience witness, ed the play at Frazer's last night, not withstanding the inclemency of tne weather. The bill was "In the Reign of the Emperor," a melodrama made famous by Rhea and other great dramatic stars. After seeing Miss Mathes in the stirring second and third acts, it was unanimously agreed that she did not suffer In comparison with her world-famous predecessors. Her Parisian gowns were beautiful and costly, and won many exclama tions of admiration from the ladles. Miss Mathes rose to heights of genius In the tragic lines, and the applause following each climax was deafening. The support was adequate In every way, the audience laughing heartily with Mr. Marsh and Miss Cleveland In the comedy parts, and following with Intense interest the strong lines spoken by Mr. Lawrence as the ruined republican, Mr, Roberts in the difficult iOle of Count de I.uslgnan Mr. Rowe and Mr. Van Cleve. It was a great play and was splendidly presented. Tonight's bill will be "The Woman from Martinique," which, as its title indicates, is thoroughly up-to-date, and filled with strong situations and rollicking comedy. Ten strong spec laities will be Introduced between acts, and, by the way, the Mathes company Is especially strong In the specialty features, thero being no tiresome waits between acts. Prices remain the same 10, 20 and 30 cents. PASCO'S NEW OFFICERS. How's Thls7 We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the past 10 years, and believe hlro to be perfectly honorable In all bnsl nu trnr,i-lnrm and financially able to corry out any obligations made by their. arm, WEST & TRUAX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, o. WALDINO, KINNAN 4: MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. 0. Hall's Catarrh Cnre Is taken Internally. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface or tne system, xesiimomais sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Bold by all Erugglsts. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Tuberculosis Congress, Berlin, Oct. 22. Distinguished rep resentatives of every civilized nation were present today at the opening of the International conference on tuber culosis, for which preparations have been making for months past. Tho sessions of the conference are to con tinue four days. Tho important sub jects scheduled for consideration are; The position of governments with re spect to the prevention of consump tion; obligation to give information to the police; organization of dispen saries; what schools can do toward the prevention of consumption; pre cautions against the dangers of milk as a source of Infection, and different modes of accommodating consump- County Pays for Protection of North ern Pacific Property, Pasco, Oct. 22. Considerable com ment has been heard here about the appointment of two special officers to assist In keeping down lawlessness at this place and Wallula during the heavy shipping season. During the fall months beginning with the early harvest, when men are passing throuuh here more than at any other time, there Is always more or leBS thieving and holding up going on. To stop this a great howl wna sent up and they did hot appoint more offic ers to cope with the tough elerhont, Consequently ftt ft recent meeting of the Franklin county commissioner, two extra officers were appointed". These were to be paid by the North ern Paclflc Railroad Company and. the county. The railroad company of fered to pay half the expense If the county would pay the rest. To this an agreement was made and the two officers were appointed. At first this action was i.pproved by most of the prominent men of tho county, but recently a sentiment of dissatisfaction has been growing, Those against the appointment urgo that the railroad company is bene fited more by the ofllcers than the county and that the company only worked the county commissioners In to appointing extra men In order to protect Its own property. Headquarters for Travollng Men, Commodious Sample Rooms, Rates $2 & $2,50 Special rates by week or month. Excellent Cuisine. Prompt Dlnlngroom Service. Every Alodern Convenience Bar and billiard room in connection Only Three Blocks from Depot. GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Corner Court and Johnson StrctU, I'cnlcton, Oregon. M. F. Kelly, Proprietor. OREGON SHOJrLlNE ahd union Pacific DirtiiT Tlmo Scluslulo iBBtvi roa From I'vnilloton roan Chlrsgo- Ball Lake, Denver, Ft. Portland Worth, Omaha. Kan. Special City, St. Loull, ., &S()p.m, Chlcso snd East, vttt Hunt ington, Atlantic 1 Palt Lake, Denver, Ft Express i Worth, Omaha, Kan- A:Aa m. City, at. Unit, 11:10 via Hunt-' Chicago and Eiut, ington, , bi p. ,ii 1 Walla VlU.lUlon, Spokane. Jn'J"."' Chlclt0 Ocean and River Schedule. FKOM rOKTLAND. All tolling itRtet sub- s-ftin m Ject to chsuse. ., sw p. m. ror 8ln I M p. m. Pull erery 5 days. Dally SundVy Columbia IUver , , 8:00 p tn. To Astoria nd Way Sunday Hsturdsy Landings. 10 0 p in. . Wlllninotto Itlvor. Boat! leave I'lirtlsnd dally, eicepl flundty, tine o( water permuting) tor lllametl sod Yamhill UItit points. Leave i Leava Ktparla Bnaka River Lewlatoi (:04 a.m. Klparla to Lew lalon 7JB-a. Dally I Dally Kjicpt Mon Krcpt M F. r WAM8LKY, Agent, I'endleloa. HEATED BY STEAM LIGHTED BY ELECTniCITY- Auiorlcnn l'Jun, i-nttH $1 .ft lo'J.tMJ :iHrilav. Kiiropciiri I'liiii. fiOu, 7 fie, SI. OH. Special rUH by week nr month. Free 'bus meets all trains Commercial trade solicited Flue sample roomi Special Attention Given 'Country Trade HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STS. Georgia Legislature Convenes. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 22. Many ques tlons of great Importance are tn bo considered and acted upon at Hie an nual session of the Georgia legisla ture .which began today. Foremost among the matters to receive adsn tion Is the convict question. Tho prps- Uvea. Following the close of the con-lent system of farming out the con. ference the delegates will visit the victs to mine uwuuio uu um0., Important German establishments fori which has of late years been severely x,tmonr nf tnhPrrninsiB manv I criticised, expires in April, 1904. Sev- of which liave been recently equipped , eral substitute plans have beon sug with the results of the latest discover- gested, but as the present system In ies and inventions of noted scientists a source of considerable pront to tlio of Germany and other countries. .state, there is a strou public dcntl- 1 ........ i I.r. nnn , I il l twin it'll, child labor problem, tho establish Cow for Sale. ment of a circuit court of appeals ard A 3-year-old cow for sale; will bo new banking laws are other matters fresh In a month; is very gentle. In- that will receive attention r.t the pies quire at this office. . cut session. The Dally East Oregonlan Is on . People who go barefooted and those sale In Portland at the Itich newa-j who wear sandals Instead of shoes stand In Hotel Perkins, and at the rarely have colds In the head or any Hotel Portland. 'form of Influenza. 0E0. DADVEAUi Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam' Heatea European Plan. Block and a liulf from depot. Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE RUNS Pullman Sleepily Qirs. Klegunt Dining Qirs, Tourist Sleeping Cars. rar. paul MINNKAPOLIH UUliUTH FARGO GRAND KORKH CROOK8TON WINNEPKO HELENA and I BUTTE, TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK. BOHTON and all points East and Houth Through tickets to Japan and (Jhlna, vis Tacoma and Northern Pacific Hteamihlp Co, and American line. nam sciikdulk. Trains leave Pendleton dally except Sunday at 70 p. m. For further Information, lime eardi, naps and tickets, call on or write W. Adams. Pt. dleton, Oregon, or A. D. U11AKLTON, Third and Morrison Sti., Portland. Or. TO. THROUGH Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route for Chicago, Ht. Paul, Ht. Louis, Kan sail City, Ht. Joe, Omaha, and All Points East and South Portland and points on the Sound TIMB OABD. Leave Pendleton, dally except Bnudays at 1.00. pm, Arrive Pendleton Monday, Wednesday and Friday UMprn. Arrive Pendleton Tuesday, Thursday aaf Saturday 10 Mum. Leave Walla Walla dally, east bound, XJ0 pat. Arrive Walla Walla dally, west bound, e so ass. 50c, 75c, $1.00 THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON American Plan. It Mr day utid unwuril Iti-aduuartera furtuurUU and commercial tntv- tkr Hptrfal rates mode to families and single gentlemen The management will lie pltaned at all times to how room and give prices, A modern TurkUli batlitttabllnhmeiitlii the hotel. II. L IlOWI'.Uh, Manager. Babbitt Metal, best In the world, In bars. Price $1 per bar, at the East Oregonlan Office. For Information rrsardlns rates and nLOoiUom, can on or address moa' W.ADA MB, Agent, Peui!et0" roB, a. a. caldkkiieaD, a. f. a., Walla Walla, Wash, PENDLETON-UKIAH STAGE LINE 8TURDIVANT BJIOB., Props. Stag leaves Pendleton dally, exespt Sundays, at 7 a. m,, lor Uklaa and Intermediate points. Kates I To Pilot llock,7l Pilot liock and ra turn, ll.i'.s To Nye, II. ffl, Nye snd return, M To Kldge, II . 70 1 to Itldss snd return, tl.K To Alba. lI.Hl to Alba and return. II 001 la Uklah fl.tOl to Uklsh and return, l. 16. Office In (Jotdeu Rule Hotel, Pendletoa Mormon Bishops' Pills l"1 la un w, so turn J-. uf im Hwm Cburch u'T tutu Uu.iiT Twmiu (uu U. wufit 14! a -44 ai-4 yiAtair tUJt-r 1'uul atfi.u c4 KiraUuc dlHlpmon, iiiua, u clfuc-wuUliig, cures Lost Manhood, lm otency, Lost Power, mgrnt-uosses, Hnermniorrnoen p"!P"'t,'l"z see, Bnermntorrhoen Insomnia. PAins Irfilsslons, Mm- nook, llarvolis ! larrr, Lp.a or STSTI smn, Vurlcoojls, hinmuvi 0111(1 iuwftiif bii - Jiwr lttwc kWftU, VJ A writlcu iriiiiinlic. tu OU emetly to., Bun rrunclsoo, OaU 80LD BY TALLMAN & COH DnUOOISTS, PENDLETON, OREQ0N, or con vous araaas, StlmuUtei th Uiia aad ucrva ccutcr. v a Lmi. S f"T la v by mttL m wty Htv-UA, witu s Uttu. cutruJu Ut. Address. Olshop 1 i